260 строки
9.4 KiB
260 строки
9.4 KiB
. (Get-Item "C:\src\github\Microsoft\navcontainerhelper\*ContainerHelper.ps1").FullName -exportTelemetryFunctions
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
$ConfirmPreference = "none"
if (!($licenseFileSecret)) {
Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "BuildVariables" | % {
Write-Host $_.Name
Set-Variable -Name "$($_.Name)Secret" -Value (Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "BuildVariables" -Name $_.Name)
# My subscriptions
$FreddysSubscription = "97d6b765-89fc-40e9-b253-baee2b19d6db"
$subscriptionId = $FreddysSubscription
try {
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscriptionId
} catch {
Connect-AzAccount -Environment AzureCloud -TenantId 'd5c7cb1f-b4df-4224-b710-522adc1f049c'
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscriptionId
$remotedesktopaccess = "-"
$getnavProperties = @{
"artifactUrl" = "bcartifacts/onprem/14/w1/latest"
"autoShutdown" = "Enabled"
"includeCSIDE" = "No"
"enableSymbolLoading" = "No"
$getnavextProperties = @{
"artifactUrl" = "bcartifacts/onprem/14.0.29537.31096/nl/closest"
"winRmAccess" = "$remotedesktopaccess"
"StorageAccountType" = "Premium_LRS"
"includeCSIDE" = "Yes"
"enableSymbolLoading" = "Yes"
"requestToken" = $PasswordSecret.SecretValue | Get-PlainText
$getbcProperties = @{
"artifactUrl" = "bcartifacts/sandbox//dk/latest"
$getbcextProperties = @{
"artifactUrl" = "bcinsider/sandbox//us/latest/$($InsiderSasTokenSecret.SecretValue | Get-PlainText)"
"winRmAccess" = "$remotedesktopaccess"
"StorageAccountType" = "Premium_LRS"
"includeAL" = "Yes"
"SQLServerType" = "SQLDeveloper"
"CreateStorageQueue" = "Yes"
"FinalSetupScriptUrl" = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/nav-arm-templates/dev/additional-install.ps1"
$licensefile = $licenseFileSecret.SecretValue | Get-PlainText
$username = "student"
$vmSize = "Standard_D4s_v3"
$oss = @("Windows Server 2022","Windows Server 2019","Windows Server 2019 with Containers")
$vmPrefix = "fk"
$jsons = @('getbc','getbcext','getnav','getnavext')
$traefiks = @('Yes','No')
$branch = "dev"
$password = $PasswordSecret.SecretValue | Get-PlainText
$resLocation = "West Europe"
$credential = New-Object pscredential $username, $PasswordSecret.SecretValue
$pair ="$($UserName):$($Password)"
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair)
$base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
$basicAuthValue = "Basic $base64"
$headers = @{ Authorization = $basicAuthValue }
$authParam = @{ "headers" = $headers }
#throw "init done"
$oss | ForEach-Object {
$operatingSystem = $_
$osp = $operatingSystem[$operatingSystem.Length-1]
$traefiks | ForEach-Object {
$AddTraefik = $_
$jsons | % {
$tp = "bc"
if ("$_".StartsWith('getnav')) {
$tp = "nav"
$ext = ("$_".EndsWith('ext'))
$traefik = "n"
if ($AddTraefik -eq "Yes") {
$traefik = "t"
$vmname = "$vmPrefix$traefik$osp$_"
$resgroup = "$vmName"
# ARM template
$templateUri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/nav-arm-templates/$branch/$($_).json"
# Setup parameter array for ARM template
$Parameters = New-Object -TypeName Hashtable
$Parameters.Add("vmName", $vmName)
$Parameters.Add("vmSize", $vmSize)
$Parameters.Add("OperatingSystem", $operatingSystem)
$Parameters.Add("accepteula", "Yes")
$Parameters.Add("remotedesktopaccess", $remotedesktopaccess)
$Parameters.Add("vmAdminUsername", $username)
$Parameters.Add("$($tp)AdminUsername", $username)
$Parameters.Add("licensefileuri", $licensefile)
$Parameters.Add("adminPassword", (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force))
$properties = Get-Variable "$($_)Properties"
$properties.Value.GetEnumerator() | % {
$Parameters.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)
$Parameters.Add("contactemailforletsencrypt", "fk@freddy.dk")
$Parameters.Add("RunWindowsUpdate", "No")
$Parameters.Add("AddTraefik", $AddTraefik)
