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module Explain
open GlobalOptions
open Util
open Literal
open Clause
open BitVector
open Trail
open State
open BooleanValuation
open RLEBVTheory
open BoundsTheory
open TheoryRelation
open Learning
open PropagationRules
open Z3Check
open TheoryRelation
open System.Collections.Generic
let explainEmptyDomain (s:State) (bvVar:Var) =
let trail = (!s.trail)
let mutable expl = []
let mutable trailPtr = trail.getTrailPtr
for i in 0 .. trailPtr do
let t = trail.get i
match t with
| Some (BoolDecision l )
| Some (Imp (_, l)) when (!s.theoryDB).isDefined (lit2var l) ->
let tRel = (!s.theoryDB).getThRelation (lit2var l)
if (List.exists (fun x -> x = bvVar) tRel.variableArguments) then
expl <- (Negate l)::expl
| _ -> ()
newClauseFromList expl
// Chooses literals in the conflict which have a valueT
// Some literals might be part of the conflict purely from a boolean perspective
// AZ: Checking s.bVal.valueT is cheaper, but I am not relying that it is set consistently.
let getSupportedTLiterals (s:State) (cnflct: Literal array) =
let tDB = s.theoryDB
[| for lit in cnflct do
let var = lit2var lit
if ((!tDB).isDefined var) then
let tRel = (!tDB).getThRelation var
if tHolds tRel s.bvVal s.numeralDB <> Undefined ||
tbndsHolds tRel s.bounds s.numeralDB <> Undefined then
yield tRel |]
let rewritePositiveEqualities (s:State) (sbox:State) (cnflct: Literal []) =
let mutable rwCnflct = []
let mutable origLits = []
let mutable rwttnEQs = []
for l in cnflct do
let var = lit2var l
let isPos = isPositive l
if (!sbox.theoryDB).isDefined var then
let t = (!sbox.theoryDB).getThRelation var
if t.isPAPredicate && isPos &&
( tHolds t s.bvVal s.numeralDB <> Undefined ||
tbndsHolds t s.bounds s.numeralDB <> Undefined) then
let var = t.getPAPredicateVariable
let num = t.getPAPredicateValue sbox.numeralDB
if num.isConcreteValue then
let lower = getLowerBoundPredicate sbox.database var num sbox.bVal sbox.bvVal sbox.bounds
if not (Array.exists (fun (x:Literal) -> x = lower.getBoolVar) cnflct) then
rwCnflct <- rwCnflct @ [lower.getBoolVar]
let upper = getUpperBoundPredicate sbox.database var num sbox.bVal sbox.bvVal sbox.bounds
if not (Array.exists (fun (x:Literal) -> x = upper.getBoolVar) cnflct) then
rwCnflct <- rwCnflct @ [upper.getBoolVar]
rwttnEQs <- (var2lit lower.getBoolVar, var2lit upper.getBoolVar, var2lit t.getBoolVar) :: rwttnEQs
origLits <- l :: origLits
origLits <- l :: origLits
(List.toArray origLits, List.toArray rwCnflct, rwttnEQs)
let assertLiterals (sbox:State) (conflict:Literal []) =
assert ((!sbox.trail).getCount = 0)
assert (not sbox.IsConflicted)
let trail = sbox.trail
// Assert the conflicting literals while filtering
// for the relaxed literal
for l in conflict do
match (!sbox.bVal).getValueB l with
| True -> () //Already implied by the trail, can be omitted to avoid assertion violations
| _ -> sbox.Push (BoolDecision l)
while not sbox.IsConflicted && (!trail).hasPropagationsPending do
PropagateTheories sbox (!trail).nextPropagation
let cleanTrailTo (sbox:State) (restorePoint: int)=
while (!sbox.trail).getCount > restorePoint do
let cleanTrail sbox =
cleanTrailTo sbox 0
let propagateTrailContents (sbox:State) =
while not sbox.IsConflicted && (!sbox.trail).hasPropagationsPending do
PropagateTheories sbox (!sbox.trail).nextPropagation
let checkGeneralizationUsingZ3 (sbox:State) (generalizedConflict: Literal []) =
let mutable explArray = Array.map Negate generalizedConflict
let clauseToCheck = newClauseFromArray (explArray)
checkIsGeneralizedExplanationValid sbox.database clauseToCheck true
let isLiteralGeneralizationValid (sbox:State) (l:Literal) =
assert (not sbox.IsConflicted)
let restorePoint = (!sbox.trail).getCount
let bValue = (!sbox.bVal).getValueB l
let isValid = match bValue with
| Undefined -> sbox.Push (BoolDecision l)
propagateTrailContents sbox
| _ -> assert(false)
cleanTrailTo sbox restorePoint
//let isGeneralizationValid (sbox:State) (conflict:Literal []) =
// assert ((!sbox.trail).getCount = 0)
// assert (not sbox.IsConflicted)
// let trail = sbox.trail
// // Assert the conflicting literals while filtering
// // for the relaxed literal
// for l in conflict do
// sbox.Push (BoolDecision (l,None))
// // Propagate everything on the trail.
