зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/mwt-ds.git
moved e2e test over from CL, chagned namespace
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
using Microsoft.Research.MultiWorldTesting.ClientLibrary;
using Microsoft.Research.MultiWorldTesting.Contract;
using Microsoft.Research.MultiWorldTesting.ExploreLibrary;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Microsoft.Research.DecisionServiceTest
public class EndToEndTest : ProvisioningBaseTest
public EndToEndTest()
this.deleteOnCleanup = false;
public void E2ERankerStochasticRewards()
// Create configuration for the decision service
float initialEpsilon = .5f;
this.ConfigureDecisionService(trainArguments: "--cb_explore_adf --cb_type dr -q :: --epsilon 0.2", initialExplorationEpsilon: initialEpsilon);
string settingsBlobUri = this.settingsUrl;
float percentCorrect = UploadFoodContextData(settingsBlobUri, firstPass: true);
Assert.IsTrue(percentCorrect < initialEpsilon);
percentCorrect = UploadFoodContextData(settingsBlobUri, firstPass: false);
Assert.IsTrue(percentCorrect > .8f);
private float UploadFoodContextData(string settingsBlobUri, bool firstPass)
var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsBlobUri);
if (firstPass)
serviceConfig.PollingForModelPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue;
using (var service = DecisionService.Create<FoodContext>(serviceConfig))
if (!firstPass)
string uniqueKey = "scratch-key-gal";
string[] locations = { "HealthyTown", "LessHealthyTown" };
var rg = new Random(uniqueKey.GetHashCode());
int numActions = 3; // ["Hamburger deal 1", "Hamburger deal 2" (better), "Salad deal"]
var csv = new StringBuilder();
int counterCorrect = 0;
int counterTotal = 0;
var header = "Location,Action,Reward";
// number of iterations
for (int i = 0; i < 10000 * locations.Length; i++)
// randomly select a location
int iL = rg.Next(0, locations.Length);
string location = locations[iL];
DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
string key = uniqueKey + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
FoodContext currentContext = new FoodContext();
currentContext.UserLocation = location;
currentContext.Actions = Enumerable.Range(1, numActions).ToArray();
int[] action = service.ChooseRanking(key, currentContext);
counterTotal += 1;
// We expect healthy town to get salad and unhealthy town to get the second burger (action 2)
if (location.Equals("HealthyTown") && action[0] == 3)
counterCorrect += 1;
else if (location.Equals("LessHealthyTown") && action[0] == 2)
counterCorrect += 1;
var csvLocation = location;
var csvAction = action[0].ToString();
float reward = 0;
double currentRand = rg.NextDouble();
if (location.Equals("HealthyTown"))
// for healthy town, buy burger 1 with probability 0.1, burger 2 with probability 0.15, salad with probability 0.6
if ((action[0] == 1 && currentRand < 0.1) ||
(action[0] == 2 && currentRand < 0.15) ||
(action[0] == 3 && currentRand < 0.6))
reward = 10;
// for unhealthy town, buy burger 1 with probability 0.4, burger 2 with probability 0.6, salad with probability 0.2
if ((action[0] == 1 && currentRand < 0.4) ||
(action[0] == 2 && currentRand < 0.6) ||
(action[0] == 3 && currentRand < 0.2))
reward = 10;
service.ReportReward(reward, key);
var newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", csvLocation, csvAction, "0");
return (float)counterCorrect / counterTotal;
public class FoodContext
public string UserLocation { get; set; }
public int[] Actions { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "_multi")]
public FoodFeature[] ActionDependentFeatures
return this.Actions
.Select((a, i) => new FoodFeature(this.Actions.Length, i))
public static IReadOnlyCollection<FoodFeature> GetFeaturesFromContext(FoodContext context)
return context.ActionDependentFeatures;
public class FoodFeature
public float[] Scores { get; set; }
internal FoodFeature(int numActions, int index)
Scores = Enumerable.Repeat(0f, numActions).ToArray();
Scores[index] = index + 1;
class FoodRecorder : IRecorder<FoodContext, int[]>
Dictionary<string, float> keyToProb = new Dictionary<string, float>();
public float GetProb(string key)
return keyToProb[key];
public void Record(FoodContext context, int[] value, object explorerState, object mapperState, string uniqueKey)
keyToProb.Add(uniqueKey, ((EpsilonGreedyState)explorerState).Probability);
@ -16,14 +16,15 @@ using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using Microsoft.Research.MultiWorldTesting.Contract;
using System.Threading;
namespace Microsoft.Research.DecisionService.Test
namespace Microsoft.Research.DecisionServiceTest
public class ProvisioningBaseTest
private bool deleteOnCleanup;
private JObject deploymentOutput;
protected bool deleteOnCleanup;
protected string managementCenterUrl;
protected string managementPassword;
protected string onlineTrainerUrl;
@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Research.DecisionService.Test
wc.Headers.Add($"Authorization: {onlineTrainerToken}");
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
namespace Microsoft.Research.DecisionService.Test
namespace Microsoft.Research.DecisionServiceTest
public class SimplePolicyTestClass : ProvisioningBaseTest
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
@ -231,6 +231,7 @@
<Compile Include="EndToEndOnlineTrainerTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="ProvisioningBaseTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="SimplePolicyTest.cs" />
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