[v2] adds the --profile flag support (#324)

* adding commander to replace yargs

* logging and verbosity

* make sure the error case exits with an exit code of 1

* fixed README.md

* pass the internalCacheFolder into the config

* Change files

* fixing formating

* updates the snapshots

* most e2e passed, except for transitiveDepsTests

* fixed up the transitive task deps - by adding back the default behavior of v1.x --include-dependencies

* formatting

* move e2e tests to a new package

* fixing up mocking after moving e2e tests

* Change files

* having a go at chrome trace event reporter

* profiler reporter

* adding a profiler

* added tests

* removed change files

* Change files

* filling out the correct "ts" time start for ChromeTraceEvents

* fix formatting

* don't show paths
This commit is contained in:
Kenneth Chau 2022-08-23 14:21:49 -07:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель ca660d7917
Коммит 703195918f
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
11 изменённых файлов: 308 добавлений и 6 удалений

.gitignore поставляемый
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@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ lib

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"type": "patch",
"comment": "Adds the --profile flag",
"packageName": "@lage-run/cli",
"email": "kchau@microsoft.com",
"dependentChangeType": "patch"

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"type": "patch",
"comment": "Adds the ChromeTraceEventReporters that is used in --profile",
"packageName": "@lage-run/reporters",
"email": "kchau@microsoft.com",
"dependentChangeType": "patch"

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"type": "patch",
"comment": "removed the rename of TargetRun",
"packageName": "@lage-run/scheduler",
"email": "kchau@microsoft.com",
"dependentChangeType": "patch"

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { ChromeTraceEventsReporter } from "@lage-run/reporters";
export function createProfileReporter(options: { concurrency: number; profile: string | boolean | undefined }) {
const { concurrency, profile } = options;
return new ChromeTraceEventsReporter({
concurrency: concurrency,
outputFile: typeof profile === "string" ? profile : undefined,

Просмотреть файл

@ -34,7 +34,10 @@ runCommand
.option("--skip-local-cache", "skips caching locally")
.option("--profile [profile]", "writes a run profile into a file that can be processed by Chromium devtool")
.option("--nodearg <nodeArg...>", "arguments to be passed to node (e.g. --nodearg=--max_old_space_size=1234 --nodearg=--heap-prof")
"--nodearg <nodeArg>",
'arguments to be passed to node (e.g. --nodearg="--max_old_space_size=1234 --heap-prof" - set via "NODE_OPTIONS" environment variable'
.option("--continue", "continues the run even on error")

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import { BackfillCacheProvider, RemoteFallbackCacheProvider, TargetHasher } from "@lage-run/cache";
import { Command } from "commander";
import { createProfileReporter } from "./createProfileReporter";
import { createReporter } from "../../createReporter";
import { findNpmClient } from "../../workspace/findNpmClient";
import { getConfig } from "../../config/getConfig";
import { getFilteredPackages } from "../../filter/getFilteredPackages";
import { getPackageInfos, getWorkspaceRoot } from "workspace-tools";
import { createReporter } from "../../createReporter";
import { NpmScriptRunner, SimpleScheduler } from "@lage-run/scheduler";
import { TargetGraphBuilder } from "@lage-run/target-graph";
import createLogger, { LogLevel, Reporter } from "@lage-run/logger";
@ -17,7 +18,25 @@ function filterArgsForTasks(args: string[]) {
export async function runAction(options: Record<string, any>, command: Command) {
interface RunOptions {
reporter: string[];
concurrency: number;
profile: string | boolean | undefined;
verbose: boolean;
logLevel: keyof typeof LogLevel;
grouped: boolean;
dependencies: boolean;
dependents: boolean;
since: string;
scope: string[];
skipLocalCache: boolean;
continue: boolean;
cache: boolean;
resetCache: boolean;
nodeargs: string;
export async function runAction(options: RunOptions, command: Command) {
const cwd = process.cwd();
const config = getConfig(cwd);
const reporterInstances: Reporter[] = [];
@ -38,6 +57,12 @@ export async function runAction(options: Record<string, any>, command: Command)
if (options.profile !== undefined) {
const reporter = createProfileReporter(options);
// Build Target Graph
const root = getWorkspaceRoot(process.cwd())!;
const packageInfos = getPackageInfos(root);
@ -83,7 +108,7 @@ export async function runAction(options: Record<string, any>, command: Command)
cacheOptions: {
outputGlob: config.cacheOptions.outputGlob,
internalCacheFolder: config.cacheOptions.internalCacheFolder,
...(config.cacheOptions.internalCacheFolder && { internalCacheFolder: config.cacheOptions.internalCacheFolder }),
remoteCacheProvider: config.cacheOptions?.cacheStorageConfig

