if (!(Test-Path function:AddToStatus)) { function AddToStatus([string]$line, [string]$color = "Gray") { ("" + [DateTime]::Now.ToString([System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::CurrentInfo.ShortTimePattern.replace(":mm",":mm:ss")) + " $line") | Add-Content -Path "c:\demo\status.txt" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host -ForegroundColor $color $line } } if (Test-Path -Path "C:\demo\*\BcContainerHelper.psm1") { $module = Get-Item -Path "C:\demo\*\BcContainerHelper.psm1" Import-module $module.FullName -DisableNameChecking } else { Import-Module -name bccontainerhelper -DisableNameChecking } $settingsScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "settings.ps1" . "$settingsScript" if ($artifactUrl) { if ($artifactUrl -notlike "https://*") { $segments = "$artifactUrl/////".Split('/') $params = @{ "storageAccount" = $segments[0] "type" = $segments[1] "version" = $segments[2] "country" = $segments[3] "select" = $segments[4] "sasToken" = $segments[5] } if ($AcceptInsiderEula -eq "Yes") { $params += @{ "accept_insiderEula" = $true } } $artifactUrl = Get-BCArtifactUrl @Params | Select-Object -First 1 } $artifactPaths = Download-Artifacts -artifactUrl $artifactUrl -includePlatform $appArtifactPath = $artifactPaths[0] $platformArtifactPath = $artifactPaths[1] $appManifestPath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath "manifest.json" $appManifest = Get-Content $appManifestPath | ConvertFrom-Json $nav = "" if ($appManifest.PSObject.Properties.name -eq "Nav") { $nav = $appManifest.Nav } $cu = "" if ($appManifest.PSObject.Properties.name -eq "Cu") { $cu =$appManifest.Cu } $navVersion = $appmanifest.Version $country = $appManifest.Country.ToLowerInvariant() $locale = Get-LocaleFromCountry $country $Params = @{ "artifactUrl" = $artifactUrl } } elseif ($navDockerImage) { $imageName = Get-BestNavContainerImageName -imageName ($navDockerImage.Split(',')[0]) docker ps --filter name=$containerName -a -q | % { AddToStatus "Removing container $containerName" docker rm $_ -f | Out-Null } $exist = $false docker images -q --no-trunc | ForEach-Object { $inspect = docker inspect $_ | ConvertFrom-Json if ($inspect | % { $_.RepoTags | Where-Object { "$_" -eq "$imageName" -or "$_" -eq "${imageName}:latest"} } ) { $exist = $true } } if (!$exist) { AddToStatus "Pulling $imageName (this might take ~30 minutes)" docker pull $imageName } $inspect = docker inspect $imageName | ConvertFrom-Json $country = $inspect.Config.Labels.country $navVersion = $inspect.Config.Labels.version $nav = $inspect.Config.Labels.nav $cu = $inspect.Config.Labels.cu $locale = Get-LocaleFromCountry $country $Params = @{ "imageName" = $imageName } } else { # no artifact, no container - exit exit } if ($AcceptInsiderEula -eq "Yes") { $params += @{ "accept_insiderEula" = $true } } if ($Office365Password -eq "" -or (!$Office365UserName.contains('@'))) { $auth = "NavUserPassword" if (Test-Path "c:\myfolder\SetupConfiguration.ps1") { Remove-Item -Path "c:\myfolder\SetupConfiguration.ps1" -Force } } else { $auth = "AAD" $secureOffice365Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Office365Password -Key $passwordKey $Office365Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Office365UserName, $secureOffice365Password) $aadDomain = $Office365UserName.split('@')[1] $appIdUri = "https://$($publicDnsName.Split('.')[0]).$($publicDnsName.Split('.')[1]).$aadDomain/BC" if (Test-Path "c:\myfolder\SetupConfiguration.ps1") { AddToStatus "Reusing existing Aad Apps for Office 365 integration" $params += @{ "AadTenant" = $aadTenantId "AadAppId" = $SsoAdAppId "AadAppIdUri" = $appIdUri } } else { AddToStatus "Creating Aad Apps for Office 365 integration" if (([System.Version]$navVersion).Major -ge 15) { if ($AddTraefik -eq "Yes") { $publicWebBaseUrl = "https://$publicDnsName/$("$containerName".ToUpperInvariant())/" } else { $publicWebBaseUrl = "https://$publicDnsName/BC/" } } else { $publicWebBaseUrl = "https://$publicDnsName/NAV/" } @" `$appIdUri = '$appIdUri' . 