2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00
This script merges the coverage data.
Specifies the build configuration to test.
The CPU architecture to test.
The TLS library test.
2020-07-23 20:28:44 +03:00
Indicates local execution/usage (not Azure Pipelines) of the script.
2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("Debug", "Release")]
[string]$Config = "Debug",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("x86", "x64", "arm", "arm64")]
[string]$Arch = "x64",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
2021-03-31 00:22:39 +03:00
[ValidateSet("schannel", "openssl")]
2020-07-23 20:28:44 +03:00
[string]$Tls = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$Local = $false
2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'
# Default TLS based on current platform.
if ("" -eq $Tls) {
if ($IsWindows) {
$Tls = "schannel"
} else {
$Tls = "openssl"
# Root directory of the project.
$RootDir = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
2020-07-23 20:28:44 +03:00
# Path to the coverage tool.
$CoverageExe = 'C:\"Program Files"\OpenCppCoverage\OpenCppCoverage.exe'
# The input directory to search for files. When run locally (not on Azure Pipelines)
# the files are in a different location.
2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00
$CoverageDir = Join-Path $RootDir "artifacts\coverage\windows\$($Arch)_$($Config)_$($Tls)"
2020-07-23 20:28:44 +03:00
if ($Local) {
$CoverageDir = Join-Path $RootDir "artifacts\coverage"
2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00
2020-07-23 20:28:44 +03:00
# Build up the args with the list of input files.
2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00
$CoverageMergeParams = ""
foreach ($file in $(Get-ChildItem -Path $CoverageDir -Filter '*.cov')) {
$CoverageMergeParams += " --input_coverage $(Join-Path $CoverageDir $file.Name)"
2020-07-23 20:28:44 +03:00
if ($CoverageMergeParams -eq "") {
Write-Error "No coverage results to merge!"
2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00
2020-07-23 20:28:44 +03:00
if ($Local) {
# Locally, output the HTML report.
$CoverageMergeParams += " --export_type html:$(Join-Path $CoverageDir "report")"
} else {
# Use cobertura format for Azure Pipelines.
2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00
$CoverageMergeParams += " --export_type cobertura:$(Join-Path $CoverageDir "msquiccoverage.xml")"
2020-07-23 20:28:44 +03:00
2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00
2020-07-23 20:28:44 +03:00
# Call the tool to merge the files into the appropriate format.
Invoke-Expression ($CoverageExe + $CoverageMergeParams) | Out-Null
if ($Local) {
# Open up the HTML report that was just generated.
start (Join-Path $CoverageDir "report\index.html")
2020-07-23 08:39:05 +03:00