203 строки
5.9 KiB
203 строки
5.9 KiB
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from sage.all import GF, matrix
from plu_decomposition import PermutationToREWIRE, LowerTriangularToCNOT, UpperTriangularToCNOT
import L1, L3, L5
import L0
import os
Due to large compile times for long operations, it appears more efficient to break the affine layer
into smaller operations.
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-s", "--single_file", action="store_true", help="combine output into a single Q# file")
parser.add_argument("--cnots", action="store_true", help="list explicitly all cnots for L and U")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--category", type=int, default=-1, help="generate code only a single security category")
args = parser.parse_args()
single_file = args.single_file
categories = {
0: (L0, "L0"),
1: (L1, "L1"),
3: (L3, "L3"),
5: (L5, "L5"),
use_apply_each = not args.cnots
if args.category == -1:
schemes = categories.values()
schemes = [categories[args.category]]
print "Security category %d not available" % args.category
K = GF(2)
for params in schemes:
L, L_name = params
lm = [matrix(K, L.LM[_]) for _ in range(len(L.LM))]
b = L.b
if single_file:
if os.path.exists('affine_layers_%s.qs' % L_name):
os.remove('affine_layers_%s.qs' % L_name)
for i in range(len(lm)):
# for i in range(3):
code = """\nnamespace QLowMC.InPlace.%s
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open QUtilities;
""" % L_name
M = lm[i]
P, L, U = M.LU()
# print U
if use_apply_each:
# using ApplyToEachA
code += """
operation AffineLayerRound%dU(state: Qubit[], costing: Bool) : Unit
body (...)
ApplyToEachA(ApplyToPairOfIndices(CNOT, _, _, state), [\n""" % (i+1)
code += UpperTriangularToCNOT(U, tabs=5)
code += """ ]);
adjoint auto;
# list all cnots
code += """
operation AffineLayerRound%dU(state: Qubit[], costing: Bool) : Unit
body (...)
{\n""" % (i + 1)
code += UpperTriangularToCNOT(U, tabs=3, use_apply_each=False)
code += """ }
adjoint auto;
# print L
if use_apply_each:
# using ApplyToEachA
code += """
operation AffineLayerRound%dL(state: Qubit[], costing: Bool) : Unit
body (...)
ApplyToEachA(ApplyToPairOfIndices(CNOT, _, _, state), [\n""" % (i+1)
code += LowerTriangularToCNOT(L, tabs=5)
code += """ ]);
adjoint auto;
# list all cnots
code += """
operation AffineLayerRound%dL(state: Qubit[], costing: Bool) : Unit
body (...)
{\n""" % (i + 1)
code += LowerTriangularToCNOT(L, tabs=3, use_apply_each=False)
code += """ }
adjoint auto;
# print P
code += """
operation AffineLayerRound%dP(state: Qubit[], costing: Bool) : Unit
body (...)
{\n""" % (i + 1)
code += PermutationToREWIRE(P, tabs=3)
code += """ }
adjoint auto;
# print the constant added after multiplication
code += """
operation AffineLayerRound%dConstantAddition(state: Qubit[], costing: Bool) : Unit
body (...)
{\n""" % (i + 1)
for j in range(len(b[i])):
if b[i][j] == 1:
code += " X(state[%d]);\n" % (j)
code += " }\n"
code += " adjoint auto;\n"
code += " }"
code += "\n"
# full affine operation
code +="""
operation AffineLayerRound%d(state: Qubit[], costing: Bool) : Unit
body (...)
%sAffineLayerRound%dU(state, costing);
%sAffineLayerRound%dL(state, costing);
%sAffineLayerRound%dP(state, costing);
%sAffineLayerRound%dConstantAddition(state, costing);
adjoint auto;
}\n}""" % (
"", # "// ", # if i < 3 else "// ",
"", # "// ", # if i < 3 else "// ",
"", # "// ", # if i < 3 else "// ",
"", # if i < 3 else "// ",
if single_file:
with open('affine_layers_%s.qs' % (L_name), 'a') as f:
with open('affine_layers_%s_Round%d.qs' % (L_name, i+1), 'w') as f:
# muxer
code = """\nnamespace QLowMC.InPlace.%s
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open QUtilities;
operation AffineLayer(state: Qubit[], round: Int, costing: Bool) : Unit
body (...)
if""" % L_name
for i in range(len(lm)):
code += "(round == %d)\n" % (i+1)
code += " {\n"
code += " %sAffineLayerRound%d(state, costing);\n" % (
"", # if i < 3 else "// ",
code += " }"
if i < len(lm) - 1:
code += "\n elif "
code += """
adjoint auto;
with open('affine_layers_%s.qs' % L_name, 'a' if single_file else 'w') as f: