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This commit is contained in:
@ -26,4 +26,13 @@ build
# vagrant
# Temporary files are put in directories called temp
# The file 'specs' is generated by ivy_libs
# These are library directories
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#lang ivy1.6
# A shard contains an interval of keys [lo,hi) from a hash table
include order
include collections
module table_shard(key,data) = {
type pair = struct {
p_key : key.t,
p_value : data
instance index : unbounded_sequence
instance arr : array(index.t,pair)
type t = struct {
lo : key.iter.t,
hi : key.iter.t,
pairs : arr.t
function key_at(S,I) = p_key(arr.value(pairs(S),I))
function value_at(S,I) = p_value(arr.value(pairs(S),I))
function at(S,X,I) = (0 <= I & I < arr.end(pairs(S)) & key_at(S,I) = X)
function rel(S:t,x:key.t) = exists Y. at(S,x,Y)
function valid(s:t) = forall X,Y,Z. at(s,X,Y) & at(s,X,Z) -> Y = Z
type t = struct {
f(X:t) : q
r(X:t) : bool
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#lang ivy1.6
# Here, we prove a basic fact about finite sets: is X and Y are disjoint
# subsets of S, then |X| + |Y| <= |S|. This can be used to show that any two
# majorities of S have an element in common.
# We set up the problem with two types: the *basis* type and the
# *index* type, both isomorphic to the integers. Our sets are subsets
# of the basis type, while their cardinalities a members of the index
# type. In other words ordinals are in basis, while cardinals are in
# index. The separation of these two types is used to avoid
# non-stratified functions.
# We definte a module that takes basis and index types, and provides the following
# interface:
# 1) a type *set* representing finite subsets of the basis type
# 2) a basis element *n* that is an upper bound on set elements (so the basis is finite)
# 3) a *member* relation
# 4) a relation *disjoint* beteween sets
# 5) a function *card* giving the cardinality of a set as an index
# 6) a function *cnt* gives the cardinality of the basis elements less than E
# 7) an action `empty` returning the empty set
# The spec can then be stated as disjoint(X,Y) -> card(X)+card(Y) <= cnt(n).
# The implementation defines card and cnt recursively over the basis type. Ideally, the
# basis type should provide a recursion schema, but here we just give the instantions
# of the recursion schema as axioms.
# We then give an inductive invariant with parameter B. This states that the theorem holds
# for elements of the sets X and Y less than B. We then instantiate the induction schema for
# basis using the invariant.
# This all seems straightforward, but it was tricky to figure out how to set up the problem
# without function cycles. Also, see the comment below about integer arithmetic. For the
# basis type, we used the succesor relation to avoid using airthmetic on this type.
include collections
include order
module indexset(basis,index) = {
type set
individual n : basis.t
relation member(E:basis.t,S:set)
relation disjoint(X:set,Y:set)
function card(S:set) : index.t
function cnt(E:basis.t) : index.t
action empty returns(s:set)
action add(s:set,e:basis.t) returns (s:set)
axiom n >= 0
object spec = {
property disjoint(X,Y) -> card(X) + card(Y) <= cnt(n)
after empty {
assert ~member(E,s);
after add {
assert member(X,s) <-> (member(X,old s) | X = e)
object impl = {
definition disjoint(X,Y) = forall E. ~(member(E,X) & member(E,Y))
# recursive definiton of cnt
axiom cnt(0) = 0
axiom basis.succ(E,F) -> cnt(F) = cnt(E) + 1
# recursive definition of card
function cardUpTo(S:set,B:basis.t) : index.t
axiom cardUpTo(S,0) = 0
axiom basis.succ(B,BS) -> cardUpTo(S,BS) = cardUpTo(S,B)+1 if member(B,S) else cardUpTo(S,B)
definition card(S) = cardUpTo(S,n)
# invariant
derived inv(B,X,Y) =
disjoint(X,Y) -> cardUpTo(X,B) + cardUpTo(Y,B) <= cnt(B)
# induction schema instance: basis.t is well-founded, and every
# element > 0 has a predecessor
derived lerr(X,Y) = some E. (E >= 0 & ~inv(E,X,Y))
axiom ~(E >= 0 & ~inv(E,X,Y) & E < lerr(X,Y))
axiom lerr(X,Y) > 0 -> exists E. basis.succ(E,lerr(X,Y))
# tricky: we interpret the index type as the integers, so we can use addition
# without axioms. we have set up the above so the index type is never the domain of
# a function. a bug in IVy's logic fragmetn checker seems to allow us to get away with this,
# and it works, but I don't know if Z3 is actually a decision procedure for this case.
interpret index.t -> int
# Here is the implementation of the set type using an unsorted array. The above reasoning
# is actually independent of the definition of "member" below. Hopefully, this definition
# will not confuse Z3. If it did, we would have to put these definitions into their own isolate.
instance arridx : unbounded_sequence
instance arr:array(arridx.t,basis.t)
# Tricky: this is a bit of aspect-orientation. It turns the type `set` into a struct
# with just one field called `repr`. This field gives the concrete representation of a
# set as an array. To an isolate the doesn't use the definition of `member` below,
# the tpye `set` will still appear to be uninterpreted.
destructor repr(X:set) : arr.t
definition member(y:basis.t,X:set) = exists Z. 0 <= Z & Z < repr(X).end & repr(X).value(Z) = y
implement empty {
repr(s) := arr.create(0,0)
implement add {
if ~member(e,s) {
repr(s) := repr(s).resize(repr(s).end.next,e)
instance bss : unbounded_sequence
instance idx : unbounded_sequence
instance s : indexset(bss,idx)
isolate iso = s with idx,bss
@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
#lang ivy1.7
type id
type cache_state_ = { invalid, shared, exclusive }
type wait_type = { none, get, getX }
module cache_line = {
individual wait : wait_type
relation invmarked
individual state_ : cache_state_
module header = {
relation pending
relation local_
relation dirty
relation head
individual hptr : id
relation list
relation real(X:id)
relation upgrade
relation shlist(X:id)
module network = {
relation get(S:id,D:id)
relation put(S:id,D:id)
relation getX(S:id,D:id)
relation putX(S:id,D:id)
relation nak(S:id,D:id)
relation fack(S:id,D:id)
relation shwb(S:id,D:id)
module wb_network = {
individual proc : id
relation wb
individual home : id
instantiate cache(X:id) : cache_line
instantiate dir : header
relation collecting
individual requester : id
instantiate net : network
relation rp_net(X:id)
individual real_owner : id
individual fwd_get : wait_type
instantiate wbnet : wb_network
individual last_WB : id
relation nakc
relation invnet(X:id)
relation invack(X:id)
# locals used in actions
individual src : id
individual dst : id
after init {
cache(X).state_ := invalid;
cache(X).wait := none;
cache(X).invmarked := false;
dir.pending := false;
dir.dirty := false;
collecting := false;
net.get(X,Y) := false;
net.put(X,Y) := false;
net.getX(X,Y) := false;
net.putX(X,Y) := false;
net.fack(X,Y) := false;
net.shwb(X,Y) := false;
net.nak(X,Y) := false;
dir.list := false;
dir.head := false;
dir.shlist(X) := false;
rp_net(X) := false;
fwd_get := none;
wbnet.wb := false;
real_owner := home;
invnet(X) := false;
invack(X) := false;
nakc := false
action pi_Local_Get_dirty = {
assume cache(home).state_ = invalid;
assume cache(home).wait = none;
assume ~dir.pending;
assume dir.dirty;
dir.pending := true;
collecting := false;
cache(home).wait := get;
net.get(home,dir.hptr) := true;
requester := home
action pi_Local_Get = {
assume cache(home).state_ = invalid;
assume cache(home).wait = none;
assume ~dir.pending;
assume ~dir.dirty;
assume ~cache(home).invmarked;
dir.local_ := true;
cache(home).state_ := shared
# TODO: can this ever happen?
action pi_Local_Get_im = {
assume cache(home).state_ = invalid;
assume cache(home).wait = none;
assume ~dir.pending;
assume ~dir.dirty;
assume cache(home).invmarked;
cache(home).invmarked := false
action pi_Remote_Get = {
assume src ~= home;
assume cache(src).state_ = invalid;
assume cache(src).wait = none;
cache(src).wait := get;
net.get(src,home) := true;
src := *
# action ni_Local_Get_nak = {
# assume net.get(src,home);
# assume home ~= src;
# assume ~rp_net(src);
# assume dir.pending | (dir.dirty & dir.local_ & cache(home).state_~=exclusive) | (dir.dirty & ~dir.local_ & src = dir.hptr);
# net.get(src,home) := false;
# net.nak(home,src) := true
# }
# action ni_Local_Get = {
# assume net.get(src,home);
# assume home ~= src;
# assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty & ~ rp_net(src) & ~cache(src).invmarked;
# net.get(src,home) := false;
# net.put(home,src) := true;
# if (dir.head) {
# dir.list := true;
# dir.shlist(src) := true;
# dir.real := dir.shlist # what is this?
# }
# else {
# dir.head := true;
# dir.hptr := src
# }
# }
action ni_Local_Get = {
assume net.get(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty & ~ rp_net(src) & ~cache(src).invmarked;
net.get(src,home) := false;
net.put(home,src) := true;
dir.head := true;
dir.hptr := src;
dir.shlist(src) := true;
src := *
action ni_Local_Get_fwd = {
assume net.get(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & dir.dirty & ~dir.local_ & src ~= dir.hptr;
net.get(src,home) := false;
dir.pending := true;
net.get(src,dir.hptr) := true;
src := *
action ni_Remote_Put = {
assume dst ~= home;
assume net.put(src,dst);
net.put(src,dst) := false;
cache(dst).wait := none;
cache(dst).state_ := shared;
src := *;
dst := *
# Non-deterministically drop a shared line from the cache. Send an rp message.
# informing the directory.
action pi_Remote_Replace = {
assume cache(src).state_=shared & cache(src).wait=none & src ~= home;
cache(src).state_ := invalid;
rp_net(src) := true;
src := *
# Directory receives a replace message, removes sender from sharing list, assuming it is not head.
action ni_Replace_list = {
assume rp_net(src);
assume dir.hptr ~= src;
rp_net(src) := false;
dir.shlist(src) := false;
dir.real(src) := false;
src := *
# Remote is invalid and wants an exclusive copy
action pi_Remote_GetX = {
assume cache(src).state_=invalid & cache(src).wait=none & src ~= home;
cache(src).wait := getX;
net.getX(src,home) := true;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when no invalidation is needed, that is, there is no exclusive
# copy and either the sharing list is empty or it contains only the
# source.
action ni_Local_GetX = {
assume net.getX(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty;
assume ~dir.head | src = dir.hptr;
assume ~dir.head | ~dir.shlist(X) | X = src;
net.getX(src,home) := false;
dir.dirty := true;
dir.head := true;
dir.hptr := src;
dir.real(X) := X = src;
dir.shlist(X) := X = src;
net.putX(home,src) := true;
real_owner := src; # ghost
cache(home).state_ := invalid;
cache(home).invmarked := (cache(home).wait = get & dir.local_) | cache(home).invmarked;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when the request is nak'd
action ni_Local_GetX_nak = {
assume net.getX(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume dir.pending | dir.dirty & cache(home).state_ ~= exclusive | src = dir.hptr;
net.getX(src,home) := false;
net.nak(home,src) := true;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when the request is pended.
