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774 строки
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774 строки
30 KiB
import sqlite3
import random
import copy
import numpy as np
import argparse
import re
from math import ceil
from utils.lyrics_match import Lyrics_match
from midiutil.MidiFile import MIDIFile
from fairseq.models.transformer_lm import TransformerLanguageModel
from cnsenti import Sentiment
import miditoolkit
from textblob import TextBlob
'': [0, 4, 7],
'm': [0, 3, 7],
'+': [0, 4, 8],
'dim': [0, 3, 6],
'7': [0, 4, 7, 10],
'maj7': [0, 4, 7, 11],
'm7': [0, 3, 7, 10],
'm7b5': [0, 3, 6, 10],
custom_lm = TransformerLanguageModel.from_pretrained('music-ckps/', 'checkpoint_best.pt', tokenizer='space',
def select_melody(is_maj, is_chorus, length, last_bar, chord, chord_ptr, is_last_sentence):
cursor = c.execute(
"SELECT DISTINCT NOTES, CHORDS from MELOLIB where LENGTH = '{}' and CHORUS = '{}' and MAJOR = '{}' ".format(
length, is_chorus, is_maj)) # and MAJOR = '{}'
candidates_bars = []
if is_debug:
print("Retrive melody...")
for row in cursor:
notes = row[0]
cd_ = row[1]
candidates_bars.append((notes, cd_))
# Filter by chords.
chord_list_ = chord.strip().split(' ')
chord_list_ = chord_list_[chord_ptr:] + chord_list_[:chord_ptr]
re_str = ''
if not is_last_sentence:
key = ''
if is_maj:
key = ' C:'
key = ' A:m'
# For the given chord progression, we generate a regex like:
# A:m F: G: C: -> ^A:m( A:m)*( F:)+( G:)+( C:)*$|^A:m( A:m)*( F:)+( G:)*$|^A:m( A:m)*( F:)*$|^A:m( A:m)*$
# Given the regex, we find matched pieces.
# We design the regex like this because alternations in regular expressions are evaluated from left to right,
# the piece with the most various chords will be selected, if there's any.
for j in range(len(chord_list_), 0, -1):
re_str += '^({}( {})*'.format(chord_list_[0], chord_list_[0])
for idx in range(1, j):
re_str += '( {})+'.format(chord_list_[idx])
re_str = re_str[:-1]
re_str += '*{})$|'.format(key)
re_str = re_str[:-1]
tmp_candidates = []
for row in candidates_bars:
if re.match(r'{}'.format(re_str), row[1]):
if len(tmp_candidates) == 0:
re_str = '^{}( {})*$'.format(chord_list_[-1], chord_list_[-1])
for row in candidates_bars:
if re.match(r'{}'.format(re_str), row[1]):
if len(tmp_candidates) > 0:
candidates_bars = tmp_candidates
if is_maj:
re_str = '^C:( C:)*$'
re_str = '^A:m( A:m)*$'
for row in candidates_bars:
if re.match(r'{}'.format(re_str), row[1]):
if len(tmp_candidates) > 0:
candidates_bars = tmp_candidates
candidates_cnt = len(candidates_bars)
if candidates_cnt == 0:
if is_debug:
print('No Matched Rhythm as {}'.format(length))
return []
if last_bar == None: # we are at the begining of a song, random select bars.
if is_debug:
print('Start a song...')
def not_too_high(bar):
notes = bar.split(' ')[:-1][3::5]
notes = [int(x[6:]) for x in notes]
for i in notes:
if 57 > i or i > 66:
return False
return True
tmp = []
for bar in candidates_bars:
if not_too_high(bar[0]):
return tmp
last_note = int(last_bar.split(' ')[-3][6:])
# tendency
selected_bars = []
prefer_note = None
# Major C
if is_maj:
if last_note % 12 == 2 or last_note % 12 == 9:
prefer_note = last_note - 2
elif last_note % 12 == 5:
prefer_note = last_note - 1
elif last_note % 12 == 11:
prefer_note = last_note + 1
# Minor A
if last_note % 12 == 11 or last_note % 12 == 2: # 2 -> 1, 4 -> 3
prefer_note = last_note - 2
elif last_note % 12 == 6: # 6 -> 5
prefer_note = last_note - 1
elif last_note % 12 == 7: # 7-> 1
prefer_note = last_note + 2
if prefer_note is not None:
for x in candidates_bars:
if x[0][0] == prefer_note:
if len(selected_bars) > 0:
if is_debug:
print('Filter by tendency...')
