/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ // RUN: %hermes -Xhermes-internal-test-methods -Xes6-proxy -non-strict -O -target=HBC %s | %FileCheck --match-full-lines %s // REQUIRES: !check_native_stack let isStrictMode = (function() { return this === undefined; })(); function betterToString(value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return('[' + ((typeof HermesInternal === 'object' && HermesInternal.isProxy(value)) ? "Proxy:" : "") + value.map(betterToString).join(',') + ']'); } else if (typeof HermesInternal === 'object' && HermesInternal.isProxy(value)) { return '[Proxy]'; } else { // This works reasonably if value is a symbol. return String(value); } } // This has a similar API to the Node.js assert object. let assert = { _isEqual: function(a, b) { // Remember to check for NaN which does not compare as equal with itself. return a === b || (Number.isNaN(a) && Number.isNaN(b)); }, equal: function(actual, expected, msg) { if (!assert._isEqual(actual, expected)) { assert.fail( (msg ? msg + ' -- ' : '') + 'Not equal: actual <' + betterToString(actual) + '>, and expected <' + betterToString(expected) + '>', ); } }, _isArrayEqual: function(a, b) { if (a.length !== b.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!assert._isEqual(a[i], b[i])) return false; } return true; }, arrayEqual: function(actual, expected, msg) { if (!assert._isArrayEqual(actual, expected)) { assert.fail( (msg ? msg + ' -- ' : '') + 'Array not equal: actual <' + betterToString(actual) + '>, and expected <' + betterToString(expected) + '>', ); } }, deepEqual: function(actual, expected, msg) { if (Array.isArray(actual)) { msg = (msg ? msg + ' -- ' : ''); assert.equal(Array.isArray(expected), true, msg + "length"); assert.equal(actual.length, expected.length, msg + "length"); for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { assert.deepEqual(actual[i], expected[i], "values"); } assert.deepEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(actual), Object.getPrototypeOf(expected), msg + "prototype"); return; } if (typeof actual === 'object') { assert.equal(typeof expected, 'object', msg); if (actual === null) { assert.equal(expected, null, msg); return; } assert.notEqual(expected, null, msg); msg = (msg ? msg + ' -- ' : ''); assert.arrayEqual(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(actual).sort(), Object.getOwnPropertyNames(expected).sort(), msg + "names"); assert.arrayEqual(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(actual), Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(expected), msg + "symbols"); for (p of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(expected)) { assert.deepEqual(actual[p], expected[p], msg + "property " + betterToString(p)); } for (p of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(expected)) { assert.deepEqual(actual[p], expected[p], msg + "property " + betterToString(p)); } assert.deepEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(actual), Object.getPrototypeOf(expected), msg); return; } assert.equal(actual, expected, msg); }, notEqual: function(actual, expected, msg) { if (assert._isEqual(actual, expected)) { assert.fail( (msg ? msg + ' -- ' : '') + 'Equal: actual <' + betterToString(actual) + '>, and expected <' + betterToString(expected) + '>', ); } }, ok: function(value, msg) { assert.equal(!!value, true, msg); }, throws: function(block, error, msg) { try { block(); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.constructor, error, e.message + ' ' + msg); return; } // Can't put fail inside the try because it will catch the AssertionError. assert.fail((msg ? msg + ' -- ' : '') + 'Failed to throw'); }, fail: function(msg) { throw new Error('AssertionError: ' + (msg ? msg : 'Failed')); }, }; var traps = []; var currentProxy = undefined; function trapReturns(trapName, checkArgs, ret, target) { let handler = {}; let proxy = new Proxy(target || {}, handler); handler[trapName] = function trap(...trapArgs) { print(trapName + ' trap (returns)'); traps.push(trapName); assert.equal(this, handler); assert.equal(trapArgs[0], target); checkArgs(_ => trapArgs.slice(1)); return ret; }; return proxy; } function TrapError(message) { this.message = message || ''; } TrapError.prototype.toString = function () { return 'TrapError: ' + this.message; }; function trapThrows(trap) { function throwTarget() {} return new Proxy(throwTarget, { [trap]: function() { print(trap + ' trap (throws)'); traps.push(trap); throw new TrapError(trap); } }); } function checkValue(value) { return function checkValue(func, msg) { assert.equal(func(), value, msg); }; } function checkArray(arr, alter = _ => _) { return function checkArray(func, msg) { assert.arrayEqual(alter(func()), arr, msg); }; } function checkDeep(expected) { return function checkDeep(func, msg) { assert.deepEqual(func(), expected, msg); } } function checkElements(...checkers) { return function checkElements(func, msg) { let actual = func(); assert.equal(actual.length, checkers.length); for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; ++i) { checkers[i](_ => actual[i], msg); } }; } function checkDesc(expected) { return function checkDesc(func, msg) { let actual = func(); if (expected === undefined && actual == undefined) { return; } assert.notEqual(expected, undefined); assert.notEqual(actual, undefined); for (let p of ['configurable', 'enumerable', 'value', 'writable', 'get', 'set']) { assert.equal(expected[p], actual[p], msg ? (msg + ' ' + p) : 'for ' + p); } }; } function checkThrows(ex) { return function checkThrows(func, msg) { assert.throws(func, ex, msg); }; } function checkIf(pred) { return function checkIf(func, msg) { assert.equal(pred(func()), true, msg); }; } function checkStrictValue(value) { if (isStrictMode) { return checkThrows(TypeError); } else { return checkValue(value); } } function checkUnimplemented(ex) { return ((typeof HermesInternal === 'object') ? checkThrows(TypeError) : checkDeep(ex)); } function checkTraps(arr) { return function checkTraps(func, msg) { assert.arrayEqual(traps, arr, msg); }; } function checkUnimplementedTraps(ex) { return ((typeof HermesInternal === 'object') ? checkArray([]) : checkArray(ex)); } function checkProxy() { return function checkProxy(func, msg) { assert.equal(func(), currentProxy, msg); }; } function checkBoxed(value) { return function checkBoxed(func, msg) { let actual = func(); if (actual.constructor === Number) { assert.equal(Number(actual), value); } else if (actual.constructor === Boolean) { assert.equal(Boolean(actual), value); } else { assert.equal(actual, value); } } } function