# Put files/directories that should be ignored in this file when uploading # to a chef-server or supermarket. # Lines that start with '# ' are comments. # OS generated files # ###################### .DS_Store Icon? nohup.out ehthumbs.db Thumbs.db # SASS # ######## .sass-cache # EDITORS # ########### \#* .#* *~ *.sw[a-z] *.bak REVISION TAGS* tmtags *_flymake.* *_flymake *.tmproj .project .settings mkmf.log ## COMPILED ## ############## a.out *.o *.pyc *.so *.com *.class *.dll *.exe */rdoc/ # Testing # ########### .watchr .rspec data_bags spec/* spec spec/fixtures/* test/* test features/* examples/* Guardfile Procfile .kitchen* .rubocop.yml spec/* Rakefile .travis.yml .foodcritic .codeclimate.yml .delivery azure-pipelines.yml # SCM # ####### .git */.git .gitignore .gitmodules .gitconfig .gitattributes .mailmap .svn */.bzr/* */.hg/* */.svn/* # Berkshelf # ############# Berksfile Berksfile.lock cookbooks/* tmp # Policyfile # ############## Policyfile.rb Policyfile.lock.json # Cookbooks # ############# CONTRIBUTING* CHANGELOG* TESTING* MAINTAINERS.toml # Strainer # ############ Colanderfile Strainerfile .colander .strainer # Vagrant # ########### .vagrant Vagrantfile # JetBrains # ############# .idea # Packer # ########## template.json output-parallels-pvm