Expose Copy-AppFilesToFolder and Get-AppJsonFromAppFile to public
Make Sort-AppFilesByDependencies use Get-AppJsonFromAppFile instead of a
Fix bug in NormalizeVersionStr
New function Create-SymbolsFileFromAppFile


Co-authored-by: freddydk <freddydk@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
Freddy Kristiansen 2024-01-08 06:43:49 +01:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель 05197a91d0
Коммит 93ef672576
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
12 изменённых файлов: 108 добавлений и 67 удалений

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copy App Files to Folder (supporting urls, .zip files and .app files)
.Parameter appFiles
Can be an array of appfiles, urls or zip files
.Parameter folder
Folder to copy the app files to
Copy-AppFilesToFolder -appFiles @("c:\temp\apps.zip", "c:\temp\app2.app", "https://github.com/org/repo/releases/download/2.0.200/project-branch-Apps-") -folder "c:\temp\appfiles"
function Copy-AppFilesToFolder {
[string] $folder
CopyAppFilesToFolder -appFiles $appFiles -folder $folder
Export-ModuleMember -Function Copy-AppFilesToFolder

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Create a Symbols only .app file from an .app file
.Parameter AppFile
Path of the application file which should be converted to symbols
.Parameter symbolsFile
Path of the symbols file which should be created
Create-SymbolsFileFromAppFile -appFile c:\temp\baseapp.app -symbolsFile c:\temp\baseapp.symbols.app
function Create-SymbolsFileFromAppFile {
[string] $appFile,
[string] $symbolsFile
RunAlTool -arguments @('CreateSymbolPackage', """$appFile""", """$symbolsFile""")
Export-ModuleMember -Function Create-SymbolsFileFromAppFile

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Extract the app.json file from an app (also from runtime packages)
.Parameter AppFile
Path of the application file from which to extract the app.json
Get-AppJsonFromAppFile -appFile c:\temp\baseapp.app
function Get-AppJsonFromAppFile {
[string] $appFile
$appJson = RunAlTool -arguments @('GetPackageManifest', """$appFile""")
if (!($appJson.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq "description")) { Add-Member -InputObject $appJson -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "description" -Value "" }
if (!($appJson.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq "dependencies")) { Add-Member -InputObject $appJson -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependencies" -Value @() }
return $appJson
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-AppJsonFromAppFile

