зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/msquic.git
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554 строки
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This script runs performance tests locally for a period of time.
Specifies the build configuration to use.
Specifies what the local arch is
Specifies what the remote arch is
Run the remote in kernel mode
Specifies what local TLS provider to use
Specifies what remote TLS provider to use
Explcitly specifes a test file to run
The remote to connect to. Must have ssh remoting enabled, and public key auth. username@ip
Use the local system as the remote
Uses pgomgr to merge the resulting .pgc files back to the .pgd.
Set flag to skip deploying test files
Publishes the results to the artifacts directory.
.PARAMETER RecordStack
Records ETW stack traces
Timeout in seconds for each individual client test invocation.
Record QUIC specific trace events
Run a specific test name
.PARAMETER FailOnRegression
Fail tests on perf regression (Currently only throughput up)
Which Protocol to use (QUIC or TCP)
Using module .\performance-helper.psm1
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("Debug", "Release")]
[string]$Config = "Release",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$TestsFile = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$Remote = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("x86", "x64", "arm", "arm64")]
[string]$LocalArch = "x64",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("schannel", "openssl")]
[string]$LocalTls = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("x86", "x64", "arm", "arm64")]
[string]$RemoteArch = "x64",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("schannel", "openssl")]
[string]$RemoteTls = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$ComputerName = "quic-server",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("Basic.Light", "Datapath.Light", "Datapath.Verbose", "Stacks.Light", "RPS.Light", "Performance.Light", "Basic.Verbose", "Performance.Light", "Performance.Verbose", "Full.Light", "Full.Verbose", "SpinQuic.Light", "None")]
[string]$LogProfile = "None",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$WinRMUser = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$Kernel = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$SkipDeploy = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$Publish = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$Local = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch]$PGO = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[int]$Timeout = 120,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$TestToRun = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[boolean]$FailOnRegression = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$ForceBranchName = $null,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet("QUIC", "TCPTLS")]
[string]$Protocol = "QUIC"
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
# Validate the the kernel switch.
if ($Kernel -and !$IsWindows) {
Write-Error "-Kernel switch only supported on Windows"
if ($Kernel -and $PGO) {
Write-Error "PGO is currently not supported in kernel mode"
if (!$IsWindows -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Remote)) {
$Remote = "quic-server"
# Root directory of the project.
$RootDir = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
$Record = "None" -ne $LogProfile
# Remove any previous remote PowerShell sessions
Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
$LocalPlatform = $null
if ($IsWindows) {
$LocalPlatform = "windows"
} else {
$LocalPlatform = "linux"
# Set Tls
if (($LocalTls -eq "") -and ($RemoteTls -eq "")) {
if ($IsWindows) {
$LocalTls = "schannel"
$RemoteTls = $LocalTls
} else {
$LocalTls = "openssl"
$RemoteTls = $LocalTls
} elseif (($LocalTls -ne "") -xor ($RemoteTls -ne "")) {
Write-Error "Both TLS arguments must be set if a manual setting is done"
if (!$IsWindows) {
if ($PGO) {
Write-Error "'-PGO' is not supported on this platform!"
