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module RLEBVTheory
open Microsoft.Z3
open GlobalOptions
open Util
open Literal
open BooleanValuation
open Clause
open BitVectorValuation
open NumeralDB
open TheoryDB
open Trail
open State
open TheoryRelation
open BitVector
open Learning
open Z3Check
open RLEBVOperations
let tHolds (r:TheoryRelation) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
//assert (r.numUnpropagatedArgs pVal = 0)
let x_is_constant = if r.isSimpleRelation then r.isArgumentNumeral 0 else false
let y_is_constant = r.isRhsNumeral
let relOp =
(fun (x:BitVector) (y:BitVector) ->
match r.getRelationOP with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_EQ when x.isConcreteValue && y.isConcreteValue -> if BitVector.bvEQ x y then True else False
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULEQ when x.isConcreteValue && y.isConcreteValue -> if BitVector.bvULEQ x y then True else False
| _ ->
match r.getRelationOP with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_EQ ->
let intersection = (BitVector.Intersect x y)
let empty = not intersection.isValid
let x_is_subset_of_y = lazy ( BitVector.bvEQ x intersection)
let y_is_subset_of_x = lazy (BitVector.bvEQ y intersection)
if empty then False
elif x_is_constant && y_is_constant then
if BitVector.bvEQ x y then True else False
elif x_is_subset_of_y.Force() && y_is_constant ||
y_is_subset_of_x.Force() && x_is_constant then
else Undefined
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULEQ -> let x_min = x.Minimum
let x_max = x.Maximum
let y_min = y.Minimum
let y_max = y.Maximum
if BitVector.bvULEQ x_max y_min then True
elif not (BitVector.bvULEQ x_min y_max) then False
elif x_is_constant && y_is_constant then
assert(false) // No 1:num = 2:num
else Undefined
| _ -> assert (false)
Undefined) // Error
let rhs = getRhsValue r pVal pNumerals
let lhs = getLhsValue r pVal pNumerals
assert(rhs.Length = lhs.Length)
relOp lhs rhs
let tGetAntecedents (s:State) (tRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) : Literal list =
let MAexpls = (!s.bvVal).getMAssignmentExplRef
// Note: BV variables occurring in PA constraints can have
// the same PA constraint's boolVar as a reason (e.g., when they
// appear on decision level 0).
// CMW: Not completely sure this is true in the RLE theory.
let boolVar = (!tRel).getBoolVar
let mutable t = []
for i in 0 .. (!tRel).numArguments do
if not ((!tRel).isArgumentNumeral i) then
let e = (!MAexpls).[(!tRel).getArgument i]
let lit = (Negate e)
if lit <> 0 && e <> boolVar && not (List.exists (fun x -> x = lit) t) then
t <- lit :: t
let tGetImplication (s:State) (tRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) (holds:Val) : (Clause * Literal) =
// Whenever this function is called, we know that tHolds is True or False.
assert (holds <> Undefined)
let boolVar = (!tRel).getBoolVar
let ants = (tGetAntecedents s tRel)
let lit = if holds = True then var2lit boolVar else Negate boolVar
let cl = newClauseFromList (lit :: ants)
checkExplanation s.trail s.database s.bvVal s.bounds cl false false true
(cl, lit)
let tGeneralize (s:State) (expl:Clause) : Clause =
// TODO: RLE-encoded conflict generalization
//let tCheckConsistency (s:State) (wRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) =
// let holds = tHolds (!wRel) s.partAssignment s.numeralDB
// let valB = (!s.bVal).getValueB (!wRel).getBoolVar
// match (holds, valB) with
// | (True,False)
// | (False,True) ->
// let cnflctCls = tExplainConflict s wRel
// s.conflict <- Some (ref cnflctCls)
// | _ -> ()
let tImplyNewValue (s:State) (antecedants:Literal list option) (bvVar:Var) (newValue:BitVector) =
// We have:
// oldReason => oldValue
// impAntecedents => newValue
// If oldValue /\ newValue = False then
// Conflict: not oldReason \/ not (impAntecedents)
// else
// oldReason /\ impAntecedents => newMAPredicate
let oldValue = (!s.bvVal).getValue bvVar
let newRel = getModelAssignmentPredicate s.database bvVar newValue s.bVal s.bvVal s.bounds
let b = newRel.getBoolVar
let is_more_concrete = newValue.isMoreConcreteThan oldValue
// Theoretically, b could already be true, because we may
// be seeing the same predicate a second time. b = False means
// that there is an old partial assignment for one part of the relation
// and the new partial assignment for the other part is conflicting.