'c:\run\SetupConfiguration.ps1' "@ | Set-Content "c:\myfolder\SetupConfiguration.ps1" try { $authContext = New-BcAuthContext -tenantID $aadDomain -credential $Office365Credential -scopes "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" if (-not $authContext) { $authContext = New-BcAuthContext -includeDeviceLogin -scopes "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" -deviceLoginTimeout ([TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(0)) AddToStatus $authContext.message $authContext = New-BcAuthContext -deviceCode $authContext.deviceCode -deviceLoginTimeout ([TimeSpan]::FromMinutes(30)) if (-not $authContext) { throw "Failed to authenticate with Office 365" } } $AdProperties = New-AadAppsForBC ` -bcAuthContext $authContext ` -appIdUri $appIdUri ` -publicWebBaseUrl $publicWebBaseUrl ` -IncludeExcelAadApp ` -IncludeApiAccess ` -IncludeOtherServicesAadApp ` -preAuthorizePowerShell $aadTenantId = $authContext.tenantID $SsoAdAppId = $AdProperties.SsoAdAppId $SsoAdAppKeyValue = $AdProperties.SsoAdAppKeyValue $ExcelAdAppId = $AdProperties.ExcelAdAppId $ExcelAdAppKeyValue = $AdProperties.ExcelAdAppKeyValue $OtherServicesAdAppId = $AdProperties.OtherServicesAdAppId $OtherServicesAdAppKeyValue = $AdProperties.OtherServicesAdAppKeyValue $ApiAdAppId = $AdProperties.ApiAdAppId $ApiAdAppKeyValue = $AdProperties.ApiAdAppKeyValue @" Set-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance `$serverInstance -KeyName 'ExcelAddInAzureActiveDirectoryClientId' -KeyValue '$ExcelAdAppId' -WarningAction Ignore "@ | Add-Content "c:\myfolder\SetupConfiguration.ps1" $settings = Get-Content -path $settingsScript | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '$SsoAdAppId = *' -and $_ -notlike '$SsoAdAppKeyValue = *' -and $_ -notlike '$ExcelAdAppId = *' -and $_ -notlike '$ExcelAdAppKeyValue = *' -and $_ -notlike '$ApiAdAppId = *' -and $_ -notlike '$ApiAdAppKeyValue = *' -and $_ -notlike '$OtherServicesAdAppId = *' -and $_ -notlike '$OtherServicesAdAppKeyValue = *' -and $_ -notlike '$aadTenantId = *' } $settings += "`$aadTenantId = '$aadTenantId'" $settings += "`$SsoAdAppId = '$SsoAdAppId'" $settings += "`$SsoAdAppKeyValue = '$SsoAdAppKeyValue'" $settings += "`$ExcelAdAppId = '$ExcelAdAppId'" $settings += "`$ExcelAdAppKeyValue = '$ExcelAdAppKeyValue'" $settings += "`$OtherServicesAdAppId = '$OtherServicesAdAppId'" $settings += "`$OtherServicesAdAppKeyValue = '$OtherServicesAdAppKeyValue'" $settings += "`$ApiAdAppId = '$ApiAdAppId'" $settings += "`$ApiAdAppKeyValue = '$ApiAdAppKeyValue'" Set-Content -Path $settingsScript -Value $settings $params += @{ "AadTenant" = $aadTenantId "AadAppId" = $SsoAdAppId "AadAppIdUri" = $appIdUri } } catch { AddToStatus -color Red $_.Exception.Message AddToStatus -color Red "Reverting to NavUserPassword authentication" $auth = "NavUserPassword" } } } if ($nav -eq "2016" -or $nav -eq "2017" -or $nav -eq "2018") { $title = "Dynamics NAV $nav Demonstration Environment" } elseif ($nav -eq "main") { $title = "Dynamics 365 Business Central Preview Environment" } else { $title = "Dynamics 365 Business Central Sandbox Environment" } if ($artifactUrl) { AddToStatus "Using artifactUrl $($artifactUrl.Split('?')