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@ -25,64 +25,40 @@ function Sort-AppFilesByDependencies {
[switch] $excludeRuntimePackages
$telemetryScope = InitTelemetryScope -name $MyInvocation.InvocationName -parameterValues $PSBoundParameters -includeParameters @()
try {
if (!$appFiles) {
return @()
$sharedFolder = ""
if ($containerName) {
$sharedFolder = Join-Path $bcContainerHelperConfig.hostHelperFolder "Extensions\$containerName\$([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())"
New-Item $sharedFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$telemetryScope = InitTelemetryScope -name $MyInvocation.InvocationName -parameterValues $PSBoundParameters -includeParameters @()
try {
if (!$appFiles) {
return @()
# Read all app.json objects, populate $apps
$apps = $()
$files = @{}
$appFiles | ForEach-Object {
$appFile = $_
$includeIt = $true
if ($excludeRuntimePackages -or !(Test-BcContainer -containerName $containerName)) {
$tmpFolder = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
try {
Extract-AppFileToFolder -appFilename $appFile -appFolder $tmpFolder -generateAppJson 6> $null
$appJsonFile = Join-Path $tmpFolder "app.json"
$appJson = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($appJsonFile) | ConvertFrom-Json
catch {
if ($_.exception.message -eq "You cannot extract a runtime package") {
if ($excludeRuntimePackages) {
$includeIt = $false
else {
throw "AppFile $appFile is a runtime package. You will have to specify a running container in containerName in order to analyze dependencies between runtime packages"
$tmpFolder = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
try {
Extract-AppFileToFolder -appFilename $appFile -appFolder $tmpFolder -generateAppJson 6> $null
$appJsonFile = Join-Path $tmpFolder "app.json"
$appJson = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($appJsonFile) | ConvertFrom-Json
catch {
if ($_.exception.message -eq "You cannot extract a runtime package") {
if ($excludeRuntimePackages) {
$includeIt = $false
else {
throw "Unable to extract and analyze appFile $appFile"
$appJson = Get-AppJsonFromAppFile -appFile $appFile
finally {
Remove-Item $tmpFolder -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
else {
throw "Unable to extract and analyze appFile $appFile"
else {
$destFile = Join-Path $sharedFolder ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($appFile))
Copy-Item -Path $appFile -Destination $destFile
$appJson = Invoke-ScriptInBcContainer -containerName $containerName -scriptblock { Param($appFile)
Get-NavAppInfo -Path $appFile | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99
} -argumentList (Get-BcContainerPath -containerName $containerName -path $destFile) | ConvertFrom-Json
Remove-Item -Path $destFile
$appJson.Version = "$($appJson.Version.Major).$($appJson.Version.Minor).$($appJson.Version.Build).$($appJson.Version.Revision)"
$appJson | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Id' -NotePropertyValue $appJson.AppId.Value
if ($appJson.Dependencies) {
$appJson.Dependencies | ForEach-Object { if ($_) {
$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Id' -NotePropertyValue $_.AppId
$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Version' -NotePropertyValue "$($_.MinVersion.Major).$($_.MinVersion.Minor).$($_.MinVersion.Build).$($_.MinVersion.Revision)"
} }
finally {
Remove-Item $tmpFolder -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($includeIt) {
$key = "$($appJson.Id):$($appJson.Version)"
@ -191,18 +167,12 @@ try {
} })
catch {
TrackException -telemetryScope $telemetryScope -errorRecord $_
finally {
if ($sharedFolder) {
Remove-Item $sharedFolder -Recurse -Force
TrackTrace -telemetryScope $telemetryScope
catch {
TrackException -telemetryScope $telemetryScope -errorRecord $_
finally {
TrackTrace -telemetryScope $telemetryScope
Export-ModuleMember -Function Sort-AppFilesByDependencies

Просмотреть файл

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ try {
$appVersionNumber = ""
if ($appFile) {
$appJson = GetAppJsonFromAppFile -appFile $appFile
$appJson = Get-AppJsonFromAppFile -appFile $appFile
$appVersionNumber = [System.Version]$appJson.version

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@ -88,9 +88,10 @@ FunctionsToExport = 'Add-FontsToBcContainer', 'Add-GitToAlProjectFolder',
'Create-MyOriginalFolder', 'Download-Artifacts', 'Download-File',
'Enter-BcContainer', 'Export-BcContainerDatabasesAsBacpac',
'Export-ModifiedObjectsAsDeltas', 'Export-NavContainerObjects',
'Extract-AppFileToFolder', 'Extract-FilesFromBcContainerImage',
'Extract-AppFileToFolder', 'Get-AppJsonFromAppFile',
'Copy-AppFilesToFolder', 'Extract-FilesFromBcContainerImage',
'Extract-FilesFromStoppedBcContainer', 'Flush-ContainerHelperCache',
'Generate-SymbolsInNavContainer', 'Create-SymbolsFileFromAppFile',
'Get-AlLanguageExtensionFromArtifacts', 'Get-AlpacaBcContainer',
'Get-AlpacaBcContainerEventLog', 'Get-AppSourceProduct',
'Get-AppSourceSubmission', 'Get-AzureFeedWildcardVersion',

Просмотреть файл

@ -206,6 +206,9 @@ if ($isWindows) {
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AppHandling\Convert-BcAppsToRuntimePackages.ps1")
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AppHandling\Get-NavContainerApp.ps1")
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AppHandling\Extract-AppFileToFolder.ps1")
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AppHandling\Get-AppJsonFromAppFile.ps1")
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AppHandling\Create-SymbolsFileFromAppFile.ps1")
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AppHandling\Copy-AppFilesToFolder.ps1")
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AppHandling\Replace-DependenciesInAppFile.ps1")
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AppHandling\Run-TestsInNavContainer.ps1")
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AppHandling\Run-BCPTTestsInBcContainer.ps1")

