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This script runs performance tests for LoLa using secnetperf and generates results in a table.
.PARAMETER SecNetPerfBinary
Specifies the secnetperf binary to use.
Specifies -target parameter for secnetperf.
Specifies -bind parameter for secnetperf.
.PARAMETER Responses
Specifies -response parameter for secnetperf.
.PARAMETER NumIterations
Specifies the number of iterations to be run.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$Target = "quic-server",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$Bind = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32[]]$Responses = @(512, 1024, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536),
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Int32]$NumIterations = 3
class TestResult {
[Int32]$script:TotalNumTestCases = 0
[Int32]$script:NumTestCasesCompleted = 0
function RunTest (
$Result = [TestResult]::new()
$Result.ResponseSize = $ResponseSize
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Min = @()
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$P50 = @();
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$P90 = @();
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$P99 = @();
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$P999 = @();
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$P9999 = @();
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $NumIterations; $i++) {
$Output = Invoke-Expression "$SecNetPerfBinary -test:rps -target:$Target -bind:$Bind -conns:1 -requests:1 -request:512 -response:$ResponseSize"
$MatchResults = $Output | Select-String -Pattern "Result: .*? RPS, Min: (.*?), Max: .*?, 50th: (.*?), 90th: (.*?), 99th: (.*?), 99.9th: (.*?), 99.99th: (.*?),"
if (!$MatchResults) {
Write-Error "Failed to parse secnetperf output"
$Groups = $MatchResults.Matches.Groups
Write-Debug "$ResponseSize,$([Int32]$Groups[1].Value),$([Int32]$Groups[2].Value),$([Int32]$Groups[3].Value),$([Int32]$Groups[4].Value),$([Int32]$Groups[5].Value),$([Int32]$Groups[6].Value)"
$_ = $Min.Add([Int32]$Groups[1].Value)
$_ = $P50.Add([Int32]$Groups[2].Value)
$_ = $P90.Add([Int32]$Groups[3].Value)
$_ = $P99.Add([Int32]$Groups[4].Value)
$_ = $P999.Add([Int32]$Groups[5].Value)
$_ = $P9999.Add([Int32]$Groups[6].Value)
$script:NumTestCasesCompleted += 1
Write-Progress -Activity "Running tests" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete (($script:NumTestCasesCompleted / $script:TotalNumTestCases) * 100)
$Result.Min = ($Min | Sort-Object)[$Min.Count / 2]
$Result.P50 = ($P50 | Sort-Object)[$Min.Count / 2]
$Result.P90 = ($P90 | Sort-Object)[$Min.Count / 2]
$Result.P99 = ($P99 | Sort-Object)[$Min.Count / 2]
$Result.P999 = ($P999 | Sort-Object)[$Min.Count / 2]
$Result.P9999 = ($P9999 | Sort-Object)[$Min.Count / 2]
return $Result
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Results = @()
$script:TotalNumTestCases = $Responses.Count * $NumIterations
Write-Debug "ResponseSize,Min,P50,P90,P99,P999,P9999"
foreach ($Response in $Responses) {
$Result = RunTest $Response $NumIterations
$_ = $Results.Add($Result)
$Results | Format-Table -AutoSize