- ([#123](https://github.com/microsoft/hi-ml/pull/123)) Add helper function to download checkpoint files
### Changed
- ([#127](https://github.com/microsoft/hi-ml/pull/127)) The field `is_running_in_azure` of `AzureRunInfo` has been renamed to `is_running_in_azure_ml`
### Fixed
- ([#127](https://github.com/microsoft/hi-ml/pull/127)) Fixing bug #126: get_workspace was assuming it runs in AzureML, when it was running on a plain Azure build agent.
- ([#106](https://github.com/microsoft/hi-ml/pull/106)) Split into two packages. Most of existing package renamed to hi-ml-azure, remained remains hi-ml.
- ([#113](https://github.com/microsoft/hi-ml/pull/113)) Add helper function to download files from AML Run, tidied up some command line args, and moved some functions from himl.py to azure_util.py
- ([#117](https://github.com/microsoft/hi-ml/pull/117)) Bug fix: Config.json file was expected to be present, even if workspace was provided explicitly.