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module RLEBVOperations
open Microsoft.Z3
open GlobalOptions
open Util
open Literal
open Numeral
open BitVector
open BitVectorValuation
open TheoryRelation
open NumeralDB
// Functions related to the RLEBV theory (they depend on BitVectorValuation)
let unpropagatedArguments (t:TheoryRelation) (rVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) =
let mutable args = []
for i in 0 .. t.numArguments do
let arg = t.getArgument i
if not (t.isArgumentNumeral i) &&
not ((!rVal).isAssigned arg) &&
(List.filter (fun x -> x = arg) args).Length = 0 then
args <- arg :: args
let unpropagatedVariables (t:TheoryRelation) (rVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) =
unpropagatedArguments t rVal
//AZ: This considers only the LHS
let numUnpropagatedArguments (t:TheoryRelation) (rVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) =
List.length (unpropagatedArguments t rVal)
let numUnpropagatedVariables (t:TheoryRelation) (rVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) =
List.length (unpropagatedVariables t rVal)
let propagatedArguments (t:TheoryRelation) (rVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>)=
let mutable args = []
for i in 0 .. t.numArguments - 1 do
let arg = t.getArgument i
if not (t.isArgumentNumeral i) &&
((!rVal).isAssigned arg) &&
(List.filter (fun x -> x = arg) args).Length = 0 then
args <- arg :: args
let separateArguments (t:TheoryRelation) (rVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>)=
let mutable assignedArgs = []
let mutable unassignedArgs = []
for i in 0 .. t.numArguments - 1 do
let arg = t.getArgument i
if not (isNum arg) && not ((!rVal).isAssigned arg) &&
(List.filter (fun x -> x = arg) unassignedArgs).Length = 0 then
unassignedArgs <- arg :: unassignedArgs
elif (List.filter (fun x -> x = arg) assignedArgs).Length = 0 then
assignedArgs <- arg :: assignedArgs
(assignedArgs, unassignedArgs)
let getArgumentValue (t:TheoryRelation) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) (i:int) =
assert (i >= 0 && i <= t.numArguments)
if t.isArgumentNumeral i then
(!pNumerals).getNumeral (abs (t.getArgument i))
(!pVal).getValue (t.getArgument i)
let evaluateBVOP (t:TheoryRelation) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (t.hasBVOP)
let mutable param = []
for i in 0 .. t.numParameters - 1 do
param <- param @ [t.getParameter i]
let lhsOp = z3OP2bvOP t.getBVOP param
let args = [ for i in 0 .. t.numArguments - 1 do
yield (getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals i) ]
let res = lhsOp args
if TRC then
printf " | eval %s" (t.getBVOP.ToString())
for a in args do
printf " %s" (a.ToString())
printfn " => %s" (res.ToString())
let getLhsValue (t:TheoryRelation) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
if t.hasBVOP then
evaluateBVOP t pVal pNumerals
getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let getRhsValue (t:TheoryRelation) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals t.numArguments
let ReverseConcat (t:TheoryRelation) (lhs:BitVector) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
assert (rhs <> lhs)
assert (rhs.Length = lhs.Length)
assert (rhs.isConcreteValue)
assert (not lhs.isConcreteValue)
// (concat a0 a1) = rhs
let a0_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a0_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let a1_arg = t.getArgument 1
let a1_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 1
let a0_conc = a0_val.isConcreteValue
let a1_conc = a1_val.isConcreteValue
match (a0_conc, a1_conc) with
| (true, true) -> UNREACHABLE("Expected at least one non-concrete argument.")
| (true, false) -> let t = (BitVector.TakeLowest a1_val.Length rhs)
let c = (BitVector.bvConcat a0_val t)
assert (BitVector.bvEQ rhs c)
(a1_arg, t)
| (false, true) -> let t = (BitVector.TakeHighest a0_val.Length rhs)
let c = (BitVector.bvConcat t a1_val)
assert (BitVector.bvEQ rhs c)
(a0_arg, t)
| (false, false) -> // CMW: We could actually propagate both, a0_arg _and_ a1_arg,
// but I think we won't get here in the case of more than one
// unpropagated argument.
assert(a0_arg = a1_arg)
let t_0 = (BitVector.TakeLowest a1_val.Length rhs)
let t_1 = (BitVector.TakeHighest a0_val.Length rhs)
let c = (BitVector.bvConcat t_0 t_1)
if BitVector.bvEQ rhs c then
(a0_arg, t_0)
(a0_arg, BitVector.Invalid)
//UNREACHABLE("More than one unpropagated argument to concat.")
let ReverseRepeat (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) =
// ((_ repeat param) var) = rhs
let param = t.getParameter 0
let var = t.getArgument 0
assert (rhs.Length % param = 0)
let resLen = rhs.Length / param
let res = BitVector.TakeHighest resLen rhs
assert (BitVector.bvEQ rhs (BitVector.bvRepeat param res)) // AZ: Raise a conflict!
