зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/msquic.git
586 строки
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586 строки
21 KiB
This script runs performance tests with various emulated network conditions. Note,
this script requires duonic to be preinstalled on the system and secnetperf.exe to
be in the current directory.
Specifies the build configuration to test.
The CPU architecture to test.
The TLS library test.
The round trip time(s) for the emulated network.
.PARAMETER BottleneckMbps
The maximum rate(s) for the emulated network.
.PARAMETER BottleneckQueueRatio
The queue length as a ratio of BDP for the emulated network.
.PARAMETER RandomLossDenominator
For N > 0, indicates a random drop chance of 1 / N packets in the emulated network.
For N <= 0, indicates no random loss/drops in the emulated network.
.PARAMETER RandomReorderDenominator
For N > 0, indicates a random delay chance of 1 / N packets in the emulated network.
For N <= 0, indicates no random reordering in the emulated network.
.PARAMETER ReorderDelayDeltaMs
The extra delay applied to any reordered packets in the emulated network.
.PARAMETER BaseRandomSeed
Base seed value for the DuoNic RNG.
The duration(s) of each test run over the emulated network.
The pacing enabled/disable flag(s) used for each test run over the emulated network.
.PARAMETER NumIterations
The number(s) of iterations to run of each test over the emulated network.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("Debug", "Release")]
[string]$Config = "Release",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("x86", "x64", "arm", "arm64")]
[string]$Arch = "x64",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("schannel", "openssl")]
[string]$Tls = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string[]]$Protocol = "QUIC",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32[]]$RttMs = 60,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32[]]$BottleneckMbps = 20,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[double[]]$BottleneckQueueRatio = 1.0,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32[]]$RandomLossDenominator = 0,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32[]]$RandomReorderDenominator = 0,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32[]]$ReorderDelayDeltaMs = 0,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$BaseRandomSeed = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32[]]$DurationMs = 10000,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32[]]$Pacing = (0, 1),
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32]$NumIterations = 1,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("None", "Datapath.Light", "Datapath.Verbose", "Performance.Light", "Performance.Verbose", "Full.Light", "Full.Verbose")]
[string]$LogProfile = "None",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$Periodic = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$ForceBranchName = $null,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$MergeDataFiles = $false
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'
class FormattedResult {
FormattedResult (
) {
$this.Tcp = $Tcp;
$this.RttMs = $RttMs;
$this.NetMbps = $BottleneckMbps;
$this.QueuePkts = $BottleneckBufferPackets;
$this.Loss = $RandomLossDenominator;
$this.Reorder = $RandomReorderDenominator;
$this.DelayMs = $ReorderDelayDeltaMs;
#$this.DurationMs = $DurationMs;
#$this.Pacing = $Pacing;
$this.RateKbps = $RateKbps;
$this.PrevKbps = $RemoteKbps;
$this.Usage = $BottleneckPercentage;
class TestResult {
TestResult (
) {
$this.RttMs = $RttMs;
$this.BottleneckMbps = $BottleneckMbps;
$this.BottleneckBufferPackets = $BottleneckBufferPackets;
$this.RandomLossDenominator = $RandomLossDenominator;
$this.RandomReorderDenominator = $RandomReorderDenominator;
$this.ReorderDelayDeltaMs = $ReorderDelayDeltaMs;
$this.Tcp = $Tcp;
$this.DurationMs = $DurationMs;
$this.Pacing = $Pacing;
