
183 строки
4.6 KiB

This script runs spinquic locally for a period of time.
Specifies the build configuration to use.
The CPU architecture to use.
The TLS library use.
The run time in milliseconds.
.Parameter RepeatCount
The amount of times to repeat the full test
.PARAMETER KeepOutputOnSuccess
Don't discard console output or logs on success.
.PARAMETER GenerateXmlResults
Generates an xml Test report for the run.
Attaches the debugger to the process.
.PARAMETER InitialBreak
Debugger starts broken into the process to allow setting breakpoints, etc.
The name of the profile to use for log collection.
.Parameter CodeCoverage
Collect code coverage for the binary being run.
.Parameter AZP
Runs in Azure Pipelines mode.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("Debug", "Release")]
[string]$Config = "Debug",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("x86", "x64", "arm", "arm64")]
[string]$Arch = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("schannel", "openssl")]
[string]$Tls = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32]$Timeout = 60000,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32]$RepeatCount = 1,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32]$AllocFail = 0,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$Seed = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$Target = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$KeepOutputOnSuccess = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$GenerateXmlResults = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$Debugger = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$InitialBreak = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("None", "Basic.Light", "Basic.Verbose", "Full.Light", "Full.Verbose", "SpinQuic.Light")]
[string]$LogProfile = "None",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$CodeCoverage = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$ExtraArtifactDir = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$AZP = $false
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'
$BuildConfig = & (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot get-buildconfig.ps1) -Tls $Tls -Arch $Arch -ExtraArtifactDir $ExtraArtifactDir -Config $Config
$Tls = $BuildConfig.Tls
$Arch = $BuildConfig.Arch
$RootArtifactDir = $BuildConfig.ArtifactsDir
# Root directory of the project.
$RootDir = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
# Path to the run-executable Powershell script.
$RunExecutable = Join-Path $RootDir "scripts/run-executable.ps1"
#Validate the code coverage switch.
if ($CodeCoverage) {
if (!$IsWindows) {
Write-Error "-CodeCoverage switch only supported on Windows";
if ($Debugger) {
Write-Error "-CodeCoverage switch is not supported with debugging";
if (!(Test-Path "C:\Program Files\OpenCppCoverage\OpenCppCoverage.exe")) {
Write-Error "Code coverage tools are not installed";
# Path to the spinquic exectuable.
$SpinQuic = $null
if ($IsWindows) {
$SpinQuic = Join-Path $RootArtifactDir "spinquic.exe"
} elseif ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) {
$SpinQuic = Join-Path $RootArtifactDir "spinquic"
} else {
Write-Error "Unsupported platform type!"
# Make sure the build is present.
if (!(Test-Path $SpinQuic)) {
Write-Error "Build does not exist!`n `nRun the following to generate it:`n `n $(Join-Path $RootDir "scripts" "build.ps1") -Config $Config -Arch $Arch -Tls $Tls`n"
# Build up all the arguments to pass to the Powershell script.
$SpinQuicArgs = "both -timeout:$($Timeout) -repeat_count:$($RepeatCount)"
if ($AllocFail -gt 0) {
$SpinQuicArgs += " -alloc_fail:$($AllocFail)"
if ($Seed -ne "") {
$SpinQuicArgs += " -seed:$($Seed)"
if ($Target -ne "") {
$SpinQuicArgs += " -target:$($Target)"
$Arguments = "-Path $($SpinQuic) -Arguments '$($SpinQuicArgs)' -ShowOutput"
if ($KeepOutputOnSuccess) {
$Arguments += " -KeepOutputOnSuccess"
if ($GenerateXmlResults) {
$Arguments += " -GenerateXmlResults"
if ($Debugger) {
$Arguments += " -Debugger"
if ($InitialBreak) {
$Arguments += " -InitialBreak"
if ("None" -ne $LogProfile) {
$Arguments += " -LogProfile $($LogProfile)"
if ($CodeCoverage) {
$Arguments += " -CodeCoverage"
if ($AZP) {
$Arguments += " -AZP"
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ExtraArtifactDir)) {
$Arguments += " -ExtraArtifactDir $ExtraArtifactDir"
# Run the script.
Invoke-Expression ($RunExecutable + " " + $Arguments)