(var, res)
let ReverseAdd (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
assert (rhs.isConcreteValue)
// (bvadd a0 a1) <- rhs
let a0_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a0_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let a0_is_zero = BitVector.isAllZero a0_val
let a1_arg = t.getArgument 1
let a1_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 1
let a1_is_zero = BitVector.isAllZero a1_val
let rhs_is_zero = BitVector.isAllZero rhs
let a1_conc = a1_val.isConcreteValue
let a0_conc = a0_val.isConcreteValue
match (a0_conc, a1_conc) with
| (true, true) -> UNREACHABLE("Expected at least one non-concrete argument.")
| (true, false) -> // a0 + a1 = rhs --> a1 = rhs - a0
assert(not (t.isArgumentNumeral 1))
(a1_arg, BitVector.bvSub rhs a0_val)
| (false, true) -> // a0 + a1 = rhs --> a0 = rhs - a1
assert(not (t.isArgumentNumeral 0))
(a0_arg, BitVector.bvSub rhs a1_val)
| (false, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid)
let ReverseNot (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
// (not a) = rhs
let a_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
(a_arg, (BitVector.bvNot a_val))
let ReverseAnd (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
// (bvand a0 a1) = rhs
let (concrete,unknown) = separateArguments t pVal
assert (concrete.Length = 1 && unknown.Length = 1)
let con = concrete.Head
let arg = if con > 0 then (!pVal).getValue con else (!pNumerals).getNumeral (abs con)
(unknown.Head, BitVector.revBvAND arg rhs)
let ReverseOr (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
// (bvor a0 a1) = rhs
let (concrete, unknown) = separateArguments t pVal
assert (concrete.Length = 1 && unknown.Length = 1)
let con = concrete.Head
let arg = if con > 0 then (!pVal).getValue con else (!pNumerals).getNumeral (abs con)
(unknown.Head, BitVector.revBvOr arg rhs)
let ReverseXOr (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
// (bvxor a0 a1) = rhs
let (concrete, unknown) = separateArguments t pVal
assert (concrete.Length = 1 && unknown.Length = 1)
let con = concrete.Head
let arg = if con > 0 then (!pVal).getValue con else (!pNumerals).getNumeral (abs con)
(unknown.Head, BitVector.revBvXOr arg rhs)
let ReverseExtract (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
// ((_ extract i j) var) = rhs
let var = t.getArgument 0
let u = t.getParameter 0
let l = t.getParameter 1
let sz = ((!pVal).getValue var).Length - 1
let mutable rbits = []
if (u < sz) then rbits <- [(sz-u, Bit.U)]
rbits <- List.append rbits rhs.Bits
if (l > 0) then rbits <- List.append rbits [(l, Bit.U)]
let mutable res = BitVector (u-l+1)
res <- (res.SetFromBitTuples rbits)
(var, res)
let ReverseShift (t:TheoryRelation) (right:bool) (arith:bool) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
assert (rhs.isConcreteValue)
// (ashr a n) = rhs
let a_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let n_arg = t.getArgument 1
let n_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 1
let a_conc = a_val.isConcreteValue
let n_conc = n_val.isConcreteValue
// dbg <| (lazy sprintf "rev (= (bvashr %s %s) %s)" (a_val.ToString()) (n_val.ToString()) (rhs.ToString()))
match (a_conc, n_conc) with
| (true, true) -> UNREACHABLE("Expected at least one non-concrete argument.")
| (true, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // CMW: Many possible n, thus no implication.
| (false, true) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // CMW: At least two solutions, so no implication.
| (false, false) -> // CMW: There's no implication, as there are many possible
// solutions with different a/n
(0, BitVector.Invalid)
let ReverseMul (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
assert (rhs.isConcreteValue)
// (bmul a n) <- rhs
let a0_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a0_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let a0_is_zero = BitVector.isAllZero a0_val
let a1_arg = t.getArgument 1
let a1_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 1
let a1_is_zero = BitVector.isAllZero a1_val
let rhs_is_zero = BitVector.isAllZero rhs
let a1_conc = a1_val.isConcreteValue
let a0_conc = a0_val.isConcreteValue
match (a0_conc, a1_conc) with
| (true, true) -> UNREACHABLE("Expected at least one non-concrete argument.")
| (true, false) -> // a0 * a1 = rhs --> a1 = rhs / a0
assert(not (t.isArgumentNumeral 1))
// CMW: UDiv uses the `hardware interpretation' of x/0 = -1,
// but in that case we don't actually know anything about a1_arg,
// so we need to add a special case for that.
if (a0_is_zero) then
if rhs_is_zero then
(0, BitVector.Invalid) // OK, nothing new
(a1_arg, BitVector.Invalid) // conflict; 0 * ? = 1 is unsat.