// while not sbox.IsConflicted && (!trail).hasPropagationsPending do
// PropagateTheories sbox (!trail).nextPropagation
// // If a conflict is observed then the generalization is VALID
// let isGenValid = sbox.IsConflicted
// // Clean the sanbox trail
// while (!sbox.trail).getCount > 0 do
// sbox.Pop
// sbox.clearConflict()
// // Sanity check using z3
// let mutable explArray = Array.map Negate conflict
// let clauseToCheck = newClauseFromArray (explArray)
// let z3Says = checkIsGeneralizedExplanationValid sbox.database clauseToCheck true
// assert(not isGenValid || z3Says) // AZ: Since some operations are not fully implemented we do not have equavalence here.
// isGenValid
let stepwiseRelaxTRel (sbox:State) (conflict : Literal []) (updateFn) (t:TheoryRelation) =
assert (t.isBoundsPredicate)
let origNum = if t.isPAPredicate then t.getPAPredicateValue sbox.numeralDB
let interval = t.getBoundsPredicateValue sbox.numeralDB
if t.isLowerBoundPredicate then interval.Lower
elif t.isUpperBoundPredicate then interval.Upper
else UNREACHABLE "Non-existant bounds case"
let mutable tRel = t
if DBG then printfn "------------------------------------------------------"
if DBG then printfn "Attempting to relax: %s" (t.ToString sbox.numeralDB)
let fixedLiterals = [| for l in conflict do
if lit2var l <> t.getBoolVar then
yield l
assert (Array.exists (fun x -> lit2var x = t.getBoolVar) conflict)
let isPos = Array.exists (fun x -> x = t.getBoolVar) conflict
assertLiterals sbox fixedLiterals
let mutable num = origNum
let mutable position = num.Length - 1
let mutable step = 1
let mutable generalization_suceeded = false
let bvVar = if tRel.isPAPredicate then tRel.getPAPredicateVariable
else tRel.getBoundsPredicateVariable
while position >= 0 do
let newNum = updateFn num position step
position <- position - step - 1
step <- 2 * step
if step > position + 1 then
step <- position + 1
if not ( BitVector.bvEQ newNum num) then
let newT = mkRelaxedTRel sbox.database t newNum sbox.bVal sbox.bvVal sbox.bounds
(!sbox.database).addToOccurenceLists newT
if DBG then
printfn "------------------------------------------------------"
printfn "Proposed relaxation: %s" (newT.ToString (sbox.numeralDB))
let lit = if isPos then newT.getBoolVar else Negate newT.getBoolVar
//let z3Says = checkGeneralizationUsingZ3 sbox (Array.append (Array.map Negate fixedLiterals) [|Negate lit|])
//RUNZ3CHECKS <- false
if isLiteralGeneralizationValid sbox lit then
//assert (z3Says) // Z3 has to agree with us that it is valid
generalization_suceeded <- true
num <- newNum
tRel <- newT
if DBG then printfn "Relaxation successful! Replacing %s by %s" (t.ToString sbox.numeralDB) (newT.ToString sbox.numeralDB)
//Update on success
position <- position - step - 1
step <- 2 * step
if step > position + 1 then
step <- position + 1
//assert(not z3Says)
if DBG then printfn "Relaxation failed, retaining %s" (t.ToString sbox.numeralDB)
//Update on failure to generalize
if step = 1 then
position <- position - 1
step <- max 1 (step / 2)
// RUNZ3CHECKS <- true
let idx = (!sbox.theoryDB).bool2ThRel.[newT.getBoolVar]
(!sbox.watchManager).removeReference bvVar idx
cleanTrail sbox
if generalization_suceeded && not (BitVector.bvEQ num origNum) then
Some tRel
let relaxTRel (sbox:State) (conflict : Literal []) (updateFn) (t:TheoryRelation) =
assert (t.isBoundsPredicate)
let origNum = if t.isPAPredicate then t.getPAPredicateValue sbox.numeralDB
let interval = t.getBoundsPredicateValue sbox.numeralDB
if t.isLowerBoundPredicate then interval.Lower
elif t.isUpperBoundPredicate then interval.Upper
else UNREACHABLE "Non-existant bounds case"
let mutable num = origNum
let mutable tRel = t
if DBG then printfn "------------------------------------------------------"