$this.RateKbps = $RateKbps;
$this.RawRateKbps = $RawRateKbps;
class Results {
Results($PlatformName) {
$this.Runs = [System.Collections.Generic.List[TestResult]]::new()
$this.PlatformName = $PlatformName
function Find-MatchingTest([TestResult]$TestResult, [Object]$RemoteResults) {
foreach ($Remote in $RemoteResults) {
if (
$TestResult.RttMs -eq $Remote.RttMs -and
$TestResult.BottleneckMbps -eq $Remote.BottleneckMbps -and
$TestResult.BottleneckBufferPackets -eq $Remote.BottleneckBufferPackets -and
$TestResult.RandomLossDenominator -eq $Remote.RandomLossDenominator -and
$TestResult.RandomReorderDenominator -eq $Remote.RandomReorderDenominator -and
$TestResult.ReorderDelayDeltaMs -eq $Remote.ReorderDelayDeltaMs -and
$TestResult.Tcp -eq $Remote.Tcp -and
$TestResult.DurationMs -eq $Remote.DurationMs -and
$TestResult.Pacing -eq $Remote.Pacing
) {
return $Remote
return $null;
function Find-MatchingTest2([Object]$TestResult, [Object]$RemoteResults) {
foreach ($Remote in $RemoteResults) {
if (
$TestResult.RttMs -eq $Remote.RttMs -and
$TestResult.BottleneckMbps -eq $Remote.BottleneckMbps -and
$TestResult.BottleneckBufferPackets -eq $Remote.BottleneckBufferPackets -and
$TestResult.RandomLossDenominator -eq $Remote.RandomLossDenominator -and
$TestResult.RandomReorderDenominator -eq $Remote.RandomReorderDenominator -and
$TestResult.ReorderDelayDeltaMs -eq $Remote.ReorderDelayDeltaMs -and
$TestResult.Tcp -eq $Remote.Tcp -and
$TestResult.DurationMs -eq $Remote.DurationMs -and
$TestResult.Pacing -eq $Remote.Pacing
) {
return $Remote
return $null;
function Get-CurrentBranch {
$CurrentLoc = Get-Location
Set-Location -Path $RepoDir | Out-Null
$CurrentBranch = $null
try {
$CurrentBranch = git branch --show-current
} catch {
Write-Debug "Failed to get commit date from git"
Set-Location -Path $CurrentLoc | Out-Null
return $CurrentBranch
function Get-LatestCommitHash([string]$Branch) {
$Uri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/msquic/performance/data/$Branch/commits.json"
if ($Periodic) {
$Uri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/msquic/performance/periodic/$Branch/commits.json"
Write-Debug "Requesting: $Uri"
try {
$AllCommits = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipHttpErrorCheck -Uri $Uri -Method 'GET' -ContentType "application/json"
Write-Debug "Result: $AllCommits"
$LatestResult = ($AllCommits | Sort-Object -Property Date -Descending)[0]
Write-Debug "Latest Commit: $LatestResult"
if ($Periodic) {
return $LatestResult.Date
} else {
return $LatestResult.CommitHash
} catch {
return ""
function Get-LatestWanTestResult([string]$Branch, [string]$CommitHash) {
$Uri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/msquic/performance/data/$Branch/$CommitHash/wan_data.json"
if ($Periodic) {
$Uri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/msquic/performance/periodic/$Branch/$CommitHash/wan_data.json"
Write-Debug "Requesting: $Uri"
try {
$LatestResult = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipHttpErrorCheck -Uri $Uri -Method 'GET' -ContentType "application/json"
Write-Debug "Result: $LatestResult"
return $LatestResult
} catch {
return ""
# Root directory of the project.
$RootDir = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
# Default TLS based on current platform.
if ("" -eq $Tls) {
if ($IsWindows) {
$Tls = "schannel"
} else {
$Tls = "openssl"
$Platform = $IsWindows ? "windows" : "linux"
$PlatformName = (($IsWindows ? "Windows" : "Linux") + "_$($Arch)_$($Tls)")
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ForceBranchName)) {
# Forcing a specific branch.
$BranchName = $ForceBranchName
} elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH)) {
# We are in a (AZP) pull request build.
} elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:GITHUB_BASE_REF)) {
# We are in a (GitHub Action) pull request build.
Write-Host "Using GITHUB_BASE_REF=$env:GITHUB_BASE_REF to compute branch"
