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This script automates creating a new release branch from the latest main.
Specifies the type of release (Major or Minor) and updates the current
version accordingly.
create-release.ps1 -Type Major
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet("Major", "Minor")]
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'
# Relevant file paths used by this script.
$RootDir = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
$MsQuicVerFilePath = Join-Path $RootDir "src" "inc" "msquic.ver"
$UpdateVersionScript = Join-Path $RootDir "scripts" "update-version.ps1"
# Make sure we're on the latest main.
git checkout main
git pull
# Get the current major and minor version numbers from msquic.ver.
$Version = (Select-String -Path $MsQuicVerFilePath "VER_FILEVERSION *(.*),.*,0$" -AllMatches).Matches[0].Groups[1].Value.Replace(",", ".")
# Create a new release branch with the current version number.
git checkout -b "release/$Version"
git push --set-upstream origin "release/$Version"
Write-Host "New release branch created: release/$Versio"
# Go back to main and update the version number.
git checkout main
Invoke-Expression ($UpdateVersionScript + " -Part " + $Type)
# Create a new branch, commit the changes, push the branch and open the browser to create the PR.
git checkout -b "new-version-after-release-$Version"
git commit -am "Increment Version for $Type Release: $Version"
git push --set-upstream origin "new-version-after-release-$Version"
Write-Host "Please continue the Pull Request process in the browser."