2018-01-19 03:36:00 +03:00
#lang ivy1.7
type id
type cache_state = { invalid, shared, exclusive }
type wait_type = { none, get, getX }
type unitype = { nouni, uGet, uGetX, uNAK, uPut, uPutX }
type swhbtype = {noshwb,shwb,fack}
module cache_line = {
individual wait : wait_type
relation invmarked
individual state : cache_state
module header = {
relation pending
relation local_
relation dirty
relation head
individual hptr : id
relation list
relation real(X:id)
relation upgrade
relation shlist(X:id)
object net(self:id) = {
var mtype : unitype
var proc : id
module wb_network = {
individual proc : id
relation wb
object shwbnet = {
var mtype : swhbtype
var proc : id
individual home : id
instantiate cache(X:id) : cache_line
instantiate dir : header
relation collecting
individual requester : id
relation rp_net(X:id)
individual real_owner : id
individual last_owner : id
individual fwd_get : wait_type
individual fwd_src : id
individual excl_src : id
instantiate wbnet : wb_network
individual last_WB : id
relation nakc
relation invnet(X:id)
relation invack(X:id)
# locals used in actions
individual src : id
individual dst : id
after init {
cache(X).state := invalid;
cache(X).wait := none;
cache(X).invmarked := false;
dir.pending := false;
dir.dirty := false;
collecting := false;
net.mtype(S) := nouni;
shwbnet.mtype := noshwb;
dir.list := false;
dir.head := false;
dir.shlist(X) := false;
rp_net(X) := false;
fwd_get := none;
wbnet.wb := false;
real_owner := home;
invnet(X) := false;
invack(X) := false;
nakc := false;
dir.local_ := false;
real_owner := home
action pi_Local_Get_dirty = {
assume cache(home).state = invalid;
assume cache(home).wait = none;
assume ~dir.pending;
assume dir.dirty;
dir.pending := true;
collecting := false;
cache(home).wait := get;
net(home).mtype := uGet;
net(home).proc := dir.hptr;
fwd_get := get;
requester := home
action pi_Local_Get = {
assume cache(home).state = invalid;
assume cache(home).wait = none;
assume ~dir.pending;
assume ~dir.dirty;
assume ~cache(home).invmarked;
dir.local_ := true;
cache(home).state := shared
# TODO: can this ever happen?
action pi_Local_Get_im = {
assume cache(home).state = invalid;
assume cache(home).wait = none;
assume ~dir.pending;
assume ~dir.dirty;
assume cache(home).invmarked;
cache(home).invmarked := false
action pi_Remote_Get = {
assume src ~= home;
assume cache(src).state = invalid;
assume cache(src).wait = none;
cache(src).wait := get;
net(src).mtype := uGet;
net(src).proc := home;
src := *
action ni_Local_Get_nak = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGet & net(src).proc = home;
assume home ~= src;
assume ~rp_net(src);
assume dir.pending | (dir.dirty & dir.local_ & cache(home).state~=exclusive) | (dir.dirty & ~dir.local_ & src = dir.hptr);
net(src).mtype := uNAK;
# action ni_Local_Get_fwd = {
# assume net(src).mtype = uGet & net(src).proc = home;
# assume home ~= src;
# assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty & ~ rp_net(src) & ~cache(src).invmarked;
# net.get(src,home) := false;
# net.put(home,src) := true;
# if (dir.head) {
# dir.list := true;
# dir.shlist(src) := true;
# dir.real := dir.shlist # what is this?
# }
# else {
# dir.head := true;
# dir.hptr := src
# }
# }
action ni_Local_Get = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGet & net(src).proc = home;
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty & ~ rp_net(src) & ~cache(src).invmarked;
net(src).mtype := uPut;
dir.head := true;
dir.hptr := src;
dir.shlist(src) := true;
src := *
action ni_Local_Get_fwd = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGet & net(src).proc = home;
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & dir.dirty & ~ rp_net(src) & ~dir.local_ & src ~= dir.hptr;
net(src).proc := dir.hptr;
fwd_get := get;
dir.pending := true;
src := *
action ni_Remote_Put = {
assume dst ~= home;
assume net(dst).mtype = uPut;
net(dst).mtype := nouni;
cache(dst).wait := none;
cache(dst).state := shared;
src := *;