$BranchName = $env:GITHUB_BASE_REF
} elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH)) {
# We are in a (AZP) main build.
Write-Host "Using BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH=$env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH to compute branch"
$BranchName = $env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH.Substring(11)
} elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:GITHUB_REF_NAME)) {
# We are in a (GitHub Action) main build.
Write-Host "Using GITHUB_REF_NAME=$env:GITHUB_REF_NAME to compute branch"
$BranchName = $env:GITHUB_REF_NAME
} else {
# Fallback to the current branch.
$BranchName = Get-CurrentBranch -RepoDir $RootDir
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ForceBranchName)) {
$BranchName = $ForceBranchName
$LastCommitHash = Get-LatestCommitHash -Branch $BranchName
$PreviousResults = Get-LatestWanTestResult -Branch $BranchName -CommitHash $LastCommitHash
$RemoteResults = ""
if ($PreviousResults -ne "") {
try {
$RemoteResults = $PreviousResults.$PlatformName
} catch {
Write-Debug "Failed to get $PlatformName from previous results"
# Path to the output data.
$OutputDir = Join-Path $RootDir "artifacts" "PerfDataResults" $Platform "$($Arch)_$($Config)_$($Tls)" "WAN"
if ($MergeDataFiles) {
$MergedResults = [System.Collections.Generic.List[FormattedResult]]::new()
# Load all json files in the output directory.
$DataFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $OutputDir -Filter "*.json"
$DataFiles | ForEach-Object {
$Data = Get-Content $_ | ConvertFrom-Json
# Process each run in the json data, converting it to a table row.
$Data.Runs | ForEach-Object {
$RemoteRate = 0
if ($RemoteResults -ne "") {
$RemoteResult = Find-MatchingTest2 -TestResult $_ -RemoteResults $RemoteResults
if ($null -ne $RemoteResult) {
$RemoteRate = $RemoteResult.RateKbps
$BottleneckPercentage = ($_.RateKbps / $_.BottleneckMbps) / 10
$Run = [FormattedResult]::new($_.RttMs, $_.BottleneckMbps, $_.BottleneckBufferPackets, $_.RandomLossDenominator, $_.RandomReorderDenominator, $_.ReorderDelayDeltaMs, $_.Tcp, $_.DurationMs, $_.Pacing, $_.RateKbps, $RemoteRate, $BottleneckPercentage);
$MergedResults | Sort-Object -Property Usage | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Script for controlling loggings.
$LogScript = Join-Path $RootDir "scripts" "log.ps1"
# Folder for log files.
$LogDir = Join-Path $RootDir "artifacts" "logs" "wanperf" (Get-Date -UFormat "%m.%d.%Y.%T").Replace(':','.')
if ($LogProfile -ne "None") {
try {
Write-Debug "Canceling any already running logs"
& $LogScript -Cancel
} catch {
New-Item -Path $LogDir -ItemType Directory -Force | Write-Debug
Get-ChildItem $LogScript | Write-Debug
if ($BaseRandomSeed -eq "") {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 3; $i++) {
$BaseRandomSeed += $(Get-Random).ToString('x8')
$BaseRandomSeed += $(Get-Random).ToString('x8').Substring(0,6)
# This gives 15 bytes of random seed, and the last byte will be
# the iteration count.
Write-Host "BaseRandomSeed: $($BaseRandomSeed)"
# Path to the secnetperf exectuable.
$ExeName = $IsWindows ? "secnetperf.exe" : "secnetperf"
$SecNetPerf = Join-Path $RootDir "artifacts" "bin" $Platform "$($Arch)_$($Config)_$($Tls)" $ExeName
Get-NetAdapter | Write-Debug
ipconfig -all | Write-Debug
# Make sure to kill any old processes
try { Stop-Process -Name secnetperf } catch { }
# Start the perf server listening.
Write-Debug "Starting server..."