action ni_Local_GetX_pend = {
assume net.getX(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & dir.dirty & ~dir.local_ & src ~= dir.hptr;
net.getX(src,home) := false;
dir.pending := true;
collecting := false;
net.getX(src,dir.hptr) := true;
fwd_get := getX;
requester := src;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when invalidations are sent out.
action ni_localGetX_inv = {
assume net.getX(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty & ~dir.local_;
assume dir.head;
assume src ~= dir.hptr | (dir.shlist(dst) & dst~=src);
net.getX(src,home) := false;
invnet(X) := X ~= home & X ~= src & dir.shlist(X);
collecting := true;
# m1 := m;
# last_other_invack := (dir.hptr ~= src) ? dir.hptr . {i . i in Proc, dir.shlist(i) & i~=src};
cache(home).invmarked := (cache(home).wait = get & dir.local_) | cache(home).invmarked;
dir.local_ := false;
dir.dirty := true;
dir.head := true;
dir.hptr := src;
dir.pending := true;
dir.real(X) := X ~= home & X ~= src & dir.shlist(X);
dir.shlist(X) := X = src;
net.putX(home,src) := true;
real_owner := src;
cache(home).state_ := invalid;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_Remote_PutX = {
assume net.putX(src,dst);
assume dst~=home & cache(dst).wait = getX;
net.putX(src,dst) := false;
cache(dst).wait :=none;
cache(dst).invmarked := false;
cache(dst).state_ :=exclusive;
src := *;
dst := *
action pi_Remote_PutX = {
assume cache(src).state_ = exclusive & src ~= home; # cache(src).wait=none ???
cache(src).state_ := invalid;
wbnet.proc := src;
wbnet.wb := true;
src := *
action ni_Inv = {
assume invnet(dst) & dst~=home;
invnet(dst) := false;
invack(dst) := true;
cache(dst).invmarked := (cache(dst).wait = get) | cache(dst).invmarked;
cache(dst).state_ := invalid;
dst := *
action ni_InvAck = {
assume dir.pending & invack(src) & src~=home;
assume dir.real(dst) & dst ~= src;
invack(src) := false;
dir.real(src) := false;
# last_invack := src;
# last_other_invack := {i : i in Proc, dir.real(i) & i ~= src};
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_InvAck_last = {
assume dir.pending & invack(src) & src~=home;
assume ~dir.real(X) | X = src;
dir.pending := false;
collecting := false;
# m1 := undefined; ???
invack(src) := false;
dir.real(src) := false;
# last_invack := src;
if ( dir.local_ & ~ dir.dirty) {
dir.local_ := false
action ni_WB = {
assume wbnet.wb;
wbnet.wb := false;
dir.dirty := false;
dir.head := false;
dir.shlist(X) := false;
last_WB := wbnet.proc
action ni_Remote_GetX_nak = {
assume net.getX(src,dst);
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state_ ~= exclusive;
net.getX(src,dst) := false;
fwd_get := none;
# fwd_src := src;
nakc := true;
net.nak(dst,src) := true;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_Remote_GetX_fwd = {
assume net.getX(src,dst);
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state_ = exclusive;
net.getX(src,dst) := false;
cache(dst).state_ := invalid;
fwd_get := none;
# fwd_src := src;
net.putX(dst,src) := true;
real_owner := src;
if src~=home {
net.fack(src,home) := true
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_FAck = {
assume net.fack(src,home);
net.fack(src,home) := false;
dir.pending := false;
if dir.dirty {
dir.hptr := src;
dir.shlist(X) := X = src
src := *
action ni_Remote_Get_nak = {
assume net.get(src,dst);
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state_ ~= exclusive;
net.get(src,dst) := false;
fwd_get := none;
# fwd_src := src;
nakc := true;
net.nak(dst,src) := true;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_Remote_Get_fwd = {
assume net.get(src,dst);
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state_ = exclusive;
net.get(src,dst) := false;
# assume ~cache(src).invmarked; TODO: ???
cache(dst).state_ := shared;
fwd_get := none;
# fwd_src := src;
net.put(dst,src) := true;
if src~=home {
real_owner := home;
net.shwb(src,home) := true
# shwb_src := dst;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_ShWB = {
assume net.shwb(src,home);
net.shwb(src,home) := false;
dir.pending := false;
dir.dirty := false;
dir.shlist(src) := true;
dir.real(X) := dir.shlist(X);
# last_WB := shwb_src;
src := *
action ni_NAK_Clear = {
assume nakc;
dir.pending := false;
nakc := false
export pi_Local_Get_dirty
export pi_Local_Get
export pi_Local_Get_im
export pi_Remote_Get
#export ni_Local_Get_nak
#export ni_Local_Get
export ni_Local_Get
export ni_Local_Get_fwd
export ni_Remote_Put
export pi_Remote_Replace
export ni_Replace_list
export pi_Remote_GetX
export ni_Local_GetX
export ni_Local_GetX_nak
export ni_Local_GetX_pend
export ni_localGetX_inv
export ni_Remote_PutX
export pi_Remote_PutX
export ni_Inv
export ni_InvAck
export ni_InvAck_last
export ni_WB
export ni_Remote_GetX_nak
export ni_Remote_GetX_fwd
export ni_FAck
export ni_Remote_Get_nak
export ni_Remote_Get_fwd
export ni_ShWB
export ni_NAK_Clear
conjecture [coherent]
~(cache(X).state_ = exclusive & cache(X).wait = none &
cache(Y).state_ = exclusive & cache(Y).wait = none &
X ~= Y)
invariant [aux]
((Y = Z | ~net.put(Y,X) | ~net.put(Z,X)) &
(Y = Z | ~net.get(X,Y) | ~net.get(X,Z)) &
(Y = Z | ~net.putX(Y,X) | ~net.putX(Z,X)) &
(Y = Z | ~net.getX(X,Y) | ~net.getX(X,Z)) &
(~net.get(X,Z) | ~net.put(Y,X)) &
(~net.getX(X,Z) | ~net.putX(Y,X)) &
~net.getX(home,Y) &
(dir.shlist(dir.hptr) | ~dir.head) &
(cache.wait(X) = get | ~net.get(X,home)) &
(cache.wait(X) = get | ~net.put(home,X)) &
(~net.put(home,X) | ~rp_net(X)) &
(cache.state_(X) ~= exclusive | cache.wait(X) ~= getX) &
(cache.wait(X) = getX | ~net.getX(X,home)) &
(cache.wait(X) = getX | ~net.putX(home,X)) &
(~net.getX(V1,V0) | cache.wait(V1) ~= none) &
(Y = home | ~net.shwb(X,Y)) &
(cache.state_(V0) = invalid | ~net.get(V0,V1)) &
(cache.state_(V0) = invalid | ~net.put(V1,V0)) &
(cache.wait(V0) = get | ~net.get(V0,V1)) &
(cache.wait(V0) = get | ~net.put(V1,V0)) &
(cache.wait(V0) = getX | ~net.getX(V0,V1)) &
(cache.wait(V0) = getX | ~net.putX(V1,V0)) &
(V1 = home | ~net.fack(V0,V1)))
invariant (cache.state_(V0) = invalid | ~net.get(V0,V1))
invariant (cache.state_(V0) = invalid | ~net.put(V1,V0))
invariant (cache.state_(X) ~= exclusive | cache.wait(X) ~= getX)
invariant (cache.state_(X) ~= exclusive | dir.head)
invariant (cache.state_(X) = invalid | ~invack(X))
invariant (cache.state_(X) ~= shared | cache.wait(X) ~= get)
invariant cache.wait(real_owner) ~= get
invariant (cache.wait(V0) = get | ~net.get(V0,V1))
invariant (cache.wait(V0) = get | ~net.put(V1,V0))
invariant (cache.wait(V0) = getX | ~net.getX(V0,V1))
invariant (cache.wait(V0) = getX | ~net.putX(V1,V0))
invariant (cache.wait(X) = get | ~net.get(X,home))
invariant (cache.wait(X) = get | ~net.put(home,X))
invariant (cache.wait(X) = getX | ~net.getX(X,home))
invariant (cache.wait(X) = getX | ~net.putX(home,X))
invariant (dir.hptr = real_owner | ~dir.dirty | dir.pending)
invariant (dir.hptr = real_owner | ~net.putX(home,X))
invariant (dir.real(X) | X = real_owner | cache.state_(X) = invalid)
invariant (dir.shlist(dir.hptr) | ~dir.head)
invariant (dir.shlist(V0) | V0 = requester | cache.state_(V0) ~= exclusive)
invariant (dir.shlist(V1) | V1 = home | ~net.put(V0,V1))
invariant (dir.shlist(X) | cache.state_(X) ~= exclusive)
invariant (~dir.shlist(X) | dir.head)
invariant (~dir.shlist(X) | ~net.get(X,home))
invariant (dir.shlist(X) | ~net.put(home,X))
invariant (dir.shlist(X) | ~net.putX(home,X))
invariant (dir.shlist(Y) | ~net.put(X,Y))
invariant (dir.shlist(Y) | ~net.put(X,Y) | dir.dirty)
invariant (dir.shlist(Y) | ~net.put(X,Y) | dir.pending)
invariant (~invack(V0) | cache.state_(V0) ~= shared)
invariant (~invack(X) | ~invnet(X))
invariant ~net.fack(requester,home)
invariant ~net.get(home,Y)
invariant ~net.getX(home,Y)
invariant (~net.getX(V1,V0) | cache.wait(V1) ~= none)
invariant (~net.getX(X,Z) | ~net.putX(Y,X))
invariant (~net.get(X,Z) | ~net.put(Y,X))
invariant ~net.put(dir.hptr,V0)
