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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
Fetch behavior
* storageOnly - Only use stored content. Skip this resource if we don't already have it
* originStorage - Use stored content if it is up to date. Otherwise, get content from original source
* storageOriginIfMissing - Use stored content. If missing, get content from original source
* originOnly - Always get content from original source
Freshness -- How age of the resource, relative what we have seen/done before, factors into whether or not process the resource.
* always - process the resource no matter what
* match - process the resource if origin and stored docs do NOT match
* N - process the resource if newer or if the stored copy is N days old
* version - process the resource if the current stored doc's processing version is behind current
* matchOrVersion - process the resource if stored and origin do not match or the stored processed version is out of date
Processing -- Which processing to do for a given resource.
* documentAndRelated - generate links etc and queue referenced resources for further processing
* documentAndChildren - generate links etc and queue referenced child resources (i.e., not roots) for further processing
* documentOnly - generate links but do not queue any referenced resources
Transitivity -- How related resources should be queued.
* shallow - Queue all non-roots and roots with the current Freshness policy
* deepShallow - Queue NON-roots as deep and rootsas shallow. Use the current Freshness policy.
* deepDeep - Queue all related resources with current Freshness policy. Roots will have transitivity set to deepShallow
Basically, once you are doing deep traversal, carry that through for all children, but still allow transivity
control when traversing to a root. A deepDeep traversal to a root will queue that root as deepShallow. Similarly,
when traversing with deepShallow, queued roots end up as shallow. This approach gives you the ability to push deep
for one level.
=============== Scenarios
Initialization -- Traverse a subgraph ensuring everything is fetched. If something has already been processed, great, assume it is up to date
* fetch = originStorage
* freshness = match
* processing = documentAndRelated
* transitivity = [deepShallow | deepDeep]
Update -- Ensure a subgraph up to date. If something has already been processed, get it again
* fetch = originStorage
* freshness = always
* processing = documentAndRelated
* transitivity = [deepShallow | deepDeep]
Events -- Given an event, traverse its subgraph until encountering something previously seen. This ensures the event is recorded and the related resources are present. They may not be completely up to date.
* fetch = originStorage
* freshness = match
* processing = documentAndRelated
* transitivity = shallow
Events and update -- Traverse a subgraph until encountering something previously seen. If that
resource is older than N days, ensure the it is updated
// TODO, what is N's relation to match?
* fetch = originStorage
* freshness = N
* processing = documentAndRelated
* transitivity = shallow
Just Reprocess -- Reprocess just the exact resources we have already fetched
* fetch = storageOnly
* freshness = version
* processing = documentOnly
* transitivity = NA
Reprocess and Rediscover -- Reprocess the resources we have and traverse to new/missing resources discovered during reprocessing. Process those as desired.
* fetch = storageOriginIfMissing
* freshness = version
* processing = documentAndRelated
* transitivity = <any>
Reprocess and Update -- Reprocess anything that is EITHER older version or out of date.
* fetch = originStorage
* freshness = matchOrVersion
* processing = documentAndRelated
* transitivity = <any>
const moment = require('moment');
class TraversalPolicy {
static getPolicy(name) {
const definition = TraversalPolicy[name];
return definition ? definition() : null;
static default() {
return new TraversalPolicy('originStorage', 'match', 'documentAndRelated', 'shallow');
static refresh() {
return new TraversalPolicy('originStorage', 'match', 'documentAndRelated', 'deepShallow');
static events() {
return TraversalPolicy.default();
static reprocess() {
return new TraversalPolicy('storageOnly', 'version', 'documentAndRelated', 'shallow');
static reprocessAndDiscover() {
return new TraversalPolicy('storageOriginIfMissing', 'version', 'documentAndRelated', 'deepDeep');
static reprocessAndUpdate() {
return new TraversalPolicy('originStorage', 'matchOrVersion', 'documentAndRelated', 'deepDeep');
static clone(policy) {
return new TraversalPolicy(policy.fetch, policy.freshness, policy.processing, policy.transitivity);
constructor(fetch, freshness, processing, transitivity) {
this.fetch = fetch;
this.freshness = freshness;
this.processing = processing;
this.transitivity = transitivity;
* Create and return a new policy suitable for use a root object reached from processing
* a resource with this resource.
createPolicyForRoot() {
if (this.processing === 'documentOnly' || this.processing === 'documentAndChildren') {
return null;
const transitivity = { shallow: 'shallow', deepShallow: 'shallow', deepDeep: 'deepShallow' }[this.transitivity];
return new TraversalPolicy(this.fetch, this.freshness, this.processing, transitivity);
* Create and return a new policy suitable for use by a child object reached from processing
* a resource with this resource.
createPolicyForChild() {
if (this.processing === 'documentOnly') {
return null;
const transitivity = { shallow: 'shallow', deepShallow: 'deepShallow', deepDeep: 'deepShallow' }[this.transitivity];
return new TraversalPolicy(this.fetch, this.freshness, this.processing, transitivity);
* Given a request for which the requisite content has been fetched, determine whether or not it needs to be
* processed.
shouldProcess(request, version) {
if (this.freshness === 'always') {
return true;
if (this.freshness === 'match') {
// process if the content we got did NOT come from the cache (i.e., either is it new or never seen)
return request.origin !== 'cacheOfOrigin';
if (typeof this.freshness === 'number') {
return moment.diff(request.document._metadata.processedAt, 'hours') > this.freshness * 24;
if (this.freshness === 'version' || this.freshness === 'matchOrVersion') {
return !request.document._metadata.version || (request.document._metadata.version < version);
throw new Error('Invalid freshness in traversal policy');
* Given a request that would not otherwise be processed, answer whether or not its document should be
* traversed to discover additional resources to process.
shouldTraverse(request) {
return this.transitivity !== 'shallow';
* Return whether or existing content in our store should be fetched. This is called when we have detected
* existing content in our doc store that matches the content at origin (e.g., 304 was returned).
* In the case of "match" freshness, we've already determined that origin and storage match. Only fetch
* if we are traversing deep so there is something use in discovering references. All other cases require
* the actual cached content to determine whether or not processing is required (e.g. to compare doc versions).
shouldFetchExisting(request) {
return this.freshness !== 'match' && this.transitivity !== 'shallow';
* Return the source from which to perform the initial fetch for the given request's resource.
initialFetch(request) {
const result = { storageOnly: 'storage', originStorage: 'origin', storageOriginIfMissing: 'storage', originOnly: 'origin' }[this.fetch];
if (!result) {
throw new Error(`Fetch policy misconfigured ${this.fetch}`);
return result;
* Return the source from which to fetch if the original fetch did not find any content
missingFetch(request) {
const result = { storageOnly: null, originStorage: 'origin', storageOriginIfMissing: 'origin', originOnly: null }[this.fetch];
if (result === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Fetch policy misconfigured ${this.fetch}`);
return result;
* Return a symbolic short form to uniquely identify this policy.
getShortForm() {
const fetch = { storageOnly: 'S', storageOriginIfMissing: 's', originOnly: 'O', originStorage: 'o' }[this.fetch];
let freshness = { always: 'A', match: 'M', version: 'V', matchOrVersion: 'm' }[this.freshness];
if (!freshness) {
if (typeof this.policy.freshness === 'number') {
freshness = 'N';
const processing = { documentOnly: 'D', documentAndRelated: 'r', documentAndChildren: 'c' }[this.processing];
const transitivity = { shallow: 'S', deepShallow: 'd', deepDeep: 'D' }[this.transitivity];
return fetch + freshness + processing + transitivity;
module.exports = TraversalPolicy;