$TestFileName = ($Protocol -eq "QUIC") ? "RemoteTests.json" : "TcpTests.json"
if ($TestsFile -eq "") {
$TestsFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $TestFileName
} elseif (-not (Test-Path $TestsFile)) {
$TestsFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $TestsFile
if (-not (Test-Path $TestsFile)) {
Write-Error "Test file to run not found"
if ($Local) {
$RemoteAddress = "localhost"
$Session = $null
$LocalAddress = ""
} else {
if ($Remote -eq "") {
if ($WinRMUser -ne "") {
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $WinRMUser -ConfigurationName PowerShell.7
} else {
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -ConfigurationName PowerShell.7
} else {
$Session = New-PSSession -HostName "$Remote"
$RemoteAddress = $Session.ComputerName
if ($null -eq $Session) {
Write-Error "Failed to create remote session"
$LocalAddress = Get-LocalAddress -RemoteAddress $RemoteAddress
Write-Output "Connected to: $RemoteAddress"
Write-Output "Local IP Connection $LocalAddress"
Set-ScriptVariables -Local $Local `
-LocalTls $LocalTls `
-LocalArch $LocalArch `
-RemoteTls $RemoteTls `
-RemoteArch $RemoteArch `
-Config $Config `
-Publish $Publish `
-Record $Record `
-LogProfile $LogProfile `
-RemoteAddress $RemoteAddress `
-Session $Session `
-Kernel $Kernel `
-FailOnRegression $FailOnRegression
$RemotePlatform = Invoke-TestCommand -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
if ($IsWindows) {
return "windows"
} else {
return "linux"
$OutputDir = Join-Path $RootDir "artifacts/PerfDataResults/$RemotePlatform/$($RemoteArch)_$($Config)_$($RemoteTls)"
New-Item -Path $OutputDir -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
$DebugFileName = $Local ? "DebugLogLocal.txt" : "DebugLog.txt"
if ($Kernel) {
$DebugFileName = "Kernel$DebugFileName"
$DebugLogFile = Join-Path $OutputDir $DebugFileName
"" | Out-File $DebugLogFile
Set-DebugLogFile -DebugLogFile $DebugLogFile
$OsBuildNumber = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build
Write-LogAndDebug "Running on $OsBuildNumber"
$LocalDirectory = Join-Path $RootDir "artifacts/bin"
$RemoteDirectorySMB = $null
# Copy manifest and log script to local directory
Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $RootDir scripts log.ps1) -Destination $LocalDirectory
Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $RootDir src manifest MsQuic.wprp) -Destination $LocalDirectory
if ($Local) {
$RemoteDirectory = $LocalDirectory
} else {
# See if remote SMB path exists
if (Test-Path "\\$ComputerName\Tests") {
$RemoteDirectorySMB = "\\$ComputerName\Tests"
$RemoteDirectory = Invoke-TestCommand -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
(Get-SmbShare -Name Tests).Path
} else {
# Join path in script to ensure right platform separator
$RemoteDirectory = Invoke-TestCommand -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
Join-Path (Get-Location) "Tests"
$CurrentCommitHash = Get-GitHash -RepoDir $RootDir
$CurrentCommitDate = Get-CommitDate -RepoDir $RootDir
if ($PGO -and $Local) {
# PGO needs the server and client executing out of separate directories.
$RemoteDirectoryOld = $RemoteDirectory
$RemoteDirectory = "$($RemoteDirectoryOld)_server"
try {
Remove-Item -Path "$RemoteDirectory/*" -Recurse -Force
} catch {
# Ignore failure, which occurs when directory does not exist
New-Item -Path $RemoteDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
Copy-Item "$RemoteDirectoryOld\*" $RemoteDirectory -Recurse
function LocalSetup {
$RetObj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$RetObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name apipaInterfaces -Value $null
try {
if ($IsWindows -and $Local) {
$apipaAddr = Get-NetIPAddress 169.254.*
if ($null -ne $apipaAddr) {
# Disable all the APIPA interfaces for URO perf.
Write-LogAndDebug "Temporarily disabling APIPA interfaces"
$RetObj.apipaInterfaces = (Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceIndex $apipaAddr.InterfaceIndex) | Where-Object {$_.AdminStatus -eq "Up"}
$RetObj.apipaInterfaces | Disable-NetAdapter -Confirm:$false
} catch {
$RetObj.apipaInterfaces = $null
return $RetObj
function LocalTeardown {
param ($LocalCache)
