toy_consensus verifies but does not compile

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Ken McMillan 2017-12-12 18:37:42 -08:00
Родитель 81d1227a92
Коммит 30d3beea2b
7 изменённых файлов: 144 добавлений и 84 удалений

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@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ isolate nset = {
action add(s:nset, n : node) returns (s:nset)
specification {
invariant [majorities_intersect]
(majority(S) & majority(T)) -> exists N. member(N,S) & member(N,T)
after emptyset {
ensure ~member(N, s)
@ -31,6 +28,11 @@ isolate nset = {
private {
invariant [majorities_intersect]
(majority(S) & majority(T)) -> exists N. member(N,S) & member(N,T)
implementation {
interpret index -> int
function card(S:nset) : index
@ -55,7 +57,6 @@ isolate nset = {
card(S) := card(S) + 1 if member(i.val, S) else card(S);
i :=
assume member(N,all)
implement emptyset {
@ -106,29 +107,30 @@ isolate toy_protocol = {
with nset
with nset, nset.majorities_intersect
instance net : udp_simple(node,msg.t)
object msg_kind = {
type this = {request_vote, vote, leader}
object msg = {
type this = struct {
kind : msg_kind,
src : node,
vote : node
instance net : udp_simple(node,msg)
isolate shim = {
object msg_kind = {
type this = {request_vote, vote, leader}
object msg = {
type this = struct {
kind : msg_kind,
src : node,
vote : node
module handler(p_kind) = {
action handle(dst:node,m:msg.t)
action handle(dst:node,m:msg)
specification {
before handle {
require sent(m,dst) & m.m_kind = p_kind
require sent(m,dst) & m.kind = p_kind
@ -153,18 +155,18 @@ isolate shim = {
implementation {
action debug_sending(src:node,dst:node,m:msg.t)
action debug_recving(dst:node,m:msg.t)
action debug_sending(src:node,dst:node,m:msg)
action debug_recving(dst:node,m:msg)
implement net.recv(dst:node,m:msg.t) {
implement net.recv(dst:node,m:msg) {
call debug_recving(dst,m);
if m.m_kind = msg_kind.request_vote {
if m.kind = msg_kind.request_vote {
call request_vote.handle(dst,m)
else if m.m_kind = {
else if m.kind = {
call vote.handle(dst,m)
else if m.m_kind = msg_kind.leader {
else if m.kind = msg_kind.leader {
call leader.handle(dst,m)
@ -181,6 +183,9 @@ isolate shim = {
private {
invariant net.spec.sent(M,D) -> sent(M,D)
@ -189,60 +194,66 @@ isolate shim = {
isolate toy_system = {
invariant [safe] shim.sent(M1) & M1.kind = shim.msg_kind.leader
& shim.sent(M2) & M2.kind = shim.msg_kind.leader
-> M1.src = M2.src
relation alreadyvoted(N:node)
