
2 строки
873 B

"use strict";(self.webpackChunkmy_application=self.webpackChunkmy_application||[]).push([[3823],{3823:(t,n,e)=>{e.r(n),e.d(n,{default:()=>s});const s="type storage is int\ntype parameter is\n Increment of int\n| Decrement of int\n| Reset\ntype return is list (operation) * storage\n// Two entrypoints\nfunction add (const store : storage; const delta : int) : storage is\n store + delta\nfunction sub (const store : storage; const delta : int) : storage is\n store - delta\n(* Main access point that dispatches to the entrypoints according to\n the smart contract parameter. *)\nfunction main (const action : parameter; const store : storage) : return is\n ((nil : list (operation)), // No operations\n case action of\n Increment (n) -> add (store, n)\n | Decrement (n) -> sub (store, n)\n | Reset -> 0\n end)\n"}}]);