if ($null -ne $LocalCache.apipaInterfaces) {
# Re-enable the interfaces we disabled earlier.
Write-LogAndDebug "Re-enabling APIPA interfaces"
$LocalCache.apipaInterfaces | Enable-NetAdapter
$RemoteExePath = Get-ExePath -PathRoot $RemoteDirectory -Platform $RemotePlatform -IsRemote $true
$LocalExePath = Get-ExePath -PathRoot $LocalDirectory -Platform $LocalPlatform -IsRemote $false
# See if we are an AZP PR
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PrBranchName)) {
# Mainline build, just get branch name
$AzpBranchName = $env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AzpBranchName)) {
# Non azure build
$BranchName = Get-CurrentBranch -RepoDir $RootDir
} else {
# Azure Build
$BuildReason = $env:BUILD_REASON
if ("Manual" -eq $BuildReason) {
$BranchName = "main"
} else {
$BranchName = $AzpBranchName.Substring(11);
} else {
# PR Build
$BranchName = $PrBranchName
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ForceBranchName)) {
$BranchName = $ForceBranchName
$LastCommitHashes = Get-LatestCommitHashes -Branch $BranchName
$PreviousResults = Get-LatestCpuTestResults -Branch $BranchName -CommitHashes $LastCommitHashes
function Invoke-Test {
param ([TestRunDefinition]$Test, [RemoteConfig]$RemoteConfig)
Write-Output "Running Test $Test"
$RemoteExe = Get-ExeName -PathRoot $RemoteDirectory -Platform $RemotePlatform -IsRemote $true -TestPlat $RemoteConfig
$LocalExe = Get-ExeName -PathRoot $LocalDirectory -Platform $LocalPlatform -IsRemote $false -TestPlat $Test.Local
# Check both Exes
$RemoteExeExists = Invoke-TestCommand -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
param ($RemoteExe)
Test-Path $RemoteExe
} -ArgumentList $RemoteExe
$LocalExeExists = Test-Path $LocalExe
if (!$RemoteExeExists -or !$LocalExeExists) {
if (!$RemoteExeExists) {
Write-Output "Missing Remote Exe $RemoteExe"
if (!$LocalExeExists) {
Write-Output "Missing Local Exe $LocalExe"
Write-Error "Failed to Run $Test because of missing exe"
$LocalArguments = $Test.Local.Arguments.Replace('$RemoteAddress', $RemoteAddress)
$LocalArguments = $LocalArguments.Replace('$LocalAddress', $LocalAddress)
$RemoteArguments = $RemoteConfig.Arguments
if ($LocalArguments.Contains("-stats:1")) {
$RemoteArguments += " -stats:1"
if ($Kernel) {
$Arch = Split-Path (Split-Path $LocalExe -Parent) -Leaf
$RootBinPath = Split-Path (Split-Path (Split-Path $LocalExe -Parent) -Parent) -Parent
$KernelDir = Join-Path $RootBinPath "winkernel" $Arch
Copy-Item (Join-Path $KernelDir "secnetperfdrvpriv.sys") (Split-Path $LocalExe -Parent)
Copy-Item (Join-Path $KernelDir "msquicpriv.sys") (Split-Path $LocalExe -Parent)
$LocalArguments = "-driverNamePriv:secnetperfdrvpriv $LocalArguments"
Write-LogAndDebug "Running Remote: $RemoteExe Args: $RemoteArguments"
# Starting the server
$RemoteJob = Invoke-RemoteExe -Exe $RemoteExe -RunArgs $RemoteArguments -RemoteDirectory $RemoteDirectory
$ReadyToStart = Wait-ForRemoteReady -Job $RemoteJob -Matcher $Test.RemoteReadyMatcher
if (!$ReadyToStart) {
Stop-Job -Job $RemoteJob
$RetVal = Receive-Job -Job $RemoteJob
$RetVal = $RetVal -join "`n"
Write-Error "Test Remote for $Test failed to start: $RetVal"
$AllRunsResults = @()
Start-Tracing -LocalDirectory $LocalDirectory
try {
1..$Test.Iterations | ForEach-Object {
Write-LogAndDebug "Running Local: $LocalExe Args: $LocalArguments"
