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475 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
The Client object is short-lived, instantiated inside of worker 0 and moved to
workers 1 to N for processing a given client's data. It's main method is the
`process_round` function, used to update the model given a client's data.
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import time
from easydict import EasyDict as edict
import h5py
import numpy as np
import torch
# Internal imports
from core.globals import TRAINING_FRAMEWORK_TYPE
import core.federated as federated
raise NotImplementedError('{} is not supported'.format(TRAINING_FRAMEWORK_TYPE))
from .strategies import select_strategy
from .trainer import (
from utils import (
from utils.dataloaders_utils import (
import extensions.privacy
from extensions.privacy import metrics as privacy_metrics
from experiments import make_model
# A per-process cache of the training data, so clients don't have to repeatedly re-load
# TODO: deprecate this in favor of passing dataloader around
_data_dict = None
_file_ext = None
class Client:
# It's unclear why, but sphinx refuses to generate method docs
# if there is no docstring for this class.
"""Client class for specifying individual client training tasks"""
def __init__(self, client_id, config, send_gradients, dataloader):
Client side processing: computing gradients, update the model and send them back to the server
client_id (int): identifier for grabbing that client's data.
config (dict): dictionary with parameters loaded from config file.
send_gradients (bool): if True, model gradients are sent back;
otherwise, model weights are sent back.
dataloader (torch.utils.data.DataLoader): dataloader that generates
training data for the client.
self.client_id = client_id
self.client_data = self.get_data(client_id,dataloader)
self.config = copy.deepcopy(config)
self.send_gradients = send_gradients
def get_client_data(self):
'''"Getter" method that returns all object's attributes at once.'''
return self.client_id, self.client_data, self.config, self.send_gradients
def get_num_users(filename):
'''Count users given a JSON or HDF5 file.
This function will fill the global data dict. Ideally we want data
handling not to happen here and only at the dataloader, that will be the
behavior in future releases.
filename (str): path to file containing data.
global _data_dict
global _file_ext
_file_ext = filename.split('.')[-1]
if _file_ext == 'json' or _file_ext == 'txt':
if _data_dict is None:
print_rank('Reading training data dictionary from JSON')
with open(filename,'r') as fid:
_data_dict = json.load(fid) # pre-cache the training data
_data_dict = scrub_empty_clients(_data_dict) # empty clients MUST be scrubbed here to match num_clients in the entry script
print_rank('Read training data dictionary', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
elif _file_ext == 'hdf5':
print_rank('Reading training data dictionary from HDF5')
_data_dict = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
print_rank('Read training data dictionary', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
raise ValueError('Error reading training file. Please make sure the format is allowed')
num_users = len(_data_dict['users'])
return num_users
def get_data(client_id, dataloader):
'''Load data from the dataloader given the client's id.
This function will load the global data dict. Ideally we want data
handling not to happen here and only at the dataloader, that will be the
behavior in future releases.
client_id (int or list): identifier(s) for grabbing client's data.
