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Merged PR 227890: Spec for @napajs/lock, @napajs/memory and @napajs/config
Spec for lock, memory and config
This commit is contained in:
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# Index of Modules@napajs
## Napa.JS fundementals
- [@napajs/logger](../../modules/@napajs/logger/README.md) : Logging API for Napa.JS.
- [@napajs/metrics](./@napajs/metrics/README.md) : Metric API for Napa.JS.
- [@napajs/shared-depot](): Sharing native objects across V8 isolates.
- [@napajs/multi-task](): (TBD) High level API for multi-tasks.
- [@napajs/vineyard](./@napajs/vineyard/README.md): Application framework to build highly iterative applications.
## Napa.JS foundation modules
- [napajs](../../modules/napajs/README.md) : A multi-thread JavaScript runtime on Node.
- [@napajs/config](../../modules/@napajs/config/README.md) : Utilities to read configuration files.
- [@napajs/lock](../../modules/@napajs/lock/README.md) : Synchronization between multiple isolates in Napa.JS
- [@napajs/logger](../../modules/@napajs/logger/README.md) : Access logging in Napa.JS.
- [@napajs/memory](../../modules/@napajs/memory/README.md): Handling memories in Napa.JS.
- [@napajs/metrics](../../modules/@napajs/metrics/README.md) : Access metrics in Napa.JS.
- [@napajs/workflow](../../modules/@napajs/workflow/README.md) : (TBD) Flow control in Napa.JS
## General purpose modules
- [@napajs/edge](): Interop with C# libraries
## Public
### General purpose framework
- [edge](): Interop with C# libraries
- [storage-client](): Common API to access key/value storage.
- [winery](./@napajs/vineyard/README.md): Application framework to build highly iterative applications.
## General machine learning
- [@napajs/feature-evaluation](): Feature evaluation library for machine learning
- [@napajs/tf-serve](): (TBD) Tensorflow serving library
### General machine learning
- [expression-compiler](): Compiler for generating execution sequence for a list of expressions.
- [tf-serve](): (TBD) Tensorflow serving library
## Microsoft internal
- [@napajs/ms-autopilot](): Common Autopilot APIs.
- [@napajs/ms-bing-query](): Bing query parser and query object.
- [@napajs/ms-bing-features](): Bing ranking features.
- [@napajs/ms-bing-wordbreaker](): Bing word breaker.
- [@napajs/ms-storage-client](): General API to access KV stores.
- [@napajs/ms-object-store](): (TBD) API to access object store.
- [@napajs/ms-sonoma](): Abstraction layer to serve Tensorflow and CNTK models.
- [@ms/autopilot](): Common Autopilot APIs.
- [@ms/cosmos-client](): API to access cosmos.
- [@ms/object-store-client](): Access object stores.
- [@ms/sonoma](): Abstraction layer to serve Tensorflow and CNTK models.
- [@ms/storage-client](): General API to access KV stores.
## Bing internal
- [@bing/features](): Bing ranking features.
- [@bing/knowledge-models](): Bing knowledge models
- [@bing/query](): Bing query parser and query object.
- [@bing/query-rewrite](): (TBD) Bing query rewrite.
- [@bing/trie](): Read and write trie files.
- [@bing/tree-ensemble](): Boost gradient decision tree ensemble used in Bing.
- [@bing/word-breaker](): Bing word breaker.
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# @napajs/config
A facade module to access configuration objects. There are 3 aspects of configuration reading:
1) File locator
## API
/// <summary> Function interface for file locator. </summary>
export interface FileLocator {
(configName: string): string
/// <summary> Function interface for config parser. </summary>
export interface Parser {
parse(fileName: string): any;
/// <summary> Class for config object schema. </summary>
export declare class Schema {
/// <summary> Construct a schema object. </summary>
/// <param name="jsonSchemaFile"> JSON schema describe the final object read from file. This schema is not coupled with config format.</param>
constructor(jsonSchemaFile: string);
/// <summary> Validate an object against the schema and fill default values. </summary>
/// <param name="jsValue"> A Javascript value. </param>
validate(jsValue: any): boolean;
/// <summary> Set a custom parser for a file extension.
/// If multiple calls are made to setParser on a file extension, the last one will be used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileExtension"> File extension name without '.' . </param>
/// <param name="parser"> A parser function for the file extension . </param>
export function setParser(fileExtension: string, parser: Parser): void;
/// <summary> Set a file locator for resolving config file.
