The valid handle to any API object. This includes handles to registration, configuration, listener, connection and stream objects. For global parameters, this parameter must be `NULL`.
The function returns a [QUIC_STATUS]( The app may use `QUIC_FAILED` or `QUIC_SUCCEEDED` to determine if the function failed or succeeded.
While many parameters are staticly-sized, some are dynamically-sized and will require the application to do a double call to `GetParam`: the first to find out the amount of memory needed to allocate, placed in `BufferLength`, and the second call to actually retrieve the parameter's value. For example, after setting a `QUIC_VERSION_SETTINGS` on a `QUIC_CONFIGURATION`, retrieving the settings from the same API object will require a double call to allocate enough storage for the `QUIC_VERSION_SETTINGS` lists.