unified_mode true provides :remote_management default_action :enable property :users, [String, Array], default: 'all', description: 'The user(s) whoose ARD privileges will be configured.', coerce: ->(p) { [p].flatten } property :privileges, [String, Array, Integer], default: 'all', description: 'The desired privileges to bestow upon the given users.', coerce: ->(p) { p.is_a?(Integer) ? p : RemoteManagement::BitMask.mask_from_privileges(p) }, callbacks: { 'is invalid. See https://ss64.com/osx/kickstart.html for valid privileges' => ->(p) { RemoteManagement::BitMask.valid_mask?(p) } } property :computer_info, [String, Array], default: [], description: 'Info fields; helpful for stratifing computers in ARD client app.', coerce: ->(p) { p.compact.map(&:to_s) }, callbacks: { 'has too many elements; computer info excepts up to four info fields' => ->(p) { (p.is_a?(Array) && p.size < 4) } } load_current_value do |desired| current_value_does_not_exist! unless RemoteManagement.activated? privileges RemoteManagement.current_mask(desired.users) computer_info RemoteManagement.current_computer_info end # TODO; the enable action should be decoupled from configuration; configure action should be added; default action should be [:configure, :enable] action :enable do converge_if_changed(:privileges, :computer_info) do raise(RemoteManagement::Exceptions::TCCError) unless RemoteManagement::TCC::DB.correct_privileges? execute 'restart the TCC daemon' do command 'sudo pkill -9 tccd' only_if { platform_version >= Chef::Version.new('12.0.0') } not_if { RemoteManagement::TCC::State.enabled? } end converge_if_changed(:privileges) do if new_resource.users.include?('all') converge_by('setting privileges for all users') do execute 'set privileges for all users' do command [RemoteManagement.kickstart, '-configure', '-allowAccessFor', '-allUsers', '-access', '-on', '-privs', '-mask', new_resource.privileges] end end else converge_by('setting privileges for specified users') do execute 'set up Remote Management to only grant access to users with privileges' do command [RemoteManagement.kickstart, '-configure', '-allowAccessFor', '-specifiedUsers'] end execute "set privileges for #{new_resource.users.join(', ')}" do command [RemoteManagement.kickstart, '-configure', '-access', '-on', '-privs', '-mask', new_resource.privileges, '-users', new_resource.users.join(',')] end end end end converge_if_changed(:computer_info) do new_resource.computer_info.each_with_index do |info, i| execute "set computer info field #{i + 1}" do command [RemoteManagement.kickstart, '-configure', '-computerinfo', "-set#{i + 1}", "-#{i + 1}", info] end end end execute 'activate the Remote Management service and restart the agent' do command [RemoteManagement.kickstart, '-activate', '-restart', '-agent'] end end end action :disable do execute 'stop the Remote Management service and deactivate it so it will not start after the next restart' do command [RemoteManagement.kickstart, '-deactivate', '-stop'] only_if { RemoteManagement.activated? } end end