[0])" } else { AddToStatus "Using image $imageName" } AddToStatus "Country $country" AddToStatus "Version $navVersion" AddToStatus "Locale $locale" $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $adminPassword -Key $passwordKey $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($navAdminUsername, $securePassword) $azureSqlCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($azureSqlAdminUsername, $securePassword) $params += @{ "licensefile" = "$licensefileuri" "publicDnsName" = $publicDnsName "imageName" = "mybc:$navVersion-$country".ToLowerInvariant() } if ($AddTraefik -eq "Yes") { $params += @{ "useTraefik" = $true } } else { $params.Add("publishPorts", @(8080,443,7046,7047,7048,7049)) } $additionalParameters = @("--env RemovePasswordKeyFile=N", "--storage-opt size=100GB") if ("$appBacpacUri" -ne "") { if ("$sqlServerType" -eq "SQLExpress") { $additionalParameters += @("--env appbacpac=$appBacpacUri", "--env tenantbacpac=$tenantBacpacUri") $params += @{ "timeout" = 7200 } } elseif ("$sqlServerType" -eq "SQLDeveloper") { throw "bacpacs not yet supported with SQLDeveloper" } else { AddToStatus "using $azureSqlServer as database server" $params += @{ "databaseServer" = "$azureSqlServer" "databaseInstance" = "" "databaseName" = "App" "databaseCredential" = $azureSqlCredential } if ($tenantBacpacUri -ne "") { $multitenant = "Yes" } } } elseif ("$sqlServerType" -eq "SQLDeveloper") { $DatabaseFolder = "c:\databases" $DatabaseName = $containerName $dbcredentials = New-Object PSCredential -ArgumentList 'sa', $securePassword if (!(Test-Path $DatabaseFolder)) { New-Item $DatabaseFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } if (Test-Path (Join-Path $DatabaseFolder "$($DatabaseName).*")) { Remove-BCContainer $containerName AddToStatus "Dropping database $DatabaseName from host SQL Server" Invoke-SqlCmd -Query "ALTER DATABASE [$DatabaseName] SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE" Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "DROP DATABASE [$DatabaseName]" AddToStatus "Removing Database files $($databaseFolder)\$($DatabaseName).*" Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path $DatabaseFolder "$($DatabaseName).*") -Force } if ($databaseBakUri) { $dbPath = Join-Path "C:\DEMO" "$([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()).bak" Download-File -sourceUrl $databaseBakUri -destinationFile $dbpath Restore-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance "localhost" -Database $DatabaseName -BackupFile $dbpath -SqlCredential $dbcredentials -AutoRelocateFile Remove-Item $dbPath } else { if ($artifactUrl) { if (($appManifest.PSObject.Properties.name -eq 'database') -and ($appManifest.database -ne "")) { $dbPath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $appManifest.database Restore-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance "localhost" -Database $DatabaseName -BackupFile $dbpath -SqlCredential $dbcredentials -AutoRelocateFile } else { AddToStatus "WARNING: Application Artifact doesn't contain a database. You need to make sure that the database is restored." } } else { $imageName = Get-BestBCContainerImageName -imageName $imageName docker pull $imageName $dbPath = Join-Path $env:TEMP ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()) Extract-FilesFromBCContainerImage -imageName $imageName -extract database -path $dbPath -force $files = @() Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $dbPath "databases") | % { $DestinationFile = "{0}\{1}{2}" -f $databaseFolder, $DatabaseName, $_.Extension Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $DestinationFile -Force $files += @("(FILENAME = N'$DestinationFile')") } Remove-Item -Path $dbpath -Recurse -Force AddToStatus "Attaching files as new Database $DatabaseName on host SQL Server" AddToStatus "CREATE DATABASE [$DatabaseName] ON $([string]::Join(", ",$Files)) FOR ATTACH" Invoke-SqlCmd -Query "CREATE DATABASE [$DatabaseName] ON $([string]::Join(", ",$Files)) FOR ATTACH" } } AddToStatus "using host as database server" $params += @{ "databaseServer" = "host.containerhelper.internal" "databaseInstance" = "" "databaseName" = $databaseName "databaseCredential" = $dbcredentials } } elseif ($databaseBakUri) { $params += @{ "bakFile" = $databaseBakUri } } if ("$clickonce" -eq "Yes") { $params += @{"clickonce" = $true} } if ("$enableTaskScheduler" -eq "Yes") { $additionalParameters += @("--env CustomNavSettings=EnableTaskScheduler=true") } elseif ("$enableTaskScheduler" -eq "No") { $additionalParameters += @("--env CustomNavSettings=EnableTaskScheduler=false") } if ($enableSymbolLoading -eq "Yes") { $params += @{ "enableSymbolLoading" = $true } } if ($includeCSIDE -eq "Yes") { $params += @{ "includeCSIDE" = $true } } if ($includeAL -eq "Yes") { $params += @{ "includeAL" = $true } } if ($isolation -eq "Process" -or $isolation -eq "Hyperv") { $params += @{ "isolation" = $isolation } } else { $params += @{ "useBestContainerOS" = $true } } if ($includeCSIDE -eq "Yes" -or $includeAL -eq "Yes") { $params += @{ "doNotExportObjectsToText" = $true } } if ($multitenant -eq "Yes") { $params += @{ "multitenant" = $true } } if ($testToolkit -ne "No") { $params += @{ "includeTestToolkit" = $true } if ($testToolkit -eq "Framework") { $params += @{ "includeTestFrameworkOnly" = $true } } elseif ($testToolkit -eq "Libraries") { $params += @{ "includeTestLibrariesOnly" = $true } } } if ($assignPremiumPlan -eq "Yes") { $params += @{ "assignPremiumPlan" = $true } } $myScripts = @() Get-ChildItem -Path "c:\myfolder" | % { $myscripts += $_.FullName } try { AddToStatus "Running container (this might take some time)" New-NavContainer -accept_eula -accept_outdated @Params ` -containerName $containerName ` -useSSL ` -updateHosts ` -auth $Auth ` -authenticationEMail $Office365UserName ` -credential $credential ` -additionalParameters $additionalParameters ` -myScripts $myscripts } catch { AddToStatus -color Red "Container output" docker logs $containerName | % { AddToStatus $_ } throw } if ("$sqlServerType" -eq "SQLDeveloper") { if ($artifactUrl) { if ($licenseFileUri) { $licenseFilePath = "c:\demo\license.flf" Download-File -sourceUrl $licensefileuri -destinationFile $licenseFilePath Import-NavContainerLicense -containerName $containerName -licenseFile $licenseFilePath } elseif (($appManifest.PSObject.Properties.name -eq 'licenseFile') -and ($appManifest.licenseFile -ne "")) { $licenseFilePath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $appManifest.licenseFile Import-NavContainerLicense -containerName $containerName -licenseFile $licenseFilePath } } New-NavContainerNavUser -containerName $containerName -Credential $credential -ChangePasswordAtNextLogOn:$false -PermissionSetId SUPER } if ($auth -eq "AAD") { if (([System.Version]$navVersion).Major -lt 15) { throw "AAD authentication no longer supported for this version" } else { if (([System.Version]$navVersion) -ge ([System.Version]"")) { $sourceUrl = "https://github.com/BusinessCentralApps/AzureAdAppSetup/releases/download/25.0.0/AzureAdAppSetup-main-Apps-" } elseif (([System.Version]$navVersion) -ge ([System.Version]"")) { $sourceUrl = "https://github.com/BusinessCentralApps/AzureAdAppSetup/releases/download/18.0.12/AzureAdAppSetup-Apps-" } elseif (([System.Version]$navVersion) -ge ([System.Version]"")) { $sourceUrl = "https://github.com/BusinessCentralApps/AzureAdAppSetup/releases/download/17.1.11/AzureAdAppSetup-Apps-" } elseif (([System.Version]$navVersion) -ge ([System.Version]"")) { $sourceUrl = "https://github.com/BusinessCentralApps/AzureAdAppSetup/releases/download/15.9.10/AzureAdAppSetup-Apps-" } else { $sourceUrl = "https://github.com/BusinessCentralApps/AzureAdAppSetup/releases/download/15.0.7/AzureAdAppSetup-Apps-" } $appfile = Join-Path $env:TEMP ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($sourceUrl)) Download-File -sourceUrl $sourceUrl -destinationFile $appfile Publish-NavContainerApp -containerName $containerName -appFile $appFile -skipVerification -install -sync $companyId = Get-NavContainerApiCompanyId -containerName $containerName -tenant "default" -credential $credential $parameters = @{ "name" = "SetupAzureAdApp" "value" = "$OtherServicesAdAppId,$OtherServicesAdAppKeyValue" } Invoke-NavContainerApi -containerName $containerName -tenant "default" -credential $credential -APIPublisher "Microsoft" -APIGroup "Setup" -APIVersion "beta" -CompanyId $companyId -Method "POST" -Query "aadApps" -body $parameters | Out-Null if (([System.Version]$navVersion) -ge ([System.Version]"")) { $parameters = @{ "name" = "SetupAadApplication" "value" = "$ApiAdAppId,API,D365 ADMINISTRATOR:D365 FULL ACCESS" } Invoke-NavContainerApi -containerName $containerName -tenant "default" -credential $credential -APIPublisher "Microsoft" -APIGroup "Setup" -APIVersion "beta" -CompanyId $companyId -Method "POST" -Query "aadApps" -body $parameters | Out-Null } if (([System.Version]$navVersion) -ge ([System.Version]"")) { $parameters = @{ "name" = "SetupEMailAdApp" "value" = "$OtherServicesAdAppId,$OtherServicesAdAppKeyValue,$Office365UserName" } Invoke-NavContainerApi -containerName $containerName -tenant "default" -credential $credential -APIPublisher "Microsoft" -APIGroup "Setup" -APIVersion "beta" -CompanyId $companyId -Method "POST" -Query "aadApps" -body $parameters | Out-Null if ($sqlServerType -eq "SQLExpress") { Invoke-ScriptInBCContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptblock { $config = Get-NAVServerConfiguration -serverinstance $serverinstance -asxml if ($config.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='Multitenant']").Value -eq 'True') { $databaseName = "default" } else { $databaseName = $config.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='DatabaseName']").Value } Invoke-Sqlcmd -Database $databaseName -Query "INSERT INTO [dbo].[NAV App Setting] ([App ID],[Allow HttpClient Requests]) VALUES ('e6328152-bb29-4664-9dae-3bc7eaae1fd8', 1)" Invoke-Sqlcmd -Database $databaseName -Query "UPDATE [dbo].[Isolated Storage] SET [App Id] = 'e6328152-bb29-4664-9dae-3bc7eaae1fd8' WHERE [App Id] = '4C06EAFF-C198-4764-94A4-B695861CE379'" } } else { if ($sqlserverType -eq "SQLDeveloper") { $databaseServerInstance = "localhost" } else { $databaseServerInstance = $params.databaseServer } if ($params.databaseInstance) { $databaseServerInstance += "\$($params.databaseInstance)" } Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $databaseServerInstance -Database $params.databaseName -Credential $params.databaseCredential -Query "INSERT INTO [dbo].[NAV App Setting] ([App ID],[Allow HttpClient Requests]) VALUES ('e6328152-bb29-4664-9dae-3bc7eaae1fd8', 1)" Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $databaseServerInstance -Database $params.databaseName -Credential $params.databaseCredential -Query "UPDATE [dbo].[Isolated Storage] SET [App Id] = 'e6328152-bb29-4664-9dae-3bc7eaae1fd8' WHERE [App Id] = '4C06EAFF-C198-4764-94A4-B695861CE379'" } } UnPublish-NavContainerApp -containerName $containerName -appName AzureAdAppSetup -unInstall -doNotSaveData } } if ($CreateTestUsers -eq "Yes") { if ($licenseFileUri -eq "") { AddToStatus "Skipping creation of Test Users, as no licensefile has been specified" } else { Setup-NavContainerTestUsers -containerName $containerName -tenant "default" -password $credential.Password -credential $credential } } if ($CreateAadUsers -eq "Yes" -and $Office365UserName -ne "" -and $Office365Password -ne "") { AddToStatus "Creating Aad Users" $secureOffice365Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Office365Password -Key $passwordKey $Office365Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Office365UserName, $secureOffice365Password) Create-AadUsersInNavContainer -containerName $containerName -tenant "default" -AadAdminCredential $Office365Credential -permissionSetId SUPER -securePassword $securePassword } if ($sqlServerType -eq "AzureSQL") { if (Test-Path "c:\demo\objects.fob" -PathType Leaf) { AddToStatus "Importing c:\demo\objects.fob to container" Import-ObjectsToNavContainer -containerName $containerName -objectsFile "c:\demo\objects.fob" -sqlCredential $azureSqlCredential } # Check