зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/landcover.git
Removed the concept of "shapes" on the server side
Fixed the DataLoaderUSALayer and added an appropriate dataset entry in datasets.json
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import base64
import json
import logging
import os
os.environ["CURL_CA_BUNDLE"] = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
import sys
import time
@ -19,9 +21,9 @@ import rasterio.warp
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("server")
from web_tool.DataLoader import warp_data_to_3857, crop_data_by_extent, crop_data_by_geometry
from web_tool.Datasets import load_datasets, get_area_from_geometry
DATASETS = load_datasets()
from web_tool.DataLoader import warp_data_to_3857, crop_data_by_extent, crop_data_by_geometry, get_area_from_geometry
from web_tool.Datasets import load_datasets
DATALOADERS = load_datasets()
from web_tool.Utils import setup_logging, get_random_string, class_prediction_to_img
from web_tool import ROOT_DIR
@ -207,10 +209,10 @@ def pred_patch():
name_list = [item["name"] for item in class_list]
color_list = [item["color"] for item in class_list]
if dataset not in DATASETS:
if dataset not in DATALOADERS:
raise ValueError("Dataset doesn't seem to be valid, do the datasets in js/tile_layers.js correspond to those in TileLayers.py")
current_data_loader = DATASETS[dataset]["data_loader"]
current_data_loader = DATALOADERS[dataset]
input_raster = current_data_loader.get_data_from_extent(extent)
current_session.latest_input_raster = input_raster
@ -255,19 +257,19 @@ def pred_tile():
zone_layer_name = data["zoneLayerName"]
model_idx = data["modelIdx"]
if dataset not in DATASETS:
if dataset not in DATALOADERS:
raise ValueError("Dataset doesn't seem to be valid, do the datasets in js/tile_layers.js correspond to those in TileLayers.py")
current_data_loader = DATASETS[dataset]["data_loader"]
current_data_loader = DATALOADERS[dataset]
input_raster = current_data_loader.get_data_from_shape(geom["geometry"])
input_raster = current_data_loader.get_data_from_geometry(geom["geometry"])
shape_area = get_area_from_geometry(geom["geometry"])
except NotImplementedError as e: # Example of how to handle errors from the rest of the server
bottle.response.status = 400
return json.dumps({"error": "Cannot currently download imagery with 'Basemap' based datasets"})
output_raster = current_session.pred_tile(input_raster)
output_raster = current_session.pred_tile(input_raster)
if output_raster.shape[2] > len(color_list):
LOGGER.warning("The number of output channels is larger than the given color list, cropping output to number of colors (you probably don't want this to happen")
output_raster.data = output_raster.data[:,:,:len(color_list)]
@ -349,10 +351,10 @@ def get_input():
extent = data["extent"]
dataset = data["dataset"]
if dataset not in DATASETS:
if dataset not in DATALOADERS:
raise ValueError("Dataset doesn't seem to be valid, please check Datasets.py")
current_data_loader = DATASETS[dataset]["data_loader"]
current_data_loader = DATALOADERS[dataset]
input_raster = current_data_loader.get_data_from_extent(extent)
warped_output_raster = warp_data_to_3857(input_raster) # warp image to 3857
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import rasterio.merge
import rtree
import mercantile
import utm
import cv2
import pickle
@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ import pickle
from . import ROOT_DIR
from .DataLoaderAbstract import DataLoader
NAIP_BLOB_ROOT = 'https://naipblobs.blob.core.windows.net/naip'
class InMemoryRaster(object):
@ -87,7 +90,6 @@ def extent_to_transformed_geom(extent, dst_crs):
return fiona.transform.transform_geom(src_crs, dst_crs, geom)
def warp_data_to_3857(input_raster):
"""Warps an input raster to EPSG:3857
@ -185,32 +187,54 @@ def crop_data_by_geometry(input_raster, geometry, geometry_crs):
return InMemoryRaster(dst_img, input_raster.crs, dst_transform, (left, bottom, right, top))
def get_area_from_geometry(geom, src_crs="epsg:4326"):
"""Semi-accurately calculates the area for an input GeoJSON shape in km^2 by reprojecting it into a local UTM coordinate system.
geom (dict): A polygon (or multipolygon) in GeoJSON format
src_crs (str, optional): The CRS of `geom`. Defaults to "epsg:4326".