checkAll(...funcs) { return function checkAll(func, msg) { let actual = func(); for (let f of funcs) { f(_ => actual, msg); } }; } // This function is used to describe a battery of tests for a // particular trap. For each test: // * a target is created by calling targetFactory // * a Proxy is created using that target // * func is called on the proxy and target // * the result of calling the function is checked. // // a checker is a function which takes a function to call, calls it, // and asserts if it did something unexpected. The checker can check // the return value, if an exception is thrown, etc. The Function to // call calls func on an appropriately constructed proxy as below. // // This happens several times. // A. the noTrapChecker is called on a Proxy with no traps. // B. for each of a list of [value, checker], the checker is called // on a Proxy with a trap which returns value. The first argument to the trap // is checked against target, and the rest with checkArgs. // C. a trap which throws a TrapError is checked that the exception // makes it out to the caller. // D. the noTrapChecker is called on a revocable Proxy with no traps. // The proxy is revoked, and the function is called again, expecting // a TypeError. // // For each test, there is also a check that the expected trap was // called. function proxyTests(trap, func, targetFactory, noTrapChecker, checkArgs, trapCalls) { // A. let target = targetFactory(); traps = []; currentProxy = new Proxy(target, {}); try { noTrapChecker(_ => func(currentProxy, target), 'for noTrap'); } catch (e) { e.message += ' for noTrap'; throw e; } assert.arrayEqual(traps, [], 'for noTrap'); // B. let i = 0; for (let [trapRet, checker, trapChecker] of trapCalls) { traps = []; let target = targetFactory(); let msg = 'for trapRet ' + i + ' ' + betterToString(trapRet); try { currentProxy = trapReturns(trap, checkArgs, trapRet, target); checker(_ => func(currentProxy, target), msg); } catch (e) { e.message += ' ' + msg; throw e; } if (trapChecker) { trapChecker(_ => traps, msg); } else { assert.arrayEqual(traps, [trap], msg); } ++i; } // C. target = targetFactory(); traps = []; currentProxy = trapThrows(trap); checkThrows(TrapError)(_ => func(currentProxy, target), 'for trapThrows'); assert.arrayEqual(traps, [trap], 'for trapThrows'); // D. target = targetFactory(); traps = []; let pr = Proxy.revocable(target, {}); currentProxy = pr.proxy; try { noTrapChecker(_ => func(currentProxy, target), 'for revocable'); } catch (e) { e.message += ' for revocable'; throw e; } pr.revoke(); checkThrows(TypeError)( _ => func(currentProxy, target), ' for revoked'); assert.arrayEqual(traps, [], 'for revoked'); traps = []; currentProxy = undefined; } function restorePrototype(obj, func) { let save = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); func(); Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, save); } let base = {}; let obj = {a:1}; // end helpers and standard values print('getPrototypeOf'); // CHECK-LABEL: getPrototypeOf // extensible target with non-null parent for (let func of [Object.getPrototypeOf, proxy => proxy.__proto__]) { proxyTests( // This is the trap we are testing. 'getPrototypeOf', // This is the function func, _ => Object.create(base), checkValue(base), checkArray([]), [[base, checkValue(base)], [obj, checkValue(obj)], [17, checkThrows(TypeError)], [null, checkValue(null)]]); } proxyTests( 'getPrototypeOf', proxy => base.isPrototypeOf(proxy), _ => Object.create(base), checkValue(true), checkArray([]), [[base, checkValue(true)], [obj, checkValue(false)], [17, checkThrows(TypeError)], [null, checkValue(false)]]); // non-extensible target with non-null parent proxyTests( 'getPrototypeOf', Object.getPrototypeOf, _ => Object.preventExtensions(Object.create(base)), checkValue(base), checkArray([]), [[base, checkValue(base)], [obj, checkThrows(TypeError)], [17, checkThrows(TypeError)], [null, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); // extensible target with null parent proxyTests( 'getPrototypeOf', Object.getPrototypeOf, _ => Object.create(null), checkValue(null), checkArray([]), [[base, checkValue(base)], [obj, checkValue(obj)], [17, checkThrows(TypeError)], [null, checkValue(null)]]); // non-extensible target with null parent proxyTests( 'getPrototypeOf', Object.getPrototypeOf, _ => Object.preventExtensions(Object.create(null)), checkValue(null), checkArray([]), [[base, checkThrows(TypeError)], [obj, checkThrows(TypeError)], [17, checkThrows(TypeError)], [null, checkValue(null)]]); let ctorProto = {}; function Ctor() { return this; }; Ctor.prototype = ctorProto; let ctorObj = new Ctor(); proxyTests( 'getPrototypeOf', proxy => proxy instanceof Ctor, _ => ctorObj, checkValue(true), checkArray([]), [[ctorObj, checkValue(true)], [ctorProto, checkValue(true)], [{}, checkValue(false)], [17, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); print('setPrototypeOf'); // CHECK-LABEL: setPrototypeOf for (let func of [proxy => assert.equal(Object.setPrototypeOf(proxy, base), proxy), proxy => proxy.__proto__ = base]) { proxyTests( 'setPrototypeOf', function (proxy, target) { func(proxy); let a = Object.getPrototypeOf(target); let b = Object.getPrototypeOf(proxy); assert.equal(a, b); return a; }, _ => ({}), checkValue(base), checkArray([base]), [[true, checkValue(Object.prototype)], [false, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); } print('isExtensible'); // CHECK-LABEL: isExtensible // extensible object proxyTests( 'isExtensible', Object.isExtensible, _ => ({}), checkValue(true), checkArray([]), [[true, checkValue(true)], [false, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); // non-extensible object proxyTests( 'isExtensible', Object.isExtensible, _ => Object.preventExtensions({}), checkValue(false), checkArray([]), [[false, checkValue(false)], [true, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); print('preventExtensions'); // CHECK-LABEL: preventExtensions // extensible object proxyTests( 'preventExtensions', function (proxy, target) { assert.equal(Object.preventExtensions(proxy), proxy); let a = Object.isExtensible(target); let b = Object.isExtensible(proxy); assert.equal(a, b); return !a; }, _ => ({}), checkValue(true), checkArray([]), [[true, checkThrows(TypeError)], [false, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); // non-extensible object proxyTests( 'preventExtensions', function (proxy, target) { assert.equal(Object.preventExtensions(proxy), proxy); let a = Object.isExtensible(target); let b = Object.isExtensible(proxy); assert.equal(a, b); return !a; }, _ => Object.preventExtensions({}), checkValue(true), checkArray([]), [[true, checkValue(true)], [false, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); print('getOwnPropertyDescriptor'); // CHECK-LABEL: getOwnPropertyDescriptor // writable value prop function getter() { return 'foo'; } proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', proxy => Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, 'prop'), _ => ({prop: 1}), checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 1}), checkArray(['prop']), [[2, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 3}, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 3})], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 4}, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 4})], [{configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 5}, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getter}, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getter})]]); // writable accessor prop function getfoo() { return 'foo'; } function getbar() { return 'bar'; } proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', proxy => Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, 'prop'), _ => Object.create(Object.prototype, {prop: {configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getfoo}}), checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getfoo}), checkArray(['prop']), [[2, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 3}, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 3})], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 4}, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 4})], [{configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 5}, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getbar}, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getbar})]]); // non-configurable, non-writable value prop proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', function (proxy) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, 'prop'); }, _ => Object.freeze({prop: 1}), checkDesc({configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 1}), checkArray(['prop']), [[2, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 1}, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 1}, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 4}, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: false, enumerable: true, get: getter}, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 1}, checkDesc({configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 1})]]); // no prop proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', proxy => Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, 'prop'), _ => ({}), checkValue(undefined), checkArray(['prop']), [[2, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 1}, checkThrows(TypeError)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 2}, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 2})], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 3}, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 3})], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getter}, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getter})]]); // hasOwnProperty true. doesn't call 'has' trap proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', proxy => proxy.hasOwnProperty('prop'), _ => ({prop: 1}), checkValue(true), checkArray(['prop']), [[{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 1}, checkValue(true)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: 1}, checkValue(true)], [undefined, checkValue(false)]]); // hasOwnProperty false. doesn't call 'has' trap proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', proxy => proxy.hasOwnProperty('prop'), _ => ({}), checkValue(false), checkArray(['prop']), [[{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 1}, checkValue(true)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: 1}, checkValue(true)], [undefined, checkValue(false)]]); proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', proxy => proxy.propertyIsEnumerable('prop'), _ => ({}), checkValue(false), checkArray(['prop']), [[{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 1}, checkValue(true)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: 1}, checkValue(false)], [undefined, checkValue(false)]]); proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', proxy => proxy.propertyIsEnumerable('prop'), _ => Object.create(Object.prototype, {prop: {configurable: true, enumerable: false, writeable: true, value: 1}}), checkValue(false), checkArray(['prop']), [[{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 1}, checkValue(true)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: 1}, checkValue(false)], [undefined, checkValue(false)]]); function setfoo() {} proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', proxy => proxy.__lookupGetter__('prop'), _ => Object.create(Object.prototype, {prop: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getfoo, }}), checkValue(getfoo), checkArray(['prop']), [[{configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 3}, checkValue(undefined)], [{configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getbar}, checkValue(getbar)]]); // Function.prototype.bind uses getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap and get // to determine length (see ES9 proxyTests( 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', proxy => proxy.bind(obj).length, _ => function(one, two, three) {}, checkValue(3), checkArray(['length']), []); // Try above test with lazy and non-lazy functions print('defineProperty'); // CHECK-LABEL: defineProperty // add new property var desc = { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 1, }; proxyTests( 'defineProperty', function (proxy, target) { let ret = Object.defineProperty(proxy, 'prop', desc); assert.equal(ret, proxy); let a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, 'prop'); let b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, 'prop'); if (a !== undefined || b !== undefined) { checkDesc(a)(_ => b); } return a; }, _ => ({}), checkDesc(desc), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkDesc(desc)), [[true, checkValue(undefined)], [false, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); // modify existing property proxyTests( 'defineProperty', function (proxy, target) { let ret = Object.defineProperty(proxy, 'prop', desc); assert.equal(ret, proxy); let a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, 'prop'); let b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, 'prop'); if (a !