# Packaging instructions Ivy is packaged as a python "wheel". ## Building and uploading a wheel 1. Install Ivy as usual (see `doc/install.md`) 2. Set the version nummber in `setup.py` 3. Build a wheel like this: $ python setup.py bdist_wheel --plat-name where `` is: - for linux: `manylinux1_x86_64` - for Windows: `win_amd64` - for MacOS 10.9: `macosx_10_9_x86_64` The distribution is created as a `.whl` file in directory `dist`. 4. Upload a wheel like this: $ pip install twine $ twin upload dist/* ## Debian/Ubuntu It is also possible to build a debian package, though this is obsolete. 1. Rename this directory to ms-ivy-X.Y where X.Y is the version number 2. Edit the files in debian/ to reflect the current version number 3. Run 'make builddeb' 4. The .deb file appears in the parent directory