ValueError: This will be thrown if geom isn't formatted correctly, or is not a Polygon or MultiPolygon type
area (float): The area of `geom` in km^2
# get one of the coordinates
if geom["type"] == "Polygon":
lon, lat = geom["coordinates"][0][0]
elif geom["type"] == "MultiPolygon":
lon, lat = geom["coordinates"][0][0][0]
raise ValueError("Polygons and MultiPolygons only")
raise ValueError("Input shape is not in the correct format")
zone_number = utm.latlon_to_zone_number(lat, lon)
hemisphere = "+north" if lat > 0 else "+south"
dest_crs = "+proj=utm +zone=%d %s +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" % (zone_number, hemisphere)
projected_geom = fiona.transform.transform_geom(src_crs, dest_crs, geom)
area = shapely.geometry.shape(projected_geom).area / 1000000.0 # we calculate the area in square meters then convert to square kilometers
return area
# ------------------------------------------------------
# DataLoader for arbitrary GeoTIFFs
# ------------------------------------------------------
class DataLoaderCustom(DataLoader):
def __init__(self, data_fn, shapes, padding):
def __init__(self, padding, **kwargs):
"""A `DataLoader` object made for single raster datasources (single .tif files, .vrt files, etc.). This provides functionality for extracting data
from different shapes and calculating the area of shapes.
data_fn (str): Path (relative to the root project directory) to a raster file that GDAL can read
shapes (dict): A dictionary of with key:value pairs in the format `<layer name>: {"geoms": [...], "areas": [...], "crs": <str>}`. These describe the different polygon layers from
the "datasets.json" file.
padding (float): Amount of padding in terms of units of the CRS of the raster source pointed to by `data_fn`
padding (float): Amount of padding in terms of units of the CRS of the raster source pointed to by `data_fn`.
**kwargs: Should contain a "path" key that points to the location of the datasource (e.g. the .tif or .vrt file to use)
self.data_fn = data_fn
self._shapes = shapes
self._padding = padding
def shapes(self):
return self._shapes
def shapes(self, value):
self._shapes = value
self.data_fn = kwargs["path"]
def padding(self):
@ -221,15 +245,6 @@ class DataLoaderCustom(DataLoader):
self._padding = value
def get_data_from_extent(self, extent):
"""Returns the data from the class' raster source corresponding to a *buffered* version of the input extent.
Buffering is done by `self.padding` number of units (in terms of the source coordinate system).
extent (dict): A geographic extent formatted as a dictionary with the following keys: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, crs
output_raster (InMemoryRaster): A raster cropped to a *buffered* version of the input extent.
with rasterio.open(self.data_fn, "r") as f:
src_crs = f.crs.to_string()
transformed_geom = extent_to_transformed_geom(extent, src_crs)
@ -244,61 +259,16 @@ class DataLoaderCustom(DataLoader):
src_image = np.rollaxis(src_image, 0, 3)
return InMemoryRaster(src_image, src_crs, src_transform, buffed_geom.bounds)
def get_area_from_shape_by_extent(self, extent, shape_layer):
"""Returns the area from the shape that _contains_ the centroid of the given extent.
extent (dict): A geographic extent formatted as a dictionary with the following keys: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, crs
shape_layer (str): The name of a key in `self._shapes` to look through
area (float): The area of the shape (or a ValueError is raised if no shape is found)
i, shape = self.get_shape_by_extent(extent, shape_layer)
return self.shapes[shape_layer]["areas"][i]
def get_shape_by_extent(self, extent, shape_layer):
"""Returns the index and shape where shape _contains_ the centroid of the given extent.
