axiom instantiation partly works

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Ken McMillan 2017-12-20 15:53:37 -08:00
Родитель abb3b7d08f
Коммит ef34476aff
2 изменённых файлов: 212 добавлений и 17 удалений

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@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ class Aiger(object):
def iff(self,x,y):
return self.orl(self.andl(x,y),self.andl(self.notl(x),self.notl(y)))
def implies(self,x,y):
return self.orl(self.notl(x),y)
def xor(self,x,y):
return self.notl(self.iff(x,y))
@ -139,6 +142,37 @@ class Aiger(object):
strings.append(str('{} {} {}'.format(x,y,z)))
return '\n'.join(strings)+'\n'
def sym_vals(self,syms):
return ''.join(self.state[[x]] for x in syms)
def latch_vals(self):
return self.sym_vals(self.latches)
def show_state(self):
print 'state: {}'.format(self.latch_vals())
def reset(self):
self.state = dict(([x],'0') for x in self.latches)
def step(self,inp):
assert len(inp) == len(self.inputs)
for x,y in zip(self.inputs,inp):
self.state[[x]] = y
print 'input: {}'.format(self.sym_vals(self.inputs))
def getin(gi):
v = self.state[gi & ~1]
return ('0' if v == '1' else '1') if (gi & 1) else v
for out,in0,in1 in self.gates:
res = '1' if (getin(in0) == '1' and getin(in1) == '1') else '0'
self.state[out] = res
print 'gate {}: {}'.format(out,res)
print 'outputs: {}'.format(''.join(getin(self.values[x]) for x in self.outputs))
for lt in self.latches:
self.state[[lt]] = getin(self.values[lt])
# functions for binary encoding of finite sorts
def ceillog2(n):
@ -224,6 +258,11 @@ class Encoder(object):
def notl(self,arg):
return map(self.sub.notl,arg)
def implies(self,x,y):
return [self.sub.implies(a,b) for a,b in zip(x,y)]
def iff(self,x,y):
return [self.sub.iff(a,b) for a,b in zip(x,y)]
def eval(self,expr,getdef=None):
def recur(expr):
@ -258,6 +297,10 @@ class Encoder(object):
res = self.orl(*args)
elif isinstance(expr,il.Not):
res = self.notl(*args)
elif isinstance(expr,il.Implies):
res = self.implies(*args)
elif isinstance(expr,il.Iff):
res = self.iff(*args)
elif il.is_eq(expr):
res = self.encode_equality(expr.args[0].sort,*args)
@ -397,6 +440,100 @@ def is_finite_sort(sort):
isinstance(interp,thy.BitVectorTheory) or
# This is where we do pattern-based eager instantiation of the axioms
def instantiate_axioms(mod,stvars,trans,invariant):
# Get all the triggers. For now only automatic triggers
def get_trigger(expr,vs):
if il.is_quantifier(expr) or il.is_variable(expr):
return None
for a in expr.args:
r = get_trigger(a,vs)
if r is not None:
return r
if il.is_app(expr) or il.is_eq(expr):
evs = ilu.used_variables_ast(expr)
if all(v in evs for v in vs):
return expr
triggers = []
for ax in mod.labeled_axioms:
fmla = ax.formula
vs = list(ilu.used_variables_ast(fmla))
if vs:
trig = get_trigger(fmla,vs)
if trig is not None:
insts = set()
global inst_list # python lamemess -- should be local but inner function cannot access
inst_list = []
def match(pat,expr,mp):
if il.is_variable(pat):
if pat in mp:
return expr == mp[pat]
mp[pat] = expr
return True
if il.is_app(pat):
return (is_app(expr) and pat.rep == expr.rep
and all(match(x,y,mp) for x,y in zip(pat.args,expr.args)))
if il.is_quantifier(pat):
return False
return type(pat) is type(expr) and all(match(x,y,mp) for x,y in zip(pat.args,expr.args))
# TODO: make sure matches are ground
def recur(expr):
for e in expr.args:
for trig,ax in triggers:
mp = dict()
if match(trig,expr,mp):
fmla = il.substitute(ax.formula,mp)
if fmla not in insts:
# match triggers against the defs and fmlas and invariant
for f in trans.defs + trans.fmlas + [invariant]:
iu.dbg('[str(f) for f in inst_list]')
return inst_list
# This eliminates ite's over non-finite sorts by translating (x if c
# else y) to a fresh variable v with an added constraint (v = x if c
# else v = y). As an optimization, (z = x if c else y) is converted to
# (z = x if c else z = y) to avoid introducing a constraint.
# This lowering is useful, since we avoid having to introduce axioms
# for ite.
ite_ctr = 0
def elim_ite(expr,cnsts):
if isinstance(expr,il.Ite):
global ite_ctr
c,x,y = expr.args
if not is_finite_sort(x.sort):
v = il.Symbol('__ite[{}]'.format(ite_ctr),x.sort)
ite_ctr += 1
return v
if il.is_eq(expr):
v,e = expr.args
if isinstance(e,il.Ite):
c,x,y = e.args
if not is_finite_sort(x.sort):
return il.Ite(elim_ite(c,cnsts),elim_ite(il.Equals(v,x),cnsts),elim_ite(il.Equals(v,y),cnsts))
return expr.clone([elim_ite(e,cnsts) for e in expr.args])
# Tricky: if an atomic proposition has a next variable in it, but no curremnt versions of state
# variables, it is a candidate to become an abstract state variable. THis function computes the
# current state version of such an express from its next state version, or returns None if the expression
@ -422,26 +559,72 @@ def to_aiger(mod,ext_act):
init = ia.Sequence(*([a for n,a in mod.initializers]+[ia.AssignAction(init_var,il.And())]))
