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245 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import sys
import unittest
import numpy as np
from .test_frame import DYNAMIC_NODE_NUM, STATIC_NODE_NUM, build_frame
from tests.utils import backends_to_test
class TestFrame(unittest.TestCase):
def test_take_snapshot(self):
for backend_name in backends_to_test:
"""Test if take_stapshot work"""
frame = build_frame(True, backend_name=backend_name)
# 1st static node
static_node = frame.static_nodes[0]
static_node.a1[:] = [1, 23]
frame_index_list = frame.snapshots.get_frame_index_list()
# check if frame list correct
# NOTE: since our resolution is 1 here, so tick==frame_index
self.assertListEqual(frame_index_list, [0])
a1_at_tick_0 = frame.snapshots["static"][:0:"a1"]
# NOTE: we use flatten here, as raw backend's snapshotlist will have 4 dim result
# the value should be same with current
self.assertListEqual(list(a1_at_tick_0.flatten().astype("i")), [
1, 23], msg="1st static node's a1 should be [1, 23] at tick 0")
# test if the value in snapshot will be changed after change frame
static_node.a1[1] = 123
a1_at_tick_0 = frame.snapshots["static"][:0:"a1"]
self.assertListEqual(list(a1_at_tick_0.flatten().astype("i")), [
1, 23], msg="1st static node's a1 should be [1, 23] at tick 0 even static node value changed")
frame_index_list = frame.snapshots.get_frame_index_list()
self.assertListEqual(frame_index_list, [0, 1])
def test_slice_quering(self):
for backend_name in backends_to_test:
"""Test if states quering result correct"""
frame = build_frame(True, total_snapshot=2,
# one node changes
static_node = frame.static_nodes[0]
static_node.a2 = 1
# before takeing snapshot, states should be 0
static_node_a2_states = frame.snapshots["static"][0:0:"a2"]
self.assertEqual(1, len(static_node_a2_states),
msg="slicing with 1 tick, 1 node and 1 attr, should return array with 1 result")
if backend_name == "dynamic":
self.assertTrue((static_node_a2_states == 0).all())
self.assertEqual(0, static_node_a2_states.astype(
"i")[0], msg="states before taking snapshot should be 0")
# set a2 and a3 for all static nodes
for i, node in enumerate(frame.static_nodes):
node.a3 = 100 * i
node.a2 = 100 * i + 1
# take snapshot
# query with 2 attributes
states = frame.snapshots["static"][1::["a3", "a2"]]
# with this quering, the result should be like
# so we can reshape it as
states = states.reshape(len(frame.static_nodes), 2)
# then 1st should a3 value for all static node
# 2nd should be a2 value for all static node
self.assertListEqual(list(states[:, 0].astype("i")), [
100 * i for i in range(len(frame.static_nodes))], msg="1st row of states should be a3 value")
self.assertListEqual(list(states[:, 1].astype("i")), [100 * i + 1 for i in range(
len(frame.static_nodes))], msg="2nd row of states should be a2 value")
# quering without tick, means return all ticks in snapshot
states = frame.snapshots["static"][:0:"a2"]
# reshape it as 2-dim, so row is tick
states = states.reshape(2, -1).astype("i")
# then each row is a2 value for 1st static node at that tick
1, len(states[0]), msg="1st static should contains 1 a2 value at tick 0")
1, states[0], msg="1st static node a2 value should be 1 at tick 0")
1, states[1], msg="1st staic node a2 value should be 1 at tick 1")
# quering without node index, means return attributes of all the nodes
states = frame.snapshots["static"][1::"a2"]
# NOTE: dynamic backend have shape
if backend_name == "dynamic":
self.assertTrue(len(states), len(frame.static_nodes))
len(states), msg="1 tick 1 attribute and not specified ticks, should return array length same as node number")
self.assertListEqual(list(states.flatten().astype("i")), [100 * i + 1 for i in range(
len(frame.static_nodes))], msg="a2 at 1st row should be values at tick 1")
# when reach the max size of snapshot, oldest one will be overwrite
static_node.a2 = 1000
# check if current snapshot max size correct
self.assertEqual(2, len(frame.snapshots),
msg="snapshot list max size should be 2")
# and result without ticks should return 2 row: 2*len(static_nodes)
states = frame.snapshots["static"][::"a2"]
states = states.reshape(-1, len(frame.static_nodes))
2, len(states), msg="states should contains 2 row")
# 1st row should be values at tick 1
self.assertListEqual(list(states[0].astype("i")), [100 * i + 1 for i in range(
len(frame.static_nodes))], msg="a2 at tick 1 for all nodes should be correct")
# 2nd row should be lastest one
1000, states[1][0], msg="a2 for 1st static node for 2nd row should be 1000")
# quering with ticks that being over-wrote, should return 0 for that tick
states = frame.snapshots["static"][(0, 1, 2)::"a2"]
states = states.reshape(-1, len(frame.static_nodes))
3, len(states), msg="states should contains 3 row")
if backend_name == "dynamic":
self.assertTrue((states[0] == 0).all())
list(states[0].astype("i")), msg="over-wrote tick should return 0")
self.assertListEqual(list(states[1].astype("i")), [100 * i + 1 for i in range(
len(frame.static_nodes))], msg="a2 at tick 1 for all nodes should be correct")
1000, states[2][0], msg="a2 for 1st static node for 2nd row should be 1000")
frame_index_list = frame.snapshots.get_frame_index_list()
self.assertListEqual(frame_index_list, [1, 2])
def test_snapshot_length(self):
"""Test __len__ function result"""
for backend_name in backends_to_test:
frm = build_frame(True, total_snapshot=10,
self.assertEqual(0, len(frm.snapshots))
def test_snapshot_node_length(self):
"""Test if node number in snapshot correct"""
for backend_name in backends_to_test:
frm = build_frame(True, backend_name=backend_name)
self.assertEqual(STATIC_NODE_NUM, len(frm.snapshots["static"]))
self.assertEqual(DYNAMIC_NODE_NUM, len(frm.snapshots["dynamic"]))
def test_quering_with_not_exist_indices(self):
# NOTE: when quering with not exist indices, snapshot will try to fill the result of that index with 0
for backend_name in backends_to_test:
frm = build_frame(True, backend_name=backend_name)
for node in frm.static_nodes:
node.a2 = node.index
# with 1 invalid index, all should be 0
states = frm.snapshots["static"][1::"a2"]
# NOTE: raw backend will padding with nan while numpy padding with 0
if backend_name == "dynamic":
# all should be nan
self.assertListEqual(list(states.astype("I")), [
# with 1 invalid index, one valid index
states = frm.snapshots["static"][(0, 1)::"a2"]
# NOTE: this reshape for raw backend will get 2 dim array, each for one tick
states = states.reshape(-1, STATIC_NODE_NUM)
# index 0 should be same with current value
self.assertListEqual(list(states[0].astype("i")), [
i for i in range(STATIC_NODE_NUM)])
if backend_name == "dynamic":
self.assertTrue((states[1] == 0).all())
self.assertListEqual(list(states[1].astype("i")), [
def test_get_attribute_with_undefined_attribute(self):
for backend_name in backends_to_test:
frm = build_frame(True, backend_name=backend_name)
# not exist attribute name
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as ctx:
states = frm.snapshots["static"][::"a8"]
# not exist node name
if __name__ == "__main__":