if DBG then printfn "Attempting to relax: %s" (t.ToString sbox.numeralDB)
let fixedLiterals = [| for l in conflict do
if lit2var l <> t.getBoolVar then
yield l
assert (Array.exists (fun x -> lit2var x = t.getBoolVar) conflict)
let isPos = Array.exists (fun x -> x = t.getBoolVar) conflict
assertLiterals sbox fixedLiterals
for i in 0 .. num.Length - 1 do
let newNumO = updateFn num (num.Length - 1 - i)
match newNumO with
| None -> ()
| Some newNum ->
let newT = mkRelaxedTRel sbox.database t newNum sbox.bVal sbox.bvVal sbox.bounds
// printfn "------------------------------------------------------"
// printfn "Proposed relaxation: %s" (newT.ToString (sbox.numeralDB))
let lit = if isPos then newT.getBoolVar else Negate newT.getBoolVar
let z3Says = checkGeneralizationUsingZ3 sbox (Array.append fixedLiterals [|lit|])
if isLiteralGeneralizationValid sbox lit then
assert (z3Says) // Z3 has to agree with us that it is valid
num <- newNum
tRel <- newT
if DBG then printfn "Relaxation successful! Replacing %s by %s" (t.ToString sbox.numeralDB) (newT.ToString sbox.numeralDB)
if DBG then printfn "Relaxation failed, retaining %s" (t.ToString sbox.numeralDB)
cleanTrail sbox
if not (BitVector.bvEQ num origNum) then
Some tRel
let relaxPAPredicate (sbox:State) (conflict : Literal []) (t:TheoryRelation) =
stepwiseRelaxTRel sbox conflict (BitVector.changeBits false Bit.U) t
let relaxLowerBound (sbox:State) (conflict : Literal []) (t:TheoryRelation) =
stepwiseRelaxTRel sbox conflict (BitVector.changeBits true Bit.Zero) t
let relaxUpperBound (sbox:State) (conflict : Literal []) (t:TheoryRelation) =
stepwiseRelaxTRel sbox conflict (BitVector.changeBits true Bit.One) t
let tryToRelax (sbox:State) (cnflct: Literal []) (t: TheoryRelation) =
assert (Array.exists (fun x -> lit2var x = t.getBoolVar) cnflct )
let isPos = Array.exists (fun x -> x = t.getBoolVar) cnflct
if not t.isBoundsPredicate then
elif t.isPAPredicate then
relaxPAPredicate sbox cnflct t
elif (t.isLowerBoundPredicate && isPos) ||
(t.isUpperBoundPredicate && not isPos) then
relaxLowerBound sbox cnflct t
elif (t.isLowerBoundPredicate && not isPos) ||
(t.isUpperBoundPredicate && isPos) then
relaxUpperBound sbox cnflct t
UNREACHABLE "Conflict generalization: uncovered case"
// For each literal in the conflict, omit it and check if the
// conflict persists. If it does, remove that literal permanently.
let minimize (sbox:State) (rwCnflct: Literal []) =
let mutable rest = Array.toList rwCnflct
let mutable kept = []
let mutable current = rest.Head
rest <- rest.Tail
let mutable literals = List.toArray (kept@rest)
while rest <> [] do
literals <- List.toArray (kept@rest)
assertLiterals sbox literals
if not sbox.IsConflicted then
kept <- current :: kept
cleanTrail sbox
current <- rest.Head
rest <- rest.Tail
literals <- List.toArray (kept@rest)
assertLiterals sbox literals
if not sbox.IsConflicted then
kept <- current :: kept
cleanTrail sbox
List.toArray kept
// // Conflict minimization
// let keep = Array.create rwCnflct.Length true
// for l in 0 .. rwCnflct.Length - 1 do
// keep.[l] <- false
// let cnflictWithoutC = [| for i in 0 .. keep.Length - 1 do
// if keep.[i] then
// yield rwCnflct.[i]|]
// if not (isGeneralizationValid sbox cnflictWithoutC) then
// keep.[l] <- true
// //printfn "|Minimization -> Keeping %d" rwCnflct.[l]
// else
// //printfn "|Minimization -> Removing %d" rwCnflct.[l]
// ()
// let minimized =
// [| for i in 0 .. keep.Length - 1 do
// if keep.[i] then
// yield rwCnflct.[i]|]
// if DBG then printfn "\nConflict after minimization:"
// if DBG then sbox.printCube (ref (newClauseFromArray minimized))
// minimized
// New variables are introduced in TEMP mode if their identifier is
// greater than the snapshot taken when entering TEMP mode.