== undefined || b !== undefined) { checkDesc(a)(_ => b); } return a; }, _ => Object.create(Object.prototype, {prop: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 2, }}), checkDesc(desc), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkDesc(desc)), [[true, checkDesc({configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 2})], [false, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); // proxy validation failure var desc = { configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: 1, }; proxyTests( 'defineProperty', function (proxy, target) { let ret = Object.defineProperty(proxy, 'prop', desc); assert.equal(ret, proxy); let a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, 'prop'); let b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, 'prop'); checkDesc(a)(_ => b); return a; }, _ => Object.create(Object.prototype, {prop: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 2, }}), checkDesc(desc), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkDesc(desc)), [[true, checkThrows(TypeError)], [false, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); print('has'); // CHECK-LABEL: has proxyTests( 'has', proxy => 'prop' in proxy, _ => ({prop:1}), checkValue(true), checkArray(['prop']), [[false, checkValue(false)], [true, checkValue(true)]]); proxyTests( 'has', proxy => 'prop' in proxy, _ => ({prop:1}), checkValue(true), checkArray(['prop']), [[false, checkValue(false)], [true, checkValue(true)]]); proxyTests( 'has', proxy => 'prop' in proxy, _ => ({}), checkValue(false), checkArray(['prop']), [[false, checkValue(false)], [true, checkValue(true)]]); proxyTests( 'has', proxy => 'prop' in proxy, _ => ({prop:1}), checkValue(true), checkArray(['prop']), [[false, checkValue(false)], [true, checkValue(true)]]); proxyTests( 'has', proxy => 'prop' in proxy, _ => Object.preventExtensions({prop:1}), checkValue(true), checkArray(['prop']), [[false, checkThrows(TypeError)], [true, checkValue(true)]]); print('get'); // CHECK-LABEL: get // Using computedProp as a key should guarantee 'getComputed' behavior. var computedProp = 'prop'; for (let func of [proxy => proxy.prop, proxy => proxy[computedProp]]) { // prop does not exist proxyTests( 'get', func, _ => ({}), checkValue(undefined), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkProxy()), [[false, checkValue(false)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]]); // prop exists proxyTests( 'get', func, _ => ({prop:1}), checkValue(1), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkProxy()), [[false, checkValue(false)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]]); // validation fail proxyTests( 'get', func, _ => Object.create( Object.prototype, {prop: {configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 1}}), checkValue(1), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkProxy()), [[1, checkValue(1)], ['hello', checkThrows(TypeError)]]); } // parent is proxy var child = {}; proxyTests( 'get', function (proxy) { Object.setPrototypeOf(child, proxy); return child.prop; }, _ => ({prop:1}), checkValue(1), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkValue(child)), [[false, checkValue(false)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]]); // numeric prop (trap gets a string) proxyTests( 'get', proxy => proxy[3], _ => [1,2,3,4,5], checkValue(4), checkElements( checkValue("3"), checkProxy()), [[false, checkValue(false)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]]); // symbol prop proxyTests( 'get', proxy => proxy[Symbol.for('symprop')], _ => ({[Symbol.for('symprop')]:1}), checkValue(1), checkElements( checkValue(Symbol.for('symprop')), checkProxy()), [[false, checkValue(false)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]]); // transient get restorePrototype(Number.prototype, _ => proxyTests( 'get', function (proxy, target) { Object.setPrototypeOf(Number.prototype, proxy); return (5).prop; }, _ => ({}), checkValue(undefined), checkArray(['prop', 5]), [[false, checkValue(false)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]])); // transient get has prop restorePrototype(Number.prototype, _ => proxyTests( 'get', function (proxy, target) { Object.setPrototypeOf(Number.prototype, proxy); return (5).prop; }, _ => ({prop:1}), checkValue(1), checkArray(['prop', 5]), [[false, checkValue(false)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]])); print('set'); // CHECK-LABEL: set for (let func of [proxy => proxy.prop = 1, proxy => proxy[computedProp] = 1]) { // set new property proxyTests( 'set', function (proxy, target) { func(proxy); let a = target.prop; let b = proxy.prop; assert.equal(a, b); return a; }, _ => ({}), checkValue(1), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkValue(1), checkProxy()), [[false, checkStrictValue(undefined)], [true, checkValue(undefined)]]); // overwrite existing property proxyTests( 'set', function (proxy, target) { func(proxy); let a = target.prop; let b = proxy.prop; assert.equal(a, b); return a; }, _ => ({prop:2}), checkValue(1), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkValue(1), checkProxy()), [[false, checkStrictValue(2)], [true, checkValue(2)]]); // validation fail proxyTests( 'set', func, _ => Object.create( Object.prototype, {prop: {configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 2}}), checkStrictValue(1), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkValue(1), checkProxy()), [[false, checkStrictValue(1)], [true, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); } // parent is proxy var child = {}; proxyTests( 'set', function (proxy) { // child gets reused, so clean it up, if we modified it. delete child.prop; Object.setPrototypeOf(child, proxy); child.prop = 2; return child.prop; }, _ => ({prop:1}), checkValue(2), checkElements( checkValue('prop'), checkValue(2), checkValue(child)), [[false, checkStrictValue(1)], [true, checkValue(1)]]); // symbol prop proxyTests( 'set', function (proxy, target) { proxy[Symbol.for('symprop')] = 1; let a = target[Symbol.for('symprop')]; let b = proxy[Symbol.for('symprop')]; assert.equal(a, b); return a; }, _ => ({[Symbol.for('symprop')]:2}), checkValue(1), checkElements( checkValue(Symbol.for('symprop')), checkValue(1), checkProxy()), [[false, checkStrictValue(2)], [true, checkValue(2)]]); // transient set restorePrototype(Number.prototype, _ => proxyTests( 'set', function (proxy, target) { Object.setPrototypeOf(Number.prototype, proxy); (5).prop = 10; }, _ => ({}), checkStrictValue(undefined), checkArray(['prop', 10, 