dst := *
# Non-deterministically drop a shared line from the cache. Send an rp message.
# informing the directory.
action pi_Remote_Replace = {
assume cache(src).state=shared & cache(src).wait=none & src ~= home;
cache(src).state := invalid;
rp_net(src) := true;
src := *
# Directory receives a replace message, removes sender from sharing list, assuming it is not head.
action ni_Replace_list = {
assume rp_net(src);
assume dir.hptr ~= src;
rp_net(src) := false;
dir.shlist(src) := false;
# dir.real(src) := false;
src := *
# Remote is invalid and wants an exclusive copy
action pi_Remote_GetX = {
assume cache(src).state=invalid & cache(src).wait=none & src ~= home;
cache(src).wait := getX;
net(src).mtype := uGetX;
net(src).proc := home;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when no invalidation is needed, that is, there is no exclusive
# copy and either the sharing list is empty or it contains only the
# source.
action ni_Local_GetX = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGetX & net(src).proc = home;
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty;
assume ~dir.head | src = dir.hptr;
assume ~dir.head | ~dir.shlist(X) | X = src;
assume ~rp_net(src);
net(src).mtype := uPutX;
dir.dirty := true;
dir.head := true;
dir.hptr := src;
dir.real(X) := X = src;
dir.shlist(X) := X = src;
real_owner := src; # ghost
cache(home).state := invalid;
cache(home).invmarked := (cache(home).wait = get & dir.local_) | cache(home).invmarked;
dir.local_ := false;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when the request is nak'd
action ni_Local_GetX_nak = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGetX & net(src).proc = home;
assume home ~= src;
assume dir.pending | dir.dirty & cache(home).state ~= exclusive | src = dir.hptr;
assume ~rp_net(src);
net(src).mtype := uNAK;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when the request is pended.
action ni_Local_GetX_pend = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGetX & net(src).proc = home;
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & dir.dirty & ~dir.local_ & src ~= dir.hptr;
assume ~rp_net(src);
dir.pending := true;
collecting := false;
net(src).proc := dir.hptr;
fwd_get := getX;
requester := src;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when invalidations are sent out.
action ni_localGetX_inv = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGetX & net(src).proc = home;
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty & ~dir.local_;
assume dir.head;
assume src ~= dir.hptr | (dir.shlist(dst) & dst~=src);
assume ~rp_net(src);
net(src).mtype := uPutX;
invnet(X) := X ~= home & X ~= src & dir.shlist(X);
collecting := true;
# m1 := m;
# last_other_invack := (dir.hptr ~= src) ? dir.hptr . {i . i in Proc, dir.shlist(i) & i~=src};
cache(home).invmarked := (cache(home).wait = get & dir.local_) | cache(home).invmarked;
dir.local_ := false;
dir.dirty := true;
dir.head := true;
dir.hptr := src;
dir.pending := true;
dir.real(X) := X ~= home & X ~= src & dir.shlist(X);
dir.shlist(X) := X = src;
real_owner := src;
cache(home).state := invalid;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_Remote_PutX = {
assume net(dst).mtype = uPutX & net(dst).proc = src;
assume dst~=home & cache(dst).wait = getX;
net(dst).mtype := nouni;
cache(dst).wait :=none;
cache(dst).invmarked := false;
cache(dst).state := exclusive;
excl_src := src;
src := *;
dst := *
action pi_Remote_PutX = {
assume cache(src).state = exclusive & src ~= home; # cache(src).wait=none ???
cache(src).state := invalid;
wbnet.proc := src;
wbnet.wb := true;
real_owner := home;
last_owner := src;
src := *
action ni_Inv = {
assume invnet(dst) & dst~=home;
invnet(dst) := false;
invack(dst) := true;
cache(dst).invmarked := (cache(dst).wait = get) | cache(dst).invmarked;
cache(dst).state := invalid;
dst := *
action ni_InvAck = {
assume dir.pending & invack(src) & src~=home;
assume dir.real(src) & dir.real(dst) & dst ~= src;
invack(src) := false;
dir.real(src) := false;
# last_invack := src;
# last_other_invack := {i : i in Proc, dir.real(i) & i ~= src};
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_InvAck_last = {
assume dir.pending & invack(src) & src~=home & dir.real(src);
assume ~dir.real(X) | X = src;
dir.pending := false;
collecting := false;