let isNew (s:State) (l:Literal) =
(!s.variableDB).getSnapshot <= lit2var l
// Generalize conflict by repeatedly:
// 1) relaxing a literal
// 2) checking if the conflict persist
let generalize (s:State) (sbox:State) (genCnflct:Literal []) =
// Conflict generalization
let current = [|for l in genCnflct do yield l|]
for i in 0 .. current.Length - 1 do
let lit = current.[i]
if (!sbox.theoryDB).isDefined lit then
let t = (!sbox.theoryDB).getThRelation (lit2var lit)
if tHolds t s.bvVal s.numeralDB <> Undefined ||
tbndsHolds t s.bounds s.numeralDB <> Undefined then
let newLit = tryToRelax sbox current t
if newLit.IsSome then
genCnflct.[i] <- if isPositive (current.[i]) then
Negate (newLit.Value).getBoolVar
if DBG then printfn "Explanation after generalization: "
let genExpl = newClauseFromArray genCnflct
if DBG then s.printClause (ref genExpl)
// Splits the generalized conflict into generalized and original literals
// Also computes the highest conflict level among the old literals
let splitLiterals (s:State) (sbox:State) (genCnflct:Literal[]) =
let mutable genLits = []
let mutable rwLits = []
let mutable oldLits = []
let mutable phantomLvl = 0
for i in 0 .. genCnflct.Length - 1 do
let l = genCnflct.[i]
let v = lit2var l
if (isNew sbox genCnflct.[i]) && ((!s.theoryDB).isDefined v) then
let t = (!sbox.theoryDB).getThRelation v
if t.isSimpleRelation then
let isPos = isPositive l
genLits <- ( if t.isLowerBoundPredicate then
(LowerBound, isPos, t.getBoundsPredicateVariable,(t.getBoundsPredicateValue sbox.numeralDB).Lower)
elif t.isUpperBoundPredicate then
(UpperBound, isPos, t.getBoundsPredicateVariable, (t.getBoundsPredicateValue sbox.numeralDB).Upper)
elif t.isPAPredicate then
(PAPredicate, isPos, t.getPAPredicateVariable, BitVector.Copy (t.getPAPredicateValue sbox.numeralDB))
UNREACHABLE "Generalized literals have to involve least one numeral"
(NotSimple, false, 0, BitVector.Invalid)
) :: genLits
oldLits <- genCnflct.[i] :: oldLits
elif (!s.bVal).getValueB l = Undefined then
rwLits <- l :: rwLits
oldLits <- genCnflct.[i] :: oldLits
phantomLvl <- max phantomLvl ( (!s.bVal).getBLvl l)
(genLits,oldLits, rwLits, phantomLvl)
// Reintroduces permanently the generalized literals
let translateGeneralizedLiterals (s:State) (genLits: (SimpleRelationType*bool*Var*BitVector) list) =
let mutable translatedGenLits : Literal list = []
for (case, isPos, var, value) in genLits do
let t = match case with
| LowerBound -> getBoundPredicate s.database var value true s.bVal s.bvVal s.bounds
| UpperBound -> getBoundPredicate s.database var value false s.bVal s.bvVal s.bounds
| PAPredicate -> getModelAssignmentPredicate s.database var value s.bVal s.bvVal s.bounds
| _ -> UNREACHABLE "Generalized an unknown predicate type"
if DBG then printfn "Making a permanent copy of %s" (t.ToString())
translatedGenLits <- (if isPos then t.getBoolVar else Negate t.getBoolVar) :: translatedGenLits
let timeWalkTheState (s:State) (bLits: Literal list) (rwLits: Literal list) (genLits:Literal list) (backjumpLvl:int) (noGen:bool) (noMin : bool) (mCubeSubsetBaseCube: bool) =
assert (backjumpLvl >= 0)
// Explanation to be:
// (/\ oldLits) -> tseitinVar
// and tseitinVar = (\/ newlits)
let uncertainLiterals = List.map Negate (genLits @ rwLits)
let baseLits = List.map Negate bLits
if noGen && noMin then
if DBG then printfn "Leaving original conflict"
() // No generalization, proceed with boolean conflict resolution
elif noGen && mCubeSubsetBaseCube then
// Conflict is minimized, and all literals are on the trail,
// replace the existing conflict with a smaller one
if DBG then printfn "Minimized conflict"
s.SetConflict (Some (ref (newClauseFromList (baseLits @ uncertainLiterals))))
elif uncertainLiterals.Length = 0 then
() // Everything has a value and rewriting made the conflict bigger but didn't yield anything to generalize from.
let originalCC = s.GetConflictClause
if DBG then printfn "Generalized conflict clause"
// GenLits have no value on the trail, while rwLits might have a value on the trail
assert (uncertainLiterals.Length > 0) // Otherwise, no generalization and no minimization took place and we shouldn't be here
if DBG then s.printClause (ref (newClauseFromList (baseLits @ uncertainLiterals)))
let (impliedLit, newCC) =
let lit = if uncertainLiterals.Length > 1 then
s.defineTseitinVariable uncertainLiterals
let extendedResolutionExpl = newClauseFromList (lit :: baseLits)
(lit, extendedResolutionExpl)
// Time-walking a conflict: (old1 \/ old2 \/ ...\/ oldk \/ impliedLit
// If impliedLit is undefined, that is because it is newly introduced:
// impL = genL1 \/ genL2 \/ ... \/ genLn
// TODO: What about rwLits?
// First we want to backtrack the trail to the highest decision level
// involving some oldi and there propagate generalized literals
// using correct explanations, as if they were discovered on time.
match (!s.bVal).getValueB impliedLit with
| Undefined ->
// Backtracking the trail to highest decision lvl involving some oldi
if DBG then printfn "Poping the trail to lvl %d" backjumpLvl
assert (backjumpLvl > -1)
while (!s.trail).getNumDecisions > backjumpLvl do
// Get implications of generalized literals
let twImps = [|for l in uncertainLiterals do
assert ((!s.theoryDB).isDefined (lit2var l))
let t = (!s.theoryDB).getThRelation (lit2var l)
let rleHlds = tHolds t s.bvVal s.numeralDB
let bndsHlds = tbndsHolds t s.bounds s.numeralDB
if rleHlds <> Undefined then
yield (tGetImplication s (ref t) rleHlds)
elif bndsHlds <> Undefined then
yield (tbndsGetImplication s (ref t) bndsHlds)
// Propagate found implications
for (imp, l) in twImps do
if lit2var l <> lit2var impliedLit then //AZ: impliedLit is not defined on the trail and will be implied by the remainder of this function
if DBG then
printf "Implication: "
s.printClause (ref imp)
if (!s.bVal).getValueB l = Undefined then
(s.Push (Imp (ref imp, l)))
assert ((!s.bVal).getValueB l = True)
// Learn the new generalized cc with a Tseitin variable
//if DBG then printfn "Learning implication %s" (clauseToString newCC)
if (!s.clauseDB).isRegisteredTseitin (lit2var impliedLit) then
assert (uncertainLiterals.Length > 0)
s.Push (Imp (ref newCC, impliedLit))
//Deciding on a literal
let mutable decided = false
let mutable lits = uncertainLiterals
while not decided && lits <> [] do
let l = lits.Head
lits <- lits.Tail
if (!s.bVal).getValueB l = Undefined then
s.Push (BoolDecision l)
decided <- true
assert ((!s.bVal).getValueB l = False)
if not decided then
let c = (Negate impliedLit :: uncertainLiterals)
List.map (fun x -> assert ((!s.bVal).getValueB x = False)) c |> ignore
s.SetConflict (Some (ref ( newClauseFromList c )))
s.Push (Imp (ref newCC, impliedLit))
if DBG && (!s.theoryDB).isDefined (lit2var impliedLit) then
let tLit = (!s.theoryDB).getThRelation (lit2var impliedLit)
let theory_value = tHolds tLit s.bvVal s.numeralDB
let bounds_value = tbndsHolds tLit s.bounds s.numeralDB
match (isPositive impliedLit, theory_value, bounds_value) with
| (true, False, _)
| (false, True, _)
| (true, _, False)
| (false, _, True) ->
printfn "Generalization propagated literal %d : %s " impliedLit (tLit.ToString())
printfn "Value on trail %s" ((isPositive impliedLit).ToString())
printfn "rle_eval says %s" (theory_value.ToString())
printfn "bounds_eval says %s" (bounds_value.ToString())
| _ -> ()
| False
| True ->
//AZ: Then it must be a theory detected conflict
assert ((!s.theoryDB).isDefined (lit2var impliedLit))
let tLit = (!s.theoryDB).getThRelation (lit2var impliedLit)
let theory_value = tHolds tLit s.bvVal s.numeralDB
let bounds_value = tbndsHolds tLit s.bounds s.numeralDB
match (isPositive impliedLit, theory_value, bounds_value) with
| (true, False, _)
| (false, True, _)
| (true, _, False)
| (false, _, True) ->
s.SetConflict (Some (ref (newCC)))
() //AZ: This is ok, we expect a conflict and it is a conflict in the theory.
| _ ->
//AZ: We expect a conflict but we don't see one, and this is a problem.
s.SetConflict (Some originalCC)
let getCnflctTrigger (s:State) =
match (!s.trail).trail.[(!s.trail).getCount - 1] with
| MAssgnmnt (v, _, _)
| BAssgnmnt (v, _, _) -> Some v
| _ -> None
let xTExplanationGeneralization (s:State) (sbox:State) =
assert (s.IsConflicted)
if DBG then printfn "------------------------------"
if DBG then printfn "| SANDBOX |"
if DBG then printfn "------------------------------"
if DBG then printfn "****Conflict generalization****"
let cc = !s.GetConflictClause
let baseConflictCube = [|for i in 1 .. getSize cc do yield Negate cc.[i] |]
//if DBG then (!s.trail).forcePrint ("Trail:\n", s.bvVal, s.bounds)
if DBG then printfn " Base conflict clause: "
if DBG then s.printClause s.GetConflictClause
sbox.enterTempMode s
let tLitsInvolved = [|for l in baseConflictCube do
if (!s.theoryDB).isDefined (lit2var l) then
yield (!s.theoryDB).getThRelation (lit2var l)
// Setup watches
for tLit in tLitsInvolved do
(!sbox.database).addToOccurenceLists tLit
//let evalTLits = Array.filter (fun x -> tHolds x s.bvVal s.numeralDB <> Undefined) tLitsInvolved
let isArithmeticInvolved = Array.exists TheoryRelation.isArithmetic tLitsInvolved
let (bLits, newLits, rewrittenEQs) =
if isArithmeticInvolved then
verbose <| (lazy "Arithmetic conflict")
rewritePositiveEqualities s sbox baseConflictCube
(baseConflictCube, [||],[])
for b in bLits do
assert (Array.exists (fun x -> x = b) baseConflictCube)
for n in newLits do
assert (not (Array.exists (fun x -> x = n) baseConflictCube))
assert (not (Array.exists (fun x -> x = n) bLits))
// TODO: Rewrite conflict minimization in spirit of generalization
let toMinimize = (Array.append bLits newLits)
let minCube = minimize sbox toMinimize
let mutable mCubeSubsetBaseCube = true //Array.fold (fun s t -> s && Array.exists (fun x -> x = t) baseConflictCube) true minCube
for m in minCube do
let mutable found = false
for b in baseConflictCube do
if m = b then
found <- true
mCubeSubsetBaseCube <- mCubeSubsetBaseCube && found
let genCube = [|for m in minCube do yield m|]
generalize s sbox genCube
let gCubeSubsetMCube = Array.fold (fun s t -> s && Array.exists (fun x -> x = t) minCube) true genCube
let noMinimization = minCube.Length >= toMinimize.Length && mCubeSubsetBaseCube
for (l,u,e) in rewrittenEQs do
let lInd = Array.tryFindIndex (fun x -> x = l) genCube
let uInd = Array.tryFindIndex (fun x -> x = u) genCube
if lInd.IsSome && uInd.IsSome then
genCube.[lInd.Value] <- e
genCube.[uInd.Value] <- e
let mutable noDupCube = []
for l in genCube do
if not (List.exists (fun x -> x = l) noDupCube) then
noDupCube <- l :: noDupCube
let newGenCube = List.toArray noDupCube
if DBG then
printfn "Explanation after compacting"
s.printClause (ref (newClauseFromArray newGenCube))
let (annotatedGenLits, baseLits, rwLits, twLvl) = splitLiterals s sbox newGenCube
if DBG then printfn "------------------------------"
if DBG then printfn "| Leaving SANDBOX |"
if DBG then printfn "------------------------------"
let translatedGenLits = translateGeneralizedLiterals s annotatedGenLits
timeWalkTheState s baseLits rwLits translatedGenLits twLvl gCubeSubsetMCube noMinimization mCubeSubsetBaseCube