name: Build WinKernel # The caller is responsible for making sure all options passed to this workflow are valid and compatible with each other. on: workflow_call: inputs: ref: required: false default: '' type: string config: required: false default: 'Release' type: string # options: # - Debug # - Release plat: required: false type: string default: 'winkernel' # options: # - winkernel os: required: false type: string default: 'windows-2019' # options: # - windows-2019 # - windows-2022 arch: required: false default: 'x64' type: string # options: # - x86 # - x64 # - arm64 tls: required: false default: 'schannel' type: string # options: # - openssl # - openssl3 # - schannel build: required: false default: '' # Empty string means build all type: string permissions: read-all jobs: build-windows-kernel-reuse: name: Build runs-on: ${{ inputs.os }} steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 with: repository: microsoft/msquic ref: ${{ inputs.ref }} - name: Prepare Machine shell: pwsh run: scripts/prepare-machine.ps1 -ForBuild -ForKernel - name: Add msbuild to PATH uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@6fb02220983dee41ce7ae257b6f4d8f9bf5ed4ce - name: Nuget Restore shell: pwsh run: msbuild msquic.kernel.sln -t:restore /p:RestorePackagesConfig=true /p:Configuration=${{ inputs.config }} /p:Platform=${{ inputs.arch }} - name: Build if: == '-Test' shell: pwsh run: msbuild msquic.kernel.sln /m /p:Configuration=${{ inputs.config }} /p:Platform=${{ inputs.arch }} /p:QUIC_VER_SUFFIX=-official /p:QUIC_VER_GIT_HASH=${{ github.sha }} - name: Build if: == '' shell: pwsh run: msbuild msquic.kernel.sln /m /p:Configuration=${{ inputs.config }} /p:Platform=${{ inputs.arch }} /p:QUIC_VER_SUFFIX=-official - name: Sign Kernel shell: pwsh run: scripts/sign.ps1 -Config ${{ inputs.config }} -Arch ${{ inputs.arch }} -Tls ${{ inputs.tls }} - name: Filter Build Artifacts shell: pwsh run: | Remove-Item artifacts/bin/xdp -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Remove-Item artifacts/corenet-ci-main -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Remove-Item artifacts/xdp -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore - name: Upload build artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@b4b15b8c7c6ac21ea08fcf65892d2ee8f75cf882 with: name: ${{ inputs.config }}-${{ inputs.plat }}-${{ inputs.os }}-${{ inputs.arch }}-${{ inputs.tls }}${{ }} path: artifacts