if (!(Test-Path -Path $SecNetPerf)) {
Write-Error "Missing file: $SecNetPerf"
$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = $SecNetPerf
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
$p.Start() | Out-Null
# Wait for the server(s) to come up.
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
New-Item -Path $OutputDir -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
$UniqueId = New-Guid
$OutputFile = Join-Path $OutputDir "WANPerf_$($UniqueId.ToString("N")).json"
# CSV header
$Header = "RttMs, BottleneckMbps, BottleneckBufferPackets, RandomLossDenominator, RandomReorderDenominator, ReorderDelayDeltaMs, Tcp, DurationMs, Pacing, RateKbps"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $NumIterations; $i++) {
$Header += ", RawRateKbps$($i+1)"
Write-Host $Header
# Turn on RDQ for duonic.
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty duo? -DisplayName RdqEnabled -RegistryValue 1 -NoRestart
# The RDQ buffer limit is by packets and not bytes, so turn off LSO to avoid
# strange behavior. This makes RDQ behave more like a real middlebox on the
# network (such a middlebox would only see packets after LSO sends are split
# into MTU-sized packets).
Set-NetAdapterLso duo? -IPv4Enabled $false -IPv6Enabled $false -NoRestart
$RunResults = [Results]::new($PlatformName)
# Loop over all the network emulation configurations.
foreach ($ThisRttMs in $RttMs) {
foreach ($ThisBottleneckMbps in $BottleneckMbps) {
foreach ($ThisBottleneckQueueRatio in $BottleneckQueueRatio) {
foreach ($ThisRandomLossDenominator in $RandomLossDenominator) {
foreach ($ThisRandomReorderDenominator in $RandomReorderDenominator) {
foreach ($ThisReorderDelayDeltaMs in $ReorderDelayDeltaMs) {
if (($ThisRandomReorderDenominator -ne 0) -ne ($ThisReorderDelayDeltaMs -ne 0)) {
continue; # Ignore cases where one is zero, but the other isn't.
# Calculate BDP in 'packets'
$BDP = [double]($ThisRttMs * $ThisBottleneckMbps) / (1.5 * 8.0)
$ThisBottleneckBufferPackets = [int]($BDP * $ThisBottleneckQueueRatio * 1.1)
# Configure duonic for the desired network emulation options.
Write-Debug "Configure NIC: Rtt=$ThisRttMs ms, Bottneck=[$ThisBottleneckMbps mbps, $ThisBottleneckBufferPackets packets], RandomLoss=1/$ThisRandomLossDenominator, ReorderDelayDelta=$ThisReorderDelayDeltaMs ms, RandomReorder=1/$ThisRandomReorderDenominator"
$DelayMs = [convert]::ToInt32([int]($ThisRttMs)/2)
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty duo? -DisplayName DelayMs -RegistryValue $DelayMs -NoRestart
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty duo? -DisplayName RateLimitMbps -RegistryValue $ThisBottleneckMbps -NoRestart
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty duo? -DisplayName QueueLimitPackets -RegistryValue $ThisBottleneckBufferPackets -NoRestart
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty duo? -DisplayName RandomLossDenominator -RegistryValue $ThisRandomLossDenominator -NoRestart
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty duo? -DisplayName RandomReorderDenominator -RegistryValue $ThisRandomReorderDenominator -NoRestart
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty duo? -DisplayName ReorderDelayDeltaMs -RegistryValue $ThisReorderDelayDeltaMs -NoRestart
# Loop over all the test configurations.
foreach ($ThisProtocol in $Protocol) {
foreach ($ThisDurationMs in $DurationMs) {
foreach ($ThisPacing in $Pacing) {
$UseTcp = 0
if ($ThisProtocol -eq "TCPTLS") {
$UseTcp = 1
$MaxRuntimeMs = $ThisDurationMs + 5000
# Run through all the iterations and keep track of the results.
$Results = [System.Collections.Generic.List[int]]::new()
Write-Debug "Run upload test: Duration=$ThisDurationMs ms, Pacing=$ThisPacing"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $NumIterations; $i++) {
$RandomSeed = $BaseRandomSeed + $i.ToString('x2').Substring(0,2)
Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty duo? -DisplayName RandomSeed -RegistryValue $RandomSeed -NoRestart
if ($LogProfile -ne "None") {
try {
& $LogScript -Start -Profile $LogProfile | Out-Null
} catch {
Write-Debug "Logging exception"
Write-Debug "Restarting NIC"
Restart-NetAdapter duo?