dataloader (torch.utils.data.DataLoader): dataloader that
provides the trianing
# Auxiliary function for decoding only when necessary
decode_if_str = lambda x: x.decode() if isinstance(x, bytes) else x
# During training, client_id will be always an integer
if isinstance(client_id, int):
user_name = decode_if_str(_data_dict['users'][client_id])
num_samples = _data_dict['num_samples'][client_id]
if _file_ext == 'hdf5':
arr_data = [decode_if_str(e) for e in _data_dict['user_data'][user_name]['x'][()]]
user_data = {'x': arr_data}
elif _file_ext == 'json' or _file_ext == 'txt':
user_data = _data_dict['user_data'][user_name]
if 'user_data_label' in _data_dict: # supervised problem
labels = _data_dict['user_data_label'][user_name]
if _file_ext == 'hdf5': # transforms HDF5 Dataset into Numpy array
labels = labels[()]
return edict({'users': [user_name],
'user_data': {user_name: user_data},
'num_samples': [num_samples],
'user_data_label': {user_name: labels}})
print_rank('no labels present, unsupervised problem', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
return edict({'users': [user_name],
'user_data': {user_name: user_data},
'num_samples': [num_samples]})
# During validation and test, client_id might be a list of integers
elif isinstance(client_id, list):
if 'user_data_label' in _data_dict:
users_dict = {'users': [], 'num_samples': [], 'user_data': {}, 'user_data_label': {}}
users_dict = {'users': [], 'num_samples': [], 'user_data': {}}
for client in client_id:
user_name = decode_if_str(dataloader.dataset.user_list[client])
if _file_ext == 'hdf5':
arr_data = dataloader.dataset.user_data[user_name]['x']
arr_decoded = [decode_if_str(e) for e in arr_data]
users_dict['user_data'][user_name] = {'x': arr_decoded}
elif _file_ext == 'json':
users_dict['user_data'][user_name] = {'x': dataloader.dataset.user_data[user_name]['x']}
elif _file_ext == 'txt': # using a different line for .txt since our files have a different structure
users_dict['user_data'][user_name] = dataloader.dataset.user_data[user_name]
if 'user_data_label' in _data_dict:
labels = dataloader.dataset.user_data_label[user_name]
if _file_ext == 'hdf5':
labels = labels[()]
users_dict['user_data_label'][user_name] = labels
return users_dict
def run_testvalidate(client_data, server_data, mode, model):
'''Called by worker to run test/validation sample on a client.
This functions assumes set_model_for_round has already been called to
push the model to the client (see federated.py).
client_data (tuple): client data and config. It is a tuple with 4
components; importantly, the second component is a dict
containing the data, and the third component is a dict with the
config parsed from the YAML file.
server_data (tuple): server data (model parameters mostly). It is
a tuple with 3 components; importantly, the third component
consists of the current model parameters.
mode (str): whether to `test` or `validate`.
model (torch.nn.Module): actual model without parameters.
# Process inputs and initialize variables
_, data_strct, config, _ = client_data
_, _, model_parameters = server_data
config = copy.deepcopy(config)
begin = time.time()
# Use the server's data config since we're distributing test/validate from the server
data_config = config['server_config']['data_config'][mode]
want_logits = data_config.get('wantLogits', False)
# Create dataloader
dataloader = None
print_rank('making dataloader with task {}'.format(config['server_config']['task']), loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
if mode == 'test':
dataloader = make_test_dataloader(data_config, data_path=None, task=config['server_config']['task'], data_strct=data_strct)
elif mode == 'val':
dataloader = make_val_dataloader(data_config, data_path=None, task=config['server_config']['task'], data_strct=data_strct)
# Set model parameters
n_layers, n_params = len([f for f in model.parameters()]), len(model_parameters)
print_rank(f'Copying model parameters... {n_layers}/{n_params}', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
model.cuda() if torch.cuda.is_available() else model
for p, data in zip(model.parameters(), model_parameters):
p.data = data.detach().clone().cuda() if torch.cuda.is_available() else data.detach().clone()
print_rank(f'Model setup complete. {time.time() - begin}s elapsed.', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
num_instances = sum(data_strct['num_samples'])
print_rank(f'Validating {num_instances}', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
# Compute output and metrics on the test or validation data
output, metrics = run_validation_generic(model, dataloader)
output = None if not want_logits else output
return output, metrics, num_instances
def process_round(client_data, server_data, model, data_path, eps=1e-7):
'''Compute gradients given client's data and update model.
client_data (tuple): client data and config. It is a tuple
consisting of 4 components: an int indicating the client's id, a
dict containing that client's data, a dict with the config
parsed from the YAML file, and a bool indicating whether or not
gradients should be sent.
server_data (tuple): server data (model parameters mostly). It is
a tuple consisting of 3 components; importantly, the first is
a float giving the client's learning rate, and the third a list
of torch.Tensor's with current model parameters. The second one
is not used, right now.
model (torch.nn.Module): actual model without parameters.
data_path (str): where to get data from.
eps (float): lower bound for aggregation weights.