function voters(N:node) : nset
after init procedure init(self : node) {
specification {
invariant [safe] forall M1:msg, M2:msg.
shim.sent(M1,N1) & M1.kind = msg_kind.leader
& shim.sent(M2,N2) & M2.kind = msg_kind.leader
-> M1.src = M2.src
after init (self : node) {
alreadyvoted(self) := false;
voters(self) := nset.emptyset()
action request_vote(self : node) {
var msg : shim.msg;
msg.kind := shim.msg_kind.request_vote;
msg.src = self;
if ~alreadyvoted(self) {
alreadyvoted(self) := true
voters(self) := voters.add(self);,self) # ghost
implement shim.request_vote.handle(self : node, req : shim.msg) {
action request_vote(self : node) = {
var msg : msg;
msg.kind := msg_kind.request_vote;
msg.src := self;
call shim.bcast(self,msg);
if ~alreadyvoted(self) {
alreadyvoted(self) := true;
var reply : shim.msg;
reply.kind :=;
reply.src := self; := req.src;
voters(self) := voters(self).add(self);
call,self) # ghost
action receive vote(self : node, req : shim.msg) {
voters(self) := voters.self.add(req.src);
if nset.majority(voters(self)) {
reply : shim.msg;
reply.kind := shim.msg.leader;
implement shim.request_vote.handle(self : node, req : msg) {
if ~alreadyvoted(self) {
alreadyvoted(self) := true;
var reply : msg;
reply.kind :=;
reply.src := self;
toy protocol.become_leader(self, voters(self)) # ghost := req.src;
call shim.bcast(self,reply);
implement : node, req : msg) {
if = self {
voters(self) := voters(self).add(req.src);
if nset.majority(voters(self)) {
var reply : msg;
reply.kind := msg_kind.leader;
reply.src := self;
call shim.bcast(self,reply);
call toy_protocol.become_leader(self, voters(self)) # ghost
private {
invariant shim.sent(M) & M.kind = -> toy_protocol.voted(M.src,
# invariant shim.sent(M) & M.kind = shim.msg_kind.request -> toy_protocol.voted(M.src,M.src)
invariant forall M:msg. shim.sent(M,N) & M.kind = -> toy_protocol.voted(M.src,
# invariant shim.sent(M) & M.kind = msg_kind.request -> toy_protocol.voted(M.src,M.src)
invariant nset.member(N1 ,voters(N2)) -> toy_protocol.voted(N1,N2)
invariant shim.sent(M) & M.kind = shim.msg_kind.leader -> toy protocol.isleader(M.src)
invariant forall M:msg. shim.sent(M,N) & M.kind = msg_kind.leader -> toy_protocol.isleader(M.src)
invariant toy_protocol.voted(N1,N2) -> alreadyvoted(N1)
@ -252,5 +263,6 @@ isolate toy_system = {
} with nset, toy_protocol, shim
export toy_protocol.become_leader
export toy_system.request_vote
extract iso_impl(self:node) = toy_system(self),shim(self),net(self),nset,node