invariant ~net.put(home,X)
invariant (~net.put(home,X) | ~rp_net(X))
invariant (~net.put(V1,V0) | ~rp_net(V0))
invariant ~net.putX(home,X)
invariant (~net.putX(home,X) | dir.head)
invariant ~net.putX(real_owner,X)
invariant (~net.putX(Y,X) | dir.dirty)
invariant (~net.putX(Y,X) | dir.head)
invariant (~net.put(Y,X) | dir.head)
invariant ~net.shwb(X,home)
invariant (real_owner = Y | ~net.putX(X,Y))
invariant (~rp_net(X) | cache.state_(X) ~= shared)
invariant (V0 = home | ~net.putX(V0,V1))
invariant (V0 = real_owner | cache.state_(V0) ~= shared)
invariant (V1 = home | ~net.fack(V0,V1))
invariant (V1 = V0 | ~net.shwb(V0,home) | ~net.shwb(V1,home))
invariant (X = dir.hptr | cache.state_(X) ~= exclusive)
invariant (X = dir.hptr | ~net.putX(home,X))
invariant (X = real_owner | cache.state_(X) ~= exclusive)
invariant (X = real_owner | ~net.fack(X,Y))
invariant (X = requester | Y = home | ~net.getX(X,Y))
invariant (Y = home | ~net.getX(X,Y))
invariant (Y = home | ~net.getX(X,Y) | dir.dirty)
invariant (Y = home | ~net.getX(X,Y) | dir.head)
invariant (Y = home | ~net.get(X,Y) | dir.dirty)
invariant (Y = home | ~net.get(X,Y) | dir.head)
invariant (Y = home | ~net.putX(Y,X))
invariant (Y = home | ~net.putX(Y,X) | dir.dirty)
invariant (Y = home | ~net.putX(Y,X) | dir.head)
invariant (Y = home | ~net.put(Y,X) | dir.dirty)
invariant (Y = home | ~net.shwb(X,Y))
invariant (Y = home | Y = real_owner | ~net.getX(X,Y))
invariant (Y = home | Y = real_owner | ~net.get(X,Y))
invariant (Y = home | Y = real_owner | ~net.putX(Y,X))
invariant (Y = home | Y = real_owner | ~net.put(Y,X))
invariant (Y = Z | ~net.getX(X,Y) | ~net.getX(X,Z))
invariant (Y = Z | ~net.get(X,Y) | ~net.get(X,Z))
invariant (Y = Z | ~net.putX(Y,X) | ~net.putX(Z,X))
invariant (Y = Z | ~net.put(Y,X) | ~net.put(Z,X))
# invariant [net1] ~(net.put(Y,X) & net.put(Z,X) & Y ~= Z)
# invariant [net2] ~(net.get(X,Y) & net.get(X,Z) & Y ~= Z)
# invariant [net3] ~(net.putX(Y,X) & net.putX(Z,X) & Y ~= Z)
# invariant [net4] ~(net.getX(X,Y) & net.getX(X,Z) & Y ~= Z)
# invariant [net5] ~(net.put(Y,X) & net.get(X,Z))
# invariant [net6] ~(net.putX(Y,X) & net.getX(X,Z))
# invariant [n1] ~((net.get(X,Y) + net.put(Y,X)) & nh(Y) & Y ~= home)
# invariant [n2] ~((net.getX(X,Y) + net.putX(Y,X)) & nh(Y) & Y ~= home)
# invariant [n3] ~(net.get(home,Y) + net.getX(home,Y))
# invariant [l1] ~((~dir.head & dir.shlist(X)) + (dir.head & ~dir.shlist(dir.hptr)))
# invariant [c2] ~(cache(X).wait = get & cache(X).state_ = shared)
# invariant [c3] ~((cache(X).wait ~= get + dir.shlist(X)) & net.get(X,home))
# invariant [c4] ~((cache(X).wait ~= get + ~dir.shlist(X)) & net.put(home,X))
# invariant [c5] ~((cache(X).wait = get + ~dir.shlist(X)) & cache(X).state_ = shared)
# invariant [c6] ~((cache(X).state_ = shared + ~dir.shlist(X)) & rp_net(X))
# invariant [r1] ~(net.put(home,X) & rp_net(X))
# invariant [c2x] ~(cache(X).wait = getX & cache(X).state_ = exclusive)
# invariant [c3x] ~((cache(X).wait ~= getX + dir.shlist(X)) & net.getX(X,home))
# invariant [c4x] ~((cache(X).wait ~= getX + ~dir.shlist(X) + X ~= dir.hptr + dir.hptr ~= real_owner) & net.putX(home,X))
# invariant [c5x] ~((cache(X).wait = getX + ~dir.shlist(X) + X ~= real_owner) & cache(X).state_ = exclusive)
# invariant [pe] ~((net.putX(home,X) + cache(X).state_ = exclusive) & (~dir.head + X ~= dir.hptr))
# invariant [c6x] ~((cache(X).state_ = exclusive + ~dir.shlist(wbnet.proc)) & wbnet.wb)
# invariant [r1x] ~((net.putX(home,X) + wbnet.proc ~= dir.hptr + cache(real_owner).state_ ~= invalid) & wbnet.wb)
# invariant [itp_a] ~(cache.wait(V1) = none & net.getX(V1, V0))
# invariant [fa1] ~(net.fack(X,Y) & (X ~= real_owner + X ~= requester))
# invariant [itp_b] ~(V0 ~= home & net.putX(V0,V1) & ~dir.pending)
# invariant [ro1] ~(net.putX(X,Y) & real_owner ~= Y)
# invariant [itp_c]net.putX(real_owner,X)
# invariant [misc] ~(~dir.pending + dir.pending + ~dir.dirty + dir.dirty)
# invariant [p1] ~(~dir.pending & dir.dirty & dir.hptr ~= real_owner)
# invariant [shwb1] ~(net.shwb(X,Y) & Y ~= home)
# invariant [shwb2] ~((net.put(X,Y) + cache(Y).state_ = shared) & ~dir.shlist(Y) & (~net.shwb(Y,home) + ~dir.dirty + ~dir.pending))
# invariant [itp_d] ~(~V0 = home & net.put(dir.hptr, V0) & ~net.shwb(V0, home))
# invariant [itp_e] ~(~V1 = home & net.put(V0, V1) & ~net.shwb(V1, home))
# invariant [itp_f] ~(~V1 = V0 & net.shwb(V0, home) & net.shwb(V1, home))
# invariant [itp_g] ~(~V1 = home & ~dir.shlist(V1) & net.put(V0, V1))
# invariant [itp_h] ~(cache.state_(V0) ~= invalid & (net.get(V0, V1) + net.put(V1,V0)))
# invariant [ro2] ~((net.get(Y,X) + net.put(X,Y) + net.getX(Y,X)) & real_owner = Y)
# invariant [ro3] ~(cache(Y).state_ ~= exclusive & cache(Y).wait ~= getX & real_owner = Y)
# invariant [itp_i] ~(rp_net(V0) & net.put(V1, V0))
# invariant [itp_j] ~(cache.wait(V0) ~= get & (net.get(V0, V1) + net.put(V1, V0)))
# invariant [itp_j2] ~(cache.wait(V0) ~= getX & (net.getX(V0, V1)+ net.putX(V1, V0)))
# invariant [iv1] ~(invack(X) & (invnet(X) + cache(X).state_ ~= invalid + X = real_owner))
# invariant [iv2] ~(~dir.real(X) & X ~= real_owner & cache(X).state_ ~= invalid)
# invariant [itp_k] ~(~V0 = real_owner & cache.state_(V0) = shared)
# invariant [itp_l] ~(invack(V0) & cache.state_(V0) = shared)
# invariant [itp_m] ~(~V1 = home & net.fack(V0, V1))
# invariant [itp_n = cache.wait]get
# invariant [nakc1] ~((nakc + net.fack(requester, home)) & net.getX(X,Y) & Y ~= home)
# invariant [getx1] ~((net.getX(X,Y) + net.putX(Y,X)) & Y ~= home & X ~= requester)
# invariant [shwb3] ~(net.shwb(X,home) & cache(Y).state_ = exclusive)
# invariant [shwb4] ~(net.shwb(X,home) & net.putX(Y,Z))
# invariant [itp_o] ~((nakc + ~V0 = requester) & ~dir.shlist(V0) & cache.state_(V0) = exclusive)
# invariant [nf1] ~(nakc & net.fack(requester,home))
@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
#lang ivy1.7
type id
type cache_state = { invalid, shared, exclusive }
type wait_type = { none, get, getX }
module cache_line = {
individual wait : wait_type
relation invmarked
individual state : cache_state
module header = {
relation pending
relation local_
relation dirty
relation head
individual hptr : id
relation list
relation real(X:id)
relation upgrade
relation shlist(X:id)
module network = {
relation get(S:id,D:id)
relation put(S:id,D:id)
relation getX(S:id,D:id)
relation putX(S:id,D:id)
relation nak(S:id,D:id)
relation fack(S:id,D:id)
relation shwb(S:id,D:id)
module wb_network = {
individual proc : id
relation wb
individual home : id
instantiate cache(X:id) : cache_line
instantiate dir : header
relation collecting
individual requester : id
instantiate net : network
relation rp_net(X:id)
individual real_owner : id
individual fwd_get : wait_type
instantiate wbnet : wb_network
individual last_WB : id
relation nakc
relation invnet(X:id)
relation invack(X:id)
# locals used in actions
individual src : id
individual dst : id
after init {
cache(X).state := invalid;
cache(X).wait := none;
cache(X).invmarked := false;
dir.pending := false;
dir.dirty := false;
collecting := false;
net.get(X,Y) := false;
net.put(X,Y) := false;
net.getX(X,Y) := false;
net.putX(X,Y) := false;
net.fack(X,Y) := false;
net.shwb(X,Y) := false;
net.nak(X,Y) := false;
dir.list := false;
dir.head := false;
dir.shlist(X) := false;
rp_net(X) := false;
fwd_get := none;
wbnet.wb := false;
real_owner := home;
invnet(X) := false;
invack(X) := false;
nakc := false
action pi_Local_Get_dirty = {
assume cache(home).state = invalid;
assume cache(home).wait = none;
assume ~dir.pending;
assume dir.dirty;
dir.pending := true;
collecting := false;
cache(home).wait := get;
net.get(home,dir.hptr) := true;
requester := home
action pi_Local_Get = {
assume cache(home).state = invalid;
assume cache(home).wait = none;
assume ~dir.pending;
assume ~dir.dirty;
assume ~cache(home).invmarked;
dir.local_ := true;