// a0 * ? = rhs can have multiple solutions for a1, if a0 and rhs
// are not relatively prime, so we just return "no news".
(0, BitVector.Invalid)
| (false, true) -> // a0 * a1 = rhs --> a0 = rhs / a1
assert(not (t.isArgumentNumeral 0))
if (a1_is_zero) then
if rhs_is_zero then
(0, BitVector.Invalid) // OK, nothing new
(a0_arg, BitVector.Invalid) // conflict; ? * 0 = 1 is unsat
// ? * a1 = rhs can have multiple solutions for a0, if a1 and rhs
// are not relatively prime, so we just return "no news".
(0, BitVector.Invalid)
| (false, false) -> // CMW: There's no implication, as there are at least two
// solutions, even for prime numbers.
(0, BitVector.Invalid)
let ReverseUDiv (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
assert (rhs.isConcreteValue)
// (budiv a0 a1) <- rhs
let a0_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a0_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let a1_arg = t.getArgument 1
let a1_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 1
let a1_conc = a1_val.isConcreteValue
let a0_conc = a0_val.isConcreteValue
match (a0_conc, a1_conc) with
| (true, true) -> UNREACHABLE("Expected at least one non-concrete argument.")
| (true, false) -> // a0 / a1 = rhs --> a1 = a0 / rhs
assert(not (t.isArgumentNumeral 1))
if BitVector.isAllZero a0_val then
(0, BitVector.Invalid) // conflict.
elif BitVector.isAllZero rhs then
(0, BitVector.Invalid) // conflict.
(a1_arg, BitVector.bvUDiv a0_val rhs)
| (false, true) -> if BitVector.isAllZero a1_val then
// The "hardware interpretation" for (bvudiv x 0) is #xffff
if BitVector.isAllOnes rhs then
(0, BitVector.Invalid) // nothing new.
(a0_arg, BitVector.Invalid) // conflict.
// a0 / a1 = rhs --> a0 = a1 * rhs
assert(not (t.isArgumentNumeral 0))
(a0_arg, BitVector.bvMul a1_val rhs)
| (false, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // Nothing to propagate
let ReverseSDiv (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
assert (rhs.isConcreteValue)
// (bsdiv a0 a1) <- rhs
let a0_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a0_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let a0_n = if (snd a0_val.Bits.Head) = Bit.One then true else false
let a0_vabs = if a0_n then BitVector.bvNegate a0_val else a0_val;
let a1_arg = t.getArgument 1
let a1_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 1
let a1_n = if (snd a1_val.Bits.Head) = Bit.One then true else false
let a1_vabs = if a1_n then BitVector.bvNegate a1_val else a1_val;
let a1_conc = a1_val.isConcreteValue
let a0_conc = a0_val.isConcreteValue
let res = match (a0_conc, a1_conc) with
| (true, true) -> UNREACHABLE("Expected at least one non-concrete argument.")
| (true, false) -> // a0 / a1 = rhs --> a1 = a0 / rhs
assert(not (t.isArgumentNumeral 1))
if BitVector.isAllZero a0_vabs then
(0, BitVector.Invalid)
elif BitVector.isAllZero rhs then
(0, BitVector.Invalid)
(a1_arg, BitVector.bvSDiv a0_vabs rhs)
| (false, true) -> if BitVector.isAllZero a1_vabs then
// The "hardware interpretation" for (bvudiv x 0) is #xffff
if BitVector.isAllOnes rhs then
(0, BitVector.Invalid) // OK, no new knowledge about a0
(a0_arg, BitVector.Invalid) // conflict.
// a0 / a1 = rhs --> a0 = a1 * rhs
assert(not (t.isArgumentNumeral 0))
// CMW: The following is not correct; there is often more
// than one a0 that satisfies a0 = a1 * rhs, for instance,
// when we have a0 / 2^n = 0, then all a0 up to 2^{n-1} work.
// (a0_arg, BitVector.bvMul a1_vabs rhs)
(0, BitVector.Invalid) // no new knowledge
| (false, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // Nothing to propagate
let ReverseURem (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
assert (rhs.isConcreteValue)
// (burem a0 a1) <- rhs
let a0_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a0_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let a1_arg = t.getArgument 1
let a1_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 1
let a0_conc = a0_val.isConcreteValue
let a1_conc = a1_val.isConcreteValue
let res = match (a0_conc, a1_conc) with
| (true, true) -> UNREACHABLE("Expected at least one non-concrete argument.")
| (true, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // For now, we know nothing.
| (false, true) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid)
| (false, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // Nothing to propagate
let ReverseSRem (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
assert (rhs.isConcreteValue)
// (bsrem a0 a1) <- rhs
let a0_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a0_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let a1_arg = t.getArgument 1
let a1_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 1
let a0_conc = a0_val.isConcreteValue
let a1_conc = a1_val.isConcreteValue
let res = match (a0_conc, a1_conc) with
| (true, true) -> UNREACHABLE("Expected at least one non-concrete argument.")
| (true, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // For now, we know nothing.
| (false, true) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid)
| (false, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // Nothing to propagate
let ReverseSMod (t:TheoryRelation) (rhs:BitVector) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
assert (rhs.isConcreteValue)
// (bvsmod a0 a1) <- rhs
let a0_arg = t.getArgument 0
let a0_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 0
let a1_arg = t.getArgument 1
let a1_val = getArgumentValue t pVal pNumerals 1
let a0_conc = a0_val.isConcreteValue
let a1_conc = a1_val.isConcreteValue
let res = match (a0_conc, a1_conc) with
| (true, true) -> UNREACHABLE("Expected at least one non-concrete argument.")
| (true, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // For now, we know nothing.
| (false, true) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid)
| (false, false) -> (0, BitVector.Invalid) // Nothing to propagate
let revEvaluate (t:TheoryRelation) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
let mutable res : (Var * BitVector) = (0, BitVector.Invalid) // Unassigned variable, Reconstructed value
match t.getRelationOP with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_EQ ->
if t.hasBVOP then
let rhs = getRhsValue t pVal pNumerals
res <- match t.getBVOP with
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_CONCAT -> let lhs = getLhsValue t pVal pNumerals
(ReverseConcat t lhs rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_REPEAT -> (ReverseRepeat t rhs)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BADD -> (ReverseAdd t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BAND -> (ReverseAnd t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BOR -> (ReverseOr t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BXOR -> (ReverseXOr t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BNOT -> (ReverseNot t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_EXTRACT -> (ReverseExtract t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BASHR -> (ReverseShift t true true rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BLSHR -> (ReverseShift t true false rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BSHL -> (ReverseShift t false false rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BMUL -> (ReverseMul t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BUDIV -> (ReverseUDiv t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BSDIV -> (ReverseSDiv t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BUREM -> (ReverseURem t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BSREM -> (ReverseSRem t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_BSMOD -> (ReverseSMod t rhs pVal pNumerals)
| _ -> NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED(sprintf "Reverse equality evaluation for %s" (t.getBVOP.ToString()))
else // Trivial equality, Boolean or BV.
assert (t.isSimpleRelation)
assert (numUnpropagatedVariables t pVal = 1)
if t.isArgumentNumeral 0 then
res <- (t.getArgument 1, getLhsValue t pVal pNumerals)
res <- (t.getArgument 0, getRhsValue t pVal pNumerals)
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULEQ
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SLEQ
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ULT
| Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_SLT
| _ -> NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED(sprintf "Reverse evaluation for %s" (t.getRelationOP.ToString()))
(snd res).CheckInvariant()
let evalArg (t:TheoryRelation) (pVal:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (pNumerals:Ref<NumeralDB>) (i:int) =
if t.isArgumentNumeral i then
(!pNumerals).getNumeral (abs (t.getArgument i))
(!pVal).getValue (t.getArgument i)
let getArgValuePairs (t:TheoryRelation) (mAss:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (nums:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
[for i in 0 .. t.numArguments - 1 do
yield (t.getArgument i, evalArg t mAss nums i)]
let tGetNewValues (t:TheoryRelation) (mAss:Ref<BitVectorValuation>) (nums:Ref<NumeralDB>) =
// Note that this function depends on partial assignments (BitVectorValuation) only.
// It produces a pair (var, value) indicating a variable that has been assigned a new value.
let (var, value) = if (!mAss).isAssigned t.getRhs then
(revEvaluate t mAss nums)
(t.getRhs, getLhsValue t mAss nums)
if (var = 0) then
(var, value)
// CMW: Intersection is done here, so whatever comes out of tGetNewValues
// represents the final new value for var.
if (value.isInvalid) then
(var, value)
(var, BitVector.Intersect ((!mAss).getValue var) value)