git(1) ====== v0.1, May 2005 NAME ---- git - the stupid content tracker SYNOPSIS -------- 'git-' DESCRIPTION ----------- This is reference information for the core git commands. The link:README[] contains much useful definition and clarification info - read that first. And of the commands, I suggest reading 'git-update-cache' and 'git-read-tree' first - I wish I had! David Greaves 08/05/05 Updated by Junio C Hamano on 2005-05-05 to reflect recent changes. Commands Overview ----------------- The git commands can helpfully be split into those that manipulate the repository, the cache and the working fileset and those that interrogate and compare them. There are also some ancilliary programs that can be viewed as useful aids for using the core commands but which are unlikely to be used by SCMs layered over git. Manipulation commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ link:git-checkout-cache.html[git-checkout-cache]:: Copy files from the cache to the working directory link:git-commit-tree.html[git-commit-tree]:: Creates a new commit object link:git-init-db.html[git-init-db]:: Creates an empty git object database link:git-merge-base.html[git-merge-base]:: Finds as good a common ancestor as possible for a merge link:git-mktag.html[git-mktag]:: Creates a tag object link:git-read-tree.html[git-read-tree]:: Reads tree information into the directory cache link:git-update-cache.html[git-update-cache]:: Modifies the index or directory cache link:git-write-blob.html[git-write-blob]:: Creates a blob from a file link:git-write-tree.html[git-write-tree]:: Creates a tree from the current cache Interrogation commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ link:git-cat-file.html[git-cat-file]:: Provide content or type information for repository objects link:git-check-files.html[git-check-files]:: Verify a list of files are up-to-date link:git-diff-cache.html[git-diff-cache]:: Compares content and mode of blobs between the cache and repository link:git-diff-files.html[git-diff-files]:: Compares files in the working tree and the cache link:git-diff-tree.html[git-diff-tree]:: Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects link:git-export.html[git-export]:: Exports each commit and a diff against each of its parents link:git-fsck-cache.html[git-fsck-cache]:: Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database link:git-ls-files.html[git-ls-files]:: Information about files in the cache/working directory link:git-ls-tree.html[git-ls-tree]:: Displays a tree object in human readable form link:git-merge-cache.html[git-merge-cache]:: Runs a merge for files needing merging link:git-rev-list.html[git-rev-list]:: Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order link:git-rev-tree.html[git-rev-tree]:: Provides the revision tree for one or more commits link:git-tar-tree.html[git-tar-tree]:: Creates a tar archive of the files in the named tree link:git-unpack-file.html[git-unpack-file]:: Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents The interrogate commands may create files - and you can force them to touch the working file set - but in general they don't Ancilliary Commands ------------------- Manipulators: link:git-apply-patch-script.html[git-apply-patch-script]:: Sample script to apply the diffs from git-diff-* link:git-convert-cache.html[git-convert-cache]:: Converts old-style GIT repository link:git-http-pull.html[git-http-pull]:: Downloads a remote GIT repository via HTTP link:git-local-pull.html[git-local-pull]:: Duplicates another GIT repository on a local system link:git-merge-one-file-script.html[git-merge-one-file-script]:: The standard helper program to use with "git-merge-cache" link:git-pull-script.html[git-pull-script]:: Script used by Linus to pull and merge a remote repository link:git-prune-script.html[git-prune-script]:: Prunes all unreachable objects from the object database link:git-resolve-script.html[git-resolve-script]:: Script used to merge two trees link:git-tag-script.html[git-tag-script]:: An example script to create a tag object signed with GPG link:git-rpull.html[git-rpull]:: Pulls from a remote repository over ssh connection Interogators: link:git-diff-tree-helper.html[git-diff-tree-helper]:: Generates patch format output for git-diff-* link:git-rpush.html[git-rpush]:: Helper "server-side" program used by git-rpull Terminology ----------- see README for description Identifier terminology ---------------------- :: Indicates any object sha1 identifier :: Indicates a blob object sha1 identifier :: Indicates a tree object sha1 identifier :: Indicates a commit object sha1 identifier :: Indicates a tree, commit or tag object sha1 identifier. A command that takes a argument ultimately wants to operate on a object but automatically dereferences and that points at a . :: Indicates that an object type is required. Currently one of: blob/tree/commit/tag :: Indicates a filename - always relative to the root of the tree structure GIT_INDEX_FILE describes. Terminology ----------- Each line contains terms used interchangeably object database, .git directory directory cache, index id, sha1, sha1-id, sha1 hash type, tag blob, blob object tree, tree object commit, commit object parent root object changeset Environment Variables --------------------- Various git commands use the following environment variables: - 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' - 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' - 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' - 'GIT_COMMITTER_NAME' - 'GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL' - 'GIT_DIFF_OPTS' - 'GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF' - 'GIT_INDEX_FILE' - 'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY' - 'GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES' Author ------ Written by Linus Torvalds Documentation -------------- Documentation by David Greaves, Junio C Hamano and the git-list . GIT --- Part of the link:git.html[git] suite