cache(home).state := shared
# TODO: can this ever happen?
action pi_Local_Get_im = {
assume cache(home).state = invalid;
assume cache(home).wait = none;
assume ~dir.pending;
assume ~dir.dirty;
assume cache(home).invmarked;
cache(home).invmarked := false
action pi_Remote_Get = {
assume src ~= home;
assume cache(src).state = invalid;
assume cache(src).wait = none;
cache(src).wait := get;
net.get(src,home) := true;
src := *
# action ni_Local_Get_nak = {
# assume net.get(src,home);
# assume home ~= src;
# assume ~rp_net(src);
# assume dir.pending | (dir.dirty & dir.local_ & cache(home).state~=exclusive) | (dir.dirty & ~dir.local_ & src = dir.hptr);
# net.get(src,home) := false;
# net.nak(home,src) := true
# }
# action ni_Local_Get = {
# assume net.get(src,home);
# assume home ~= src;
# assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty & ~ rp_net(src) & ~cache(src).invmarked;
# net.get(src,home) := false;
# net.put(home,src) := true;
# if (dir.head) {
# dir.list := true;
# dir.shlist(src) := true;
# dir.real := dir.shlist # what is this?
# }
# else {
# dir.head := true;
# dir.hptr := src
# }
# }
action ni_Local_Get = {
assume net.get(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty & ~ rp_net(src) & ~cache(src).invmarked;
net.get(src,home) := false;
net.put(home,src) := true;
dir.head := true;
dir.hptr := src;
dir.shlist(src) := true;
src := *
action ni_Local_Get_fwd = {
assume net.get(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & dir.dirty & ~dir.local_ & src ~= dir.hptr;
net.get(src,home) := false;
dir.pending := true;
net.get(src,dir.hptr) := true;
src := *
action ni_Remote_Put = {
assume dst ~= home;
assume net.put(src,dst);
net.put(src,dst) := false;
cache(dst).wait := none;
cache(dst).state := shared;
src := *;
dst := *
# Non-deterministically drop a shared line from the cache. Send an rp message.
# informing the directory.
action pi_Remote_Replace = {
assume cache(src).state=shared & cache(src).wait=none & src ~= home;
cache(src).state := invalid;
rp_net(src) := true;
src := *
# Directory receives a replace message, removes sender from sharing list, assuming it is not head.
action ni_Replace_list = {
assume rp_net(src);
assume dir.hptr ~= src;
rp_net(src) := false;
dir.shlist(src) := false;
dir.real(src) := false;
src := *
# Remote is invalid and wants an exclusive copy
action pi_Remote_GetX = {
assume cache(src).state=invalid & cache(src).wait=none & src ~= home;
cache(src).wait := getX;
net.getX(src,home) := true;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when no invalidation is needed, that is, there is no exclusive
# copy and either the sharing list is empty or it contains only the
# source.
action ni_Local_GetX = {
assume net.getX(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty;
assume ~dir.head | src = dir.hptr;
assume ~dir.head | ~dir.shlist(X) | X = src;
net.getX(src,home) := false;
dir.dirty := true;
dir.head := true;
dir.hptr := src;
dir.real(X) := X = src;
dir.shlist(X) := X = src;
net.putX(home,src) := true;
real_owner := src; # ghost
cache(home).state := invalid;
cache(home).invmarked := (cache(home).wait = get & dir.local_) | cache(home).invmarked;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when the request is nak'd
action ni_Local_GetX_nak = {
assume net.getX(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume dir.pending | dir.dirty & cache(home).state ~= exclusive | src = dir.hptr;
net.getX(src,home) := false;
net.nak(home,src) := true;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when the request is pended.
action ni_Local_GetX_pend = {
assume net.getX(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & dir.dirty & ~dir.local_ & src ~= dir.hptr;
net.getX(src,home) := false;
dir.pending := true;
collecting := false;
net.getX(src,dir.hptr) := true;
fwd_get := getX;
requester := src;
src := *
# Directory receives an exclusive request. This action handles the
# case when invalidations are sent out.
action ni_localGetX_inv = {
assume net.getX(src,home);
assume home ~= src;
assume ~dir.pending & ~dir.dirty & ~dir.local_;
assume dir.head;
assume src ~= dir.hptr | (dir.shlist(dst) & dst~=src);
net.getX(src,home) := false;
invnet(X) := X ~= home & X ~= src & dir.shlist(X);
collecting := true;
# m1 := m;
# last_other_invack := (dir.hptr ~= src) ? dir.hptr . {i . i in Proc, dir.shlist(i) & i~=src};
cache(home).invmarked := (cache(home).wait = get & dir.local_) | cache(home).invmarked;
dir.local_ := false;
dir.dirty := true;
dir.head := true;
dir.hptr := src;
dir.pending := true;
dir.real(X) := X ~= home & X ~= src & dir.shlist(X);
dir.shlist(X) := X = src;
net.putX(home,src) := true;
real_owner := src;
cache(home).state := invalid;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_Remote_PutX = {
assume net.putX(src,dst);
assume dst~=home & cache(dst).wait = getX;
net.putX(src,dst) := false;
cache(dst).wait :=none;
cache(dst).invmarked := false;
cache(dst).state :=exclusive;
src := *;
dst := *
action pi_Remote_PutX = {
assume cache(src).state = exclusive & src ~= home; # cache(src).wait=none ???
cache(src).state := invalid;
wbnet.proc := src;
wbnet.wb := true;
src := *
action ni_Inv = {
assume invnet(dst) & dst~=home;
invnet(dst) := false;
invack(dst) := true;
cache(dst).invmarked := (cache(dst).wait = get) | cache(dst).invmarked;
cache(dst).state := invalid;
dst := *
action ni_InvAck = {
assume dir.pending & invack(src) & src~=home;
assume dir.real(dst) & dst ~= src;
invack(src) := false;
dir.real(src) := false;
# last_invack := src;
# last_other_invack := {i : i in Proc, dir.real(i) & i ~= src};
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_InvAck_last = {
assume dir.pending & invack(src) & src~=home;
assume ~dir.real(X) | X = src;
dir.pending := false;
collecting := false;
# m1 := undefined; ???
invack(src) := false;
dir.real(src) := false;
# last_invack := src;
if ( dir.local_ & ~ dir.dirty) {
dir.local_ := false
action ni_WB = {
assume wbnet.wb;
wbnet.wb := false;
dir.dirty := false;
dir.head := false;
dir.shlist(X) := false;
last_WB := wbnet.proc
action ni_Remote_GetX_nak = {
assume net.getX(src,dst);
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state ~= exclusive;
net.getX(src,dst) := false;
fwd_get := none;
# fwd_src := src;
nakc := true;
net.nak(dst,src) := true;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_Remote_GetX_fwd = {
assume net.getX(src,dst);
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state = exclusive;
net.getX(src,dst) := false;
cache(dst).state := invalid;
fwd_get := none;
# fwd_src := src;
net.putX(dst,src) := true;
real_owner := src;
if src~=home {
net.fack(src,home) := true
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_FAck = {
assume net.fack(src,home);
net.fack(src,home) := false;
dir.pending := false;
if dir.dirty {
dir.hptr := src;
dir.shlist(X) := X = src
src := *
action ni_Remote_Get_nak = {
assume net.get(src,dst);
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state ~= exclusive;
net.get(src,dst) := false;
fwd_get := none;
# fwd_src := src;
nakc := true;
net.nak(dst,src) := true;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_Remote_Get_fwd = {
assume net.get(src,dst);
assume dst ~=src & dst ~= home & cache(dst).state = exclusive;
net.get(src,dst) := false;