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@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class Variable(Term):
class MethodCall(Term):
def __str__(self):
return str(args[0]) + '.' + str(args[1])
return str(self.args[0]) + '.' + str(self.args[1])
class Literal(AST):

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@ -121,9 +121,21 @@ class TopContext(Context):
self.actions = actions = 'top_context'
class EmptyVariableContext(object):
def __init__(self): = dict()
class VariableContext(Context):
def __init__(self,vs): = dict(
for v in vs:[] = v.sort = 'variable_context'
return_context = None
expr_context = None
top_context = None
variable_context = EmptyVariableContext()
def pull_args(args,num,sym,top):
if len(args) < num:
@ -236,10 +248,13 @@ def compile_app(self):
def compile_method_call(self):
with ReturnContext(None):
obj = self.args[0].compile()
child_name = self.args[1].relname
base = self.args[0].compile()
child_name = self.args[1].rep
args = [a.compile() for a in self.args[1].args]
sort = base.sort
if ivy_logic.is_topsort(sort):
raise IvyError(self,'cannot apply method notation to {} because its type is not inferred'.format(base))
# trucky: we first look for the method as a child of the sort.
# if not found, we look for a sibling of the sort
destr_name = iu.compose_names(,child_name)
@ -255,7 +270,7 @@ def compile_method_call(self):
return sym(*args)
ivy_ast.MethodCall.cmpl = compile_method_call
def cmpl_sort(sortname):
return ivy_logic.find_sort(resolve_alias(sortname))
@ -269,7 +284,16 @@ ivy_ast.NativeExpr.cmpl = cmpl_native_expr
ivy_ast.App.cmpl = ivy_ast.Atom.cmpl = compile_app
ivy_ast.Variable.cmpl = lambda self: ivy_logic.Variable(self.rep,cmpl_sort(self.sort) if isinstance(self.sort,str) else self.sort)
def variable_sort(self):
return cmpl_sort(self.sort) if isinstance(self.sort,str) else self.sort
def compile_variable(self):
sort = variable_sort(self)
if ivy_logic.is_topsort(sort):
sort =,sort)
return ivy_logic.Variable(self.rep,sort)
ivy_ast.Variable.cmpl = compile_variable
ivy_ast.ConstantSort.cmpl = lambda self,name: ivy_logic.ConstantSort(name)
@ -280,7 +304,12 @@ SymbolList.cmpl = lambda self: self.clone([find_symbol(s) for s in self.symbols]
def cquant(q):
return ivy_logic.ForAll if isinstance(q,ivy_ast.Forall) else ivy_logic.Exists
ivy_ast.Quantifier.cmpl = lambda self: cquant(self)([v.compile() for v in self.bounds],self.args[0].compile())
def compile_quantifier(self):
bounds = [ivy_logic.Variable(v.rep,variable_sort(v)) for v in self.bounds]
with VariableContext(bounds):
return cquant(self)(bounds,self.args[0].compile())
ivy_ast.Quantifier.cmpl = compile_quantifier
ivy_ast.NamedBinder.cmpl = lambda self: ivy_logic.NamedBinder(,
@ -523,7 +552,11 @@ def compile_native_arg(arg):
if arg.rep in ivy_logic.sig.symbols:
return sortify_with_inference(arg)
res = arg.clone(map(sortify_with_inference,arg.args)) # handles action names
return res.rename(resolve_alias(res.rep))
res1 = res.rename(resolve_alias(res.rep))
return res1
def compile_native_symbol(arg):
name = arg.rep
@ -552,7 +585,9 @@ def compile_native_name(atom):
def compile_native_def(self):
fields = self.args[1].code.split('`')
args = [compile_native_name(self.args[0]),self.args[1]] + [compile_native_arg(a) if not fields[i*2].endswith('"') else compile_native_symbol(a) for i,a in enumerate(self.args[2:])]
return self.clone(args)
cres = self.clone(args)
return cres
def compile_action_def(a,sig):
sig = sig.copy()
@ -874,13 +909,14 @@ class IvyDomainSetup(IvyDeclInterp):
def interpret(self,thing):
sig = self.domain.sig
interp = sig.interp
lhs = resolve_alias(thing.formula.args[0].rep)
if isinstance(thing.formula.args[1],ivy_ast.NativeType):
lhs = thing.formula.args[0].rep
if lhs in interp or lhs in self.domain.native_types :
raise IvyError(thing,"{} is already interpreted".format(lhs))
self.domain.native_types[lhs] = thing.formula.args[1]
lhs,rhs = (a.rep for a in thing.formula.args)
rhs = thing.formula.args[1].rep
if lhs in self.domain.native_types :
raise IvyError(thing,"{} is already interpreted".format(lhs))