Specifically, this will iterate through `self._shapes[shape_layer]["geoms"]` to find which shape contains the centroid of the extent.
extent (dict): A geographic extent formatted as a dictionary with the following keys: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, crs
shape_layer (str): A key in `self._shapes` to look through
ValueError: Will be raised if no shape within `self._shapes[shape_layer]` contains the given extent
(index (int), shape (shapely.geometry.shape)): A tuple containing the index of the found shape and the corresponding shapely shape object
transformed_geom = extent_to_transformed_geom(extent, self.shapes[shape_layer]["crs"])
transformed_shape = shapely.geometry.shape(transformed_geom)
mask_geom = None
for i, shape in enumerate(self.shapes[shape_layer]["geoms"]):
if shape.contains(transformed_shape.centroid):
return i, shape
raise ValueError("No shape contains the centroid")
def get_data_from_shape(self, shape):
"""Returns the data from the class' raster source corresponding to the input `shape` without any buffering applied. Note that `shape` is expected
to be a GeoJSON polygon (as a dictionary) in the EPSG:4326 coordinate system.
shape (dict): A polygon in GeoJSON format describing the boundary to crop the input raster to
output_raster (InMemoryRaster): A raster cropped to the outline of `shape`
def get_data_from_geometry(self, geometry):
#TODO: Figure out what happens if we call this with a geometry that doesn't intersect the data source.
f = rasterio.open(self.data_fn, "r")
src_profile = f.profile
src_crs = f.crs.to_string()
transformed_mask_geom = fiona.transform.transform_geom("epsg:4326", src_crs, shape)
transformed_mask_geom = fiona.transform.transform_geom("epsg:4326", src_crs, geometry)
src_image, src_transform = rasterio.mask.mask(f, [transformed_mask_geom], crop=True, all_touched=True, pad=False)
src_image = np.rollaxis(src_image, 0, 3)
#return src_image, src_profile, src_transform, shapely.geometry.shape(transformed_mask_geom).bounds, src_crs
return InMemoryRaster(src_image, src_crs, src_transform, shapely.geometry.shape(transformed_mask_geom).bounds)
@ -309,115 +279,82 @@ class NAIPTileIndex(object):
TILES = None
def lookup(extent):
def lookup(geom):
if NAIPTileIndex.TILES is None:
assert all([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in [
ROOT_DIR + "/data/tile_index.dat",
ROOT_DIR + "/data/tile_index.idx",
ROOT_DIR + "/data/tiles.p"
]]), "You do not have the correct files, did you setup the project correctly"
NAIPTileIndex.TILES = pickle.load(open(ROOT_DIR + "/data/tiles.p", "rb"))
return NAIPTileIndex.lookup_naip_tile_by_geom(extent)
NAIPTileIndex.TILES = pickle.load(open("data/tile_index/tiles.p", "rb"))
return NAIPTileIndex.lookup_naip_tile_by_geom(geom)
def lookup_naip_tile_by_geom(extent):
tile_index = rtree.index.Index(ROOT_DIR + "/data/tile_index")
def lookup_naip_tile_by_geom(geom):
tile_index = rtree.index.Index("data/tile_index/tile_index")
geom = extent_to_transformed_geom(extent, "EPSG:4269")
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = shapely.geometry.shape(geom).bounds
geom = shapely.geometry.mapping(shapely.geometry.box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, ccw=True))
geom = shapely.geometry.shape(geom)
intersected_indices = list(tile_index.intersection(geom.bounds))
for idx in intersected_indices:
intersected_fn = NAIPTileIndex.TILES[idx][0]
intersected_geom = NAIPTileIndex.TILES[idx][1]
if intersected_geom.contains(geom):
print("Found %d intersections, returning at %s" % (len(intersected_indices), intersected_fn))
return intersected_fn
if len(intersected_indices) > 0:
raise ValueError("Error, there are overlaps with tile index, but no tile completely contains selection")
raise ValueError("No tile intersections")
class USALayerGeoDataTypes(Enum):
NAIP = 1
NLCD = 2
class DataLoaderUSALayer(DataLoader):
def shapes(self):
return self._shapes
def shapes(self, value):
self._shapes = value