5]), [[false, checkStrictValue(undefined)], [true, checkValue(undefined)]])); print('deleteProperty'); // CHECK-LABEL: deleteProperty for (let func of [proxy => delete proxy.prop, proxy => delete proxy[computedProp]]) { // delete non-existent property proxyTests( 'deleteProperty', function (proxy, target) { func(proxy); let a = target.prop; let b = proxy.prop; assert.equal(a, b); return a; }, _ => ({}), checkValue(undefined), checkArray(['prop']), [[false, checkStrictValue(undefined)], [true, checkValue(undefined)]]); // delete existing property proxyTests( 'deleteProperty', function (proxy, target) { func(proxy); let a = target.prop; let b = proxy.prop; assert.equal(a, b); return a; }, _ => ({prop:2}), checkValue(undefined), checkArray(['prop']), [[false, checkStrictValue(2)], [true, checkValue(2)]]); // validation fail proxyTests( 'deleteProperty', function (proxy, target) { func(proxy); let a = target.prop; let b = proxy.prop; assert.equal(a, b); return a; }, _ => Object.create( Object.prototype, {prop: {configurable: false, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: 2}}), checkStrictValue(2), checkArray(['prop']), [[false, checkStrictValue(2)], [true, checkThrows(TypeError)]]); } print('ownKeys'); // CHECK-LABEL: ownKeys proxyTests( 'ownKeys', Object.getOwnPropertyNames, _ => ({a:1, b:2, [Symbol.for('c')]:3, [Symbol.for('d')]:4}), checkArray(['a', 'b']), checkArray([]), [[['e', Symbol.for('f'), 'g', Symbol.for('h')], checkArray(['e', 'g'])]]); proxyTests( 'ownKeys', Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, _ => ({a:1, b:2, [Symbol.for('c')]:3, [Symbol.for('d')]:4}), checkArray([Symbol.for('c'), Symbol.for('d')]), checkArray([]), [[['e', Symbol.for('f'), 'g', Symbol.for('h')], checkArray([Symbol.for('f'), Symbol.for('h')])]]); // validation fail proxyTests( 'ownKeys', Object.getOwnPropertyNames, _ => Object.preventExtensions({a:1, b:2}), checkArray(['a', 'b']), checkArray([]), [[['a', 'b'], checkArray(['a', 'b'])], [['e', 'g'], checkThrows(TypeError)]]); print('apply'); // CHECK-LABEL: apply // call with no this specified proxyTests( 'apply', proxy => proxy(1), _ => function (a) { return [this, a + 2]; }, checkArray([isStrictMode ? undefined : globalThis, 3]), checkDeep([undefined, [1]]), [[4, checkValue(4)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]]); // call throws exception proxyTests( 'apply', proxy => proxy(1), _ => function (a) { throw new Error("fail"); }, checkThrows(Error), checkDeep([undefined, [1]]), []) // specify undefined, null this for (let testThis of [undefined, null]) { for (let func of [proxy => proxy.bind(testThis)(1), proxy => proxy.call(testThis, 1)]) { proxyTests( 'apply', func, _ => function (a) { return [this, a + 2]; }, checkArray([isStrictMode ? testThis : globalThis, 3]), checkElements( checkValue(testThis), checkArray([1])), [[4, checkValue(4)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]]); } } // specify some this objects for (let testThis of [obj, [1,2,3], _ => 4]) { for (let func of [proxy => proxy.bind(testThis)(1), proxy => proxy.call(testThis, 1)]) { proxyTests( 'apply', func, _ => function (a) { return [this, a + 2]; }, checkArray([testThis, 3]), checkElements( checkValue(testThis), checkArray([1])), [[4, checkValue(4)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]]); } } // Specify some this primitives (they get boxed) for (let testThis of [5, true]) { for (let func of [proxy => proxy.bind(testThis)(1), proxy => proxy.call(testThis, 1)]) { proxyTests( 'apply', func, _ => function (a) { return [this, a + 2]; }, checkElements( checkBoxed(testThis), checkValue(3)), checkElements( checkValue(testThis), checkArray([1])), [[4, checkValue(4)], ['hello', checkValue('hello')]]); } } print('construct'); // CHECK-LABEL: construct function testTargetCtor (a) { this.a = a; return this; } function testCtor1 (a) { return this; } function testCtor2 (a) { this.a = 2; return this; } var x = new Ctor(); print(x, x.constructor); proxyTests( 'construct', function (proxy) { let o = new proxy(1); return [o.constructor, o.a]; }, _ => testTargetCtor, checkArray([testTargetCtor, 1]), checkElements( checkArray([1]), checkProxy()), [[new testCtor1(), checkArray([testCtor1, undefined])], [new testCtor2(), checkArray([testCtor2, 2])], ['hello', checkThrows(TypeError)]]); // test target is not a ctor. Note that the trap isn't called, so // proxyTests's assumptions would fail. var p = new Proxy(_ => _, {}); assert.throws(_ => new p(), TypeError); var p = new Proxy(_ => _, { construct() { assert.fail("trap called"); }}); assert.throws(_ => new p(), TypeError); print('ProxyCreate'); // CHECK-LABEL: ProxyCreate for (let val of [undefined, null, true, 17, "string"]) { assert.throws(_ => new Proxy(val, {}), TypeError); assert.throws(_ => new Proxy({}, val), TypeError); } // Check that adding slots to the revoker function works as expected. var pr = Proxy.revocable({}, {}); pr.revoke.prop = 1; assert.equal(pr.revoke.prop, 1); pr.revoke(); assert.equal(pr.revoke.prop, 1); assert.throws(_=> pr.proxy.foo, TypeError); assert.ok(_=> new Proxy(pr.proxy, {}), "ProxyCreate using revoked proxies should be allowed."); assert.ok(_=> new Proxy({}, pr.proxy), "ProxyCreate using revoked proxies should be allowed."); print('Array.isArray'); // CHECK-LABEL: Array.isArray var a = []; var ap = new Proxy(a, {}); var app = new Proxy(ap, {}); assert.equal(Array.isArray(app), true); print('multitraps'); // CHECK-LABEL: multitraps function spyTraps(output) { return { has(target, key) { output.push("has:" + betterToString(key)); print(output[output.length - 1]); return key in target; }, get(target, key) { output.push("get:" + betterToString(key)); print(output[output.length - 1]); return target[key]; }, set(target, key, value) { output.push("set:" + betterToString(key)); print(output[output.length - 1]); target[key] = value; return true; }, deleteProperty(target, key) { output.push("delete:" + betterToString(key)); print(output[output.length - 1]); delete target[key]; return true; }, ownKeys(target) { output.push("ownKeys"); print(output[output.length - 1]); return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target).concat( Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target)); }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) { output.push("getOwnPropertyDescriptor:" + betterToString(key)); print(output[output.length - 1]); return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key); }, }; }; var sourceParent = Object.defineProperties({}, { pa:{value:11, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: true}, pb:{value:12, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: false}, [Symbol.for('pc')]:{value:13, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: true}, [Symbol.for('pd')]:{value:14, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: false}, }); var source = Object.create(sourceParent, { ca:{value:21, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: true}, cb:{value:22, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: false}, [Symbol.for('cc')]:{value:23, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: true}, [Symbol.for('cd')]:{value:24, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: false}, }); var sourceArray = [10,20,30]; assert.equal(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(sourceParent).length, 2); assert.equal(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(sourceParent).length, 2); assert.equal(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source).length, 2); assert.equal(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).length, 2); function multiTests(source, func, checkResult, checkTraps) { checkResult(_ => func(source), "for source"); var output = []; checkResult(_ => func(new Proxy(source, spyTraps(output))), "for proxy"); checkTraps(_ => output); } // own multiTests( source, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, checkDeep({ ca:{value:21, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: true}, cb:{value:22, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: false}, [Symbol.for('cc')]:{value:23, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: true}, [Symbol.for('cd')]:{value:24, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: false}, }), checkArray([ 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:ca', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:cb', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:Symbol(cc)', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:Symbol(cd)'])); multiTests( sourceArray, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, checkDeep({ 0:{value:10, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: true}, 1:{value:20, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: true}, 2:{value:30, writable:true, configurable:true, enumerable: true}, length:{value:3, writable:true, configurable:false, enumerable: false}, }), checkArray([ 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:0', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:1', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:2', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:length'])); // enumerable own for (let func of [_ => Object.assign({}, _), _ => ({..._})]) { multiTests( source, func, checkDeep({ca:21, [Symbol.for('cc')]:23}), checkArray(['ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:ca', 'get:ca', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:cb', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:Symbol(cc)', 'get:Symbol(cc)', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:Symbol(cd)'])); multiTests( sourceArray, func, checkDeep({0:10, 1:20, 2:30}), checkArray(['ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:0', 'get:0', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:1', 'get:1', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:2', 'get:2', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:length'])); } var descriptors = Object.defineProperties({}, { pa: { value: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sourceParent, 'pa'), writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }, pb: { value: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sourceParent, 'pb'), writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false, }, ca: { value: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, 'ca'), writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false, }, cb: { value: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, 'cb'), writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }, x: { value: "i-am-not-a-descriptor", writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false, // and non-enumerable props aren't used descriptors }, }); multiTests( descriptors, descs => Object.defineProperties({}, descs), checkDeep({pa: 11, cb: 22}), checkArray([ 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:pa', 'get:pa', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:pb', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:ca', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:cb', 'get:cb', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:x'])); // enumerable strings multiTests( source, function(obj) { let keys = []; for (let key in obj) { keys.push(key); } return keys; }, checkArray(['ca', 'pa']), checkArray(['ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:ca', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:cb'], function(actual) { // d8 does this. It's weird. I don't know why. if (typeof HermesInternal !== 'object') { if (actual[actual.length - 1] === 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:pa') { --actual.length; } } return actual; })); multiTests( sourceArray, function(obj) { let keys = []; for (let key in obj) { keys.push(key); } return keys; }, checkArray(["0", '1', '2']), checkArray(['ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:0', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:1', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:2', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:length'])); // iteration multiTests( sourceArray, function(iterable) { let values = []; for (let value of iterable) { values.push(value); } return values; }, checkArray([10,20,30]), checkArray([ 'get:Symbol(Symbol.iterator)', 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:length', 'get:1', 'get:length', 'get:2', 'get:length'])); // enumerable own strings multiTests( source, Object.keys, checkArray(['ca']), checkArray([ 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:ca', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:cb'])); multiTests( source, Object.values, checkArray([21]), checkArray([ 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:ca', 'get:ca', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:cb'])); multiTests( source, Object.entries, checkDeep([['ca', 21]]), checkArray([ 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:ca', 'get:ca', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:cb'])); multiTests( source, JSON.stringify, checkValue('{"ca":21}'), checkArray([ 'get:toJSON', 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:ca', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:cb', 