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@ -220,26 +220,27 @@ def strip_sort(sort,strip_params):
return ivy_logic.FunctionSort(*(dom+[sort.rng]))
return sort.rng
def strip_action(ast,strip_map,strip_binding):
def strip_action(ast,strip_map,strip_binding,is_init=False):
if isinstance(ast,ia.CallAction):
name = canon_act(ast.args[0].rep)
args = [strip_action(arg,strip_map,strip_binding) for arg in ast.args[0].args]
args = [strip_action(arg,strip_map,strip_binding,is_init) for arg in ast.args[0].args]
strip_params = get_strip_params(name,ast.args[0].args,strip_map,strip_binding,ast)
call = ast.args[0].clone(args[len(strip_params):])
return ast.clone([call]+[strip_action(arg,strip_map,strip_binding) for arg in ast.args[1:]])
return ast.clone([call]+[strip_action(arg,strip_map,strip_binding,is_init) for arg in ast.args[1:]])
if isinstance(ast,ia.Action):
for sym in ast.modifies():
if in ivy_logic.sig.symbols:
lhs_params = strip_map_lookup(,strip_map)
if len(lhs_params) != num_isolate_params:
raise iu.IvyError(ast,"assignment may be interfering")
if not (len(lhs_params) == 0 and len(strip_binding) == 0 and is_init):
raise iu.IvyError(ast,"assignment may be interfering")
if (ivy_logic.is_constant(ast) or ivy_logic.is_variable(ast)) and ast in strip_binding:
sname = strip_binding[ast]
if sname not in ivy_logic.sig.symbols:
return ivy_logic.Symbol(sname,ast.sort)
args = [strip_action(arg,strip_map,strip_binding) for arg in ast.args]
args = [strip_action(arg,strip_map,strip_binding,is_init) for arg in ast.args]
if ivy_logic.is_app(ast):
name =
strip_params = get_strip_params(name,ast.args,strip_map,strip_binding,ast)
@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ def strip_isolate(mod,isolate,impl_mixins,extra_strip):
strip_binding = dict(zip(action.formal_params,strip_params))
# if isinstance(action,ia.NativeAction) and len(strip_params) != num_isolate_params:
# raise iu.IvyError(None,'foreign function {} may be interfering'.format(name))
new_action = strip_action(action,strip_map,strip_binding)
new_action = strip_action(action,strip_map,strip_binding,is_init=name.endswith('init[after]'))
new_action.formal_params = action.formal_params[len(strip_params):]
new_action.formal_returns = action.formal_returns
new_actions[name] = new_action
@ -1687,13 +1688,14 @@ def check_isolate_completeness(mod = None):
def iter_isolate(mod,iso,fun,verified=True,present=True):
suff = "spec" if isinstance(iso,ivy_ast.ExtractDef) else "impl"
def recur(name):
for child in mod.hierarchy[name]:
cname = iu.compose_names(name,child)
if not(child == "impl"
or iu.compose_names(name,'impl') in mod.attributes
or iu.compose_names(name,'private') in mod.attributes):
if not(child == suff
or iu.compose_names(cname,suff) in mod.attributes
or iu.compose_names(cname,'private') in mod.attributes):
if verified:

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@ -355,12 +355,12 @@ def p_fmla_fmla_iff_fmla(p):
p[0].lineno = get_lineno(p,2)
def p_fmla_forall_vars_dot_fmla(p):
'fmla : FORALL simplevars DOT fmla'
'fmla : FORALL simplevars DOT fmla %prec SEMI'
p[0] = Forall(p[2],p[4])
p[0].lineno = get_lineno(p,1)
def p_fmla_exists_vars_dot_fmla(p):
'fmla : EXISTS simplevars DOT fmla'
'fmla : EXISTS simplevars DOT fmla %prec SEMI'
p[0] = Exists(p[2],p[4])
p[0].lineno = get_lineno(p,1)
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ def p_term_namedbinder_vars_dot_fmla(p):
p[0].lineno = get_lineno(p,2)
def p_term_namedbinder_dot_fmla(p):
'term : DOLLAR SYMBOL DOT fmla'
'term : DOLLAR SYMBOL DOT fmla %prec SEMI'
p[0] = NamedBinder(p[2], [],p[4])
p[0].lineno = get_lineno(p,1)

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import ply.yacc as yacc
# Parser for formulas
precedence = (
('left', 'SEMI'),
('left', 'IF'),
('left', 'ELSE'),

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@ -2511,7 +2511,14 @@ def emit_one_initial_state(header):
check_init_cond("initial condition",im.module.labeled_inits)
clauses = ilu.and_clauses(im.module.init_cond,im.module.background_theory())
constraints = [ilu.clauses_to_formula(im.module.init_cond)]
for a in im.module.axioms:
for ldf in im.relevant_definitions(ilu.symbols_asts(constraints)):
clauses = ilu.formula_to_clauses(il.And(*constraints))
# clauses = ilu.and_clauses(im.module.init_cond,im.module.background_theory())
m = slv.get_model_clauses(clauses)
if m == None:
print clauses
@ -2780,6 +2787,8 @@ def get_all_bounds(header,variables,body,exists,varnames):
def emit_quant(variables,body,header,code,exists=False):
global indent_level
if len(variables) == 0: