Perform material processing after lod merging to fix share material comparison (#45)
* Don't bother comparing spec gloss members since top level materials are converted to metal rough * Revert changes to material comparison in LOD merging * Perform material processing after LOD merge
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,14 +62,45 @@ private:
std::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> m_stream;
Document ProcessTextures(
size_t maxTextureSize,
TexturePacking packing,
bool retainOriginalImages,
const std::wstring& tempDirectory,
const Document& document,
const std::shared_ptr<GLTFStreamReader>& streamReader)
Document resultDocument(document);
std::string tempDirectoryA(tempDirectory.begin(), tempDirectory.end());
std::wcout << L"Specular Glossiness conversion..." << std::endl;
// 0. Specular Glossiness conversion
resultDocument = GLTFSpecularGlossinessUtils::ConvertMaterials(streamReader, resultDocument, tempDirectoryA);
std::wcout << L"Removing redundant textures and images..." << std::endl;
// 1. Remove redundant textures and images
resultDocument = GLTFTextureUtils::RemoveRedundantTexturesAndImages(resultDocument);
std::wcout << L"Packing textures..." << std::endl;
// 2. Texture Packing
resultDocument = GLTFTexturePackingUtils::PackAllMaterialsForWindowsMR(streamReader, resultDocument, packing, tempDirectoryA);
std::wcout << L"Compressing textures - this can take a few minutes..." << std::endl;
// 3. Texture Compression
resultDocument = GLTFTextureCompressionUtils::CompressAllTexturesForWindowsMR(streamReader, resultDocument, tempDirectoryA, maxTextureSize, retainOriginalImages);
return resultDocument;
Document LoadAndConvertDocumentForWindowsMR(
std::wstring& inputFilePath,
AssetType inputAssetType,
const std::wstring& tempDirectory,
size_t maxTextureSize,
TexturePacking packing,
bool processTextures,
bool retainOriginalImages,
bool meshCompression)
// Load the document
@ -101,29 +132,6 @@ Document LoadAndConvertDocumentForWindowsMR(
auto streamReader = std::make_shared<GLTFStreamReader>(FileSystem::GetBasePath(inputFilePath));
if (processTextures)
std::wcout << L"Specular Glossiness conversion..." << std::endl;
// 0. Specular Glossiness conversion
document = GLTFSpecularGlossinessUtils::ConvertMaterials(streamReader, document, tempDirectoryA);
std::wcout << L"Removing redundant textures and images..." << std::endl;
// 1. Remove redundant textures and images
document = GLTFTextureUtils::RemoveRedundantTexturesAndImages(document);
std::wcout << L"Packing textures..." << std::endl;
// 2. Texture Packing
document = GLTFTexturePackingUtils::PackAllMaterialsForWindowsMR(streamReader, document, packing, tempDirectoryA);
std::wcout << L"Compressing textures - this can take a few minutes..." << std::endl;
// 3. Texture Compression
document = GLTFTextureCompressionUtils::CompressAllTexturesForWindowsMR(streamReader, document, tempDirectoryA, maxTextureSize, retainOriginalImages);
if (meshCompression)
std::wcout << L"Compressing meshes - this can take a few minutes..." << std::endl;
@ -207,12 +215,11 @@ int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
std::wcout << L"\nThis will generate an asset compatible with " << compatibleVersionsText << L"\n" << std::endl;
// Load document, and perform steps:
// 1. Texture Packing
// 2. Texture Compression
auto document = LoadAndConvertDocumentForWindowsMR(inputFilePath, inputAssetType, tempDirectory, maxTextureSize, packing, true /* processTextures */, !replaceTextures, meshCompression);
// 1. Mesh Compression
auto document = LoadAndConvertDocumentForWindowsMR(inputFilePath, inputAssetType, tempDirectory, meshCompression);
// 3. LOD Merging
if (lodFilePaths.size() > 0)
// 2. LOD Merging
if (!lodFilePaths.empty())
std::wcout << L"Merging LODs..." << std::endl;
@ -226,7 +233,7 @@ int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
auto lod = lodFilePaths[i];
auto subFolder = FileSystem::CreateSubFolder(tempDirectory, L"lod" + std::to_wstring(i + 1));
lodDocuments.push_back(LoadAndConvertDocumentForWindowsMR(lod, AssetTypeUtils::AssetTypeFromFilePath(lod), subFolder, maxTextureSize, packing, !shareMaterials, !replaceTextures, meshCompression));
lodDocuments.push_back(LoadAndConvertDocumentForWindowsMR(lod, AssetTypeUtils::AssetTypeFromFilePath(lod), subFolder, meshCompression));
lodDocumentRelativePaths.push_back(FileSystem::GetRelativePathWithTrailingSeparator(FileSystem::GetBasePath(inputFilePath), FileSystem::GetBasePath(lod)));
@ -234,13 +241,18 @@ int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
document = GLTFLODUtils::MergeDocumentsAsLODs(lodDocuments, screenCoveragePercentages, lodDocumentRelativePaths, shareMaterials);
// 4. Make sure there's a default scene
// 3. Texture Packing
// 4. Texture Compression
auto streamReader = std::make_shared<GLTFStreamReader>(FileSystem::GetBasePath(inputFilePath));
document = ProcessTextures(maxTextureSize, packing, !replaceTextures, tempDirectory, document, streamReader);
// 5. Make sure there's a default scene
if (!document.HasDefaultScene())
document.defaultSceneId = document.scenes.Elements()[0].id;
// 5. GLB Export
// 6. GLB Export
std::wcout << L"Exporting as GLB..." << std::endl;
// The Windows MR Fall Creators update has restrictions on the supported
@ -267,7 +279,6 @@ int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
return accessor.componentType;
auto streamReader = std::make_shared<GLTFStreamReader>(FileSystem::GetBasePath(inputFilePath));
SerializeBinary(document, streamReader, std::make_shared<GLBStreamWriter>(outFilePath), accessorConversion);
std::wcout << L"Done!" << std::endl;
@ -361,12 +361,12 @@ namespace
// lower quality LODs can have fewer images and textures than the highest LOD,
// so we need to find the correct material index for the same material from the highest LOD
auto localMaterial = lod.materials.Get(primitive.materialId);
const Material& localMaterial = lod.materials.Get(primitive.materialId);
// find merged material index for the given material index in this LOD
auto iter = std::find_if(gltfLod.materials.Elements().begin(),
[localMaterial](auto globalMaterial) {
[localMaterial](const Material& globalMaterial) {
// check that the materials are the same, noting that the texture and material ids will differ
return == &&
localMaterial.alphaMode == globalMaterial.alphaMode &&
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