candidates_bars = selected_bars
selected_bars = []
for bar in candidates_bars:
first_pitch = int(bar[0].split(' ')[3][6:])
if (first_pitch > last_note - 8 and first_pitch < last_note + 8):
if len(selected_bars) > 0:
if is_debug:
print('Filter by pitch range...')
return selected_bars
# No candidates yet? randomly return some.
if is_debug:
print("Randomly selected...")
return candidates_bars
def lm_score(bars, note_string, bar_idx):
tmp_string = []
n = ' '.join(note_string.split(' ')[-100:])
for sbar in bars:
sbar_, _ = fill_template(sbar[0], bar_idx)
tmp_string.append(n + sbar_)
score = [x['score'].item() for x in custom_lm.score(tmp_string)]
assert len(score) == len(tmp_string)
tmp = list(zip(bars, score))
tmp.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
tmp = tmp[:30]
best_score = tmp[0][1]
res = []
for x in tmp:
if best_score - x[1] < 0.1:
return res
def get_chorus(chorus_start, chorus_length, lyrics):
return range(chorus_start, chorus_start + chorus_length)
def save_demo(notes_str, select_chords, name, lang, sentence, word_counter):
pitch_dict = {'C': 0, 'C#': 1, 'D': 2, 'Eb': 3, 'E': 4, 'F': 5, 'F#': 6, 'G': 7, 'Ab': 8, 'A': 9, 'Bb': 10, 'B': 11}
'': [0, 4, 7],
'm': [0, 3, 7],
'+': [0, 4, 8],
'dim': [0, 3, 6],
'7': [0, 4, 7, 10],
'maj7': [0, 4, 7, 11],
'm7': [0, 3, 7, 10],
'm7b5': [0, 3, 6, 10],
print('Save the melody to {}.mid'.format(name))
mf = MIDIFile(2) # only 1 track
melody_track = 0 # the only track
chord_track = 1
time = 0 # start at the beginning
channel = 0
mf.addTrackName(melody_track, time, "melody")
mf.addTrackName(chord_track, time, "chord")
mf.addTempo(melody_track, time, 120)
mf.addTempo(chord_track, time, 120)
notes = notes_str.split(' ')
cnt = 0
sen_idx = 0
chord_time = []
for i in range(len(notes) // 5):
if is_debug:
print('wirting idx: ', i)
# cadence = notes[5 * i]
bar = int(notes[5 * i + 1][4:])
pos = int(notes[5 * i + 2][4:]) # // pos_resolution
pitch = int(notes[5 * i + 3][6:])
dur = int(notes[5 * i + 4][4:]) / 4
time = bar * 4 + pos / 4 # + delta
# if cadence == 'HALF':
# delta += 2
# if cadence == 'AUT':
# delta += 4
mf.addNote(melody_track, channel, pitch, time, dur, 100)
# fill all chords into bars before writing notes
if cnt == 0:
cds = select_chords[sen_idx].split(' ')
t = time - time % 2
if len(chord_time) > 0:
blank_dur = t - chord_time[-1] - 2
insert_num = int(blank_dur / 2)
if is_debug:
print('Chords:', cds[0].split(':'))
root, cd_type = cds[0].split(':')
root = pitch_dict[root]
for i in range(insert_num):
for shift in _CHORD_KIND_PITCHES[cd_type]:
mf.addNote(chord_track, channel, 36 + root + shift, chord_time[-1] + 2, 2, 75)
chord_time.append(chord_time[-1] + 2)
if is_debug:
print('begin sentence:', sen_idx)
for cd in cds:
root, cd_type = cd.split(':')
root = pitch_dict[root]
# mf.addNote(chord_track, channel, 36+root, t, 2, 75) # 36 is C3
for shift in _CHORD_KIND_PITCHES[cd_type]:
mf.addNote(chord_track, channel, 36 + root + shift, t, 2, 75)
t += 2
cnt += 1
if cnt == word_counter[sen_idx]:
cnt = 0
sen_idx += 1
name += '.mid'
with open(name, 'wb') as outf:
