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module Interval
open BitVector
open System.Numerics
open Microsoft.Z3
open Util
// Interval [lower,upper)
// CMW: I.e., lower is included, but upper is not.
// However, when constructing a new Interval, we always
// provide an _inclusive_ upper bound. From the outside,
// we don't care how Intervals are saved internally, but
// we always want to provide an inclusive upper bound,
// because it's easier to think inclusive.
type Interval private (l:BitVector, u:BitVector, fr:bool) =
do assert(l.Length = u.Length)
do assert(l.isConcreteValue)
do assert(u.isConcreteValue)
// CMW: The following are private; this is the internal state of
// the Interval object, they are never leaked outside of this class.
member private this.dimension = l.Length
member private this.lower = l
member private this.upper = u
static member Empty (dim:int) = Interval(BitVector.AllOne dim, BitVector.AllOne dim, false)
static member Full (dim:int) = Interval(BitVector.AllZero dim, BitVector.AllOne dim, true)
// This is the constructor for the user; upper is inclusive.
new(lower:BitVector, upper:BitVector) =
assert (upper.Length = lower.Length)
let dim = lower.Length
let upper_plus_one = (BitVector.bvAdd upper (BitVector.One upper.Length))
let l, u, f =
if BitVector.bvEQ lower upper_plus_one then
BitVector.AllZero dim, BitVector.AllOne dim, true // full
elif BitVector.bvULT upper lower then
upper, (BitVector.bvAdd lower (BitVector.One dim)), false // normalized
lower, upper_plus_one, false
Interval(l, u, f)
// This is the constructor for one-sided intervals, i.e., [bound, +oo] if
// is_lower = true and [-oo, bound] otherwise.
new(bound:BitVector, is_lower:bool) =
if is_lower then
Interval(bound, BitVector.AllOne bound.Length)
Interval(BitVector.AllZero bound.Length, bound)
// CMW: What is the definition of "full" and "range" here?
// Is "upperIsIncluded" a better description, or does it mean something else?
member private this.fullRange = fr
// CMW: The following three are functions to access the dimension, the lowest and
// the uppermost element of the interval. The user thinks in inclusive upper
// bounds and doesn't care what the internal representation is like.
// So, we need to translate from exclusive to inclusive in this.Upper.
member this.Dimension = this.dimension
member this.Lower = assert(not this.isEmpty)
member this.Upper = if this.isFull then
BitVector.AllOne this.dimension
assert(not this.isEmpty)
BitVector.bvSub this.upper (BitVector.One this.dimension)
member this.isEmpty = (not this.fullRange && BitVector.bvEQ this.lower this.upper)
member this.isFull = (this.fullRange) // AZ: This or case causes problems on length one intervals. Singleton [0,0] is represented as [0,1] and not full, but it meets the conditions of the or case of the test.
//|| ((BitVector.isAllZero this.lower) && (BitVector.isAllOnes this.upper))
member this.containsZero = (BitVector.isAllZero this.lower)
// CMW: I haven't checked/tested any of the functions below after changing
// the interface of the Interval class.
member this.Complement() = //AZ: this might still be buggy
if this.isFull then
elif this.isEmpty then
Interval(this.upper, BitVector.bvSub this.Lower (BitVector.One this.Dimension)) //AZ: Note the small upper!
override this.ToString() =
if this.isEmpty then
"[" + (this.Lower.ToString()) + ", " + (this.Upper.ToString()) + "]"
member this.estimateSearchSpace() = if this.isFull then this.Dimension
elif this.isEmpty then 0
let diff = BitVector.bvSub this.Upper this.Lower
diff.Length - diff.LeadingZeros
member this.AddConstantShift (b:BitVector) =
Interval(BitVector.bvAdd this.lower b, BitVector.bvAdd this.upper b,this.fullRange)
member this.SubstractConstantShift (b:BitVector) =
Interval(BitVector.bvSub this.lower b, BitVector.bvSub this.upper b,this.fullRange)
member this.isEqual (other:Interval) =
this.dimension = other.dimension &&
this.fullRange = other.fullRange &&
BitVector.bvEQ this.upper other.upper &&
BitVector.bvEQ this.lower this.lower
static member iULEQ (lhs:Interval) (rhs:Interval) =
// lhs <= rhs can only cut off one side of the interval
// rhs cuts off lhs.upper
// lhs cuts off rhs.lower
let nLhsBounds = if BitVector.bvUGT lhs.upper rhs.upper then
let nRhsBounds = if BitVector.bvUGT lhs.lower rhs.lower then
// static member iEQ (a:Interval) (b:Interval) =
// if BitVector.bvULEQ a.upper b.lower then Val.True
// elif BitVector.bvULEQ b.upper a.lower then Val.False
// else Val.U
// static member iULEQ (a:Interval) (b:Interval) =
// BitVector.bvEQ (a.getSingletonElement()) (b.getSingletonElement())
member this.Normalize () =
this.SubstractConstantShift this.lower
member this.isSupersetRotational (sub:Interval) =
if this.fullRange then
elif sub.fullRange then
elif sub.isEmpty then
//Normalize the intervals
let nThis = this.Normalize()
let nSub = sub.SubstractConstantShift this.lower
BitVector.bvULEQ nThis.lower nSub.lower &&
BitVector.bvULEQ nSub.lower nSub.upper &&
BitVector.bvULEQ nSub.upper this.upper
member this.isSuperset (sub:Interval) =
not this.isEmpty &&
BitVector.bvULEQ this.Lower sub.Lower &&
BitVector.bvULEQ sub.Upper this.Upper
member this.isSubset(sup:Interval) =
member this.isSingleton =
if this.isEmpty then //Necessarry check due to assertions in this.Lower and this.Upper
elif (BitVector.bvEQ this.Lower this.Upper) then
member this.Singleton =
if this.isSingleton then
// CMW: The following functions are highly inefficient and only needed when
// rotational BVs are used.
