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module Preprocessing
open Microsoft.Z3
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open GlobalOptions
open Util
let eliminateRelations (z3:Context) (e:Expr) (added_assertions : Ref< List<BoolExpr> >) =
// CMW: Z3 has already rewritten x > y into not y <= x. We may want to rewrite that further?
// if e.FuncDecl.DeclKind = Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_NOT then
// let c = e.Args.[0] :?> BoolExpr
// if c.NumArgs > 1u && c.Args.[0].IsBV then
// match c.FuncDecl.DeclKind with
// | Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULEQ when c.Args.[0].IsBV ->
// | Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SLEQ when c.Args.[0].IsBV ->
// | _ -> e
// else
// e
if not (e.NumArgs = 2ul && e.Args.[0].IsBV && e.Args.[1].IsBV) then
let x = e.Args.[0] :?> BitVecExpr
let y = e.Args.[1] :?> BitVecExpr
let size = x.SortSize
let zero = z3.MkBV(0, size)
let one = z3.MkBV(1, size)
let signflip_pattern = (if size > 1u then
(z3.MkConcat(z3.MkBV(1, 1u), z3.MkBV(0, size - 1u)))
z3.MkBV(1, 1u) :> BitVecExpr)
let signflip = (fun x -> z3.MkBVAdd(x, signflip_pattern))
// We rewrite all comparison operators to unsigned less-than ULE
match e.FuncDecl.DeclKind with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULEQ ->
// OK, keep as is.
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULT ->
// x < y <==> x <= y - 1 /\ y <> 0
// CMW: I changed this from x < y <==> x + 1 <= y /\ x <> 11...11 to avoid the large 2^size
let y_minus_1 = z3.MkBVSub(y, one)
let x_le_y_minus_1 = z3.MkBVULE (x, y_minus_1)
let y_non_zero = z3.MkNot(z3.MkEq(y, z3.MkBV(0, size)))
((z3.MkAnd ([| x_le_y_minus_1; y_non_zero|])) :> Expr)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_UGT ->
// x > y <==> y <= x - 1 /\ x <> 0
// CMW: I changed this from x + 1 <= y /\ x <> 11...11, to avoid the large 2^size
let x_minus_1 = z3.MkBVSub(x, one)
let y_le_x_minus_1 = z3.MkBVULE (y, x_minus_1)
let x_non_zero = z3.MkNot(z3.MkEq(x, z3.MkBV(0, size)))
((z3.MkAnd ([| y_le_x_minus_1; x_non_zero |])) :> Expr)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_UGEQ ->
// x >= y --> y <= x
((z3.MkBVULE (y, x)) :> Expr)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SLEQ ->
// x s<= y <==> xs u<= ys, where xs = (signflip x), ys = (signflip y)
(z3.MkBVULE ((signflip x), (signflip y))) :> Expr
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SLT ->
// x s< y <==> xs u< ys, where xs = (signflip x), ys = (signflip y)
// <==> xs u<= ys - 1 /\ ys <> 00...0
let x_flipped = (signflip x)
let y_flipped = (signflip y)
let y_minus_1 = z3.MkBVSub(y_flipped, one)
let x_ule_y_minus_1 = z3.MkBVULE (x_flipped, y_minus_1)
let y_non_zero = z3.MkNot(z3.MkEq(y_flipped, zero))
(z3.MkAnd ([| x_ule_y_minus_1; y_non_zero|])) :> Expr
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SGT ->
// x s> y <==> y s< x
// <==> ys u< xs, where xs = (signflip x), ys = (signflip y)
// <==> ys u<= xs - 1 /\ xs <> 00...0
let x_flipped = (signflip x)
let y_flipped = (signflip y)
let x_minus_1 = z3.MkBVSub(x_flipped, one)
let y_ule_x_minus_1 = z3.MkBVULE (y_flipped, x_minus_1)
let x_non_zero = z3.MkNot(z3.MkEq(x_flipped, zero))
(z3.MkAnd ([| y_ule_x_minus_1; x_non_zero |])) :> Expr
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SGEQ ->
// x s>= y <==> (signflip ys) u<= (signflip xs)
(z3.MkBVULE ((signflip y), (signflip x))) :> Expr
| _ -> e
let naryToBinary (z3:Context) (expr:Expr) (added_assertions:Ref< List<BoolExpr> >) =
if expr.IsBV && expr.NumArgs > 2u then
let folder = match expr.FuncDecl.DeclKind with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BAND -> (fun x y -> z3.MkBVAND (x, y))
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BOR -> (fun x y -> z3.MkBVOR (x, y))
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BXOR -> (fun x y -> z3.MkBVXOR (x, y))
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_CONCAT -> (fun x y -> z3.MkConcat (x,y))
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BADD -> (fun x y -> z3.MkBVAdd (x,y))
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BMUL -> (fun x y -> z3.MkBVMul (x,y))
| _ -> NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED(sprintf "nary->binary conversion for %s" (expr.FuncDecl.DeclKind.ToString()))
let mutable current = expr.Args.[0] :?> BitVecExpr
for i in 1 .. (int expr.NumArgs) - 1 do
current <- folder current (expr.Args.[i] :?> BitVecExpr)
let nn = z3.MkFreshConst("mcbv", current.FuncDecl.Range)
(!added_assertions).Add(z3.MkEq(nn, current))
current <- nn :?> BitVecExpr
current :> Expr
let eliminateDivI (z3:Context) (e:Expr) (added_assertions:Ref< List<BoolExpr> >) =
// CMW: SDIV_I and UDIV_I are internal operations meaning BV division, where
// div/0 has a fixed interpretation. That is the only division we support,
// so we rewrite the DIV_I expressions to default B*DIV divisions.