def __init__(self, padding):
self._padding = padding
def padding(self):
return self._padding
def padding(self, value):
self._padding = value
def __init__(self, shapes, padding):
self._shapes = shapes
self._padding = padding
def get_data_from_extent(self, extent):
query_geom = extent_to_transformed_geom(extent, "epsg:4326")
naip_fn = NAIPTileIndex.lookup(query_geom)
def get_fn_by_geo_data_type(self, naip_fn, geo_data_type):
fn = None
with rasterio.open(NAIP_BLOB_ROOT + "/" + naip_fn) as f:
src_crs = f.crs.to_string()
transformed_geom = extent_to_transformed_geom(extent, src_crs)
transformed_geom = shapely.geometry.shape(transformed_geom)
if geo_data_type == USALayerGeoDataTypes.NAIP:
fn = naip_fn
elif geo_data_type == USALayerGeoDataTypes.NLCD:
fn = naip_fn.replace("/esri-naip/", "/resampled-nlcd/")[:-4] + "_nlcd.tif"
elif geo_data_type == USALayerGeoDataTypes.LANDSAT_LEAFON:
fn = naip_fn.replace("/esri-naip/data/v1/", "/resampled-landsat8/data/leaf_on/")[:-4] + "_landsat.tif"
elif geo_data_type == USALayerGeoDataTypes.LANDSAT_LEAFOFF:
fn = naip_fn.replace("/esri-naip/data/v1/", "/resampled-landsat8/data/leaf_off/")[:-4] + "_landsat.tif"
elif geo_data_type == USALayerGeoDataTypes.BUILDINGS:
fn = naip_fn.replace("/esri-naip/", "/resampled-buildings/")[:-4] + "_building.tif"
elif geo_data_type == USALayerGeoDataTypes.LANDCOVER:
fn = naip_fn.replace("/esri-naip/", "/resampled-lc/")[:-4] + "_lc.tif"
raise ValueError("GeoDataType not recognized")
buffed_geom = transformed_geom.buffer(self.padding)
buffed_geojson = shapely.geometry.mapping(buffed_geom)
return fn
def get_shape_by_extent(self, extent, shape_layer):
transformed_geom = extent_to_transformed_geom(extent, shapes_crs)
transformed_shape = shapely.geometry.shape(transformed_geom)
mask_geom = None
for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
if shape.contains(transformed_shape.centroid):
return i, shape
raise ValueError("No shape contains the centroid")
src_image, src_transform = rasterio.mask.mask(f, [buffed_geojson], crop=True, all_touched=True, pad=False)
def get_data_from_extent(self, extent, geo_data_type=USALayerGeoDataTypes.NAIP):
naip_fn = NAIPTileIndex.lookup(extent)
fn = self.get_fn_by_geo_data_type(naip_fn, geo_data_type)
src_image = np.rollaxis(src_image, 0, 3)
return InMemoryRaster(src_image, src_crs, src_transform, buffed_geom.bounds)
f = rasterio.open(fn, "r")
src_crs = f.crs
transformed_geom = extent_to_transformed_geom(extent, f.crs.to_dict())
transformed_geom = shapely.geometry.shape(transformed_geom)
buffed_geom = transformed_geom.buffer(self.padding)
geom = shapely.geometry.mapping(shapely.geometry.box(*buffed_geom.bounds))
src_image, src_transform = rasterio.mask.mask(f, [geom], crop=True)
def get_data_from_geometry(self, geometry):
naip_fn = NAIPTileIndex.lookup(geometry)
return src_image, src_crs, src_transform, buffed_geom.bounds
with rasterio.open(NAIP_BLOB_ROOT + "/" + naip_fn) as f:
src_profile = f.profile
src_crs = f.crs.to_string()
transformed_mask_geom = fiona.transform.transform_geom("epsg:4326", src_crs, geometry)
src_image, src_transform = rasterio.mask.mask(f, [transformed_mask_geom], crop=True, all_touched=True, pad=False)
def get_area_from_shape_by_extent(self, extent, shape_layer):
raise NotImplementedError()
src_image = np.rollaxis(src_image, 0, 3)
return InMemoryRaster(src_image, src_crs, src_transform, shapely.geometry.shape(transformed_mask_geom).bounds)
def get_data_from_shape(self, shape):
raise NotImplementedError()
# ------------------------------------------------------
# DataLoader for loading RGB data from arbitrary basemaps
@ -451,7 +388,7 @@ class DataLoaderBasemap(DataLoader):
arr = np.asarray(bytearray(req.read()), dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imdecode(arr, -1)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
return img
return img
def get_tile_as_virtual_raster(self, tile):
'''NOTE: Here "tile" refers to a mercantile "Tile" object.'''