midi_obj = miditoolkit.midi.parser.MidiFile(name)
if lang == 'zh':
lyrics = ''.join(sentence)
lyrics = ' '.join(sentence).split(' ')
word_idx = 0
for idx, word in enumerate(lyrics):
if word not in [',', '.', '']:
note = midi_obj.instruments[0].notes[word_idx]
miditoolkit.Lyric(text=word, time=note.start))
word_idx += 1
midi_obj.lyrics[-1].text += word
# print(midi_obj.lyrics)
midi_obj.dump(f'{name}', charset='utf-8')
def fill_template(s_bar, bar_idx):
notes = s_bar.split(' ')
tmp = []
last_bar_idx = notes[1][4:]
for i in range(len(notes)):
if i % 5 == 1:
if notes[i][4:] != last_bar_idx:
bar_idx += 1
last_bar_idx = notes[i][4:]
tmp.append('bar_' + str(bar_idx))
return ' '.join(tmp), bar_idx + 1
def splice(bar1, bar2):
Cancatenate bar1 and bar2
In bar1, bar index is replaced while in bar2 X or Y is remained like 'X {} {} {} {} '.format(pos, pitch,dur,cadence)
if bar1 == '':
return bar2
if bar2 == '':
return bar1
assert bar1[-1] == ' ' # For the ease of concatenation, there's a space at the end of bar
assert bar2[-1] == ' '
notes1 = bar1.split(' ')[:-1]
notes2 = bar2.split(' ')[:-1]
bar_cnt = len(set(notes1[1::5]))
# If the last note ending time in bar1 is not far from the begining time of the first note in bar2, just return bar1 + bar2
# Calculate the note intervals in bars. If interval between two bars <= the average interval inside a bar, then it is regarded as 'not far away'.
def get_interval(notes):
begin = []
dur = []
if notes[1][4:] != 'X' and notes[1][4:] != 'Y':
start_bar = int(notes[1][4:])
start_bar = 0
for idx in range(len(notes) // 5):
if notes[5 * idx + 1][4:] == 'X':
bar_idx_ = 0
elif notes[5 * idx + 1][4:] == 'Y':
bar_idx_ = 1
bar_idx_ = int(notes[5 * idx + 1][4:])
begin.append(16 * (bar_idx_ - start_bar) + int(notes[5 * idx + 2][4:]))
dur.append(int(notes[5 * idx + 4][4:]))
end = list(np.array(begin) + np.array(dur))
return list(np.array(begin[1:]) - np.array(end[:-1])), begin[0], end[-1] - 16 if end[-1] > 16 else end[-1]
inter1, _, end1 = get_interval(notes1)
inter2, begin2, _ = get_interval(notes2)
def avg(notes):
return sum(notes) / len(notes)
avg_interval = avg(inter1 + inter2)
last_bar1_idx = int(notes1[-4][4:])
bar2, _ = fill_template(bar2, last_bar1_idx + 1)
if avg_interval < (16 - end1 + begin2):
# If interval between two bars is big, shift the second bar forward.
notes2 = bar2.split(' ')[:-1]
tmp = ''
for idx in range(len(notes2) // 5):
pos = int(notes2[5 * idx + 2][4:]) - (16 - end1 + begin2)
bar_idx_ = int(notes2[5 * idx + 1][4:])
if pos < 0:
bar_idx_ += pos // 16
pos = pos % 16
tmp += '{} bar_{} Pos_{} {} {} '.format(notes2[5 * idx], bar_idx_, pos, notes2[5 * idx + 3],
notes2[5 * idx + 4])
return bar1 + tmp
return bar1 + bar2
def not_mono(bar):
Filter monotonous pieces.
notes = bar.split(' ')[:-1][3::5]
notes = [int(x[6:]) for x in notes]
tmp = [0] * 128
for idx in range(len(notes)):
tmp[int(notes[idx])] = 1
if (1 < len(notes) <= 3 and sum(tmp) == 1) or (len(notes) >= 4 and sum(tmp) < 3):
return False
return True
def not_duplicate(bar1, bar2):
De-duplication, only care about the pitch.