// member this.Size() =
// if this.fullRange then
// BitVector.AllOne(this.dimension).toBigInt()
// else
// let norm = this.Normalize()
// let sz = (BitVector.bvSub norm.upper norm.lower)
// sz.toBigInt()
// member this.RotationalUnion (i:Interval) =
// let isFullRange = this.isSuperset (i.Complement())
// if isFullRange then
// Interval(this.lower,this.lower,isFullRange)
// else
// let (lMin,lMax) = if BitVector.bvULEQ this.lower i.lower then
// (this.lower,i.lower)
// else
// (i.lower, this.lower)
// let (uMin, uMax) = if BitVector.bvULEQ this.upper i.upper then
// (i.upper, this.upper)
// else
// (this.upper, i.upper)
// let lowerUpper = Interval(lMin,uMax,false)
// let upperLower = Interval(uMin,lMax,false)
// if lowerUpper.Size() < upperLower.Size() then
// lowerUpper
// else
// upperLower
member this.Union (other:Interval) =
let l = BitVector.Min this.Lower other.Lower
let u = BitVector.Max this.Upper other.Upper
let res = Interval(l,u)
assert (res.isSuperset this && res.isSuperset other)
member this.Intersection (other:Interval) =
if this.isEmpty then
elif other.isEmpty then
let l = BitVector.Max this.lower other.lower
let u = BitVector.Min this.Upper other.Upper
if BitVector.bvULEQ l u then
let res = Interval (l, u)
assert (res.isSubset this && res.isSubset other)
member this.Contains (value:BitVector) =
(BitVector.bvULEQ this.Lower value) &&
(BitVector.bvULEQ value this.Upper)
member this.RemoveValue (value:BitVector) =
if BitVector.bvEQ value this.Lower then
Interval (BitVector.bvAdd (this.Lower) (BitVector.One this.Dimension),this.Upper)
elif BitVector.bvEQ value this.Upper then
Interval (this.Upper, BitVector.bvSub (this.Upper) (BitVector.One this.Dimension))
static member Add (a:Interval) (b:Interval) =
assert (not a.isEmpty)
assert (not b.isEmpty)
assert (a.dimension = b.dimension)
if a.fullRange then a
elif b.fullRange then b
elif a.isSingleton && b.isSingleton then
let q = (BitVector.bvAdd a.lower b.lower)
Interval(q, q)
let n = a.dimension
let extra_bits = 1
let big_al = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) a.Lower)
let big_au = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) a.Upper)
let big_bl = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) b.Lower)
let big_bu = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) b.Upper)
let big_l = (BitVector.bvAdd big_al big_bl)
let big_u = (BitVector.bvAdd big_au big_bu)
let big_l_overflow = not (BitVector.isAllZero (BitVector.bvExtract ((n+extra_bits)-1) n big_l))
let big_u_overflow = not (BitVector.isAllZero (BitVector.bvExtract ((n+extra_bits)-1) n big_u))
if not big_l_overflow && not big_u_overflow then
let l = (BitVector.bvExtract (n-1) 0 big_l)
let u = (BitVector.bvExtract (n-1) 0 big_u)
Interval(l, u)
Interval.Full n
static member Sub (a:Interval) (b:Interval) =
assert (not a.isEmpty)
assert (not b.isEmpty)
assert (a.dimension = b.dimension)
if a.fullRange then a
elif b.fullRange then b
elif a.isSingleton && b.isSingleton then
let q = (BitVector.bvSub a.lower b.lower)
Interval(q, q)
let n = a.dimension
let extra_bits = 1
let big_al = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) a.Lower)
let big_au = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) a.Upper)
let big_bl = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) b.Lower)
let big_bu = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) b.Upper)
let big_l = (BitVector.bvSub big_al big_bu)
let big_u = (BitVector.bvSub big_au big_bl)
let big_l_overflow = not (BitVector.isAllZero (BitVector.bvExtract ((n+extra_bits)-1) n big_l))
let big_u_overflow = not (BitVector.isAllZero (BitVector.bvExtract ((n+extra_bits)-1) n big_u))
