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# Modernizing Data, Applications, and APIs to the Cloud
# Contributing
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a
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Microsoft and any contributors grant you a license to the Microsoft documentation and other content
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- [MOD10: Migrating Web Applications to Azure](./mod10/
- [MOD20: Moving Your Database to Azure](./mod20/
- [MOD30: Modernizing Your Application with Containers](./mod30/
- [MOD40: Consolidating Infrastructure with Azure Kubernetes Service](./mod40/
- [MOD50: Debugging and Interacting with Production Applications](./mod50/
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# MOD10 Demo instructions
** The creds below have been obscured. You will need to ensure you have an MSSQL and Cosmos MongoDB API instance prior to start of demo **
# Abstract
_When Tailwind Traders acquired Northwind earlier this year, they decided to consolidate their on-premises applications with Tailwind Traders' current applications running on Azure. Their goal: vastly simplify the complexity that comes with an on-premises installation._
_In this session, you'll examine how a cloud architecture frees you up to focus on your applications, instead of your infrastructure. Then, you'll see the options to "lift and shift" a web application to Azure, including: how to deploy, manage, monitor, and backup both a Node.js and .NET Core API, using Virtual Machines and Azure App Service._
### The intro
**Welcome to the MOD track of Microsoft Ignite the tour**
1. We'll spent time in each session learning about how to modernize our applications we may have already been running in a datacenter
2. As the day continues and you go further along the learning path you'll find new ways to simplify your hosting ops for your applications with Azure.
### Migrations are a big part of moving to the cloud:
Big time goals in your journey will be to:
- Assess (who's going to be involved, what will the costs be?)
- Migrate (move to a new hosting environment)
- Optimize (ensure we're doing the most for what we're spending)
- Secure (ensure that you're making the most out of the security options in Azure)
# Migrate and modernize
- Rehost – lift and shift (we'll focus on that today)
- Refactor – repackaging, but no major code changes
- Rearchitect – modernizing your code -breaking monoliths (implementing devops practices)
# Cloud Native
- Rebuild completely for cloud native – (logic apps, serverless, k8s)
# Move into tailwind traders talk:
**Big news**
Tailwind traders has decided it was time to break out of the datacenter and modernize by migrating their apps to Azure. By doing this, the team will be able to begin their path to becoming a completely cloud-first environment. To get there we'll get started by "lifting and shifting" their application
# The App:
Right now it's a monolithic app
- Runs .Net core for API and React for front end
- Both run on a single server now
- Uses MongoDB and MSSQL for database (talks directly to it to store information about products, users and orders)
# What we'll do
1. We'll build a resource group to host
**A container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. The resource group includes those resources that you want to manage as a group. You decide how to allocate resources to resource groups based on what makes the most sense for your organization.**
2. **Why does a resource group need a location? And, if the resources can have different locations than the resource group, why does the resource group location matter at all?" The resource group stores metadata about the resources. Therefore, when you specify a location for the resource group, you're specifying where that metadata is stored. For compliance reasons, you may need to ensure that your data is stored in a particular region. **
3. We'll create a VNET
Virtual Network ( **VNet** ) is a representation of your own network in the cloud. It is a logical isolation of the **Azure** cloud dedicated to your subscription. Each **VNet** you create has its own CIDR block
- can be linked to other VNets and on-premises networks as long as the CIDR blocks do not overlap.
4. Create a VM (linux)
- A full infrastructure as a service virtualized server
- Can be modified to grow or shrink as we move along on our modernization journey
Our old Server was a a 4 CPU server with 14GB ram, so we'll use a lift and shift comparable VM size, Standard\_DS3\_v2
1. Git clone app
2. Install dependencies
3. Configure Env Variables
4. Start app
4. Browse to app
__(Explain to stick around for MOD20 to learn about the strategy for migrating our databases.)__
# What we'll use:
1. Cloud Shell
2. Azure Portal
4. Git
5. Nodejs/dotnet core
6. MongoDB
1. Open portal
2. Open cloud shell
3. Create a resource group
**SPOKEN** "We're goung to create a resource group, in this command I'll name it ignitemod10, put it in my subscription specific to my app and then provide a location where our metadata for our resource group will be held"
az group create --subscription "Ignite The Tour" --name ignitemod10 --location eastus
4. VNET creation
**SPOKEN** "Now it's time to create our virtual network, this will replace all network gear you used to have to maintain. Rather than configuring switchports and replacing failed line-cards, you can manage your network from the commandline or portal.
az network vnet create --name ignitemod10vnet --subscription "Ignite The Tour" --resource-group ignitemod10 --subnet-name default
5. Show VNET in portal
**Navigate to Resource Group**
6. VM Creation
**SPOKEN** "I've created a resource group, I have a network for our applications, now it's time we build a virtual machine for our application to be installed on."