notes1 = bar1.split(' ')[:-1][3::5] # For the ease of concatenation, there's a space at the end of bar
notes2 = bar2.split(' ')[:-1][3::5]
return notes1 != notes2
def no_keep_trend(bars):
def is_sorted(a):
return all([a[i] <= a[i + 1] for i in range(len(a) - 1)])
candidates_bars = []
for bar_and_chord in bars:
bar = bar_and_chord[0]
notes = bar.split(' ')[:-1][3::5]
notes = [int(x[6:]) for x in notes]
if not is_sorted(notes):
return candidates_bars
def polish(bar, last_note_end, iscopy=False):
Three fuctions:
1. Avoid bars overlapping.
2. Make the first note in all bars start at the position 0.
3. Remove rest and cadence in a bar.
notes = bar.strip().split(' ')
tmp = ''
first_note_start = 0
is_tuned = False
for idx in range(len(notes) // 5):
pos = int(notes[5 * idx + 2][4:])
bar_idx_ = int(notes[5 * idx + 1][4:])
dur = int(notes[5 * idx + 4][4:])
this_note_start = 16 * bar_idx_ + pos
cadence = 'NOT'
if idx == 0:
first_note_start = this_note_start
blank_after_last_note = 16 - last_note_end % 16
threshold = blank_after_last_note
threshold = 0
if dur == 1: # the minimum granularity is a 1/8 note.
dur = 2
if dur > 8: # the maximum granularity is a 1/2 note.
dur = 8
# Function 3:
if this_note_start - last_note_end != threshold:
pos += (last_note_end + threshold - this_note_start)
bar_idx_ += pos // 16
pos = pos % 16
if idx == len(notes) // 5 - 2:
if 12 < pos + dur <= 16 or len(notes) // 5 <= 4:
dur = 16 - pos
is_tuned = True
if idx == len(notes) // 5 - 1:
if is_tuned:
pos = 0
if 12 < pos + dur <= 16:
dur += 6
cadence = 'HALF' # just for the ease of model scoring
last_note_end = 16 * bar_idx_ + pos + dur
assert pos <= 16
tmp += '{} bar_{} Pos_{} {} Dur_{} '.format(cadence, bar_idx_, pos, notes[5 * idx + 3], dur)
return tmp, bar_idx_ + 1, last_note_end
def chord_truc(bar, schord):
Given a bar string, remove redundant chords.
schord_list = schord.split(' ')
notes = bar.strip().split(' ')
start_pos = 16 * int(notes[1][4:]) + int(notes[2][4:])
end_pos = 16 * int(notes[-4][4:]) + int(notes[-3][4:]) + int(notes[-1][4:])
duration = end_pos - start_pos
chord_num = ceil(duration / 8)
assert chord_num >= 1, 'bar:{},chord:{}'.format(bar, schord)
if len(schord_list) >= chord_num:
schord_list = schord_list[:chord_num]
tmp = []
for i in schord_list:
schord_list = tmp[:chord_num]
return schord_list
def polish_chord(bar, schord, chord, chord_ptr):
Align chords and the bar. When this function is called, the bar index is already replaced by the true index instead of X or Y.
In our setting, there's 2 chords in a bar. Therefore for any position % 8==0, we write a chord.
Of course, you can modify this setting as needed.
schord_list = chord_truc(bar, schord)
last_chord = schord_list[-1]
schord = ' '.join(schord_list)
chord_list = chord.split(' ')
if last_chord not in chord_list:
chord_ptr = (chord_ptr + 1) % len(chord_list)
chord_ptr = (chord_list.index(last_chord) + 1) % len(chord_list)
return schord, chord_ptr
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='none.')
parser.add_argument('--lyrics_path', default='lyrics.txt')
parser.add_argument('--chord_path', default='chord.txt')
parser.add_argument('--db_path', default='database/ROC.db')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Output composition details')
parser.add_argument('--sentiment', action='store_true',
help='If true, the tonality is automatically set by analyzing the sentiment of lyrics. If False, the tonality is major by default.')