match (!s.bVal).getValueB (b) with
| True -> ()
| Undefined when is_more_concrete ->
match antecedants with
| Some(a) ->
let imp = (newClauseFromList (b :: a))
checkExplanation s.trail s.database s.bvVal s.bounds imp false false true
s.Push (Imp (ref imp, b))
| None -> s.Push (BoolDecision b)
assert (tHolds newRel (s.bvVal) (s.numeralDB) <> Undefined || s.IsConflicted)
| Undefined -> // when not is_more_concrete
| False ->
// AZ: This could yield a conflict, if the predicate b
// is not new, it can be negated on the trail already.
match antecedants with
| Some(a) -> s.SetConflict (Some (ref (newClauseFromList (b :: a))))
| None -> UNREACHABLE("tImplyNewValue called for a decision.")
let tGetImpliedPartialAssignment (s:State) (tRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) =
assert((!s.bVal).getValueB (!tRel).getBoolVar = True)
let (bvVar, newValue) = tGetNewValues (!tRel) s.bvVal s.numeralDB
let boolVar = (!tRel).getBoolVar
let oldValue = if bvVar <> 0 then ((!s.bvVal).getValue bvVar) else newValue
let expl = Negate boolVar :: (tGetAntecedents s tRel)
if (bvVar = 0 || (newValue.isValid && (BitVector.bvEQ newValue oldValue))) then
elif newValue.isInvalid then
verbose <| (lazy (sprintf " | ==> Domain of %s:bv is empty; %s => False" (bvVar.ToString()) (clauseToString (newClauseFromList expl))))
let cc = newClauseFromList (expl)
s.SetConflict (Some (ref cc))
tImplyNewValue s (Some expl) bvVar newValue
let tEvaluateConcat (s:State) (tRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables (!tRel) s.bvVal <= 2)
let watchedRel = !tRel
let pPAs = s.bvVal
let pNums = s.numeralDB
let MAexpls = (!s.bvVal).mAssignmntsExplanations
let mutable argValList = getArgValuePairs watchedRel pPAs pNums
assert (List.length argValList = 2)
// (concat a0 a1) <-> rhs
let (a0, v0) = argValList.Head
let (a1, v1) = argValList.Tail.Head
let (rhs, vr) = (watchedRel.getRhs, getRhsValue watchedRel pPAs pNums)
let nr = BitVector.bvConcat v0 v1
let nvr = BitVector.Intersect vr nr
let rr = if watchedRel.isRhsNumeral || MAexpls.[rhs] = 0 then [] else [ - MAexpls.[rhs]]
let na0 = BitVector.bvExtract (vr.Length - 1) (vr.Length - v0.Length) vr
let nv0 = BitVector.Intersect v0 na0
let r0 = if watchedRel.isArgumentNumeral 0 || MAexpls.[a0] = 0 then [] else [ - MAexpls.[watchedRel.getArgument 0]]
let na1 = BitVector.bvExtract (v1.Length - 1) 0 vr
let nv1 = BitVector.Intersect v1 na1
let r1 = if watchedRel.isArgumentNumeral 1 || MAexpls.[a1] = 0 then [] else [ - MAexpls.[watchedRel.getArgument 1]]
let mutable rhs_expl = []
for lst in [ r0; r1; rr ] do
for l in lst do
if l <> 0 && not (List.exists (fun x -> x = l) rhs_expl) then
rhs_expl <- l :: rhs_expl
for (newVar, oldValue, newValue, rsns) in [ (rhs, vr, nvr, rhs_expl);
(a0, v0, nv0, r0 @ rr);
(a1, v1, nv1, r1 @ rr) ] do
if not s.IsConflicted then