az vm create --subscription "Ignite The Tour" --resource-group ignitemod10 --name twtweb --public-ip-address-dns-name twtweb --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username ubuntu --generate-ssh-keys --vnet-name ignitemod10vnet --size Standard\_DS3\_v2
8. Networking ports open:
**SPOKEN** Now that the server is built, it's time to permit network access to both the web app and SSH, we'll close up SSH when we finalize production.
az vm open-port --subscription "Ignite The Tour" --resource-group ignitemod10 --name twtweb --port 80 --priority "201"
az vm open-port --subscription "Ignite The Tour" --resource-group ignitemod10 --name twtweb --port 443 --priority "202"
az vm open-port --subscription "Ignite The Tour" --resource-group ignitemod10 --name twtweb --port 22 --priority "203"
# SSH in and begin installing our dependencies
### Clone app, switch to branch
sudo su
git clone /tailwind
cd /tailwind
git checkout monolith
### Install dotnet 2.2
wget -q -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
add-apt-repository universe
apt-get update
apt-get install apt-transport-https
apt-get install dotnet-sdk-2.2=2.2.102-1 -y
### Install node / npm
apt install npm nodejs -y
### Export ENV Vars
export apiUrl=/api/v1
export ApiUrlShoppingCart=/api/v1
### SQL Server
export SqlConnectionString=",1433;Initial Catalog=twtmod10;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=twtmod10;Password=;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"
### MongoDB Server
export MongoConnectionString="mongodb://"
### Publish and start application
cd /tailwind/Source/Tailwind.Traders.Web
dotnet publish -c Release
dotnet bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/publish/Tailwind.Traders.Web.dll
### nginx
git clone
apt-get install nginx -y
service nginx start
rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
curl > /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
nginx -t
nginx -s reload
# Close
Ready to move forward on your next step to modernization? Head over to Mod 20 where you'll learn to migrate your SQL and NoSQL data into managed services.
There's tons for you to learn here at MS Ignite the Tour, make sure you're up to date on all the sessions by going to
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set -e
# Credentials
# DB Name
# Create Resource Group
az group create --subscription $subname --name $azureResourceGroup --location $location
# Create Azure Cosmos DB
az cosmosdb create --name $cosmosdbname --resource-group $azureResourceGroup --kind MongoDB --subscription $subname
cosmosConnectionString=$(az cosmosdb list-connection-strings --name $cosmosdbname --resource-group $azureResourceGroup --query connectionStrings[0].connectionString -o tsv --subscription $subname)
# Create Azure SQL Insance
az sql server create --location $location --resource-group $azureResourceGroup --name $sqldbname --admin-user $adminUser --admin-password $adminPassword --subscription $subname
az sql server firewall-rule create --resource-group $azureResourceGroup --server $sqldbname --name azure --start-ip-address --end-ip-address --subscription $subname
az sql db create --resource-group $azureResourceGroup --server $sqldbname --name tailwind --subscription $subname
sqlConnectionString=$(az sql db show-connection-string --server $sqldbname --name tailwind -c --subscription $subname)
echo $cosmosConnectionString
echo $sqlConnectionString
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# Moving Your Database to Azure
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# Modernizing Your Application with Containers
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# Consolidating Infrastructure with Azure Kubernetes Service
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# MOD10: Debugging and Interacting with Production Applications
## Session Abstract
In recent months, Tailwind Traders has been having issues with keeping their sprawling IaaS VM deployment under control, leading to mismanaged resources and inefficient processes.
In this session, you’ll look into how Tailwind Traders can ensure their VMs are properly managed and maintained with the same care in Azure as they were in Tailwind Trader's on-premises data centers.
The session [Ignite Learning Paths - APPS10](
## How To Use
Welcome, Presenter!
We're glad you are here and look forward to your delivery of this amazing content. As an experienced presenter, we know you know HOW to present so this guide will focus on WHAT you need to present. It will provide you a full run-through of the presentation created by the presentation design team.
Along with the video of the presentation, this document will link to all the assets you need to successfully present including PowerPoint slides and demo instructions &
1. Read document in its entirety.
2. Watch the video presentation
3. Ask questions of the Lead Presenter
## Assets in Train-The-Trainer kit
- This guide
- [PowerPoint presentation](https://#)
- [Full-length recording of presentation](https://#)
- [Full-length recording of presentation - Director Cut](
- [Demo Instructions](https://#)
## Become a Presenter
To become a certified presenter, contact []( In your email please include:
- Complete name:
- The code of this presentation: ops40
- Link (ex: unlisted YouTube video) to a video of you presenting (~10 minutes).
> It doesn't need to be this content, the important is to show your presenter skills
A mentor will get back to you with the information on the process.
## Certified Presenters
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](
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