action = ia.IfAction(init_var,ext_act,init)
# get the invariant to be proved:
# get the invariant to be proved, replacing free variables with
# skolems:
invariant = il.And(*[lf.formula for lf in mod.labeled_conjs])
skolemizer = lambda v: ilu.var_to_skolem('__',Variable(v.rep,v.sort))
vs = ilu.used_variables_in_order_ast(invariant)
sksubs = dict((v.rep,skolemizer(v)) for v in vs)
invariant = ilu.substitute_ast(invariant,sksubs)
# compute the transition relation
stvars,trans,error = action.update(mod,None)
# get the background theory
# TODO: get the axioms (or maybe only the ground ones?)
axioms = mod.background_theory()
# iu.dbg('axioms')
# axioms = mod.background_theory()
# rn = dict((sym, for sym in stvars)
# next_axioms = ilu.rename_clauses(axioms,rn)
# return ilu.and_clauses(axioms,next_axioms)
# Propositionally abstract
# step 1: get rid of definitions of non-finite symbols by turning
# them into constraints
new_defs = []
new_fmlas = []
for df in trans.defs:
if len(df.args[0].args) == 0 and is_finite_sort(df.args[0].sort):
fmla = df.to_constraint()
trans = ilu.Clauses(new_fmlas+trans.fmlas,new_defs)
# step 2: get rid of ite's over non-finite sorts, by introducing constraints
cnsts = []
new_defs = [elim_ite(df,cnsts) for df in trans.defs]
new_fmlas = [elim_ite(fmla,cnsts) for fmla in trans.fmlas]
trans = ilu.Clauses(new_fmlas+cnsts,new_defs)
# step 3: instantiate the axioms using patterns
# We have to condition both the transition relation and the
# invariant on the axioms, so we define a boolean symbol '__axioms'
# to represent the axioms.
axs = instantiate_axioms(mod,stvars,trans,invariant)
ax_conj = il.And(*axs)
ax_var = il.Symbol('__axioms',ax_conj.sort)
ax_def = il.Definition(ax_var,ax_conj)
invariant = il.Implies(ax_var,invariant)
trans = ilu.Clauses(trans.fmlas+[ax_var],trans.defs+[ax_def])
# step 4: eliminate all non-propositional atoms by replacing with fresh booleans
# An atom with next-state symbols is converted to a next-state symbol if possible
stvarset = set(stvars)
prop_abs = dict()
prop_abs = dict() # map from atoms to proposition variables
global prop_abs_ctr # sigh -- python lameness
prop_abs_ctr = 0
new_stvars = []
prop_abs_ctr = 0 # counter for fresh symbols
new_stvars = [] # list of fresh symbols
# get the propositional abstraction of an atom
def new_prop(expr):
res = prop_abs.get(expr,None)
if res is None:
@ -450,35 +633,42 @@ def to_aiger(mod,ext_act):
pva = new_prop(prev)
res =
prop_abs[expr] = res # prevent adding this again to new_stvars
global prop_abs_ctr
res = il.Symbol('__abs[{}]'.format(prop_abs_ctr),expr.sort)
print '{} = {}'.format(res,expr)
prop_abs[expr] = res
prop_abs_ctr += 1
return res
# propositionally abstract an expression
def mk_prop_abs(expr):
if (il.is_quantifier(expr) or
len(expr.args) > 0 and any(not is_finite_sort(a.sort) for a in expr.args)):
return new_prop(expr)
return expr.clone(map(mk_prop_abs,expr.args))
new_defs = []
for df in trans.defs:
if len(df.args[0].args) == 0 and is_finite_sort(df.args[0].sort):
prop_abs[df.to_constraint()] = il.And()
new_defs = map(mk_prop_abs,new_defs)
# apply propositional abstraction to the transition relation
new_defs = map(mk_prop_abs,trans.defs)
new_fmlas = [mk_prop_abs(il.close_formula(fmla)) for fmla in trans.fmlas]
trans = ilu.Clauses(new_fmlas,new_defs)
# apply propositional abstraction to the invariant
invariant = mk_prop_abs(invariant)
# create next-state symbols for atoms in the invariant (is this needed?)
rn = dict((sym, for sym in stvars)
mk_prop_abs(ilu.rename_ast(invariant,rn)) # this is to pick up state variables from invariant
# update the state variables by removing the non-finite ones and adding the fresh state booleans
stvars = [sym for sym in stvars if is_finite_sort(sym.sort)] + new_stvars
# exit(0)
# For each state var, create a variable that corresponds to the input of its latch
@ -493,7 +683,7 @@ def to_aiger(mod,ext_act):
# Turn the transition constraint into a definition
cnst_var = il.Symbol('__cnst',il.find_sort('bool'))
new_defs = trans.defs + [il.Definition(,il.Not(il.And(*trans.fmlas)))]
new_defs = trans.defs + [il.Definition(,il.Or(cnst_var,il.Not(il.And(*trans.fmlas))))]
trans = ilu.Clauses([],new_defs)
@ -543,6 +733,7 @@ def aiger_witness_to_ivy_trace(aiger,witnessfilename,ext_act):
if res != '1':
tr = None
for line in f:
if line.endswith('\n'):
line = line[:-1]
@ -551,6 +742,8 @@ def aiger_witness_to_ivy_trace(aiger,witnessfilename,ext_act):
if len(cols) != 4:
pre,inp,out,post = cols
post = aiger.sub.latch_vals() # use this, since file can be wrong!
stvals = []
stmap = aiger.get_state(post)

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@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ var x : t
var y : t
axiom x = 0 & y = 0 -> x = y
axiom X:t = 0 & Y = 0 -> X = Y
axiom X:t = Y & Y = 0 -> X = 0
invariant x = y
after init {