let impl = (Negate watchedRel.getBoolVar) :: rsns
if newValue.isValid then
if not (BitVector.bvEQ newValue oldValue) then
// We have a new implication:
tImplyNewValue s (Some impl) newVar newValue
// intersect is not valid, so build an explanation (= conflict clause)
// oldReason /\ concat /\ reasons ==> False
// concat /\ reasons ==> - oldReason (trivial rewriting of ==>)
let cc = newClauseFromList impl
s.SetConflict (Some (ref cc))
let tEvaluateDiv0 (s:State) (tRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables (!tRel) s.bvVal <= 2)
assert ((!tRel).numArguments = 2)
let watchedRel = !tRel
let maExpl = (!s.bvVal).getMAssignmentExplRef
let pPAs = s.bvVal
let pNums = s.numeralDB
let boolVar = watchedRel.getBoolVar
let bvVar = watchedRel.getRhs
let oldValue = getRhsValue watchedRel pPAs pNums
let rhsExpl = (!maExpl).[bvVar]
let width = oldValue.Length
let a0 = watchedRel.getArgument 0 // always there?
let v0 = getArgumentValue watchedRel pPAs pNums 0
let a1 = watchedRel.getArgument 1
let v1 = getArgumentValue watchedRel pPAs pNums 1
assert(BitVector.isAllZero v1) // is a udiv/0 or sdiv/0.
let mutable reasons = (Negate watchedRel.getBoolVar) :: (tGetAntecedents s (ref watchedRel))
let res = BitVector width
match watchedRel.getBVOP with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BUDIV ->
// The "hardware interpretation" for (bvudiv x 0) is #xffff
res.Bits <- [(width, Bit.One)]
let v0_rsn = if watchedRel.isArgumentNumeral 0 then 0 else (!maExpl).[a0]
reasons <- List.filter (fun x -> x <> v0_rsn) reasons
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BSDIV when (snd v0.Bits.Head) <> Bit.U ->
// The "hardware interpretation" for (bvsdiv x 0) is (ite (bvslt x #x0000) #x0001 #xffff)
match v0.Bits.Head with
| (_, Bit.One) -> res.Bits <- [(width-1, Bit.Zero); (1, Bit.One)]
| (_, Bit.Zero) -> res.Bits <- [(width, Bit.One)]
| _ -> UNREACHABLE("unexpected bit")
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BSDIV ->
// Sign not determined yet.
res.Length <- 0
res.Bits <- [(0, Bit.U)]
| _ -> UNREACHABLE("not a divison op")
if res.isValid then
let newValue = BitVector.Intersect oldValue res
if newValue.isValid then
if not (BitVector.bvEQ newValue oldValue) then
// We have a new implication:
tImplyNewValue s (Some reasons) bvVar newValue
// newValue is not valid, so build an explanation (= conflict clause)
// oldReason /\ concat /\ reasons ==> False
// concat /\ reasons ==> - oldReason (trivial rewriting of ==>)
let cc = newClauseFromList reasons
s.SetConflict (Some (ref cc))
let tEvaluate0U (s:State) (tRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) =
assert(numUnpropagatedVariables (!tRel) s.bvVal = 0)
// The TRel can be fully evaluated and checked against the trail.
// If it agrees with the trail, it's valueT is set
// If it contradicts the trail, a conflict is detected.