# assume ~cache(src).invmarked; TODO: ???
cache(dst).state := shared;
fwd_get := none;
# fwd_src := src;
net.put(dst,src) := true;
if src~=home {
real_owner := home;
net.shwb(src,home) := true
# shwb_src := dst;
src := *;
dst := *
action ni_ShWB = {
assume net.shwb(src,home);
net.shwb(src,home) := false;
dir.pending := false;
dir.dirty := false;
dir.shlist(src) := true;
dir.real(X) := dir.shlist(X);
# last_WB := shwb_src;
src := *
action ni_NAK_Clear = {
assume nakc;
dir.pending := false;
nakc := false
export pi_Local_Get_dirty
export pi_Local_Get
export pi_Local_Get_im
export pi_Remote_Get
#export ni_Local_Get_nak
#export ni_Local_Get
export ni_Local_Get
export ni_Local_Get_fwd
export ni_Remote_Put
export pi_Remote_Replace
export ni_Replace_list
export pi_Remote_GetX
export ni_Local_GetX
export ni_Local_GetX_nak
export ni_Local_GetX_pend
export ni_localGetX_inv
export ni_Remote_PutX
export pi_Remote_PutX
export ni_Inv
export ni_InvAck
export ni_InvAck_last
export ni_WB
export ni_Remote_GetX_nak
export ni_Remote_GetX_fwd
export ni_FAck
export ni_Remote_Get_nak
export ni_Remote_Get_fwd
export ni_ShWB
export ni_NAK_Clear
invariant [coherent]
cache(X).state = exclusive -> X = real_owner
invariant [nodups]
cache(X).state = exclusive -> dir.dirty & ~wbnet.wb & ~net.shwb(Y,home)
invariant net.putX(X,Y) -> Y = real_owner & dir.dirty & ~wbnet.wb & ~net.shwb(Z,home) & cache(Z).state ~= exclusive
invariant net.shwb(Z,home) -> dir.dirty & ~wbnet.wb & ~net.putX(X,Y) & cache(X).state ~= exclusive
invariant wbnet.wb -> dir.dirty & ~net.putX(X,Y) & ~net.shwb(Z,home) & cache(X).state ~= exclusive
invariant net.putX(X,Y) & net.putX(Z,Y) -> X = Z
invariant net.shwb(X,home) & net.shwb(Z,home) -> X = Z
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#lang ivy1.6
include indexset
instance bss : unbounded_sequence
instance idx : unbounded_sequence
instance s : indexset(bss,idx)
isolate iso = s with idx,bss
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#lang ivy1.6
type node
type value
type quorum
relation member(N:node, Q:quorum)
axiom forall Q1:quorum, Q2:quorum. exists N:node. member(N, Q1) & member(N, Q2)
relation vote(N:node, V:value)
relation decision(V:value)
init ~vote(N,V)
init ~decision(V)
action cast_vote(n:node, v:value) = {
assume ~vote(n,V);
vote(n, v) := true
action decide(v:value, q:quorum) = {
assume member(N, q) -> vote(N, v);
decision(v) := true
export cast_vote
export decide
# safety property:
conjecture decision(V1) & decision(V2) -> V1 = V2
# inductive invariant:
conjecture vote(N,V1) & vote(N,V2) -> V1 = V2
conjecture decision(V) -> exists Q:quorum. forall N:node. member(N, Q) -> vote(N,V)
interpret quorum -> bv[2]
interpret node -> bv[2]
interpret value -> bv[2]
@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
from parser1 import *
from python1 import *
defwhite = WhiteSpace(RegEx(Unit,'([ \t\n]|(#[^\n]*))*',dflt=' '))
with defwhite:
grammar = Grammar (
rules =
[ Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'Ident' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = ':' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'Field' ) , lhs = 'Field' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) , Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Field' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'fields'
) , Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'StructType' ) ,
lhs = 'Type' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'type' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Type' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'TypeDecl' ) , lhs = 'TypeDecl' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Alt (
elems =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp = '([^\']|(\\\'\\\'))*'
) , fld = 'text' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'Exact' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '~' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp = '([^\']|(\\\'\\\'))*'
) , fld = 'exp' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'RegEx' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'nowhite' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'NoWhite' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'meta' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Meta' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'line' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Line' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'indent' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Indent' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'escape' ) ,
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'spec'
) ,
Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) )
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Escape' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'breakable' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Breakable' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '<' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'fld' ) , Exact ( text = ':=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) , Exact ( text = '>' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Assign' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ,
Option (
elem =
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Exact' ) ,
fld = 'delim' ) ) ,
Exact ( text = '...' ) ,
Option (
elem =
Assign ( fmt = Exact ( text = '+' ) ,
fld = 'plus' ) ) ,
Exact ( text = ']' ) ] ) , cls = 'List' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) , cls = 'Seq' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'cls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Struct' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) , cls = 'NonTerm' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '?' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'elem' ) ] ) , cls = 'Option' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'Alt' ) ] ) ,
lhs = 'Format' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '([^\']|(\\\'\\\'))*' )
, fld = 'text' ) , Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'Exact' ) , lhs = 'Exact' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'format' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' )
, fld = 'lhs' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
, fld = 'rhs' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Rule' ) ) , fld = 'rules' ) , cls = 'Grammar'
) , lhs = 'Grammar' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Assign ( fmt = List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'TypeDecl' ) )
, fld = 'typedecls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Grammar' ) ,
fld = 'grammar' ) , Exact ( text = '>>>' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '.*' ) , fld = 'code' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Top' ) , lhs = 'Top' ) ,
Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'PyIdent' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'lhs' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) , fld = 'rhs' ) ]
) , cls = 'PyArg' ) , lhs = 'PyArg' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'func' ) ,
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyArg' )
, delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) ,
fld = 'args' ) , Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) ]
) , cls = 'PyApply' ) , lhs = 'PyApply' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'elems' )
, Exact ( text = ']' ) ] ) , cls = 'PyList' ) ,
lhs = 'PyList' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '([^\']|(\\\'\\\'))*' )
, fld = 'val' ) , Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'PyStr' ) , lhs = 'PyStr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Alt (
elems =
[ NonTerm ( name = 'PyApply' ) , NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) ,
NonTerm ( name = 'PyList' ) , NonTerm ( name = 'PyStr' ) ] ) ,
lhs = 'PyExpr' ) ] )
class Field(Format):
def __init__(self,name,type):
self.name,self.type = name,type
class NamedType(Format):
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
class StructType(Format):
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
class TypeDecl(Format):
def __init__(self,name,type):
self.name,self.type = name,type
class Top(Format):
def __init__(self,typedecls,grammar):
self.typedecls,self.grammar = typedecls,grammar
src = "stage3.src"
obj = "stage3.py"
with defwhite:
with grammar:
with PyExprSemantics():
thing = parse_file("Top",src)
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
with open(obj,"w") as f:
f.write("from parser1 import *\n")
f.write("from python1 import *\n")
for t in thing.find('typedecls').elems:
f.write("class {}(Format):\n".format(t.find('name').val))
flds = t.find('type').find('fields').elems
f.write(" def __init__(self,{}):\n".format(",".join(fl.find('name').val for fl in flds)))
for fl in flds:
fldnm = fl.find('name').val
f.write(" self.{} = {}\n".format(fldnm,fldnm))
f.write("with ivywhite: grammar = ")
@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
from parser1 import *
from python1 import *
class Field(Format):
def __init__(self,name,type):
self.name = name
self.type = type
class StructType(Format):
def __init__(self,fields):
self.fields = fields
class TypeDecl(Format):
def __init__(self,name,type):
self.name = name
self.type = type
class Top(Format):
def __init__(self,typedecls,grammar,code):
self.typedecls = typedecls
self.grammar = grammar
self.code = code
with ivywhite: grammar = Grammar (
rules =
[ Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'Ident' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = ':' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'Field' ) , lhs = 'Field' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) , Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Field' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'fields'
) , Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'StructType' ) ,
lhs = 'Type' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'type' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Type' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'TypeDecl' ) , lhs = 'TypeDecl' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'func' ) ,
Option (
elem =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'Expr'
) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' )
) , fld = 'args' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Apply' ) , lhs = 'Apply' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Assign (
fmt =
List ( delim = Exact ( text = '.' ) ,
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Apply' ) , plus = '+' )
, fld = 'apps' ) ] ) , cls = 'Expr' ) , lhs = 'Expr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Alt (
elems =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp = '([^\']|(\\\'\\\'))*'
) , fld = 'text' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'Exact' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '~' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp = '([^\']|(\\\'\\\'))*'
) , fld = 'exp' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'RegEx' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'nowhite' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'NoWhite' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'meta' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Meta' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'line' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Line' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'indent' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Indent' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'escape' ) ,
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'spec'
) ,
Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) )
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Escape' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'breakable' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Breakable' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '<' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'fld' ) , Exact ( text = ':=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) , Exact ( text = '>' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Assign' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ,
Option (
elem =
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Exact' ) ,
fld = 'delim' ) ) ,
Exact ( text = '...' ) , Exact ( text = ']' ) ]
) , cls = 'List' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) , cls = 'Seq' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'cls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Struct' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'var' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) , Exact ( text = ':=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Expr' ) ,
fld = 'value' ) , Exact ( text = 'in' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Var' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '$' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Expr' ) ,
fld = 'expr' ) , Exact ( text = '$' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'EvalExpr' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) , cls = 'NonTerm' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '?' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'elem' ) ] ) , cls = 'Option' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'Alt' ) ] ) ,
lhs = 'Format' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '([^\']|(\\\'\\\'))*' )
, fld = 'text' ) , Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'Exact' ) , lhs = 'Exact' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'format' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' )
, fld = 'lhs' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
, fld = 'rhs' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Rule' ) ) , fld = 'rules' ) , cls = 'Grammar'
) , lhs = 'Grammar' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Assign ( fmt = List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'TypeDecl' ) )
, fld = 'typedecls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Grammar' ) ,
fld = 'grammar' ) , Exact ( text = '>>>' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '.*' ) , fld = 'code' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Top' ) , lhs = 'Top' ) ,
Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'PyIdent' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) , fld = 'value' )
] ) , cls = 'MetaField' ) , lhs = 'PyArg' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'cls' ) ,
Breakable (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'PyArg'
) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' )
) , fld = 'args' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) ) ] ) ,
cls = 'MetaStruct' ) , lhs = 'PyApply' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'elems' )
, Exact ( text = ']' ) ] ) , cls = 'MetaList' ) ,
lhs = 'PyList' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
Escape (
fmt =
RegEx ( exp = '([^\']|(\\\'\\\'))*'
) , spec = '\\\\\'' ) ,
fld = 'val' ) , Exact ( text = '\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'MetaString' ) , lhs = 'PyStr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Meta (
fmt =
Alt (
elems =
[ NonTerm ( name = 'PyApply' ) , NonTerm ( name = 'PyList' ) ,
NonTerm ( name = 'PyStr' ) ] ) ) , lhs = 'PyExpr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'class ' ) ,
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '(Format):' ) ] ) ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
Struct (
fmt =
Indent (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
'def __init__(self,'
] )
) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
Struct (
' = '
) )
, fld = 'fields' ) ]
) ) , cls = 'StructType' ) ,
fld = 'type' ) ] ) , cls = 'TypeDecl' ) ,
lhs = 'PyTypeDecl' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Line ( fmt = Exact ( text = 'from parser1 import *' ) ) ,
Assign (
fmt = List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyTypeDecl' ) ) ,
fld = 'typedecls' ) ,
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Exact (
text = 'with ivywhite: grammar = ' )
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) ,
fld = 'grammar' ) ] ) ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '.*' ) , fld = 'code' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Top' ) , lhs = 'PyTop' ) ] )
src = "stage4.src"
obj = "stage4.py"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("Top",src)
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
from parser1 import *
with ivywhite: grammar = Grammar (
rules =
Rule (
rhs = List ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , delim = Exact ( text = '+' ) )
, lhs = 'inp' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Var (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
EvalExpr (
expr =
Expr (
apps =
[ Apply ( func = 'sum' ) ,
Apply (
args =
Expr (
apps =
Apply (
func = 'this' )
] ) ] , func = 'add'
) ] ) ) ) , name = 'sum' ,
value =
Expr (
apps =
Apply (
args = [ Expr ( apps = [ Apply ( func = 'foo' ) ] ) ] ,
func = 'set' ) ] ) ) , lhs = 'out' ) ] )
src = "test1_inp.txt"
obj = "test1_out.txt"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("inp",src)
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# This is the stage three compiler
