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@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
#lang ivy1.7
# ---
# layout: page
# title: "Example: sliding window ADT"
# ---
# In this example, we implement a "sliding window" as an abstract datatype.
# This is similar to the sliding window module described in `window.ivy`,
# but since it is a datatype, we can treat our sliding windows as values, passing
# them over the network.
# As before, the window is an array that stores a range of values from
# an unbounded sequence. The window provides an operation `trim` that
# moves the window offset forward, forgetting the values between the
# old and new offsets. This structure might be useful for keeping a
# log of events that is occasionally truncated at the beginning, or
# for maintaining a window of packets in an ordered transport
# protocol.
# Also as before, from the point of view of decidability, the main
# problem that we need to solve is hiding the arithmetic needed to
# express the representation invariant. That is, if `s` is our
# sequence, `w` is the window and `T` is the offset of the window,
# then we want to say "for all positions `I` in the sequence, if `I >=
# T` then `s[I] = w[I-T]`". Unfortunately, this use of arithmetic
# would put us outside the decidable fragment, since we are applying
# subtraction to universally quantified variables. Thus, we will hide
# the function `I-T` in an isolate, using an uninterpreted relation to
# represent it and proving just the properties of this relation needed
# to implement our window operations.
# However, for an abstract datatype, we have an additional problem,
# which is that we have to define an abstraction function (that is, a
# map from concrete values to abstract values. In this case, this is
# given by a relation `value(W,I,V)` that tells us wheter window `W`
# has value `V` at position `I`. To make things a little harder, we
# add a special value `none` to indiciate positions outside the window.
# That is, we require that `value(W,I,none)` holds when `I` is outside
# the range of window `W`.
# References
# ----------
# We will need the `order` and `collections` libraries for arrays. We
# also use `deduction` to manually prove a property of the shift relation (see below).
include order
include collections
include deduction
# Shift relation
# --------------
# In order to "slide" the window, we need a relation that describes a
# "shift" in the sequence. The module `shift_theory` below provides a
# relation `r(T,X,Y)` that holds when X = Y + T. The idea is that `T`
# is the amount of left-shift, `X` is an element of the original
# sequence, and `Y` is the corresponding element of the shifted
# sequence.
# The module provides an action `f` that, given `T,X`, returns Y. This
# action can be used to find an element in the shifted sequence. By hiding
# the arithmetic in this action, we can avoid using arithmetic in the
# sliding window implementation. The action `b` provides the inverse of `f`.
# The module takes a parameter `idx` which must be is an ordered
# sequence type.
module shift_theory(idx) = {
# The interface provides the shift relation `r` an an action `f`
# that computes the shift (that is, subtracts t from x, to get the
# position of `x` relative to offset `t`) and an action `b` that
# computes the inverse of `f`.
relation r(T : idx, X : idx, Y : idx)
action f(t:idx,x:idx) returns (y:idx)
action b(t:idx,x:idx) returns (y:idx)
specification {
# We need the following properties of the `r` relation:
# 1. It is a partial function from `X` to `Y`
# 2. It is a partial function from `Y` to `X`
# 3. It is increasing in `X`
# 4. It is decreasing in `T`
# 5. It is preserved by successor
# 6. For `T = 0`, it is the identity relation
# 7. Indices are non-negative, so `Y <= X` and `T <= X`.
# Property 2 isn't actually needed, but it might be helpful in
# other uses of this module. Several of these properties were
# added in response to counterexamples in verifying the
# sliding window implementation below.
property r(T,X,Y) & r(T,X,Y1) -> Y = Y1
property r(T,X,Y) & r(T,X1,Y) -> X = X1
property r(T,X1,Y1) & r(T,X2,Y2) & X1 < X2 -> Y1 < Y2
property r(T1,X,Y1) & r(T2,X,Y2) & T1 < T2 -> Y2 < Y1
property r(T,X1,Y1) & idx.succ(X1,X2) & idx.succ(Y1,Y2) -> r(T,X2,Y2)
property r(0,X,X)
property r(X,X,0)
property r(T,X,Y) -> Y <= X & T <= X
# As we will see, to get the `none` values in the abstract semantics,
# we also need the property that every `X` greater than or equal to the
# offset `T` has a corresponding shifted value `Y`. Because `X` and `Y`
# are both of type `idx`, this AE quantifier alternation creates a function
# cycle. For this reason, we state the property as a theorem that must
# be manually applied. The proof is similar to the proof of the corresponding
# propery in the index reversal theory of `list_reverse.ivy`. That is,
# we first remove the premise of the implication with `introImp`, then
# we manually witness the existential quantifier. In this case, the witness
# is the shifted value of `X`, which is `X-T`.
theorem [total] {property X >= T -> exists Y. r(T,X,Y)}
proof {
apply introImp;