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
import { getStartTargetId } from "@lage-run/target-graph";
import { isTargetStatusLogEntry } from "./isTargetStatusLogEntry";
import chalk from "chalk";
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import type { LogEntry, Reporter } from "@lage-run/logger";
import type { SchedulerRunSummary, TargetRun } from "@lage-run/scheduler";
import type { TargetMessageEntry, TargetStatusEntry } from "./types/TargetLogEntry";
import { Writable } from "stream";
interface TraceEventsObject {
traceEvents: CompleteEvent[];
displayTimeUnit: "ms" | "ns";
interface CompleteEvent {
name: string;
cat: string;
ph: "X";
ts: number; // in microseconds
pid: number;
tid: number;
dur: number;
args?: Record<string, any>;
export interface ChromeTraceEventsReporterOptions {
outputFile?: string;
concurrency: number;
categorize?: (targetRun?: TargetRun) => string;
function range(len: number) {
return Array(len)
.map((_, idx) => idx + 1);
function hrTimeToMicroseconds(hr: [number, number]) {
return hr[0] * 1e6 + hr[1] * 1e-3;
function getTimeBasedFilename(prefix: string) {
const now = new Date(); // 2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z
const datetime = now.toISOString().split(".")[0]; // 2011-10-05T14:48:00
const datetimeNormalized = datetime.replace(/-|:/g, ""); // 20111005T144800
return `${prefix ? prefix + "-" : ""}${datetimeNormalized}.json`;
export class ChromeTraceEventsReporter implements Reporter {
logStream: Writable;
consoleLogStream: Writable = process.stdout;
private threads: number[];
private targetIdThreadMap: Map<string, number> = new Map();
private events: TraceEventsObject = {
traceEvents: [],
displayTimeUnit: "ms",
private outputFile: string;
constructor(private options: ChromeTraceEventsReporterOptions) {
this.outputFile = options.outputFile ?? getTimeBasedFilename("profile");
this.threads = range(options.concurrency);
if (!fs.existsSync(path.dirname(this.outputFile))) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(this.outputFile), { recursive: true });
this.logStream = fs.createWriteStream(this.outputFile, { flags: "w" });
log(entry: LogEntry<TargetStatusEntry | TargetMessageEntry>) {
const data = entry.data;
if (isTargetStatusLogEntry(data) && data.status !== "pending" && data.target.id !== getStartTargetId()) {
if (data.status === "running") {
const threadId = this.threads.shift() ?? 0;
this.targetIdThreadMap.set(data.target.id, threadId);
} else {
const threadId = this.targetIdThreadMap.get(data.target.id)!;
name: data.target.id,
cat: "", // to be filled in later in the "summary" step
ph: "X",
ts: 0, // to be filled in later in the "summary" step
dur: hrTimeToMicroseconds(data.duration ?? [0, 1000]), // in microseconds
pid: 1,
tid: threadId ?? 0,
this.threads.sort((a, b) => a - b);
summarize(schedulerRunSummary: SchedulerRunSummary) {
const { targetRuns, startTime } = schedulerRunSummary;
// categorize events
const { categorize } = this.options;
for (const event of this.events.traceEvents) {
const targetRun = targetRuns.get(event.name);
event.ts = hrTimeToMicroseconds(targetRun?.startTime!) - hrTimeToMicroseconds(startTime!);
event.cat = targetRun?.status ?? "";
if (categorize) {
event.cat += `,${categorize(targetRun)}`;
// write events to stream
this.logStream.write(JSON.stringify(this.events, null, 2));
`\nProfiler output written to ${chalk.underline(this.outputFile)}, open it with chrome://tracing or edge://tracing\n`

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
export { AdoReporter } from "./AdoReporter";
export { JsonReporter } from "./JsonReporter";
export { NpmLogReporter } from "./NpmLogReporter";
export { ChromeTraceEventsReporter } from "./ChromeTraceEventsReporter";
export type { TargetStatusEntry, TargetMessageEntry } from "./types/TargetLogEntry";