# m1 := undefined; ???
invack(src) := false;
dir.real(src) := false;
# last_invack := src;
if ( dir.local_ & ~ dir.dirty) {
dir.local_ := false
action ni_WB = {
assume wbnet.wb;
wbnet.wb := false;
dir.dirty := false;
dir.head := false;
dir.shlist(X) := false;
last_WB := wbnet.proc
action ni_Remote_GetX_nak = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGetX & net(src).proc = dst;
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state ~= exclusive;
net(src).mtype := uNAK;
fwd_get := none;
fwd_src := src;
nakc := true;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_Remote_GetX_fwd = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGetX & net(src).proc = dst;
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state = exclusive;
net(src).mtype := uPutX;
cache(dst).state := invalid;
fwd_get := none;
fwd_src := src;
real_owner := src;
last_owner := dst;
if src~=home {
shwbnet.mtype := fack;
shwbnet.proc := src
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_FAck = {
assume shwbnet.mtype = fack;
shwbnet.mtype := noshwb;
dir.pending := false;
if dir.dirty {
dir.hptr := shwbnet.proc;
dir.shlist(X) := X = shwbnet.proc;
action ni_Remote_Get_nak = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGet & net(src).proc = dst;
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state ~= exclusive;
net(src).mtype := uNAK;
fwd_get := none;
fwd_src := src;
nakc := true;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_Remote_Get_fwd = {
assume net(src).mtype = uGet & net(src).proc = dst;
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state = exclusive;
net(src).mtype := uPut;
# assume ~cache(src).invmarked; TODO: ???
cache(dst).state := shared;
fwd_get := none;
fwd_src := src;
last_owner := dst;
real_owner := home;
if src~=home {
shwbnet.mtype := shwb;
shwbnet.proc := src;
# shwb_src := dst;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_ShWB = {
assume shwbnet.mtype = shwb;
shwbnet.mtype := noshwb;
dir.pending := false;
dir.dirty := false;
dir.shlist(shwbnet.proc) := true;
dir.real(X) := dir.shlist(X);
# last_WB := shwb_src;
action ni_NAK_Clear = {
assume nakc;
dir.pending := false;
nakc := false
export pi_Local_Get_dirty
export pi_Local_Get
export pi_Local_Get_im
export pi_Remote_Get
export ni_Local_Get_nak
#export ni_Local_Get
export ni_Local_Get
export ni_Local_Get_fwd
export ni_Remote_Put
export pi_Remote_Replace
export ni_Replace_list
export pi_Remote_GetX
export ni_Local_GetX
export ni_Local_GetX_nak
export ni_Local_GetX_pend
export ni_localGetX_inv
export ni_Remote_PutX
export pi_Remote_PutX
export ni_Inv
export ni_InvAck
export ni_InvAck_last
export ni_WB
#export ni_Remote_GetX_nak
export ni_Remote_GetX_fwd
export ni_FAck
#export ni_Remote_Get_nak
export ni_Remote_Get_fwd
export ni_ShWB
export ni_NAK_Clear
invariant [coherent]
cache(X).state = exclusive -> X = real_owner
proof let H = home, Y = excl_src
invariant [coherent2]
cache(X).state = shared & ~cache.invmarked(X) & ~dir.pending -> real_owner = home & cache.state(home) ~= exclusive
proof let H = home, Y = last_owner
invariant [nodups]
cache(X).state = exclusive -> dir.dirty & ~wbnet.wb & shwbnet.mtype ~= shwb
proof let H = home
# invariant [nonint1]
# net.shwb(X,home) -> dir.pending & dir.dirty & X = dir.hptr
# proof let H = home
# invariant [l4]
# cache(dst).state = exclusive ->
# dir.dirty & ~wbnet.wb & ~net.shwb(X,home)
# & ~net.put(X,home)
# & ((cache(X).state = exclusive | net.putX(Y,X)) -> dst = X)
# proof let H = home, Y = dst
invariant [l5]
net.proc(X) ~= home -> (net.mtype(X) = uGet -> fwd_get = get) & (net.mtype(X) = uGetX -> fwd_get = getX)
proof let H = home, Y = fwd_src
invariant [l6]
invack(X) & dir.real(X) -> dir.pending & collecting
proof let H = home
2018-02-24 00:26:06 +03:00
include mc_schemata
2018-01-19 03:36:00 +03:00
2018-02-24 02:14:24 +03:00
attribute method = mc