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Install LISA on Linux
Minimum System Requirements
1. Your favorite Linux distribution supporting Python 3.8 - 3.10
2. Dual core processor
3. 4 GB system memory
We will guide you through the installation of LISA on Linux.
The following commands assume Ubuntu is being used.
Install Python on Linux
LISA has been tested to work with `Python 3.8 - 3.10 64-bit <https://www.python.org/>`__.
Python 3.10 is recommended. Support for 3.11+ is under development.
If you find that LISA is not compatible with a supported version,
`please file an issue <https://github.com/microsoft/lisa/issues/new>`__.
To check which version of Python is used on your system, run the following:
.. code:: bash
python3 --version
If you need to install a different Python package, there are likely packaged versions for
your distro.
Here is an example to install Python 3.10 on Ubuntu 20.04
.. code:: bash
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y
sudo apt install python3.10 python3.10-dev -y
Install system dependencies
Run the command below to install the dependencies on Ubuntu:
.. code:: bash
sudo apt install git gcc libgirepository1.0-dev libcairo2-dev qemu-utils libvirt-dev python3-pip python3-venv -y
If you're using a different distribution or python version, adjust the command as needed
Check PATH
When installing Python packages via ``pip``, they will be installed as a local user unless invoked
as root. Some Python packages contain entry point scripts which act as user-facing commands
for the Python package. When installed as a user, these scripts are placed in ``$HOME/.local/bin``.
To ensure you're able to run these commands, make sure ``$HOME/.local/bin`` is at the beginning
of your ``$PATH``. The following command will highlight this section of the ``$PATH`` variable
if it exists.
.. code:: bash
echo $PATH | grep --color=always "$HOME/\.local/bin"
.. note::
For some distributions, such as Ubuntu, ``$HOME/\.local/bin`` will be
added to the ``$PATH`` at login if it exists. In this case, log out and
log back in after installing LISA if your path doesn't currently include it.
Ideally, this section is at the beginning of your ``$PATH``. If not, you can add the following to
the bottom of your ``~/.profile`` or ``~.bash_profile`` files.
.. code:: bash
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
Clone code
.. code:: sh
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/lisa.git
cd lisa
Development Environment
For making any code changes and running testcases in LISA, you will need to setup a development environment. Instructions for setting up the development environment are present here: :ref:`DevVirtEnv`.
Runtime Environment
This installation method is used to run LISA if no change in source code is desired, for example, when setting up automation with LISA in pipelines. Direct installation requires pip 22.2.2 or higher. If the version of pip provided by your installation is older than this, a newer version should be installed.
.. code:: bash
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
The example below will install LISA directly for the invoking user.
To install system-wide, preface the command with ``sudo``.
.. code:: bash
python3 -m pip install --editable .[azure,libvirt] --config-settings editable_mode=compat
Verify installation
Ensure LISA is installed or a virtual environment is activated.
Run LISA with the ``lisa`` command
With no argument specified, LISA will run some sample test cases with
the default runbook (``examples/runbook/hello_world.yml``) on your local
computer. In the root folder of LISA, you can run this command to verify
your local LISA environment setup. This test will not modify your
.. code:: bash
FAQ and Troubleshooting
If there’s any problem during the installation, please refer to :doc:`FAQ and
troubleshooting <troubleshooting>`.