if (e.Args.Length = 2) then
match (e.FuncDecl.Name.ToString()) with
| "bvsdiv_i" -> z3.MkBVSDiv(e.Args.[0] :?> BitVecExpr, e.Args.[1] :?> BitVecExpr) :> Expr
| "bvudiv_i" -> z3.MkBVUDiv(e.Args.[0] :?> BitVecExpr, e.Args.[1] :?> BitVecExpr) :> Expr
| "bvsrem_i" -> z3.MkBVSRem(e.Args.[0] :?> BitVecExpr, e.Args.[1] :?> BitVecExpr) :> Expr
| "bvurem_i" -> z3.MkBVURem(e.Args.[0] :?> BitVecExpr, e.Args.[1] :?> BitVecExpr) :> Expr
| "bvsmod_i" -> z3.MkBVSMod(e.Args.[0] :?> BitVecExpr, e.Args.[1] :?> BitVecExpr) :> Expr
| _ -> e
let normalize (ht:Dictionary<Expr, Expr>) (z3:Context) (e:Expr) (added_assertions:Ref< List<BoolExpr> >) =
assert(e.IsBV || e.IsBool)
let mk_new_args = fun args -> (fun (x:Expr) ->
if x.IsConst || x.IsNumeral then x else
match ht.TryGetValue x with
| (true, y) -> y
| (false, _) ->
let y = z3.MkFreshConst("mcbv", x.FuncDecl.Range)
ht.Add(x, y)
(!added_assertions).Add(z3.MkEq(y, x))
) args
if e.IsConst || e.IsNumeral then
elif (e.IsBool) then
let allBVArgs = not (Array.exists (fun (x:Expr) -> not x.IsBV) e.Args)
match e.FuncDecl.DeclKind with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_EQ
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULEQ
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SLEQ
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULT
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SLT
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_UGEQ
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SGEQ
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_UGT
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SGT when allBVArgs -> e.FuncDecl.Apply (mk_new_args e.Args)
| _ -> e
elif e.IsBV then
e.FuncDecl.Apply (mk_new_args e.Args)
NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED("non-bv operator")
let rewrite_f (z3:Context) (e:Expr) (added_assertions:Ref< List<BoolExpr> >) (f:Context -> Expr -> Ref< List<BoolExpr> > -> Expr) =
let mutable stack = new Stack<Expr>()
let mutable cache = ref (Hashtable())
let caching_f = (fun (x:Expr) (s:Ref< Stack<Expr> >) (c:Ref< Hashtable >) (aa:Ref< List<BoolExpr> >) ->
let cached_value = if ((!c).ContainsKey(x)) then Some((!c).[x]) else None
match cached_value with
| Some(cv) -> c
| _ ->
let missing_args = (Array.fold
(fun cnt y -> cnt + if not ((!c).ContainsKey(y)) then 1 else 0)
0 x.Args)
if missing_args > 0 then
(!s).Push(x) (fun y -> if not ((!c).ContainsKey(y)) then (!s).Push(y); ()) x.Args |> ignore
let rcs_f = (fun (y:Expr) -> if not ((!c).ContainsKey(y)) then assert(false)
let w = ((!c).[y]) :?> Expr
let rcs = rcs_f x.Args
let nx = (x.FuncDecl.Apply rcs)
let rx = (f z3 nx aa)
(!c).Add(x, rx)
stack.Push(e) |> ignore
while stack.Count <> 0 do
let ce = stack.Pop()
cache <- (caching_f ce (ref stack) cache added_assertions)
let rewriteGoal (z3:Context) (g:Goal) (f:Context -> Expr -> Ref< List<BoolExpr> > -> Expr) =
let newGoal = z3.MkGoal ()
let added_assertions = ref (List<BoolExpr>())
let forms = g.Formulas;
for i in 0 .. forms.Length - 1 do
let ge = forms.[i]
trace <| (lazy sprintf "Rewriting: %s" ((ge :> Expr).ToString()))
let rewritten = (rewrite_f z3 ge added_assertions f) :?> BoolExpr
if (rewritten <> ge) then trace <| (lazy sprintf "Rewritten:\n %s\n to (goal index %d)\n %s" ((ge :> Expr).ToString()) i (rewritten.ToString()))
for i in 0 .. (!added_assertions).Count - 1 do
trace <| (lazy sprintf "Added assertion: %s" ((!added_assertions).[i].ToString()))
let preprocess (z3:Context) (goal:Goal) =
let solveEqsParams = z3.MkParams()
solveEqsParams.Add("solve_eqs_max_occs", (uint32)2)
let defaultParams = z3.MkParams()
let mutable newGoal = goal
verbose <| (lazy "Preprocessing/rewriting ...")
let simp2_p = z3.MkParams()
simp2_p.Add("som", true)
simp2_p.Add("pull_cheap_ite", true)
simp2_p.Add("push_ite_bv", false)
simp2_p.Add("local_ctx", true)
simp2_p.Add("local_ctx_limit", (uint32)10000000)
simp2_p.Add("flat", true)
simp2_p.Add("hoist_mul", false)
simp2_p.Add("hi_div0", true)
let simpTac = z3.MkTactic("simplify")
let preprocessing = [ z3.UsingParams(simpTac,simp2_p);
for tac in preprocessing do
newGoal <- tac.Apply(newGoal,defaultParams).Subgoals.[0]
newGoal <- rewriteGoal z3 newGoal eliminateRelations
newGoal <- rewriteGoal z3 newGoal eliminateDivI
newGoal <- rewriteGoal z3 newGoal (normalize (new Dictionary<Expr, Expr>()))
newGoal <- rewriteGoal z3 newGoal naryToBinary
verbose <| (lazy "Preprocessing/rewriting done.")