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@ -1120,6 +1120,8 @@ function GetAppInfo {
if ($isLinux) {
$alcPath = Join-Path $binPath 'linux'
$alToolExe = Join-Path $alcPath 'altool'
Write-Host "Setting execute permissions on altool"
& /usr/bin/env sudo pwsh -command "& chmod +x $alToolExe"
else {
$alcPath = Join-Path $binPath 'win32'
@ -1326,25 +1328,26 @@ function DownloadLatestAlLanguageExtension {
function GetAppJsonFromAppFile {
function RunAlTool {
[string] $appFile
[string[]] $arguments
# ALTOOL is at the moment only available in prerelease
$path = DownloadLatestAlLanguageExtension -allowPrerelease
if ($isLinux) {
$alToolExe = Join-Path $path 'extension/bin/linux/altool'
Write-Host "Setting execute permissions on altool"
& /usr/bin/env sudo pwsh -command "& chmod +x $alToolExe"
else {
$alToolExe = Join-Path $path 'extension/bin/win32/altool.exe'
$appJson = CmdDo -Command $alToolExe -arguments @('GetPackageManifest', """$appFile""") -returnValue -silent | ConvertFrom-Json
return $appJson
return CmdDo -Command $alToolExe -arguments $arguments -returnValue -silent | ConvertFrom-Json
function GetApplicationDependency( [string] $appFile, [string] $minVersion = "0.0" ) {
try {
$appJson = GetAppJsonFromAppFile -appFile $appFile
$appJson = Get-AppJsonFromAppFile -appFile $appFile
catch {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Unable to read app $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($appFile)), ignoring application dependency check"

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@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Function New-BcNuGetPackage {
$appJson = GetAppJsonFromAppFile -appFile $appFile
$appJson = Get-AppJsonFromAppFile -appFile $appFile
$packageId = $packageId.replace('{id}',$appJson.id).replace('{name}',[nuGetFeed]::Normalize($appJson.name)).replace('{publisher}',[nuGetFeed]::Normalize($appJson.publisher)).replace('{version}',$appJson.version.replace('.','-'))
if ($null -eq $packageVersion) {
$packageVersion = [System.Version]$appJson.version

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@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ class NuGetFeed {
static [string] NormalizeVersionStr([string] $versionStr) {
$idx = $versionStr.IndexOf('-')
$version = [System.version]($versionStr.Split('-')[0])
if ($version.Build -eq -1) { $version = [System.Version]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor, 0, 0) }
if ($version.Revision -eq -1) { $version = [System.Version]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor, $version.Build, 0) }
if ($version.Build -eq -1) { $version = [System.Version]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor, 0, $version.Revision) }
if ($idx -gt 0) {
return "$version$($versionStr.Substring($idx))"

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@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ Support searching for Earliest, Latest, Exact or Any NuGet package (default is L
Reset startcount when using Restart-BcContainer
Issue 3277 Run-ALCops uses wrong CodeAnalysis dll path
Add support for useDevEndpoint in Run-AlPipeline when importing test toolkit
New function Get-AppJsonFromAppFile to extract the app.json file from an app (also from a runtime package)
New function Copy-AppFilesToFolder to copy or download and unpack all apps from an array of .zip or .app files and place them in a folder
New function Create-SymbolsFileFromAppFile to create a symbols only app file from an app file
Just-In-Time install dotnet 8.0.0 for Business Central version 24 or above (needed by alc.exe)

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@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ try {
try {
Sort-AppFilesByDependencies -appFiles $appFiles -excludeRuntimePackages | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host -NoNewline "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($_)) - "
$appJson = GetAppJsonFromAppFile -appFile $_
$appJson = Get-AppJsonFromAppFile -appFile $_
$existingApp = $extensions | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $appJson.id -and $_.isInstalled }
if ($existingApp) {