* fix location of tinyclr.core.props
* more attempts
* add tinyclr
* use full name
* more experiements
* use bash
* use msbuild to build
* more attempts
* restore and build before pack
* don't double build
* more attempts at restoring tinyclr
* escaping sh
* renmoved snippet etractor for jacdac.sln
* try adding packages to nuspec
* increase logging
* list files
* move to reference instead of packagerefefrence
* move Jacdac.TinyCLR up
* try build before pack
* more cleanup
* try local folder
* inrease verbosity
* case matters
* other name update
* one more thing
* build more tinyclr assemblies
* import directory build
* clean once
* import order
* don't double import build props
* othe attempt
* restore using nuget
* fix ref
* tweaks
* missing project
* missing assembly
* lost project
* ignore nuget
* handleissinnypes
* another messed up dep
* fixing some referernces
* list nuget packages
* don't pack solution
* add azure package
* fix ls
* fix file names
* one more attampt