$LocalResults = Invoke-LocalExe -Exe $LocalExe -RunArgs $LocalArguments -Timeout $Timeout -OutputDir $OutputDir
Write-LogAndDebug $LocalResults
$AllLocalParsedResults = Get-TestResult -Results $LocalResults -Matcher $Test.ResultsMatcher
$AllRunsResults += $AllLocalParsedResults
if ($PGO) {
# Merge client PGO Counts
Merge-PGOCounts -Path $LocalExePath
$FormattedStrings = @()
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $AllLocalParsedResults.Count; $i++) {
$Formatted = [string]::Format($Test.Formats[$i - 1], $AllLocalParsedResults[$i])
$FormattedStrings += $Formatted
$Joined = [string]::Join(", ", $FormattedStrings)
$OutputString = "Run $($_): $Joined"
Write-Output $OutputString
$LocalResults | Write-LogAndDebug
} finally {
$RemoteResults = Wait-ForRemote -Job $RemoteJob
Write-LogAndDebug $RemoteResults.ToString()
if ($Kernel) {
net.exe stop secnetperfdrvpriv /y | Out-Null
net.exe stop msquicpriv /y | Out-Null
sc.exe delete secnetperfdrvpriv | Out-Null
sc.exe delete msquicpriv | Out-Null
Stop-Tracing -LocalDirectory $LocalDirectory -OutputDir $OutputDir -Test $Test
if ($Record) {
if ($Local) {
$LocalLogPath = (Join-Path $RemoteDirectory serverlogs)
Copy-Item -Path $LocalLogPath -Destination (Join-Path $OutputDir $Test.ToString()) -Recurse -Force
try {
Remove-Item -Path "$LocalLogPath/*" -Recurse -Force
} catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
# Ignore Not Found for when the directory does not exist
# This will still throw if a file cannot successfuly be deleted
} else {
Get-RemoteLogDirectory -Local (Join-Path $OutputDir $Test.ToString()) -Remote (Join-Path $RemoteDirectory serverlogs) -SmbDir (Join-Path $RemoteDirectorySMB serverlogs) -Cleanup
if ($PGO) {
# Merge server PGO Counts
Get-RemoteFile -From (Join-Path $RemoteExePath *.pgc) -To $LocalExePath
Remove-RemoteFile -Path (Join-Path $RemoteExePath *.pgc)
Merge-PGOCounts -Path $LocalExePath
Publish-TestResults -Test $Test `
-AllRunsResults $AllRunsResults `
-CurrentCommitHash $CurrentCommitHash `
-CurrentCommitDate $CurrentCommitDate `
-PreviousResults $PreviousResults `
-OutputDir $OutputDir `
-ExePath $LocalExe
$LocalDataCache = LocalSetup
if ($Record -and $IsWindows) {
try {
wpr.exe -cancel -instancename msquicperf 2> $null
} catch {
Invoke-TestCommand -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
try {
wpr.exe -cancel -instancename msquicperf 2> $null
} catch {
try {
[TestRunConfig]$Tests = Get-Tests -Path $TestsFile -RemotePlatform $RemotePlatform -LocalPlatform $LocalPlatform
if ($null -eq $Tests) {
Write-Error "Tests are not valid"
# Find All Remote processes, and kill them
if (!$Local) {
$ExeName = $Tests.Remote.Exe
Invoke-TestCommand -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
param ($ExeName)
try {
Stop-Process -Name $ExeName -Force
} catch {
} -ArgumentList $ExeName
if (!$SkipDeploy -and !$Local) {
Copy-Artifacts -From $LocalDirectory -To $RemoteDirectory -SmbDir $RemoteDirectorySMB
foreach ($Test in $Tests.Tests) {
if ($TestToRun -ne "" -and $Test.TestName -ne $TestToRun) {
Invoke-Test -Test $Test -RemoteConfig $Tests.Remote
if ($PGO) {
Write-Host "Saving msquic.pgd out for publishing."
Copy-Item "$LocalExePath\msquic.pgd" $OutputDir
} finally {
if ($null -ne $Session) {
Remove-PSSession -Session $Session