@ -1,29 +1,48 @@
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import abc
class DataLoader(ABC):
class DataLoader(abc.ABC):
def padding(self):
"""A float value that describes the amount of padding (in terms of the class' data source CRS) to apply on input shapes in `get_data_from_extent`.
def shapes(self):
def __init__(self, padding, **kwargs):
"""A `DataLoader` object should be able to query a source of data by polygons / extents and return the result in a reasonable amount of time. This functionality is abstracted
as different sources of data will need to be queried using different interfaces. For example, local raster data sources (".tif", ".vrt", etc.) can be simply accessed, while global data
sources provided by a basemap will need more effort to access.
def get_shape_by_extent(self, extent, shape_layer):
padding (float): Amount of padding in terms of units of the CRS of the raster source pointed to by `data_fn` to apply during `get_data_from_extent`.
**kwargs: Key, value pairs created from the contents of this implementation's "dataLayer" key in datasets.json.
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_data_from_extent(self, extent):
"""Returns the data from the class' data source corresponding to a *buffered* version of the input extent.
Buffering is done by `self.padding` number of units (in terms of the source coordinate system).
extent (dict): A geographic extent formatted as a dictionary with the following keys: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, crs
output_raster (InMemoryRaster): A raster cropped to a *buffered* version of the input extent.
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_area_from_shape_by_extent(self, extent, shape_layer):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_data_from_geometry(self, geometry):
"""Returns the data from the class' raster source corresponding to the input `geometry` without any buffering applied. Note that `geometry` is expected
to be a GeoJSON polygon (as a dictionary) in the EPSG:4326 coordinate system.
def get_data_from_shape(self, shape):
geometry (dict): A polygon in GeoJSON format describing the boundary to crop the input raster to
output_raster (InMemoryRaster): A raster cropped to the outline of `geometry`
raise NotImplementedError()
@ -13,114 +13,58 @@ LOGGER = logging.getLogger("server")
from . import ROOT_DIR
from .DataLoader import DataLoaderCustom, DataLoaderUSALayer, DataLoaderBasemap
def get_area_from_geometry(geom, src_crs="epsg:4326"):
if geom["type"] == "Polygon":
lon, lat = geom["coordinates"][0][0]
elif geom["type"] == "MultiPolygon":
lon, lat = geom["coordinates"][0][0][0]
raise ValueError("Polygons and MultiPolygons only")
zone_number = utm.latlon_to_zone_number(lat, lon)
hemisphere = "+north" if lat > 0 else "+south"
dest_crs = "+proj=utm +zone=%d %s +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" % (zone_number, hemisphere)
projected_geom = fiona.transform.transform_geom(src_crs, dest_crs, geom)
area = shapely.geometry.shape(projected_geom).area / 1000000.0 # we calculate the area in square meters then convert to square kilometers
return area
def _load_geojson_as_list(fn):
''' Takes a geojson file as input and outputs a list of shapely `shape` objects in that file and their corresponding areas in km^2.
We calculate area here by re-projecting the shape into its local UTM zone, converting it to a shapely `shape`, then using the `.area` property.