config = parser.parse_args()
lyrics_path = config.lyrics_path
chord_path = config.chord_path
use_sentiment = config.sentiment
global is_debug
is_debug = config.debug
conn = sqlite3.connect(config.db_path)
global c
c = conn.cursor()
print("Database connected")
with open(lyrics_path) as lyrics_file, open(chord_path) as chord_file:
lyrics_corpus = lyrics_file.readlines()
chord_corpus = chord_file.readlines()
for lyrics, chord in zip(lyrics_corpus, chord_corpus):
lang = chord[:2]
assert lang in ['zh', 'en'] # Note that ROC is not language-sensitive, you can extend this.
chord = chord[2:].strip()
print('CHORD:', chord)
chord_ptr = 0
is_maj = 1
if lang == 'zh':
sentence = lyrics.strip().split(' ') # The list of lyric sentences
name = sentence[0]
if use_sentiment:
senti = Sentiment()
pos = 0
neg = 0
for s in sentence:
result = senti.sentiment_calculate(s)
pos += result['pos']
neg += result['neg']
if neg < 0 and pos >= 0:
is_maj = 1
elif pos < 0 and neg >= 0:
is_maj = 0
if pos / neg < 1:
is_maj = 0
is_maj = 1
elif lang == 'en':
sentence = lyrics.strip().split('[sep]')
name = sentence[0]
sentence = [len(x.strip().split(' ')) * '_' for x in sentence]
if use_sentiment:
sent = '.'.join(sentence)
blob = TextBlob(sent)
polarity = 0
for s in blob.sentences:
polarity += s.sentiment.polarity
if polarity >= 0:
is_maj = 1
is_maj = 0
print('Tonality:', is_maj)
# structure recognition
parent, chorus_start, chorus_length = Lyrics_match(
sentence) # The last element must be -1, because the chord should go back to tonic
if is_debug:
print('Struct Array: ', parent)
chorus_range = get_chorus(chorus_start, chorus_length, lyrics)
if is_debug:
print('Recognized Chorus: ', chorus_start, chorus_length)
select_notes = [] # selected_melodies
select_chords = [] # selected chords
is_chorus = 0 # is a chorus?
note_string = '' # the 'melody context' mentioned in the paper.
bar_idx = 0 # current bar index. it is used to replace bar index in retrieved pieces.
last_note_end = -16
# is_1smn = 0 # Does 1 Syllable align with Multi Notes? In the future, we will explore better methods to realize this function. Here by default, we disable it.
for i in range(len(sentence)):
if lang == 'zh':
print('Lyrics: ', sentence[i])
print('Lyrics: ', lyrics.strip().split('[sep]')[i])
is_last_sentence = (i == len(sentence) - 1)
if i in chorus_range:
is_chorus = 1
is_chorus = 0
cnt = len(sentence[i])
if cnt <= 2 and parent[i] == -2: # if length is too short, do not partially share
parent[i] = -1
# Following codes correspond to 'Retrieval and Re-ranking' in Section 3.2.
# parent[i] is the 'struct value' in the paper.
if parent[i] == -1:
if is_debug:
print('No sharing.')
# one_syllable_multi_notes_probabilty = random.randint(1,100)
# if one_syllable_multi_notes_probabilty == 1:
# is_1smn = 1
# connect_notes = random.randint(1,2)
# cnt += connect_notes
# connect_start = random.randint(1,cnt)
# print('One Syllable Multi Notes range:',connect_start, connect_start + connect_notes)
if len(select_notes) == 0: # The first sentence of a song.
last_bar = None
last_bar = select_notes[-1]
selected_bars = select_melody(is_maj, is_chorus, cnt, last_bar, chord, chord_ptr, is_last_sentence)
if cnt < 9 and len(selected_bars) > 0:
selected_bars = lm_score(selected_bars, note_string, bar_idx)
# selected_bars = no_keep_trend(selected_bars)
bar_chord = selected_bars[random.randint(0, len(selected_bars) - 1)]
s_bar = bar_chord[0]
s_chord = bar_chord[1]
s_bar, bar_idx = fill_template(s_bar,
bar_idx) # The returned bar index is the first bar index which should be in the next sentence, that is s_bar + 1.
else: # If no pieces is retrieved or there are too many syllables in a lyric.
if is_debug:
print('No pieces is retrieved or there are too many syllables in a lyric. Split the lyric.')
