%@ Import Namespace="System" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Reflection" %> <%@ Page Language="c#" debug="true" %>
<%=getAzureSQL() %> |
Download Self Signed Certificate | |||||||||||||
The <%=getProduct() %> is secured with a self-signed certificate. In order to connect to the environment, you must trust this certificate. Select operating system and browser to view the process for downloading and trusting the certificate: | Download Certificate | ||||||||||||
Remote Desktop Access | |||||||||||||
<% if (i == 0) { if (rdps.Length > 1) { %> The <%=getProduct() %> contains multiple servers. You can connect to the individual servers by following these links. <% } else { %> You can connect to the server in the <%=getProduct() %> by following this link. <% } } %> If connections to RDP fails, you might need to add an incoming rule to the networksecurity group allowing port 3389 for IP address <%=GetIPAddress() %>. | <% =System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rdps[i]) %> | ||||||||||||
Installation complete | |||||||||||||
Installation NOT complete | |||||||||||||
You can view the installation status by following this link. | View Installation Status | ||||||||||||
Access the <%=getProduct() %> | |||||||||||||
Choose these links to access the <%=getProduct() %> using the Web Client. | Web Client | ||||||||||||
The <%=getProduct() %> supports running the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client over the internet. Choose this link to install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client using ClickOnce. | Install Windows Client | ||||||||||||
If you have installed the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Universal App on your phone, tablet or desktop computer and want to configure the app to connect to this <%=getProduct() %>, choose this link. | Configure App | ||||||||||||
Access the <%=getProduct() %> using Web Services | |||||||||||||
The <%=getProduct() %> exposes functionality as SOAP web services. Choose this link to view the web services. | View SOAP Web Services | ||||||||||||
The <%=getProduct() %> exposes data as restful OData web services. Choose this link to view the web services | View OData Web Services | ||||||||||||
The <%=getProduct() %> exposes the API endpoint. APIs are exposed using <API Base Url>/<Publisher>/<Group>/<Version>/<Entity>. Choose this link to get the base URL for the APIs. | View API base URL | ||||||||||||
Example: <% =getApisSampleUrl() %> | |||||||||||||
Access the <%=getProduct() %> using Visual Studio Code | |||||||||||||
Download the AL Language Customization for Visual Studio Code (.vsix) | <% =System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vsix[0]) %> | ||||||||||||
launch.json settings: | |||||||||||||
"server": "https://<%=getHostname() %>", "serverInstance": "<%=getServerInstance() %>", "tenant": "<%=getTenant() %>", "authentication": "UserPassword", <% if (isTraefikUsed()) { %> "port": 443, <% } %> | |||||||||||||
Traefik containers | |||||||||||||
This VM is setup with Traefik and below are the containers setup for access through Traefik. | |||||||||||||
Name | WebClient | Soap | Rest | Developer Endpoint | VSIX |
<%=name %> | <%=webclient %> | <%=soap %> | <%=rest %> | <%=developer %> | <%=vsix %> |