for Multitenant & Included "-ErrorAction Continue" to prevent an exit if ($multitenant -eq "Yes") { New-NavContainerTenant -containerName $containerName -tenantId "default" -sqlCredential $azureSqlCredential -ErrorAction Continue } # Included "-ErrorAction Continue" to prevent an exit New-NavContainerNavUser -containerName $containerName -tenant "default" -Credential $credential -AuthenticationEmail $Office365UserName -ChangePasswordAtNextLogOn:$false -PermissionSetId "SUPER" -ErrorAction Continue } else { if (Test-Path "c:\demo\objects.fob" -PathType Leaf) { AddToStatus "Importing c:\demo\objects.fob to container" $sqlCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ( "sa", $credential.Password ) Import-ObjectsToNavContainer -containerName $containerName -objectsFile "c:\demo\objects.fob" -sqlCredential $sqlCredential } } if ("$includeappUris".Trim() -ne "") { foreach($includeApp in "$includeAppUris".Split(',;')) { Publish-NavContainerApp -containerName $containerName -appFile $includeApp -sync -install -skipVerification } } if ("$bingmapskey" -ne "") { $codeunitId = 0 $apiMethod = "" switch (([System.Version]$navVersion).Major) { 9 { $appFile = "" } 10 { $appFile = "" } 11 { $appFile = "https://github.com/microsoft/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte/releases/download/11.0.0/freddyk_BingMaps_11.0.0.0.zip"; $codeunitId = 50103 } 12 { $appFile = "https://github.com/microsoft/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte/releases/download/12.0.0/freddyk_BingMaps_12.0.0.0.zip"; $codeunitId = 50103 } 13 { $appFile = "https://github.com/microsoft/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte/releases/download/12.0.0/freddyk_BingMaps_12.0.0.0.zip"; $codeunitId = 50103 } 14 { $appFile = "https://github.com/microsoft/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte/releases/download/12.0.0/freddyk_BingMaps_12.0.0.0.zip"; $codeunitId = 50103 } 15 { $appFile = "https://github.com/microsoft/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte/releases/download/15.0.0/Freddy.Kristiansen_BingMaps_15.0.zip"; $codeunitId = 70103 } 16 { $appFile = "https://github.com/microsoft/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte/releases/download/16.0.0/Freddy.Kristiansen_BingMaps_16.0.zip"; $apiMethod = "Settings" } 17 { $appFile = "https://github.com/microsoft/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte/releases/download/16.0.0/Freddy.Kristiansen_BingMaps_16.0.zip"; $apiMethod = "Settings" } 18 { $appFile = "https://github.com/microsoft/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte/releases/download/16.0.0/Freddy.Kristiansen_BingMaps_16.0.zip"; $apiMethod = "Settings" } default { $appFile = "https://github.com/microsoft/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte/releases/download/19.0.0/bcsamples-bingmaps.pte-main-Apps-"; $apiMethod = "Settings" } } if ($appFile -eq "") { AddToStatus "BingMaps app is not supported for this version of NAV" } else { AddToStatus "Create Web Services Key for admin user" $webServicesKey = (Get-NavContainerNavUser -containerName $containerName -tenant "default" | Where-Object { $_.Username -eq $navAdminUsername }).WebServicesKey if ("$webServicesKey" -eq "") { $session = Get-NavContainerSession -containerName $containerName Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Param($navAdminUsername) Set-NAVServerUser -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Tenant "default" -UserName $navAdminUsername -CreateWebServicesKey } -ArgumentList $navAdminUsername $webServicesKey = (Get-NavContainerNavUser -containerName $containerName -tenant "default" | Where-Object { $_.Username -eq $navAdminUsername }).WebServicesKey } AddToStatus "Installing BingMaps app from $appFile" Publish-NavContainerApp -containerName $containerName ` -tenant "default" ` -packageType Extension ` -appFile $appFile ` -skipVerification ` -sync ` -install if ($codeunitId) { AddToStatus "Geocode customers, by invoking codeunit $codeunitId" Get-CompanyInNavContainer -containerName $containerName | % { Invoke-NavContainerCodeunit -containerName $containerName ` -tenant "default" ` -CompanyName $_.CompanyName ` -Codeunitid $codeunitId ` -MethodName "SetBingMapsSettings" ` -Argument ('{ "BingMapsKey":"' + $bingMapsKey + '","WebServicesUsername": "' + $navAdminUsername + '","WebServicesKey": "' + $webServicesKey + '"}') } } elseif ($apiMethod) { AddToStatus "Geocode customers, by invoking api method $apiMethod" if ($sqlServerType -eq "SQLExpress") { Invoke-ScriptInBCContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptblock { $config = Get-NAVServerConfiguration -serverinstance $serverinstance -asxml if ($config.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='Multitenant']").Value -eq 'True') { $databaseName = "default" } else { $databaseName = $config.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='DatabaseName']").Value } Invoke-Sqlcmd -Database $databaseName -Query "INSERT INTO [dbo].[NAV App Setting] ([App ID],[Allow HttpClient Requests]) VALUES ('a949d4bf-5f3c-49d8-b4be-5359d609683b', 1)" } } else { if ($sqlserverType -eq "SQLDeveloper") { $databaseServerInstance = "localhost" } else { $databaseServerInstance = $params.databaseServer } if ($params.databaseInstance) { $databaseServerInstance += "\$($params.databaseInstance)" } Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $databaseServerInstance -Database $params.databaseName -Credential $params.databaseCredential -Query "INSERT INTO [dbo].[NAV App Setting] ([App ID],[Allow HttpClient Requests]) VALUES ('a949d4bf-5f3c-49d8-b4be-5359d609683b', 1)" } $tenant = "default" $companyId = Get-NavContainerApiCompanyId -containerName $containerName -tenant $tenant -credential $credential $parameters = @{ "name" = "BingMapsKey" "value" = $bingMapsKey } Invoke-NavContainerApi ` -containerName $containerName ` -tenant $tenant ` -credential $credential ` -APIPublisher "Microsoft" ` -APIGroup "BingMaps" ` -APIVersion "v1.0" ` -CompanyId $companyId ` -Method "POST" ` -Query $apiMethod ` -body $parameters | Out-Null } } } # Copy .vsix and Certificate to container folder $containerFolder = "C:\ProgramData\bccontainerhelper\Extensions\$containerName" AddToStatus "Copying .vsix and Certificate to $containerFolder" docker exec $containerName powershell "copy-item -Path 'C:\Run\*.vsix' -Destination '$containerFolder' -force copy-item -Path 'C:\Run\*.cer' -Destination '$containerFolder' -force copy-item -Path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Service\CustomSettings.config' -Destination '$containerFolder' -force if (Test-Path 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\http\NAV' -PathType Container) { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText('$containerFolder\clickonce.txt','http://${publicDnsName}:8080/NAV') }" [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$containerFolder\Version.txt",$navVersion) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$containerFolder\Cu.txt",$cu) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$containerFolder\Country.txt", $country) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$containerFolder\Title.txt",$title) # Install Certificate on host $certFile = Get-Item "$containerFolder\*.cer" if ($certFile) { $certFileName = $certFile.FullName AddToStatus "Importing $certFileName to trusted root" $pfx = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $pfx.import($certFileName) $store = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName]::Root,"localmachine") $store.open("MaxAllowed") $store.add($pfx) $store.close() } AddToStatus -color Green "Container output" docker logs $containerName | % { AddToStatus $_ } AddToStatus -color Green "Container setup complete!"