/// If multiple calls are made to setLocator, the last one will be used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="locator"> A file locator function. </param>
export function setLocator(locator: FileLocator): void;
/// <summary> Read a config object from a config identifier. Validate against schema and fill default values if provided. </summary>
/// <param name="configId"> An identifier of config that will be passed to FileLocator to resolve into a file path. </param>
/// <param name="schema"> (optional) schema object to validate config and fill default values. </schema>
export function read(configId:string, schema?: Schema): any;
/// <summary> Namespace for default facilities. </summary>
namespace defaults {
/// <summary> Default file locator, which resolves the configName as file name in working directory. </summary>
export var FileLocator;
/// <summary> Default Ini parser. </summary>
export var IniParser;
/// <summary> Default Xml parser. </summary>
export var XmlParser;
/// <summary> Default Json parser, which is JSON.parse. </summary>
export var JsonParser;
## Usage
Set up custom locator and parser.
import * as config from '@napajs/config';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
config.setLocator((configName: string): string => {
let extensions = ['json', 'xml', 'ini'];
for (let ext of extensions) {
let filePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), `${configName}.${ext}`);
if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
return filePath;
throw new Error("File doesn't exist for config: " + configName);
config.setParser('json', (fileName: string): any => {
return JSON.parse(fileName);
Parse config.
// Read test.json, or test.xml or test.ini if exists.
// test.json:
// { "threshold": 1 }
// test-schema.json has default value for 'enabled': true.
let schema = new Schema('test-schema.json')
let testConfig = config.read('test', schema);
// returns {"threshold": 1, "enabled": true }
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# @napajs/lock - Lock for thread synchronization under NapaJS
## API
### Simple Lock
#### API
guard(lockName: string, func: {(): any}): any;
Guard execution of a function with a lock name. Return value from the function will be relayed.
Exception thrown in the function will be propagate to external.
#### Example
import * as lock from "@napajs/locks"
import * as assert from "assert"
let returnValue = lock.guard('lockName', () => {
// Do something here.
return [1, 2, 3];
assert.deepEqual(returnValue, [1, 2, 3]);
try {
lock.guard('lockName', () => {
// Exception is thrown.
throw new Error();
catch (e) {
### Read-write lock
#### API
guardRead(lockName: string, func: {(): any}): any;
Guard execution of a function as a reader. That is, multiple readers can obtain the lock at the same time without blocking, if lock is not obtained by the writer.
Return value from the function will be relayed. Exception thrown in the function will be propagate to external.
guardWrite(lockName: string, func: {(): any}): any;
Guard execution of a function as a writer. That is, only one writer can obtain the lock, all other readers and writers will wait.
Return value from the function will be relayed. Exception thrown in the function will be propagate to external.
#### Examples
import * as lock from "@napajs/locks"
import * as assert from "assert"
let returnValue = lock.guardRead('lockName', () => {
// Do read here.
return "hello-world";
assert.equal(returnValue, "hello-world");
// Handle exceptions thrown from input functions.
let succeeded: boolean = false;
// Do some work...
try {
let returnValue = lock.guardWrite('lockName', () => {
// Do write here.
if (!succeeded)
throw new Error();
return 123;
assert.equal(returnValue, 123);
catch (e) {
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# @napajs/memory: Handling memory in NapaJS
## Working with native objects
Interface for NativeObject, as a convention, to enable us to provide common facilities for native objects. A readonly property `handle` is the only obligation for now.
/// <summary> Handle defines minimum information to access a native object.
/// Property 'type' is a string to identify the object type, which can be used for debugging and type checking in JavaScript.
/// Property 'pointer' represents a 64-bit pointer in a 2-element number array, pointer[0] is the higher 32-bit, and pointer[1] is the lower 32-bit.
/// </summary>
type Handle = { type: string, pointer: [number, number]};
/// <summary> Interface for all native object. </summary>
interface NativeObject {
readonly handle: Handle;
## Sharing object across isolates
- Provide facilities for sharing objects across isolates at the global scope or a local scope (like within a request).