// If it is not present on the trail, it is propagated.
let pVal = s.bVal
let mAsgnmt = s.bvVal
let numerals = s.numeralDB
let watchedRel = !tRel
let boolVar = watchedRel.getBoolVar
let holds = (tHolds watchedRel mAsgnmt numerals)
let bval = ((!pVal).getValueB boolVar)
match (holds, bval) with
| (True, True) -> (!pVal).setValueT boolVar (!s.trail).getNumDecisions |> ignore
| (False, False) -> (!pVal).setValueT (Negate boolVar) (!s.trail).getNumDecisions |> ignore
| (True, False)
| (False, True) ->
let (expl, l) = tGetImplication s tRel holds
s.SetConflict (Some (ref expl))
| (True, Undefined)
| (False, Undefined) ->
let (expl, l) = tGetImplication s tRel holds
s.Push (Imp (ref expl, l))
| (Undefined, _) -> assert(false)
let tEvaluate1U (s:State) (tRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) =
assert(numUnpropagatedVariables (!tRel) s.bvVal = 1)
// assert((!wRel).holds s.partAssignment s.numeralDB = Undefined)
// CMW: Not true, can hold even with unpropagated arguments (e.g., extract .. x = num)
let mas = s.bvVal
let nums = s.numeralDB
let pVal = s.bVal
let rel = !tRel
let boolVar = rel.getBoolVar
match rel.getRelationOP with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_EQ ->
let bVal = (!pVal).getValueB boolVar
match bVal with
| True -> match rel.getBVOP with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_CONCAT -> tEvaluateConcat s tRel
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BUDIV
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BSDIV
when (BitVector.isAllZero (getArgumentValue rel mas nums 1)) ->
tEvaluateDiv0 s tRel
| _ -> tGetImpliedPartialAssignment s tRel
| False -> ()
// Note 1: Could be a conflict, which is checked below.
// Note 2: Theoretically there could be only one value
// for the unpropagated argument, but it seems too expensive
// to get that here.
| _ ->
let holds = tHolds (!tRel) s.bvVal s.numeralDB
if holds <> Undefined then
let (expl, l) = tGetImplication s tRel holds
s.Push (Imp (ref expl, l))
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULEQ ->
let bVal = (!pVal).getValueB boolVar
let holds = tHolds (!tRel) s.bvVal s.numeralDB
match bVal with
| True ->
if holds = False then
let c = Negate (!tRel).getBoolVar :: (tGetAntecedents s tRel)
s.SetConflict (Some (ref (newClauseFromList c)))
elif holds = True then
(!s.bVal).setValueT boolVar (!s.trail).getNumDecisions |> ignore
| False ->
if holds = True then
let c = (!tRel).getBoolVar :: (tGetAntecedents s tRel)
s.SetConflict (Some (ref (newClauseFromList c)))
elif holds = False then
(!s.bVal).setValueT (Negate boolVar) (!s.trail).getNumDecisions |> ignore
| _ ->
if holds <> Undefined then
let (expl, l) = tGetImplication s tRel holds
s.Push (Imp (ref expl, l))
//assert(not s.IsConflicted) AZ: This is not guaranteed. See the similar assertion in BDecide.
| _ -> assert(false)
// CMW: This would be an optimization.
// tCheckConsistency s tRel
let tEvaluate2U (s:State) (tRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) =
assert(numUnpropagatedVariables (!tRel) s.bvVal = 2)
let rel = !tRel
let mas = s.bvVal
let nums = s.numeralDB
match rel.getRelationOP with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_EQ ->
match rel.getBVOP with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_CONCAT -> tEvaluateConcat s tRel
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BUDIV
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BSDIV
when (BitVector.isAllZero (getArgumentValue rel mas nums 1)) ->
tEvaluateDiv0 s tRel
| _ -> ()
// CMW: This would be an optimization.
// tCheckConsistency s tRel
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULEQ ->
| _ -> assert(false)
let tEvaluate (s:State) (tRel:Ref<TheoryRelation>) =
let mAsgnmt = s.bvVal
match (numUnpropagatedVariables !tRel mAsgnmt) with
| 0 -> tEvaluate0U s tRel
| 1 -> tEvaluate1U s tRel
| 2 -> tEvaluate2U s tRel
| _ -> () // Nothing new to learn.