# These are the data type not already resent in the Python preamble
# The field types are just placeholders. They are not currently checked.
type Field = struct
name : str,
type : Type
type StructType = struct
fields : FieldList
type TypeDecl = struct
name : str,
type : StructType
type Top = struct
typedecls : TypeDeclList,
grammar : Grammar,
code : str
# This is the input format
format Ident = ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+'
format Field =
struct Field ( < name := Ident > ':' < type := Ident > )
format Type =
struct StructType ( 'struct' '{' < fields := [ Field ',' ...] > '}' )
format TypeDecl =
struct TypeDecl ( 'type' < name := Ident > '=' < type := Type> )
format Format =
struct Exact nowhite ( '''' < text := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
struct RegEx nowhite ( '~' '''' < exp := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
struct NoWhite ( 'nowhite' < fmt := Format > )
struct Meta ( 'meta' < fmt := Format > )
struct Line ( 'line' < fmt := Format > )
struct Indent ( 'indent' < fmt := Format > )
struct Escape ( 'escape' nowhite ( '''' < spec := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' ) < fmt := Format > )
struct Breakable ( 'breakable' < fmt := Format > )
struct Assign ( '<' < fld := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > ':=' < fmt := Format > '>' )
struct List ( '[' < fmt := Format > ? < delim := Exact > '...' ']' )
struct Seq ( '(' < elems := [ Format ... ] > ')' )
struct Struct ( 'struct' < cls := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > < fmt := Format > )
struct NonTerm < name := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > struct Option ( '?' < elem := Format > )
struct Alt ( '{' < elems := [ Format ... ] > '}' )
format Exact = struct Exact nowhite ( '''' < text := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
format Grammar =
struct Grammar
< rules :=
[ struct Rule ( 'format' < lhs := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > '=' < rhs := Format > ) ... ] >
format Top =
struct Top ( < typedecls := [ TypeDecl ... ] > < grammar := Grammar > '>>>' < code := ~'.*' > )
# The output format
format PyIdent = ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+'
format PyArg = struct MetaField ( < name := PyIdent > '=' < value := PyExpr > )
format PyApply = struct MetaStruct ( < cls := PyIdent > breakable ( '(' < args := [ PyArg ',' ... ] > ')' ) )
format PyList = struct MetaList ( '[' < elems := [ PyExpr ',' ... ] > ']' )
format PyStr = struct MetaString nowhite ( '''' < val := escape '\\''' ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
format PyExpr = meta { PyApply PyList PyStr}
format PyTypeDecl = struct TypeDecl (
line ( 'class ' < name := PyIdent > '(Format):' )
< type := struct StructType indent (
line ( 'def __init__(self,' < fields := [ struct Field < name := PyIdent > ',' ... ] > '):' )
< fields := [ struct Field indent line ( 'self.' < name := PyIdent > ' = ' < name := PyIdent > ) ... ] > ) > )
format PyTop = struct Top (
line 'from parser1 import *'
< typedecls := [ PyTypeDecl ... ] >
line ( 'with ivywhite: grammar = ' < grammar := PyExpr > )
< code := ~'.*' > )
src = "stage5.src"
obj = "stage5.py"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("Top",src)
@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
from parser1 import *
class Field (Format):
def __init__(self, name , type ):
self. name = name
self. type = type
class StructType (Format):
def __init__(self, fields ):
self. fields = fields
class TypeDecl (Format):
def __init__(self, name , type ):
self. name = name
self. type = type
class Top (Format):
def __init__(self, typedecls , grammar , code ):
self. typedecls = typedecls
self. grammar = grammar
self. code = code
with ivywhite: grammar = Grammar (
rules =
[ Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'Ident' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = ':' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'Field' ) , lhs = 'Field' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) , Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Field' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'fields'
) , Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'StructType' ) ,
lhs = 'Type' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'type' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Type' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'TypeDecl' ) , lhs = 'TypeDecl' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Alt (
elems =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'text' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'Exact' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '~' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'exp' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'RegEx' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'nowhite' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'NoWhite' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'meta' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Meta' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'line' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Line' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'indent' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Indent' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'escape' ) ,
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'spec'
) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] )
) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Escape' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'breakable' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Breakable' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '<' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'fld' ) , Exact ( text = ':=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) , Exact ( text = '>' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Assign' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ,
Option (
elem =
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Exact' ) ,
fld = 'delim' ) ) ,
Exact ( text = '...' ) , Exact ( text = ']' ) ]
) , cls = 'List' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) , cls = 'Seq' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'cls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Struct' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) , cls = 'NonTerm' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '?' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'elem' ) ] ) , cls = 'Option' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'Alt' ) ] ) ,
lhs = 'Format' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx ( exp = '([^\'\']|(\\\'\'\\\'\'))*' )
, fld = 'text' ) , Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) )
, cls = 'Exact' ) , lhs = 'Exact' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'format' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' )
, fld = 'lhs' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
, fld = 'rhs' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Rule' ) ) , fld = 'rules' ) , cls = 'Grammar'
) , lhs = 'Grammar' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Assign ( fmt = List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'TypeDecl' ) )
, fld = 'typedecls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Grammar' ) ,
fld = 'grammar' ) , Exact ( text = '>>>' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '.*' ) , fld = 'code' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Top' ) , lhs = 'Top' ) ,
Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'PyIdent' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) , fld = 'value' )
] ) , cls = 'MetaField' ) , lhs = 'PyArg' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'cls' ) ,
Breakable (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'PyArg'
) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' )
) , fld = 'args' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) ) ] ) ,
cls = 'MetaStruct' ) , lhs = 'PyApply' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'elems' )
, Exact ( text = ']' ) ] ) , cls = 'MetaList' ) ,
lhs = 'PyList' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
Escape (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , spec = '\\\\\'\'' ) ,
fld = 'val' ) , Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'MetaString' ) , lhs = 'PyStr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Meta (
fmt =
Alt (
elems =
[ NonTerm ( name = 'PyApply' ) , NonTerm ( name = 'PyList' ) ,
NonTerm ( name = 'PyStr' ) ] ) ) , lhs = 'PyExpr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'class ' ) ,
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '(Format):' ) ] ) ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
Struct (
fmt =
Indent (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
'def __init__(self,'
] )
) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
Struct (
' = '
) )
, fld = 'fields' ) ]
) ) , cls = 'StructType' ) ,
fld = 'type' ) ] ) , cls = 'TypeDecl' ) ,
lhs = 'PyTypeDecl' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Line ( fmt = Exact ( text = 'from parser1 import *' ) ) ,
Assign (
fmt = List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyTypeDecl' ) ) ,
fld = 'typedecls' ) ,
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Exact (
text = 'with ivywhite: grammar = ' )
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) ,
fld = 'grammar' ) ] ) ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '.*' ) , fld = 'code' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Top' ) , lhs = 'PyTop' ) ] )
src = "stage6.src"
obj = "stage6.py"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("Top",src)
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# This is the stage three compiler