- Support both plain JS objects and wrappers for native objects
### API
/// <summary> Barrel defines a scope for sharing objects. </summary>
declare class Barrel {
/// <summary> Get id for current barrel. </summary>
readonly id: string;
/// <summary> Set a shared object. </summary>
set(key: string, value: any);
/// <summary> Get a shared object by key. </summary>
get(key: string): any;
/// <summary> Check if a key exists. </summary>
exists(key: string): boolean;
/// <summary> Remove a shared object by key. </summary>
remove(key: string): void;
/// <summary> Release a barrel. </summary>
release(): void;
/// <summary> Get number of objects shared in current barrel. </summary>
count(): number:
/// <summary> Create a new barrel for sharing. </summary>
declare function createBarrel() : Barrel;
/// <summary> Find an existing barrel by ID </summary>
/// <returns> A Barrel object, if not found, exception will be thrown. </returns>
declare function findBarrel(id) : Barrel;
/// <summary> Returns number of barrels. </summary>
declare function barrelCount(): number;
/// <summary> Barrel for sharing at global namespace. </summary>
declare var global: Barrel;
### Examples:
#### Sharing JS objects at global namespace.
let mem = require('@napajs/memory');
mem.global.set('sample', {
foo: 1,
bar: "hello world"
/// In another isolate.
let object = mem.global.get('sample');
assert.deepEqual(object, {
foo: 1,
bar: "hello world"
#### Sharing JS objects at request level.
let mem = require('@napajs/memory');
let barrel = mem.createBarrel());
barrel.set('sample', {
foo: 1,
bar: "hello world"
/// In another isolate.
declare var id: string;
let barrel = mem.findBarrel(id);
let object = barrel.get('sample');
assert.deepEqual(object, {
foo: 1,
bar: "hello world"
// Release barrel at end of request.
#### Sharing native objects
TODO: move shared-depot examples here.
## Allocator support
- Create customized allocator
- Pass allocators across isolates
- Consume allocator in C++
- Consume allocator in JavaScript (optional)
### API
#### JS interface (Optional)
/// <summary>
interface Allocator : NativeObject {
/// <summary> Allocate memory of requested size. </summary>
allocate(size: number): Buffer
/// <summary> Free allocated memory. </summary>
free(buffer: Buffer): void;
/// <summary> Handle of this allocator. </summary>
readonly handle: Handle;
/// <summary> Release current allocator. </summary>
release(): void;
interface AllocatorFactory {
create(allocatorType: string): Allocator;
/// <summary> add an allocator factory. </summary>
declare function registerAllocatorFactory(factory: AllocatorFactory);
/// <summary> create a new allocator instance of a type. </summary>
declare function createAllocator(allocatorType: string): Allocator;
#### CPP interfaces
namespace napa {
namespace memory {
/// <summary> Interface for allocator factory. </summary>
class AllocatorFactory {
// ...
Allocator* create(const char* allocatorType) = 0;
/// <summary> Concrete allocator class.
/// which will bind to different implementations.
/// </summary>
class Allocator {
Allocator(AllocatorImpl* impl);
void* allocate(size_t);
void deallocate(void*);
/// <summary> Stl-style allocator adaptor from allocator. </summary>
template <typename T>
class StlAllocator {
StlAllocator(Allocator* allocator);
T* allocate(std::size_t n, const void *hint);
void deallocate(T* pointer, std::size_t n);
/// <summary> This is defined in CPP. </summary>
struct AllocatorImpl {
typedef void* (*AllocateFunction)(size_t);
typedef void (*DeallocateFunction)(void*);
typedef void (*DestructorFunction)(void*);
void* allocatorHandle;
AllocateFunction allocate;
DeallocateFunction deallocate;
DestructorFunction destruct;
/// <summary> Allocator factory that loads allocator from Dll. </summary>
class DllAllocatorFactory: public AllocatorFactory {
// ...
DllAllocatorFactory(const char* dllFileName);
Allocator* create(const char* allocatorType);
`Dll exported functions`
/// <summary> Create an allocator instance. </summary>
void* CreateAllocator(const char* allocatorType);
/// <summary> Allocate memory from an allocator. </summary>
void* Allocate(void* allocator, size_t size);
/// <summary> Free memory from an allocator. </summary>
void Deallocate(void* allocator, HANDLE memory);
/// <summary> Release allocator. </summary>
void ReleaseAllocator(void* allocator);
#### Built-in allocators
- StdAllocator
MS internal implementations
- Arena
- ThreadLocalAllocator
#### Stl containers with allocator
namespace nape {
template <typename T>
using Vector = std::vector<T, napa::memory::StlAllocator<T>>;
template <typename Key, typename T, typename Compare = std::less<Key> >
using Map = std::map<Key, T, Compare, napa::memory::StlAllocator<std::pair<const Key, T>>>;
template <typename Key, typename T, typename Compare = std::less<Key> >
using UnorderedMap = std::unordered_map<Key, T, Compare, napa::memory::StlAllocator<std::pair<const Key, T>>>;
/// More STL containers ...
*End of Document*
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