shapes = []
areas = []
crs = None
with fiona.open(fn) as f:
src_crs = f.crs
for row in f:
geom = row["geometry"]
area = get_area_from_geometry(geom, src_crs)
shape = shapely.geometry.shape(geom)
return shapes, areas, src_crs
def _load_dataset(dataset):
# Step 1: load the shape layers
shape_layers = {}
if dataset["shapeLayers"] is not None:
for shape_layer in dataset["shapeLayers"]:
fn = shape_layer["shapesFn"]
if os.path.exists(fn):
shapes, areas, crs = _load_geojson_as_list(fn)
shape_layer["geoms"] = shapes
shape_layer["areas"] = areas
shape_layer["crs"] = crs["init"] # TODO: will this break with fiona version; I think `.crs` will turn into a PyProj object
shape_layers[shape_layer["name"]] = shape_layer
LOGGER.warning("Step 1 failed in loading dataset {}".format(dataset["metadata"]["displayName"]))
# TODO: check that the displayName field is present
return False # TODO: maybe we should make these errors more descriptive (explain why we can't load a dataset)
# Step 2: make sure the dataLayer exists
# Step 1: make sure the dataLayer exists
if dataset["dataLayer"]["type"] == "CUSTOM":
fn = dataset["dataLayer"]["path"]
if not os.path.exists(fn):
LOGGER.warning("Step 2 failed in loading dataset {}".format(dataset["metadata"]["displayName"]))
return False # TODO: maybe we should make these errors more descriptive (explain why we can't load a dataset)
# Step 3: setup the appropriate DatasetLoader
# Step 2: setup the appropriate DatasetLoader
if dataset["dataLayer"]["type"] == "CUSTOM":
data_loader = DataLoaderCustom(dataset["dataLayer"]["path"], shape_layers, dataset["dataLayer"]["padding"])
data_loader = DataLoaderCustom(**dataset["dataLayer"])
elif dataset["dataLayer"]["type"] == "USA_LAYER":
data_loader = DataLoaderUSALayer(shape_layers, dataset["dataLayer"]["padding"])
data_loader = DataLoaderUSALayer(dataset["dataLayer"]["padding"])
elif dataset["dataLayer"]["type"] == "BASEMAP":
data_loader = DataLoaderBasemap(dataset["dataLayer"]["path"], dataset["dataLayer"]["padding"])
data_loader = DataLoaderBasemap(dataset["dataLayer"]["padding"])
LOGGER.warning("Step 3 failed in loading dataset {}".format(dataset["metadata"]["displayName"]))
return False # TODO: maybe we should make these errors more descriptive (explain why we can't load a dataset)
return {
"data_loader": data_loader,
"shape_layers": shape_layers,
return data_loader
def load_datasets():
"""Returns a dictionary of key:value where keys are dataset names (from "datasets.json" / "datasets.mine.json") and values are instances of classes that extend DataLoaderAbstract
datasets = dict()
dataset_json = json.load(open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "datasets.json"),"r"))
for key, dataset in dataset_json.items():
dataset_object = _load_dataset(dataset)
data_loader = _load_dataset(dataset)
if dataset_object is False:
if data_loader is False:
LOGGER.warning("Files are missing, we will not be able to serve the following dataset: '%s'" % (key))
datasets[key] = dataset_object
datasets[key] = data_loader
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "datasets.mine.json")):
dataset_json = json.load(open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "datasets.mine.json"),"r"))
for key, dataset in dataset_json.items():
if key not in datasets:
dataset_object = _load_dataset(dataset)
data_loader = _load_dataset(dataset)
if dataset_object is False:
if data_loader is False:
LOGGER.warning("Files are missing, we will not be able to serve the following dataset: '%s'" % (key))
datasets[key] = dataset_object
datasets[key] = data_loader
LOGGER.warning("There is a conflicting dataset key in datasets.mine.json, skipping.")
return datasets
def is_valid_dataset(dataset_key):
dataset_json = json.load(open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "datasets.json"), "r"))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "datasets.mine.json")):
dataset_mine_json = json.load(open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "datasets.mine.json"), "r"))
@ -85,5 +85,32 @@
"validModels": ["naip_demo"]
"naip_all": {
"metadata": {
"displayName": "NAIP USA",
"locationName": null
"dataLayer": {
"type": "USA_LAYER",
"padding": 20,
"resolution": 1
"basemapLayers": [
"layerName": "NAIP 2017 Imagery",
"initialZoom": 11,
"url": "https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}",
"initialLocation": [38.477018, -75.402312],
"args": {
"attribution": "Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community",
"maxNativeZoom": 16,
"maxZoom": 20,
"minZoom": 4
"shapeLayers": null,
"validModels": ["naip_demo"]
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