apply introE with witness = X - T
# The specs of actions `f` and `b` are easy to give in terms of the
# shift relation `r`.
around f {
require t <= x;
ensure r(t,x,y)
after b {
ensure r(t,y,x)
} # end specification section
# The definition of `r` and the implemenations of `f` and `b` are
# also easy to give using arithmetic operations. The implmentation
# hides these arithmetic operators, so we don't have to reason with
# arithmetic in our window implemenation.
implementation {
definition r(T,X,Y) = (X = Y + T)
implement f {
y := x - t
implement b {
y := x + t
# We say `with idx.impl` to use the implementation of `idx` using
# the natural number theory, which is needed to prove the above
# properties. Note it's very important *not* to say `with idx`
# here, since the specification of `idx` (see order.ivy) contains
# various universally quantified properties that, when mixed with
# arithmetic, would put us outside the decidable fragment.
isolate iso = this with idx.impl
# This module implements the sliding window ADT. It takes three parameters:
# - `domain`: the index type
# - `range` : the value type
# - `none` : the special value indicating `out of range`
module window(domain,range,none) = {
type this
# We provde several relations defining the abstract semantics of
# windows: The `value` relation is described above. The `begin`
# and `end` relations tell us the beginning index (i.e., the
# offset) and the ending index (i.e., one past the last position
# in the window).
relation value(S:this,D:domain,R:range)
relation begin(S:this,D:domain)
relation end(S:this,D:domain)
# Action `empty` returns an empty window (with offset zero)
action empty(i:domain) returns (w:this)
# Action `read` returns the value in a given position.
action read(w:this, i:domain) returns (v:range)
# Action `set` modifies a window so that position `i` has value `v`.
action set(w:this, i:domain, v:range) returns (w:this)
# Action `trim` moves the offset position forward, erasing data.
action trim(w:this, i:domain) returns (w:this)
# Action `getBegin` gets the beginning position
action getBegin(w:this) returns (i:domain)
# Action `getEnd` gets the ending position
action getEnd(w:this) returns (i:domain)
specification {
around set {
require v ~= none;
require exists I. begin(w, I) & I <= i;
ensure I = i -> (value(w, I, V) <-> V = v);
ensure I ~= i & value(old w, I, V) -> value(w, I, V)
around read {
require exists I. begin(w, I) & I <= i;
ensure value(w, i, v);
around trim {
require exists I. begin(w, I) & I <= i;
ensure begin(w, I) <-> I = i;
ensure i <= I & value(old w, I, V) -> value(w, I, V)
proof assume shift.total with T = i, X = I;
ensure I < i -> (value(w, I, V) <-> V = none);
# after empty {
# ensure value(w, I, V, O) <-> V = none;
# ensure begin(w, I) <-> I = i;
# }
# around getBegin {
# ...
# ensure begin(w, i);
# }
# around getEnd {
# ...
# ensure forall I. i <= I -> value(w, I, none);
# }
# We also specify a few useful properties of the abstract
# semantics.
property value(W, I, V1) & value(W, I, V2) -> V1 = V2
property value(W, I, V) -> 0 <= I
property begin(W, I) & begin(W, I2) -> I = I2
# property end(W, IE) & I >= IE -> value(W, I, none)
implementation {
# The implemention uses an array to represent the elements in
# the window and a number to represent the offset. These two
# fields are declared as destructors of the type.
instance shift : shift_theory(slot)
instance arr : array(domain,range)
destructor elems(W:this) : arr
destructor offset(W:this) : domain
property X < offset(W) -> value(W,X,none)
property shift.r(offset(W),X,Y) & Y < elems(W).end -> value(W,X,elems(W).value(Y))
# property shift.r(offset(W),X,Y) & Y >= elems(W).end -> value(W,X,none)
property value(W, I, V1) & value(W, I, V2) -> V1 = V2
property value(W, I, V) -> 0 <= I
# We now have to give the definitions of the abstraction
# functions. Notice the definition of `value` has an
# existential quantifier. That is, we have value `V` at
# position `X` if there *exists* a shifted position `Y` with
# value `V` in the array. This would introduce a function
# cycle, so we play a trick that is common for ADT's: we use a
# macro to define the abstraction function. The lower case
# parameters are instantiated by matching against occurrences
# of `value` in whatever property we are trying to prove. This saves
# us some effort compared to fully manual instantation.
definition value(w:this,x:domain,v:range) =
(exists Y. shift.r(offset(w),x,Y) &
(v = elems(w).value(Y) if Y < elems(w).end else none))
| x < offset(w) & v = none
definition begin(W,I) = (I = offset(W))
definition end(W,I) = shift.r(offset(W),I,elems(W).end)
# Now we can implement our actions. For the `set` action, we have to
# check whether the index to be written is beyond the array end and
# and resize the array accordingly. Notice when we resize, we fill in
# the gap with `none`.
implement set {
var index := shift.f(offset(w), i);
if w.elems.end <= index {
w.elems := w.elems.resize(index.next, none);
w.elems := w.elems.set(index, v);
# For `read`, we also check the array index and return `none`
# if it is out of bounds.
implement read {
var index := shift.f(offset(w),i);
v := none if (index >= w.elems.end) else w.elems.value(index)