# These are the data type not already resent in the Python preamble
# The field types are just placeholders. They are not currently checked.
type Field = struct
name : str,
type : Type
type StructType = struct
fields : FieldList
type TypeDecl = struct
name : str,
type : StructType
type Top = struct
typedecls : TypeDeclList,
grammar : Grammar,
code : str
# This is the input format
format Ident = ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+'
format Field =
struct Field ( < name := Ident > ':' < type := Ident > )
format Type =
struct StructType ( 'struct' '{' < fields := [ Field ',' ...] > '}' )
format TypeDecl =
struct TypeDecl ( 'type' < name := Ident > '=' < type := Type> )
format Format =
struct Exact nowhite ( '''' < text := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
struct RegEx nowhite ( '~' '''' < exp := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
struct NoWhite ( 'nowhite' < fmt := Format > )
struct Meta ( 'meta' < fmt := Format > )
struct Line ( 'line' < fmt := Format > )
struct Indent ( 'indent' < fmt := Format > )
struct Escape ( 'escape' nowhite ( '''' < spec := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' ) < fmt := Format > )
struct Breakable ( 'breakable' < fmt := Format > )
struct Assign ( '<' < fld := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > ':=' < fmt := Format > '>' )
struct List ( '[' < fmt := Format > ? < delim := Exact > '...' ']' )
struct Seq ( '(' < elems := [ Format ... ] > ')' )
struct Struct ( 'struct' < cls := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > < fmt := Format > )
struct NonTerm < name := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > struct Option ( '?' < elem := Format > )
struct Alt ( '{' < elems := [ Format ... ] > '}' )
format Exact = struct Exact nowhite ( '''' < text := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
format Grammar =
struct Grammar
< rules :=
[ struct Rule ( 'format' < lhs := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > '=' < rhs := Format > ) ... ] >
format Top =
struct Top ( < typedecls := [ TypeDecl ... ] > < grammar := Grammar > '>>>' < code := ~'.*' > )
# The output format
format PyIdent = ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+'
format PyArg = struct MetaField ( < name := PyIdent > '=' < value := PyExpr > )
format PyApply = struct MetaStruct ( < cls := PyIdent > breakable ( '(' < args := [ PyArg ',' ... ] > ')' ) )
format PyList = struct MetaList ( '[' < elems := [ PyExpr ',' ... ] > ']' )
format PyStr = struct MetaString nowhite ( '''' < val := escape '\\''' ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
format PyExpr = meta { PyApply PyList PyStr}
format PyTypeDecl = struct TypeDecl (
line ( 'class ' < name := PyIdent > '(Format):' )
< type := struct StructType indent (
line ( 'def __init__(self,' < fields := [ struct Field < name := PyIdent > ',' ... ] > '):' )
< fields := [ struct Field indent line ( 'self.' < name := PyIdent > ' = ' < name := PyIdent > ) ... ] > ) > )
format PyTop = struct Top (
line 'from parser1 import *'
< typedecls := [ PyTypeDecl ... ] >
line ( 'with ivywhite: grammar = ' < grammar := PyExpr > )
< code := ~'.*' > )
src = "stage6.src"
obj = "stage6.py"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("Top",src)
@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
from parser1 import *
class Field (Format):
def __init__(self, name , type ):
self. name = name
self. type = type
class StructType (Format):
def __init__(self, fields ):
self. fields = fields
class TypeDecl (Format):
def __init__(self, name , type ):
self. name = name
self. type = type
class Top (Format):
def __init__(self, typedecls , grammar , code ):
self. typedecls = typedecls
self. grammar = grammar
self. code = code
with ivywhite: grammar = Grammar (
rules =
[ Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'Ident' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = ':' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'Field' ) , lhs = 'Field' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) , Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Field' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'fields'
) , Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'StructType' ) ,
lhs = 'Type' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'type' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Type' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'TypeDecl' ) , lhs = 'TypeDecl' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Alt (
elems =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'text' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'Exact' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '~' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'exp' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'RegEx' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'nowhite' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'NoWhite' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'meta' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Meta' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'line' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Line' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'indent' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Indent' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'escape' ) ,
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'spec'
) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] )
) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Escape' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'breakable' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Breakable' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '<' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'fld' ) , Exact ( text = ':=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) , Exact ( text = '>' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Assign' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ,
Option (
elem =
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Exact' ) ,
fld = 'delim' ) ) ,
Exact ( text = '...' ) , Exact ( text = ']' ) ]
) , cls = 'List' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) , cls = 'Seq' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'cls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Struct' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) , cls = 'NonTerm' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '?' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'elem' ) ] ) , cls = 'Option' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'Alt' ) ] ) ,
lhs = 'Format' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx ( exp = '([^\'\']|(\\\'\'\\\'\'))*' )
, fld = 'text' ) , Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) )
, cls = 'Exact' ) , lhs = 'Exact' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'format' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' )
, fld = 'lhs' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
, fld = 'rhs' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Rule' ) ) , fld = 'rules' ) , cls = 'Grammar'
) , lhs = 'Grammar' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Assign ( fmt = List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'TypeDecl' ) )
, fld = 'typedecls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Grammar' ) ,
fld = 'grammar' ) , Exact ( text = '>>>' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '.*' ) , fld = 'code' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Top' ) , lhs = 'Top' ) ,
Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'PyIdent' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) , fld = 'value' )
] ) , cls = 'MetaField' ) , lhs = 'PyArg' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'cls' ) ,
Breakable (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'PyArg'
) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' )
) , fld = 'args' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) ) ] ) ,
cls = 'MetaStruct' ) , lhs = 'PyApply' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'elems' )
, Exact ( text = ']' ) ] ) , cls = 'MetaList' ) ,
lhs = 'PyList' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
Escape (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , spec = '\\\\\'\'' ) ,
fld = 'val' ) , Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'MetaString' ) , lhs = 'PyStr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Meta (
fmt =
Alt (
elems =
[ NonTerm ( name = 'PyApply' ) , NonTerm ( name = 'PyList' ) ,
NonTerm ( name = 'PyStr' ) ] ) ) , lhs = 'PyExpr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'class ' ) ,
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '(Format):' ) ] ) ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
Struct (
fmt =
Indent (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
'def __init__(self,'
] )
) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
Struct (
' = '
) )
, fld = 'fields' ) ]
) ) , cls = 'StructType' ) ,
fld = 'type' ) ] ) , cls = 'TypeDecl' ) ,
lhs = 'PyTypeDecl' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Line ( fmt = Exact ( text = 'from parser1 import *' ) ) ,
Assign (
fmt = List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyTypeDecl' ) ) ,
fld = 'typedecls' ) ,
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Exact (
text = 'with ivywhite: grammar = ' )
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) ,
fld = 'grammar' ) ] ) ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '.*' ) , fld = 'code' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Top' ) , lhs = 'PyTop' ) ] )
src = "stage7.src"
obj = "stage7.py"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("Top",src)
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# This is the stage three compiler
# These are the data type not already resent in the Python preamble
# The field types are just placeholders. They are not currently checked.
type Field = struct
name : str,
type : Type
type StructType = struct
fields : FieldList
type TypeDecl = struct
name : str,
type : StructType
type Top = struct
typedecls : TypeDeclList,
grammar : Grammar,
code : str
# This is the input format
format Ident = ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+'
format Field =
struct Field ( < name := Ident > ':' < type := Ident > )
format Type =
struct StructType ( 'struct' '{' < fields := [ Field ',' ...] > '}' )
format TypeDecl =
struct TypeDecl ( 'type' < name := Ident > '=' < type := Type> )
format Format =
struct Exact nowhite ( '''' < text := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
struct RegEx nowhite ( '~' '''' < exp := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
struct NoWhite ( 'nowhite' < fmt := Format > )
struct Meta ( 'meta' < fmt := Format > )
struct Line ( 'line' < fmt := Format > )
struct Indent ( 'indent' < fmt := Format > )
struct Escape ( 'escape' nowhite ( '''' < spec := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' ) < fmt := Format > )
struct Breakable ( 'breakable' < fmt := Format > )
struct Assign ( '<' < fld := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > ':=' < fmt := Format > '>' )
struct List ( '[' < fmt := Format > ? < delim := Exact > '...' ']' )
struct Seq ( '(' < elems := [ Format ... ] > ')' )
struct Struct ( 'struct' < cls := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > < fmt := Format > )
struct NonTerm < name := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > struct Option ( '?' < elem := Format > )
struct Alt ( '{' < elems := [ Format ... ] > '}' )
format Exact = struct Exact nowhite ( '''' < text := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
format Grammar =
struct Grammar
< rules :=
[ struct Rule ( 'format' < lhs := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > '=' < rhs := Format > ) ... ] >
format Top =
struct Top ( < typedecls := [ TypeDecl ... ] > < grammar := Grammar > '>>>' < code := ~'.*' > )
# The output format
format PyIdent = ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+'
format PyArg = struct MetaField ( < name := PyIdent > '=' < value := PyExpr > )
format PyApply = struct MetaStruct ( < cls := PyIdent > breakable ( '(' < args := [ PyArg ',' ... ] > ')' ) )
format PyList = struct MetaList ( '[' < elems := [ PyExpr ',' ... ] > ']' )
format PyStr = struct MetaString nowhite ( '''' < val := escape '\\''' ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
format PyExpr = meta { PyApply PyList PyStr}
format PyTypeDecl = struct TypeDecl (
line ( 'class ' < name := PyIdent > '(Format):' )
< type := struct StructType indent (
line ( 'def __init__(self,' < fields := [ struct Field < name := PyIdent > ',' ... ] > '):' )
< fields := [ struct Field indent line ( 'self.' < name := PyIdent > ' = ' < name := PyIdent > ) ... ] > ) > )
format PyTop = struct Top (
line 'from parser1 import *'
< typedecls := [ PyTypeDecl ... ] >
line ( 'with ivywhite: grammar = ' < grammar := PyExpr > )
< code := ~'.*' > )
src = "stage7.src"
obj = "stage7.py"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("Top",src)
@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
from parser1 import *
class Field (Format):
def __init__(self, name , type ):
self. name = name
self. type = type
class StructType (Format):
def __init__(self, fields ):
self. fields = fields
class TypeDecl (Format):
def __init__(self, name , type ):
self. name = name
self. type = type
class Top (Format):
def __init__(self, typedecls , grammar , code ):
self. typedecls = typedecls
self. grammar = grammar
self. code = code
with ivywhite: grammar = Grammar (
rules =
[ Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'Ident' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = ':' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'Field' ) , lhs = 'Field' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) , Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Field' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'fields'
) , Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'StructType' ) ,
lhs = 'Type' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'type' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Ident' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Type' ) , fld = 'type' ) ]
) , cls = 'TypeDecl' ) , lhs = 'TypeDecl' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Alt (
elems =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'text' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'Exact' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '~' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'exp' ) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'RegEx' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'nowhite' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'NoWhite' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'meta' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Meta' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'line' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Line' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'indent' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Indent' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'escape' ) ,
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , fld = 'spec'
) ,
Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] )
) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Escape' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'breakable' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Breakable' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '<' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'fld' ) , Exact ( text = ':=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) , Exact ( text = '>' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Assign' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ,
Option (
elem =
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Exact' ) ,
fld = 'delim' ) ) ,
Exact ( text = '...' ) , Exact ( text = ']' ) ]
) , cls = 'List' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) , cls = 'Seq' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'struct' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'cls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'fmt' ) ] ) , cls = 'Struct' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) , cls = 'NonTerm' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '?' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' ) ,
fld = 'elem' ) ] ) , cls = 'Option' ) ,
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '{' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
) , fld = 'elems' ) ,
Exact ( text = '}' ) ] ) , cls = 'Alt' ) ] ) ,
lhs = 'Format' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx ( exp = '([^\'\']|(\\\'\'\\\'\'))*' )
, fld = 'text' ) , Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) )
, cls = 'Exact' ) , lhs = 'Exact' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'format' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' )
, fld = 'lhs' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'Format' )
, fld = 'rhs' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Rule' ) ) , fld = 'rules' ) , cls = 'Grammar'
) , lhs = 'Grammar' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Assign ( fmt = List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'TypeDecl' ) )
, fld = 'typedecls' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'Grammar' ) ,
fld = 'grammar' ) , Exact ( text = '>>>' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '.*' ) , fld = 'code' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Top' ) , lhs = 'Top' ) ,
Rule ( rhs = RegEx ( exp = '[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' ) , lhs = 'PyIdent' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '=' ) ,
Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) , fld = 'value' )
] ) , cls = 'MetaField' ) , lhs = 'PyArg' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Assign ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) , fld = 'cls' ) ,
Breakable (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '(' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
NonTerm ( name = 'PyArg'
) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' )
) , fld = 'args' ) ,
Exact ( text = ')' ) ] ) ) ] ) ,
cls = 'MetaStruct' ) , lhs = 'PyApply' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '[' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) ,
delim = Exact ( text = ',' ) ) , fld = 'elems' )
, Exact ( text = ']' ) ] ) , cls = 'MetaList' ) ,
lhs = 'PyList' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
NoWhite (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
Escape (
fmt =
RegEx (
exp =
) , spec = '\\\\\'\'' ) ,
fld = 'val' ) , Exact ( text = '\'\'' ) ] ) ) ,
cls = 'MetaString' ) , lhs = 'PyStr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Meta (
fmt =
Alt (
elems =
[ NonTerm ( name = 'PyApply' ) , NonTerm ( name = 'PyList' ) ,
NonTerm ( name = 'PyStr' ) ] ) ) , lhs = 'PyExpr' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Exact ( text = 'class ' ) ,
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyIdent' ) ,
fld = 'name' ) ,
Exact ( text = '(Format):' ) ] ) ) ,
Assign (
fmt =
Struct (
fmt =
Indent (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
'def __init__(self,'
] )
) ,
Assign (
fmt =
List (
fmt =
Struct (
' = '
) )
, fld = 'fields' ) ]
) ) , cls = 'StructType' ) ,
fld = 'type' ) ] ) , cls = 'TypeDecl' ) ,
lhs = 'PyTypeDecl' ) ,
Rule (
rhs =
Struct (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
[ Line ( fmt = Exact ( text = 'from parser1 import *' ) ) ,
Assign (
fmt = List ( fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyTypeDecl' ) ) ,
fld = 'typedecls' ) ,
Line (
fmt =
Seq (
elems =
Exact (
text = 'with ivywhite: grammar = ' )
Assign (
fmt = NonTerm ( name = 'PyExpr' ) ,
fld = 'grammar' ) ] ) ) ,
Assign ( fmt = RegEx ( exp = '.*' ) , fld = 'code' ) ] ) ,
cls = 'Top' ) , lhs = 'PyTop' ) ] )
src = "stage8.src"
obj = "stage8.py"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("Top",src)
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# This is the stage three compiler