'get:ca'])); multiTests( sourceArray, Object.keys, checkArray(['0', '1', '2']), checkArray([ 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:0', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:1', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:2', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:length'])); multiTests( sourceArray, Object.values, checkArray([10, 20, 30]), checkArray([ 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:0', 'get:0', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:1', 'get:1', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:2', 'get:2', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:length'])); multiTests( sourceArray, Object.entries, checkDeep([ ['0', 10], ['1', 20], ['2', 30], ]), checkArray([ 'ownKeys', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:0', 'get:0', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:1', 'get:1', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:2', 'get:2', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor:length'])); multiTests( sourceArray, JSON.stringify, checkValue('[10,20,30]'), checkArray([ 'get:toJSON', 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:1', 'get:2'])); multiTests( sourceArray, source => [...source], checkArray([10,20,30]), checkArray([ "get:Symbol(Symbol.iterator)", "get:length", "get:0", "get:length", "get:1", "get:length", "get:2", "get:length", ])); // Spreading when [Symbol.iterator] is a proxy. var spreadSource = [10,20,30]; multiTests( {}, proto => { spreadSource.__proto__ = proto; try { return [...spreadSource]; } catch (e) { return e.name; } }, checkValue("TypeError"), checkArray(["get:Symbol(Symbol.iterator)"]) ); print('Array.prototype'); // CHECK-LABEL: Array.prototype var arrayOne = [11,12]; // mind the gap arrayOne[3] = 13; var arrayTwo = [24,25,26,27]; function alterArrayTraps(actual) { // Hermes does not yet implement ArraySpeciesCreate, so we ignore // those traps in d8. if (typeof HermesInternal !== 'object') { return actual.filter(_ => _ !== 'get:constructor'); } // We want to return a new array, so later calls don't append to the // traps we test. return actual.concat(); } function arrayTests(func, checkResult, checkTraps) { checkResult(_ => func(arrayOne.concat(), arrayTwo.concat()), "for arrays"); var output = []; var actual; try { actual = func(new Proxy(arrayOne.concat(), new spyTraps(output)), new Proxy(arrayTwo.concat(), new spyTraps(output))); } catch (e) { checkResult(function() { throw e }, "for proxy exception"); checkTraps(_ => output); return; } // If actual is an Array Iterator, expand it here, before copying output var copyOutput = alterArrayTraps(output); checkResult(_ => actual, "for proxies"); checkTraps(_ => copyOutput); } function hasGetTraps(begin, end /* inclusive */) { var ret = []; for (var i = begin; i <= end; ++i) { ret.push("has:" + i); ret.push("get:" + i); } return ret; } var oneTraps = [ 'get:length', ...hasGetTraps(0, 1), 'has:2', // get:2 is not called 'has:3', 'get:3', ]; arrayTests( (one, two) => Array.prototype.concat.call(one, two), checkArray([11,12,,13,24,25,26,27]), checkArray([ 'get:Symbol(Symbol.isConcatSpreadable)', ...oneTraps, 'get:Symbol(Symbol.isConcatSpreadable)', 'get:length', ...hasGetTraps(0, 3), ])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.copyWithin.call(one, 2, 1, 3), checkArray([11,12,12,,]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:2', 'delete:3', 'has:1', 'get:1', 'set:2'])); arrayTests( one => Array.from(Array.prototype.entries.call(one)), checkDeep([[0,11], [1,12], [2, undefined], [3,13]]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:length', 'get:1', 'get:length', 'get:2', 'get:length', 'get:3', 'get:length'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.every.call(one, _ => _ % 2 == 1), checkValue(false), checkArray([ 'get:length', ...hasGetTraps(0, 1)])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.fill.call(one, 99, 2), checkArray([11,12,99,99]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'set:2', 'set:3'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.filter.call(one, _ => _ % 2 == 1), checkArray([11,13]), checkArray(oneTraps)); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.find.call(one, _ => _ % 2 == 0), checkValue(12), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:1'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.findIndex.call(one, _ => _ % 2 == 0), checkValue(1), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:1'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.findIndex.call(one, _ => _ > 99), checkValue(-1), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:1', 'get:2', 'get:3'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.flatMap.call(one, _ => _ * 10), checkArray([110,120,130]), checkArray(oneTraps)); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.forEach.call(one, _ => _ * 10), checkValue(undefined), checkArray(oneTraps)); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.includes.call(one, 12), checkValue(true), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:1'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.includes.call(one, 99), checkValue(false), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:1', 'get:2', 'get:3'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.indexOf.call(one, 12), checkValue(1), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:0', 'get:0', 'has:1', 'get:1'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.indexOf.call(one, 99), checkValue(-1), checkArray(oneTraps)); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.join.call(one, ","), checkValue("11,12,,13"), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:1', 'get:2', 'get:3'])); arrayTests( one => Array.from(Array.prototype.keys.call(one)), checkArray([0,1,2,3]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:length', 'get:length', 'get:length', 'get:length'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(one, 12), checkValue(1), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:3', 'get:3', 'has:2', 'has:1', 'get:1'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(one, 99), checkValue(-1), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:3', 'get:3', 'has:2', 'has:1', 'get:1', 'has:0', 'get:0'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.map.call(one, _ => _ * 10), checkArray([110,120,,130]), checkArray(oneTraps)); arrayTests( function(one) { var ret = []; ret.push(Array.prototype.pop.call(one)); ret.push(Array.prototype.pop.call(one)); ret.push(one.length); return