if not big_l_overflow && not big_u_overflow then
let l = (BitVector.bvExtract (n-1) 0 big_l)
let u = (BitVector.bvExtract (n-1) 0 big_u)
Interval(l, u)
Interval.Full n
static member Mul (a:Interval) (b:Interval) =
assert (not a.isEmpty)
assert (not b.isEmpty)
assert (a.dimension = b.dimension)
if a.fullRange then a
elif b.fullRange then b
elif a.isSingleton && b.isSingleton then
let q = (BitVector.bvMul a.lower b.lower)
Interval(q, q)
let n = a.dimension
let extra_bits = n
let big_al = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) a.Lower)
let big_au = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) a.Upper)
let big_bl = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) b.Lower)
let big_bu = (BitVector.bvConcat (BitVector.AllZero extra_bits) b.Upper)
let big_l = (BitVector.bvMul big_al big_bl)
let big_u = (BitVector.bvMul big_au big_bu)
let big_l_overflow = not (BitVector.isAllZero (BitVector.bvExtract ((n+extra_bits)-1) n big_l))
let big_u_overflow = not (BitVector.isAllZero (BitVector.bvExtract ((n+extra_bits)-1) n big_u))
if not big_l_overflow && not big_u_overflow then
let l = (BitVector.bvExtract (n-1) 0 big_l)
let u = (BitVector.bvExtract (n-1) 0 big_u)
Interval(l, u)
Interval.Full n
static member UDiv (a:Interval) (b:Interval) =
assert (not a.isEmpty)
assert (not b.isEmpty)
assert (a.dimension = b.dimension)
if a.fullRange then a
elif b.fullRange then b
elif (BitVector.isAllZero b.Upper) ||
(BitVector.isAllZero b.Lower) then
Interval.Full a.Dimension
// l and u can only be smaller than a.Lower and a.Upper,
// so no overflow detection is necessary.
let l = (BitVector.bvUDiv a.Lower b.Upper)
let u = (BitVector.bvUDiv a.Upper b.Lower)
Interval(l, u)
static member SDiv (a:Interval) (b:Interval) =
assert (not a.isEmpty)
assert (not b.isEmpty)
assert (a.dimension = b.dimension)
if a.fullRange then a
elif b.fullRange then b
elif a.isSingleton && b.isSingleton then
let q = (BitVector.bvSDiv a.lower b.lower)
Interval(q, q)
elif (BitVector.isAllZero b.Lower) ||
(BitVector.isAllZero b.Upper) then
Interval.Full a.Dimension
// CMW: The values within the interval are not ordered correctly
// for signed division (e.g., Upper can be negative while Lower
// is positive). To get around that, we could just translate
// everything into an unsigned scale, run an unsigned divison,
// and then translate the results back. For now, we just give
// up and throw it away:
Interval.Full a.Dimension
static member Neg (a:Interval) =
if a.fullRange then
// CMW: This is not necessarily the kind of "negation" we want.
// It transforms [l, u] into [-u, -l], while often we will want [0, l] || [u, 1...1].
// The latter will of course usually have to be approximated to the full interval
// (or the exclusive-upper interval with negation, etc).
let l = BitVector.bvNegate (a.Upper)
let u = BitVector.bvAdd (BitVector.bvNegate a.lower) (BitVector.One a.dimension)
Interval (l, u, false)
static member Extract (u:int) (l:int) (b:Interval) =
let nL = BitVector.bvExtract u l (b.Lower)
let nU = BitVector.bvExtract u l (b.Upper)
Interval(nL, nU)
static member Concat (a:Interval) (b:Interval) =
let nL = BitVector.bvConcat a.Lower b.Lower
let nU = BitVector.bvConcat a.Upper b.Upper
Interval(nL, nU)
static member Equal (a:Interval) (b:Interval) =
assert(a.dimension = b.dimension)
BitVector.bvEQ a.lower b.lower && BitVector.bvEQ a.upper b.upper
static member RLEToInterval (b: BitVector) =
if not (b.isConcreteValue) then
let l = b.Minimum
let u = b.Maximum
Interval(l, u)
Interval(b, BitVector.bvAdd b (BitVector.One b.Length), false) |