{ "$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json", "extends": [ "github>microsoft/m365-renovate-config:beachball", "github>microsoft/m365-renovate-config:disableEsmVersions", "github>microsoft/m365-renovate-config:groupMore", "github>microsoft/m365-renovate-config:groupTypes", "github>microsoft/m365-renovate-config:keepFresh", "github>microsoft/m365-renovate-config:restrictNode(14)" ], "labels": ["renovate"], "prHourlyLimit": 5, "semanticCommits": "disabled", "ignorePaths": [ "**/node_modules/**", // incorrect manager is being used for fixtures, and most of them don't have real deps anyway "**/__fixtures__/**" ], "regexManagers": [ { "fileMatch": ["^package.json$"], "matchStrings": ["lage-npm\": \"lage@(?[~^]?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)"], "depNameTemplate": "lage-npm", "packageNameTemplate": "lage", "datasourceTemplate": "npm", "depTypeTemplate": "devDependencies" } ], "packageRules": [ { "groupName": "Docusaurus deps", "matchPackagePrefixes": ["docusaurus", "@docusaurus/*"] }, { // Automatically pick up backfill and workspace-tools updates "matchPackagePrefixes": ["backfill-"], "matchPackageNames": ["backfill", "workspace-tools"], "matchUpdateTypes": ["major", "minor", "patch", "bump"], "dependencyDashboardApproval": false }, { // Don't try to pin or otherwise modify in-repo deps "matchPackagePrefixes": ["@lage-run/"], "enabled": false }, { // lage bundles its dependencies, so any updates should to dependencies should be explicit // so that they trigger a new lage version (with proper documentation of included updates). // The standard approach of using ^ dependencies and allowing implicit updates via the lock file // (which with a published bundle, are guaranteed to affect consumers) makes it very hard to // track when an issue was introduced if it's discovered in another repo. "rangeStrategy": "pin", "matchFileNames": ["packages/**"], // ignore this for docs, scripts, root "matchDepTypes": ["dependencies"], // lage packages aren't an issue since they're within the repo and the latest version is always used "excludePackagePrefixes": ["@lage-run/"], // this is a runtime dependency of lage since it publishes binaries "excludePackageNames": ["glob-hasher"] } ] }