# These are the data type not already resent in the Python preamble
# The field types are just placeholders. They are not currently checked.
type Field = struct
name : str,
type : Type
type StructType = struct
fields : FieldList
type TypeDecl = struct
name : str,
type : StructType
type Top = struct
typedecls : TypeDeclList,
grammar : Grammar,
code : str
# This is the input format
format Ident = ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+'
format Field =
struct Field ( < name := Ident > ':' < type := Ident > )
format Type =
struct StructType ( 'struct' '{' < fields := [ Field ',' ...] > '}' )
format TypeDecl =
struct TypeDecl ( 'type' < name := Ident > '=' < type := Type> )
format Format =
struct Exact nowhite ( '''' < text := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
struct RegEx nowhite ( '~' '''' < exp := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
struct NoWhite ( 'nowhite' < fmt := Format > )
struct Meta ( 'meta' < fmt := Format > )
struct Line ( 'line' < fmt := Format > )
struct Indent ( 'indent' < fmt := Format > )
struct Escape ( 'escape' nowhite ( '''' < spec := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' ) < fmt := Format > )
struct Breakable ( 'breakable' < fmt := Format > )
struct Assign ( '<' < fld := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > ':=' < fmt := Format > '>' )
struct List ( '[' < fmt := Format > ? < delim := Exact > '...' ']' )
struct Seq ( '(' < elems := [ Format ... ] > ')' )
struct Struct ( 'struct' < cls := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > < fmt := Format > )
struct NonTerm < name := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > struct Option ( '?' < elem := Format > )
struct Alt ( '{' < elems := [ Format ... ] > '}' )
format Exact = struct Exact nowhite ( '''' < text := ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
format Grammar =
struct Grammar
< rules :=
[ struct Rule ( 'format' < lhs := ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' > '=' < rhs := Format > ) ... ] >
format Top =
struct Top ( < typedecls := [ TypeDecl ... ] > < grammar := Grammar > '>>>' < code := ~'.*' > )
# The output format
format PyIdent = ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+'
format PyArg = struct MetaField ( < name := PyIdent > '=' < value := PyExpr > )
format PyApply = struct MetaStruct ( < cls := PyIdent > breakable ( '(' < args := [ PyArg ',' ... ] > ')' ) )
format PyList = struct MetaList ( '[' < elems := [ PyExpr ',' ... ] > ']' )
format PyStr = struct MetaString nowhite ( '''' < val := escape '\\''' ~'([^'']|(\''\''))*' > '''' )
format PyExpr = meta { PyApply PyList PyStr}
format PyTypeDecl = struct TypeDecl (
line ( 'class ' < name := PyIdent > '(Format):' )
< type := struct StructType indent (
line ( 'def __init__(self,' < fields := [ struct Field < name := PyIdent > ',' ... ] > '):' )
< fields := [ struct Field indent line ( 'self.' < name := PyIdent > ' = ' < name := PyIdent > ) ... ] > ) > )
format PyTop = struct Top (
line 'from parser1 import *'
< typedecls := [ PyTypeDecl ... ] >
line ( 'with ivywhite: grammar = ' < grammar := PyExpr > )
< code := ~'.*' > )
src = "stage8.src"
obj = "stage8.py"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("Top",src)
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# This is a test of Eval
format inp = [ ~'[_a-zA-Z0-9]+' '+' ... ]
format out = var sum := set() [ $ sum.add(this) $ ... ]
src = "test1_inp.txt"
obj = "test1_out.txt"
with ivywhite:
with grammar:
with DefaultSemantics(globals()):
thing = parse_file("inp",src)
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
# coding: utf-8
import ivy_init
import ivy_logic as il
import ivy_module as im
import ivy_utils as iu
import ivy_actions as ia
import logic as lg
import logic_util as lu
import ivy_logic_utils as ilu
import ivy_compiler as ic
import ivy_isolate as iso
import ivy_ast
import itertools
import ivy_theory as ith
things = []
preamble = """
import .ivy_pl
namespace ivy
open ivy_logic
postamble = """
end ivy
def emit(str):
def emit_eol():
def sort_to_string(sort):
if isinstance(sort,lg.UninterpretedSort):
return '(sort.ui "' + sort.name + '")'
elif isinstance(sort,lg.BooleanSort):
return "sort.bool"
elif isinstance(sort,lg.FunctionSort):
return ('(' + ' × '.join(sort_to_string(s) for s in sort.domain) + ' ↦ ' +
sort_to_string(sort.range) + ')')
raise iu.IvyError(None,"enumerated sorts not supported yet")
def emit_symbol_def(sym):
emit('def ' + sym.name + ' := mk_cnst "' + sym.name + '" ' + sort_to_string(sym.sort))
def emit_expr(f):
if isinstance(f,lg.Var):
elif isinstance(f,lg.Const):
elif isinstance(f,lg.Apply):
emit(f.name + '(')
first = True
for x in f.terms:
if not first:
first = False
elif isinstance(f,lg.Eq) or isinstance(f,lg.Iff):
emit('(fmla.eq ')
emit(' ')
elif isinstance(f,lg.Ite):
emit('(ite_fmla ')
for idx in range(3):
emit(' ')
elif isinstance(f,lg.Not):
elif isinstance(f,lg.And) or isinstance(f,lg.Or):
if len(f.terms) == 0:
emit('ltrue' if isinstance(f,lg.And) else 'lfalse')
emit ('(')
first = True
for x in f.terms:
if not first:
emit('∧' if isinstance(f,lg.And) else '∨')
first = False
emit (')')
elif isinstance(f,lg.Implies):
emit(' ⇒ ')
elif isinstance(f,lg.Forall):
for v in f.variables:
emit('(fmla.proj ')
emit(' ')
for v in f.variables:
elif isinstance(f,lg.Exists):
for v in f.variables:
emit('(fmla.proj ')
emit(' ')
for v in f.variables:
elif isinstance(f,lg.Lambda):
for v in f.variables:
emit('(fmla.lambda ')
emit(' ')
for v in f.variables:
def emit_action(a):
if isinstance(a,ia.AssignAction):
vars = [(x if isinstance(x,lg.Variable) else lg.Variable('$V'+ str(idx)))
for x,idx in enumerate(a.args[0].args)]
emit(' ' + a.args[0].rep.name + ' ::= ')
rhs = a.args[1]
if len(vars) != 0:
cond = lg.And(*[lg.Eq(v,w) for v,w in zip(vars,a.args[0].args) if v != w])
rhs = lg.Ite(cond,rhs,lg.Apply(a.func,vars))
elif isinstance(a,ia.Sequence):
first = True
for x in a.args:
if not first:
first = False
emit (')')
elif isinstance(a,ia.IfAction):
emit('(PL.pterm.ite ')
if len(a.args) > 2:
raise iu.IvyError(a,'action not supported yet')
def main():
with im.Module():
for sym in il.all_symbols():
emit('def P := (PL.prog.letrec')
for name,act in im.module.actions.iteritems():
emit(' (@bndng.cons PL.pterm ("'+name+'",\n')
emit(' ) ')
emit(' (bndng.default PL.pterm.skip)')
for name,act in im.module.actions.iteritems():
exports = sorted(list(im.module.public_actions))
if len(exports) == 0:
emit('(('+ ' + '.join('(PL.pterm.call "'+x+'")' for x in exports) + ')**))')
basename = im.module.name
f = open(basename+'.lean','w')
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import ivy_lexer
import sys
f = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
count = 0
while True:
tok = ivy_lexer.lexer.token()
if not tok:
break # No more input
count += 1
print count
Ссылка в новой задаче