s_bar = ''
s_chord = ''
origin_cnt = cnt
error = 0
while cnt > 0:
l = max(origin_cnt // 3, 5)
r = max(origin_cnt // 2, 7) # Better to use long pieces, for better coherency.
split_len = random.randint(l, r)
if split_len > cnt:
split_len = cnt
if is_debug:
print('Split at ', split_len)
selected_bars = select_melody(is_maj, is_chorus, split_len, last_bar, chord, chord_ptr,
if len(selected_bars) > 0:
selected_bars = lm_score(selected_bars, note_string + s_bar, bar_idx)
bar_chord = selected_bars[random.randint(0, len(selected_bars) - 1)]
last_bar = bar_chord[0]
last_chord = bar_chord[1]
s_bar = splice(s_bar, last_bar)
s_chord += ' ' + last_chord
# Explanation: if this condition is true, i.e., the length of s_bar + last_bar == the length of last_bar,
# then the only possibility is that we are in the first step of this while loop. We need to replace the bar index in retrieved pieces with the true bar index.
# In the following steps, there is no need to do so because there is a implicit 'fill_template' in 'splice'.
if len(s_bar) == len(last_bar):
s_bar, bar_idx = fill_template(s_bar, bar_idx)
s_chord, chord_ptr = polish_chord(s_bar, s_chord, chord, chord_ptr)
last_bar = s_bar
cnt -= split_len
error += 1
if error >= 10:
print('Database has not enough pieces to support ROC.')
s_chord = s_chord[1:]
s_bar, bar_idx, last_note_end = polish(s_bar, last_note_end)
s_chord, chord_ptr = polish_chord(s_bar, s_chord, chord, chord_ptr)
note_string += s_bar
if is_debug:
print('Selected notes: ', s_bar)
print('Chords: ', s_chord)
elif parent[i] == -2:
if is_debug:
print('Share partial melody from the previous lyric.')
l = min(cnt // 3,
3) # As mentioned in 'Concatenation and Polish' Section, for adjacents lyrics having the same syllabels number,
r = min(cnt // 2, 5) # we 'polish their melodies to sound similar'
# modify some notes then share.
replace_len = random.randint(l, r)
last_bar = ' '.join(select_notes[-1].split(' ')[:- replace_len * 5 - 1]) + ' '
tail = select_notes[-1].split(' ')[- replace_len * 5 - 1:]
last_chord = ' '.join(chord_truc(last_bar, select_chords[-1]))
selected_bars = select_melody(is_maj, is_chorus, replace_len, last_bar, chord, chord_ptr,
selected_bars = lm_score(selected_bars, note_string + last_bar, bar_idx)
for bar_chord in selected_bars:
bar = bar_chord[0]
s_chord = bar_chord[1]
s_bar = splice(last_bar, bar)
if not_mono(s_bar) and not_duplicate(s_bar, select_notes[-1]):
s_chord = last_chord + ' ' + s_chord
s_bar, bar_idx = fill_template(s_bar, bar_idx)
s_bar = s_bar.split(' ')
for i in range(2, len(tail)): # Modify duration
if i % 5 == 2 or i % 5 == 1: # dur and cadence
s_bar[-i] = tail[-i]
s_bar = ' '.join(s_bar)
s_bar, bar_idx, last_note_end = polish(s_bar, last_note_end, True)
s_chord, chord_ptr = polish_chord(s_bar, s_chord, chord, chord_ptr)
note_string += s_bar
if is_debug:
print('Modified notes: ', s_bar)
print('chords: ', s_chord)
# 'struct value is postive' as mentioned in the paper, we directly share melodies.
if is_debug:
print('Share notes with sentence No.', parent[i])
s_bar = copy.deepcopy(select_notes[parent[i]])
s_chord = copy.deepcopy(select_chords[parent[i]])
s_bar, bar_idx = fill_template(s_bar, bar_idx)
s_bar, bar_idx, last_note_end = polish(s_bar, last_note_end, True)
s_chord, chord_ptr = polish_chord(s_bar, s_chord, chord, chord_ptr)
note_string += s_bar
if is_debug:
if is_debug:
save_demo(note_string, select_chords, name, lang,
lyrics.strip().split('[sep]') if lang == 'en' else sentence, [len(i) for i in sentence])
'--------------------------------------------A song is composed.--------------------------------------------')