ret; }, checkArray([13,undefined,2]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:3', 'delete:3', 'set:length', 'get:length', 'get:2', 'delete:2', 'set:length', 'get:length'])); arrayTests( function(one) { var length = Array.prototype.push.call(one, 99); return [length, one]; }, checkDeep([5,[11,12,,13,99]]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'set:4', 'set:length'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.reduce.call(one, (a, b) => a + b), checkValue(36), checkArray(oneTraps)); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.reduceRight.call(one, (a, b) => a + b), checkValue(36), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:3', 'get:3', 'has:2', 'has:1', 'get:1', 'has:0', 'get:0'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.reverse.call(one), checkArray([13,,12,11]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:0', 'get:0', 'has:3', 'get:3', 'set:0', 'set:3', 'has:1', 'get:1', 'has:2', 'delete:1', 'set:2'])); arrayTests( function(one) { var ret = []; ret.push(Array.prototype.shift.call(one)); ret.push(Array.prototype.shift.call(one)); ret.push(Array.prototype.shift.call(one)); ret.push(one.length); return ret; }, checkArray([11,12,undefined,1]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'has:1', 'get:1', 'set:0', 'has:2', 'delete:1', 'has:3', 'get:3', 'set:2', 'delete:3', 'set:length', 'get:length', 'get:0', 'has:1', 'delete:0', 'has:2', 'get:2', 'set:1', 'delete:2', 'set:length', 'get:length', 'get:0', 'has:1', 'get:1', 'set:0', 'delete:1', 'set:length', 'get:length'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.slice.call(one, 1, 3), checkArray([12,,]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:1', 'get:1', 'has:2'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.some.call(one, _ => _ % 2 == 1), checkValue(true), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:0', 'get:0'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.sort.call(one.reverse()), checkArray([11,12,13,,]), // sort's behavior is implementation-defined, so we just check // that any traps at all are called. checkIf(_ => _.length > 0)); arrayTests( function(one) { var ret = Array.prototype.splice.call(one, 1, 2, 98, 99); return [ret, one]; }, checkDeep([[12,,],[11,98,99,13]]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:1', 'get:1', 'has:2', 'set:1', 'set:2', 'set:length'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.toLocaleString.call(one), checkValue("11,12,,13"), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:1', 'get:2', 'get:3'])); arrayTests( one => Array.prototype.toString.call(one), checkValue("11,12,,13"), checkArray([ 'get:join', 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:1', 'get:2', 'get:3'])); arrayTests( function(one) { var ret = Array.prototype.unshift.call(one, 98, 99); return [ret, one]; }, checkDeep([6, [98,99,11,12,,13]]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'has:3', 'get:3', 'set:5', 'has:2', 'delete:4', 'has:1', 'get:1', 'set:3', 'has:0', 'get:0', 'set:2', 'set:0', 'set:1', 'set:length'])); arrayTests( one => Array.from(Array.prototype.values.call(one)), checkArray([11,12,,13]), checkArray([ 'get:length', 'get:0', 'get:length', 'get:1', 'get:length', 'get:2', 'get:length', 'get:3', 'get:length'])); print('misc'); // CHECK-LABEL: misc // Do a deep target recursion. This needs to be within the smallest // (ASAN) limit for tests to pass, but larger numbers will work in // production builds. var p = {a:1}; for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { p = new Proxy(p, {}); } assert.equal(p.a, 1); // Do a really deep target recursion to test for stack overflow var p = {a:1}; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { p = new Proxy({}, p); } checkThrows(RangeError)(_ => p.a); // Do a really deep handler recursion to test for stack overflow var p = {a:1}; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { p = new Proxy(p, {}); } checkThrows(RangeError)(_ => p.a); // Do an infinite recursion to test for stack overflow var p1 = []; var p2 = new Proxy(p1, {}); p1.__proto__ = p2; checkThrows(RangeError)(_ => p1.a); // Test HermesInternal assert.equal( typeof HermesInternal !== 'object' || HermesInternal.isProxy(new Proxy({}, {})), true); // spread of a callable var f = function() { return 1; } f.a = 1; f.b = 2; checkDeep({...f})(_ => ({a:1, b:2})); // spread passes string not numeric arguments to traps var output = []; var p = new Proxy({1:""}, { getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, k) { output.push(typeof k) return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, k); }, get(t, k) { output.push(typeof k) return t[k]; }}); ({...p}); assert.arrayEqual(output, ["string", "string"]); // newTarget.prototype for Proxy ctor is !== Object.prototype does not throw Reflect.construct(Proxy, [{}, {}], WeakSet); // Check that defining a property in a Proxy target which is an array // uses fast array access (this will trip an assert otherwise) new Proxy([], {}).unshift(0); // If putComputed is called on a proxy whose target's prototype is an // array with a propname of 'length', then internalSetter will be // true, and the receiver will be a proxy. In that case, proxy needs // to win; the behavior may assert or be UB otherwise. var p = new Proxy(Object.create([]), {}); // using String() forces putComputed p[String('length')] = 0x123; p[0xABC] = 1111; // Regression test for heavy handle allocation path for (var b in new Proxy([], { ownKeys: Reflect.ownKeys, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, })) {} // Test when the trap get revokes the proxy. var { proxy, revoke } = Proxy.revocable({}, new Proxy({}, { get(t, k, r) { revoke(); } })); Object.getPrototypeOf(proxy); var targetRan = false; var { proxy, revoke } = Proxy.revocable( function() { targetRan = true; }, new Proxy({}, { get: function(t, k, r) { revoke(); } } )); proxy(); assert.ok(targetRan); // This returns the proxy below as a descriptor. var p1 = new Proxy({}, { getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, p) { return p2; }, }); // Calling get on the Proxy p2 requires calling // getOwnPropertyDescriptor on the target, p1 above, to check // invariants. This constructs a descriptor by getting // properties of the trap return (p2 below). Calling get // on the proxy p2 is how we started, resulting in an infinite // recursion. var p2 = new Proxy(p1, { has(t, p) { return true; }, get(t, p, r) { return {}; }, }); assert.throws(() => p2.foo, RangeError, "Maximum call stack size exceeded"); print('done'); // CHECK-LABEL: done