# Ensure the client is assigned to the correct GPU
if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.device_count() == federated.size():
# Process inputs and initialize variables
client_id, data_strct, config, send_gradients = client_data
initial_lr, _, model_parameters = server_data
config = copy.deepcopy(config)
model_config = config['model_config']
client_config = config['client_config']
data_config = client_config['data_config']['train']
task = client_config.get('task', {})
trainer_config = client_config.get('trainer_config', {})
privacy_metrics_config = config.get('privacy_metrics_config', None)
StrategyClass = select_strategy(config['strategy'])
strategy = StrategyClass('client', config)
print_rank(f'Client successfully instantiated strategy {strategy}', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
begin = time.time()
client_stats = {}
# Update the location of the training file
data_config['list_of_train_data'] = os.path.join(data_path, data_config['list_of_train_data'])
user = data_strct['users'][0]
if 'user_data_label' in data_strct.keys(): # supervised case
input_strct = edict({
'users': [user],
'user_data': {user: data_strct['user_data'][user]},
'num_samples': [data_strct['num_samples'][0]],
'user_data_label': {user: data_strct['user_data_label'][user]}
input_strct = edict({
'users': [user],
'user_data': {user: data_strct['user_data'][user]},
'num_samples': [data_strct['num_samples'][0]]
print_rank('Loading : {}-th client with name: {}, {} samples, {}s elapsed'.format(
client_id, user, data_strct['num_samples'][0], time.time() - begin), loglevel=logging.INFO)
# Get dataloaders
train_dataloader = make_train_dataloader(data_config, data_path, task=task, clientx=0, data_strct=input_strct)
val_dataloader = make_val_dataloader(data_config, data_path)
# Instantiate the model object
if model is None:
model = make_model(
# Set model parameters
n_layers, n_params = len([f for f in model.parameters()]), len(model_parameters)
print_rank(f'Copying model parameters... {n_layers}/{n_params}', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
model.cuda() if torch.cuda.is_available() else model
for p, data in zip(model.parameters(), model_parameters):
p.data = data.detach().clone().cuda() if torch.cuda.is_available() else data.detach().clone()
print_rank(f'Model setup complete. {time.time() - begin}s elapsed.', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
# Fix parameters of layers
if 'updatable_names' in trainer_config:
set_component_wise_lr(model, client_config['optimizer_config'], trainer_config['updatable_names'])
# Create the optimizer on the workers
# NOTE: the server dictates the learning rate for the clients
client_config['optimizer_config']['lr'] = initial_lr
optimizer = make_optimizer(client_config['optimizer_config'], model)
# Make the scheduled sampling scheduler
ss_scheduler = None
if 'ss_config' in client_config and client_config['ss_config'] is not None:
ss_scheduler = ScheduledSamplingScheduler(model=model, **client_config['ss_config'])
# Make the trainer
trainer = Trainer(
server_replay_config =client_config,
max_grad_norm=client_config['data_config']['train'].get('max_grad_norm', None),
anneal_config=client_config['annealing_config'] if 'annealing_config' in client_config else None,
num_skips_threshold=client_config['num_skips_threshold'] if 'num_skips_threshold' in client_config else -1,
if trainer.optimizer is not None:
initial_optimizer_state = copy.deepcopy(trainer.optimizer.state_dict())
annealing_config = client_config['annealing_config'] if 'annealing_config' in client_config else None
assert 'desired_max_samples' in client_config['data_config']['train'], 'Missing \'desired_max_samples\' entry in data config parameter'
desired_max_samples = client_config['data_config']['train']['desired_max_samples']
if trainer.optimizer is not None: # reset the optimizer state
if initial_lr > 0:
trainer.optimizer.param_groups[0].update({'lr': initial_lr})
initial_optimizer_state = copy.deepcopy(trainer.optimizer.state_dict())
trainer.reset_optimizer(initial_optimizer_state, annealing_config)
# Mark the end of setup
end = time.time()
client_stats['setup'] = end - begin
print_rank(f'Client setup cost {client_stats["setup"]}s', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
begin_training = end