# Trim is a bit tricky. We shift the values down in a loop,
# then resize the array appropriately and set the new
# offset. We treat the case where the new offset is beyond the
# end of the window specially.
# A difficulty in the proof is to deal with positions beyond
# the end of the array. That is, suppose `X` is a position
# beyond the end. We can assume that on entry,
# `value(w,X,none)` holds. By the definition of `value`, we
# know there is a corresponding shifted position `X` that is
# beyond the end of the array. We now have to prove that on
# exit we still have `value(w,X,none)`. However, the offset of
# `w` has changed, and as a result nothing tells us that a
# shifted psoition `X` still exists. To get this fact, we have
# to instantiate theorem `total` in the shift theory. This is
# done manually in the proof of the postcondition of `trim`
# above.
# Often, when we really need a function from type `t` to type
# `t` to be total, the easiest option is to state totality as
# a theorem and manually instantiate it for the required
# domain value. Often this isn't necessary because the domain
# value of interest is a ground term (for example, a program
# variable), in which case we can get the value of the
# function by calling an appropriate action. Here, though, it
# is a universally quantified variable, which requires us to
# do some manual instantiation.
implement trim {
var bound := shift.b(offset(w),w.elems.end);
var j := i;
if j < bound {
while j < bound
invariant i <= j & j <= bound
invariant shift.r(offset(old w),bound,old w.elems.end)
invariant j <= X & X < bound & shift.r(offset(old w),X,Y) -> value(old w,X,w.elems.value(Y))
invariant X < j & shift.r(i,X,Y) -> value(old w,X,w.elems.value(Y))
invariant w.offset <= j & w.offset = offset(old w)
invariant w.elems.end = elems(old w).end
# invariant shift.r(i,j,X) -> X < w.elems.end
w.elems := w.elems.set(shift.f(i,j),w.elems.value(shift.f(w.offset,j)));
j := j.next;
w.elems := w.elems.resize(shift.f(i,bound),0);
w.offset := i
else {
assume false;
w.elems := arr.empty;
w.offset := i;
bound := shift.b(offset(w),w.elems.end) # just for a witness
isolate iso = this with domain
# To test our module, with instantiate it with appropriate types and
# export its actions to the environment.
instance slot : unbounded_sequence
type data
individual none : data
instance foo : window(slot,data,none)
export foo.set
export foo.read
export foo.trim
@ -109,10 +109,15 @@ module mysegment(domain,range,none) = {
property X < offset(W) -> value(W,X,none)
property shift.r(offset(W),X,Y) & Y < elems(W).end -> value(W,X,elems(W).value(Y))
property shift.r(offset(W),X,Y) & Y >= elems(W).end -> value(W,X,none)
# property shift.r(offset(W),X,Y) & Y >= elems(W).end -> value(W,X,none)
property value(W, I, V1) & value(W, I, V2) -> V1 = V2
property value(W, I, V) -> 0 <= I
# definition value(w:this,x:domain,v:range) =
# (exists Y. shift.r(offset(w),x,Y) &
# (v = elems(w).value(Y) if Y < elems(w).end else none))
# | x < offset(w) & v = none
definition value(w:this,x:domain,v:range) =
(exists Y. shift.r(offset(w),x,Y) &
(v = elems(w).value(Y) if Y < elems(w).end else none))
@ -141,11 +146,12 @@ module mysegment(domain,range,none) = {
if j < bound {
while j < bound
invariant i <= j & j <= bound
invariant shift.r(w.offset,bound,w.elems.end)
invariant j <= X & X < bound & shift.r(w.offset,X,Y) -> value(w,X,w.elems.value(Y))
invariant X < j & shift.r(i,X,Y) -> value(w,X,w.elems.value(Y))
invariant w.offset <= j
invariant shift.r(i,j,X) -> X < w.elems.end
invariant shift.r(offset(old w),bound,old w.elems.end)
invariant j <= X & X < bound & shift.r(offset(old w),X,Y) -> value(old w,X,w.elems.value(Y))
invariant X < j & shift.r(i,X,Y) -> value(old w,X,w.elems.value(Y))
invariant w.offset <= j & w.offset = offset(old w)
invariant w.elems.end = elems(old w).end
# invariant shift.r(i,j,X) -> X < w.elems.end
w.elems := w.elems.set(shift.f(i,j),w.elems.value(shift.f(w.offset,j)));
j := j.next;
@ -154,9 +160,11 @@ module mysegment(domain,range,none) = {
w.offset := i
else {
assume false;
w.elems := arr.empty;
w.offset := i;
bound := shift.b(offset(w),w.elems.end) # just for a witness
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