# GO!
$resourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -name $resGroup -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($resourceGroup) {
Write-Host "Removing Resource Group $resGroup"
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $resGroup -Force
$resourceGroup = New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resGroup -Location $resLocation -Force
$err = $resourceGroup | Test-AzResourceGroupDeployment -TemplateUri $templateUri -TemplateParameterObject $Parameters
if ($err) {
throw "stop"
$resourceGroup | New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -TemplateUri $templateUri -TemplateParameterObject $Parameters -Name $vmName -ErrorAction Ignore
throw "Run the following in 1 hour"
$oss | ForEach-Object {
$operatingSystem = $_
$osp = $operatingSystem[$operatingSystem.Length-1]
$traefiks | ForEach-Object {
$AddTraefik = $_
$traefik = "n"
if ($AddTraefik -eq "Yes") {
$traefik = "t"
$jsons | ForEach-Object {
$vmname = "$vmPrefix$traefik$osp$_"
$url = "$($vmName).westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com"
if ($AddTraefik -eq "Yes") {
$landingPageUrl = "http://$($url):8180"
else {
$landingPageUrl = "http://$url"
$landingPage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $landingPageUrl
$landingPage.Links | Where-Object {$_.href -like “http*”} | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.innerText -eq "Web Client") {
$LoginPage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.href -UseBasicParsing
$userNameField = $LoginPage.InputFields | Where-Object { $_.name -eq "Username" }
$PasswordField = $LoginPage.InputFields | Where-Object { $_.name -eq "Password" }
if ((-not $userNameField) -or (-not $passwordField)) {
throw "Web Client login page not found"
elseif ($_.innerText -eq "View SOAP Web Services") {
$SoapResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $_.href.Replace('s//s','s/s') @AuthParam
[xml]$xml = $SoapResult.Content
$systemService = $xml.discovery.contractRef | Where-Object { $_.ref -like "*systemservice*" }
if (-not $systemService) {
throw "Soap not exposed correctly"
elseif ($_.innerText -eq "View OData Web Services") {
$ODataResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $_.href @AuthParam
if (-not $ODataResult.service.workspace.collection.href -contains "Company") {
throw "OData not exposed correctly"
elseif ($_.innerText.EndsWith("api/v1.0/companies")) {
$ApiResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $_.href @AuthParam
if (-not $ApiResult.value.name -like "CRONUS*") {
throw "API doesn't include CRONUS company"
elseif ($_.innerText.EndsWith(".vsix")) {
Download-File -sourceUrl $_.href -destinationFile "c:\temp\$($_.innerText).vsix"
#'ngetbcext','tgetbcext','ngetnavext','tgetnavext' | % {
# $publicDnsName = "$VmPrefix$_.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com"
# $selfSigned = "$_".startswith("t")
# if ($selfSigned) {
# $sessionOption = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck
# }
# else {
# $sessionOption = New-PSSessionOption
# }
# Invoke-Command -ComputerName $publicDnsName -Credential $credential -UseSSL -SessionOption $sessionOption -ScriptBlock {
# $hostname = hostname
# Write-Output "Hostname : $hostname"
# }
throw "Next lines removes the VMs"
$oss | ForEach-Object {
$operatingSystem = $_
$osp = $operatingSystem[$operatingSystem.Length-1]
$traefiks | ForEach-Object {
$AddTraefik = $_
$jsons | % {
$tp = "bc"
if ("$_".StartsWith('getnav')) {
$tp = "nav"
$ext = ("$_".EndsWith('ext'))
$traefik = "n"
if ($AddTraefik -eq "Yes") {
$traefik = "t"
$vmname = "$vmPrefix$traefik$osp$_"
$resgroup = "$vmName"
$resourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -name $resGroup -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($resourceGroup) {
Write-Host "Removing Resource Group $resGroup"
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $resGroup -Force -AsJob