Start-Sleep 5 # (wait for duonic to restart)
# Run the throughput upload test with the current configuration.
Write-Debug "Run upload test: Iteration=$($i + 1)"
$Rate = 0
$Command = "$SecNetPerf -test:tput -tcp:$UseTcp -maxruntime:$MaxRuntimeMs -bind: -target: -sendbuf:0 -upload:$ThisDurationMs -timed:1 -pacing:$ThisPacing"
Write-Debug $Command
$Output = [string](Invoke-Expression $Command)
Write-Debug $Output
if (!$Output.Contains("App Main returning status 0") -or $Output.Contains("Error:")) {
# Don't treat one failure as fatal for the whole run. Just print
# it out, use 0 as the rate, and continue on.
Write-Host $Command
Write-Host $Output
$Rate = 0
} else {
# Grab the rate from the output text. Example:
# Started! Result: 23068672 bytes @ 18066 kbps (10215.203 ms). App Main returning status 0
$Rate = [int]$Output.Split(" ")[6]
Write-Debug "$Rate Kbps"
$Results.Add($Rate) | Out-Null
if ($LogProfile -ne "None") {
$TestLogPath = Join-Path $LogDir "$ThisRttMs.$ThisBottleneckMbps.$ThisBottleneckBufferPackets.$ThisRandomLossDenominator.$ThisRandomReorderDenominator.$ThisReorderDelayDeltaMs.$UseTcp.$ThisDurationMs.$ThisPacing.$i.$Rate"
try {
& $LogScript -Stop -OutputPath $TestLogPath -RawLogOnly | Out-Null
} catch {
Write-Debug "Logging exception"
# Grab the average result and write the CSV output.
$RateKbps = [int]($Results | Where-Object {$_ -ne 0} | Measure-Object -Average).Average
$Row = "$ThisRttMs, $ThisBottleneckMbps, $ThisBottleneckBufferPackets, $ThisRandomLossDenominator, $ThisRandomReorderDenominator, $ThisReorderDelayDeltaMs, $UseTcp, $ThisDurationMs, $ThisPacing, $RateKbps"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $NumIterations; $i++) {
$Row += ", $($Results[$i])"
$RunResult = [TestResult]::new($ThisRttMs, $ThisBottleneckMbps, $ThisBottleneckBufferPackets, $ThisRandomLossDenominator, $ThisRandomReorderDenominator, $ThisReorderDelayDeltaMs, $UseTcp, $ThisDurationMs, $ThisPacing, $RateKbps, $Results);
Write-Host $Row
if ($RemoteResults -ne "") {
$RemoteResult = Find-MatchingTest -TestResult $RunResult -RemoteResults $RemoteResults
if ($null -ne $RemoteResult) {
$MedianLastResult = $RemoteResult.RateKbps
$PercentDiff = 100 * (($RateKbps - $MedianLastResult) / $MedianLastResult)
$PercentDiffStr = $PercentDiff.ToString("#.##")
if ($PercentDiff -ge 0) {
$PercentDiffStr = "+$PercentDiffStr"
Write-Output "Median: $RateKbps, Remote: $MedianLastResult, ($PercentDiffStr%)"
} else {
Write-Output "Median: $RateKbps"
} else {
Write-Output "Median: $RateKbps"
$RunResults | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $OutputFile
# Kill any leftovers.
try { Stop-Process -Name secnetperf } catch { }