# Training begins here
# Save the client batches if we want to evaluate the privacy metrics
apply_privacy_metrics = (False if privacy_metrics_config is None else privacy_metrics_config['apply_metrics'])
# This is where training actually happens
train_loss, num_samples = trainer.train_desired_samples(desired_max_samples=desired_max_samples, apply_privacy_metrics=apply_privacy_metrics)
print_rank('client={}: training loss={}'.format(client_id, train_loss), loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
# Estimate gradient magnitude mean/var
trainer.sufficient_stats['mean'] = trainer.sufficient_stats['sum'] / trainer.sufficient_stats['n']
trainer.sufficient_stats['mag'] = np.sqrt(trainer.sufficient_stats['sq_sum'] / trainer.sufficient_stats['n'])
trainer.sufficient_stats['var'] = trainer.sufficient_stats['sq_sum'] / trainer.sufficient_stats['n'] - \
trainer.sufficient_stats['mag'] ** 2
trainer.sufficient_stats['norm'] = np.sqrt(trainer.sufficient_stats['sq_sum'])
trainer.train_loss = train_loss
trainer.num_samples = num_samples
# Compute pseudo-gradient
for p, data in zip(trainer.model.parameters(), model_parameters):
data = data.cuda() if torch.cuda.is_available() else data
p.grad = data - p.data
payload = strategy.generate_client_payload(trainer) if send_gradients else None
# Mark that training (including post-processing) is finished
end = time.time()
client_stats['training'] = end - begin_training
client_stats['full cost'] = end - begin
print_rank(f'Client training cost {end - begin_training}s', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
print_rank(f'Client full cost {end - begin}s', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
# Create dictionary that is sent back to server
client_output = {
'cs': client_stats,
'tl': train_loss,
'mg': trainer.sufficient_stats['mag'],
'vg': trainer.sufficient_stats['var'],
'ng': trainer.sufficient_stats['mean'],
'rg': trainer.sufficient_stats['norm'],
'ns': num_samples,
'pl': payload,
# Apply privacy metrics
if privacy_metrics_config and privacy_metrics_config['apply_metrics']:
print_rank('Applying privacy metrics', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
privacy_stats = {'Dropped clients': 0}
batches = trainer.cached_batches
trainer.cached_batches = []
gradients = extensions.privacy.unroll_network(model.named_parameters(), select_grad=True)[0]
if privacy_metrics_config['apply_indices_extraction']:
allowed_word_rank = privacy_metrics_config.get('allowed_word_rank', 9000)
embed_dim, vocab_size = model_config['embed_dim'], model_config['vocab_size']
overlap, indices = privacy_metrics.extract_indices_from_embeddings(gradients, batches, embed_dim, vocab_size)
max_overlap = privacy_metrics_config.get('max_allowed_overlap', None)
if max_overlap is not None and overlap > max_overlap:
print_rank('Removing this client because we extracted {}% words and the maximum allowed is {}%'.format(overlap * 100, max_overlap * 100))
client_output['wt'] = 0.0
privacy_stats['Dropped clients'] = 1
privacy_stats['Extracted indices percentage'] = overlap
privacy_stats['Words percentage above ' + str(allowed_word_rank) + ' word rank'] = (indices > allowed_word_rank).mean() if len(indices)>0 else 0
if privacy_metrics_config['apply_leakage_metric']:
print_rank('Applying leakage metric', loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
orig_params = {n: p for (n, _), p in zip(trainer.model.named_parameters(), model_parameters)}
max_ratio = np.exp(privacy_metrics_config['max_leakage'])
optim_config = privacy_metrics_config['attacker_optimizer_config']
is_leakage_weighted = privacy_metrics_config['is_leakage_weighted']
leakage = privacy_metrics.practical_epsilon_leakage(orig_params,
trainer.model, batches, is_leakage_weighted, max_ratio, optim_config)
print_rank('privacy leakage: {}'.format(leakage), loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
max_leakage = privacy_metrics_config.get('max_allowed_leakage', None)
if max_leakage is not None and leakage > max_leakage:
print_rank('Removing this client because the information leakage/practical epsilon is {} and the maximum allowed is {}'.format(leakage, max_leakage))
client_output['wt'] = 0.0
privacy_stats['Dropped clients'] = 1
privacy_stats['Practical epsilon (Max leakage)'] = leakage
client_output['ps'] = privacy_stats
client_output['ts'] = time.time()
return client_output