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
// For this test, we need have a force color set before any imports
process.env.FORCE_COLOR = "0";
import { LogLevel } from "@lage-run/logger";
import { ChromeTraceEventsReporter } from "../src/ChromeTraceEventsReporter";
import streams from "memory-streams";
import type { TargetMessageEntry, TargetStatusEntry } from "../src/types/TargetLogEntry";
function createTarget(packageName: string, task: string) {
return {
id: `${packageName}#${task}`,
cwd: `/repo/root/packages/${packageName}`,
dependencies: [],
label: `${packageName} - ${task}`,
describe("ChromeTraceEventsReporter", () => {
it("can group verbose messages, displaying summary", () => {
const writer = new streams.WritableStream();
const consoleWriter = new streams.WritableStream();
const reporter = new ChromeTraceEventsReporter({ concurrency: 4, outputFile: "profile.json" });
reporter.logStream = writer;
reporter.consoleLogStream = consoleWriter;
const aBuildTarget = createTarget("a", "build");
const aTestTarget = createTarget("a", "test");
const bBuildTarget = createTarget("b", "build");
const logs = [
[{ target: aBuildTarget, status: "running", duration: [0, 0], startTime: [0, 0] }],
[{ target: aTestTarget, status: "running", duration: [0, 0], startTime: [1, 0] }],
[{ target: bBuildTarget, status: "running", duration: [0, 0], startTime: [2, 0] }],
[{ target: aBuildTarget, pid: 1 }, "test message for a#build"],
[{ target: aTestTarget, pid: 1 }, "test message for a#test"],
[{ target: aBuildTarget, pid: 1 }, "test message for a#build again, but look there is an error!"],
[{ target: bBuildTarget, pid: 1 }, "test message for b#build"],
[{ target: aTestTarget, pid: 1 }, "test message for a#test again"],
[{ target: bBuildTarget, pid: 1 }, "test message for b#build again"],
[{ target: aTestTarget, status: "success", duration: [10, 0], startTime: [0, 0] }],
[{ target: bBuildTarget, status: "success", duration: [30, 0], startTime: [2, 0] }],
[{ target: aBuildTarget, status: "failed", duration: [60, 0], startTime: [1, 0] }],
] as [TargetStatusEntry | TargetMessageEntry, string?][];
for (const log of logs) {
data: log[0],
level: "status" in log[0] ? LogLevel.info : LogLevel.verbose,
msg: log[1] ?? "",
timestamp: 0,
duration: [100, 0],
startTime: [0, 0],
results: "failed",
targetRunByStatus: {
success: [aTestTarget.id, bBuildTarget.id],
failed: [aBuildTarget.id],
pending: [],
running: [],
aborted: [],
skipped: [],
targetRuns: new Map([
[aBuildTarget.id, { target: aBuildTarget, status: "failed", duration: [60, 0], startTime: [0, 0] }],
[aTestTarget.id, { target: aTestTarget, status: "success", duration: [10, 0], startTime: [1, 0] }],
[bBuildTarget.id, { target: bBuildTarget, status: "success", duration: [30, 0], startTime: [2, 0] }],
\\"traceEvents\\": [
\\"name\\": \\"a#test\\",
\\"cat\\": \\"success\\",
\\"ph\\": \\"X\\",
\\"ts\\": 1000000,
\\"dur\\": 10000000,
\\"pid\\": 1,
\\"tid\\": 2
\\"name\\": \\"b#build\\",
\\"cat\\": \\"success\\",
\\"ph\\": \\"X\\",
\\"ts\\": 2000000,
\\"dur\\": 30000000,
\\"pid\\": 1,
\\"tid\\": 3
\\"name\\": \\"a#build\\",
\\"cat\\": \\"failed\\",
\\"ph\\": \\"X\\",
\\"ts\\": 0,
\\"dur\\": 60000000,
\\"pid\\": 1,
\\"tid\\": 1
\\"displayTimeUnit\\": \\"ms\\"
Profiler output written to profile.json, open it with chrome://tracing or edge://tracing

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ export { SimpleScheduler } from "./SimpleScheduler";
export { NpmScriptRunner } from "./runners/NpmScriptRunner";
export type { TargetStatus } from "./types/TargetStatus";
export type { TargetRun as TargetRunContext } from "./types/TargetRun";
export type { TargetRun } from "./types/TargetRun";
export type { TargetRunner } from "./types/TargetRunner";
export type { TargetScheduler } from "./types/TargetScheduler";
export type { SchedulerRunSummary, SchedulerRunResults } from "./types/SchedulerRunSummary";