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PROOF OF CONCEPT PREVIEW: Download Apps from Business Central NuGet Package to folder
Download Apps from Business Central NuGet Package to folder
.PARAMETER nuGetServerUrl
NuGet Server URL
NuGet Token for authenticated access to the NuGet Server
If not specified, the NuGet Server is accessed anonymously (and needs to support this)
.PARAMETER packageName
Package Name to search for.
This can be the full name or a partial name with wildcards.
If more than one package is found, matching the name, an error is thrown.
.PARAMETER version
Package Version, following the nuget versioning rules
Select the package to download if more than one package is found matching the name and version
- Earliest: Select the earliest version
- Latest: Select the latest version (default)
- LatestMatching: Select the latest version matching the already installed dependencies
- Exact: Select the exact version
- Any: Select the first version found
Folder where the apps are copied to
.PARAMETER copyInstalledAppsToFolder
If specified, apps are also copied to this folder
.PARAMETER installedPlatform
Version of the installed platform
.PARAMETER installedCountry
Country of the installed application. installedCountry is used to determine if the NuGet package is compatible with the installed application localization
.PARAMETER installedApps
List of installed apps
Format is an array of PSCustomObjects with properties Name, Publisher, id and Version
.PARAMETER downloadDependencies
Specifies which dependencies to download
Allowed values are:
- all: Download all dependencies
- own: Download only dependencies that has the same publisher as the package
- allButMicrosoft: Download all dependencies except packages with publisher Microsoft
- allButApplication: Download all dependencies except the Application and Platform packages (Microsoft.Application and Microsoft.Platform)
- allButPlatform: Download all dependencies except the Platform package (Microsoft.Platform)
- none: Do not download any dependencies
.PARAMETER allowPrerelease
Include prerelease versions in the search
Function Download-BcNuGetPackageToFolder {
[string] $nuGetServerUrl = "",
[string] $nuGetToken = "",
[string] $packageName,
[string] $version = '',
[string] $select = 'Latest',
[string] $folder,
[string] $copyInstalledAppsToFolder = "",
[System.Version] $installedPlatform,
[string] $installedCountry = '',
[PSCustomObject[]] $installedApps = @(),
[string] $downloadDependencies = 'allButApplication',
[switch] $allowPrerelease,
[switch] $checkLocalVersion
try {
$findSelect = $select
if ($select -eq 'LatestMatching') {
$findSelect = 'Latest'
$excludeVersions = @()
if ($checkLocalVersion) {
# Format Publisher.Name[.Country][.symbols][.AppId]
if ($packageName -match '^(Microsoft)\.([^\.]+)(\.[^\.][^\.])?(\.symbols)?(\.[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12})?$') {
$publisher = $matches[1]
$name = $matches[2]
$countryPart = "$($matches[3])"
$symbolsPart = "$($matches[4])"
$appIdPart = "$($matches[5])"
$checkPackageName = ''
if ($name -ne 'Platform' -and $countryPart -eq '' -and $installedCountry -ne '') {
$countryPart = ".$installedCountry"
$checkPackageName = "$publisher.$name$countryPart$symbolsPart$appIdPart"
if ($checkPackageName -and $checkPackageName -ne $packageName) {
$downloadedPackages = Download-BcNuGetPackageToFolder -nuGetServerUrl $nuGetServerUrl -nuGetToken $nuGetToken -packageName $checkPackageName -version $version -folder $folder -copyInstalledAppsToFolder $copyInstalledAppsToFolder -installedPlatform $installedPlatform -installedCountry $installedCountry -installedApps $installedApps -downloadDependencies $downloadDependencies -verbose:($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') -select $select -allowPrerelease:$allowPrerelease
if ($downloadedPackages) {
return $downloadedPackages
return Download-BcNuGetPackageToFolder -nuGetServerUrl $nuGetServerUrl -nuGetToken $nuGetToken -packageName $packageName -version $version -folder $folder -copyInstalledAppsToFolder $copyInstalledAppsToFolder -installedPlatform $installedPlatform -installedCountry $installedCountry -installedApps $installedApps -downloadDependencies $downloadDependencies -verbose:($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') -select $select -allowPrerelease:$allowPrerelease
Write-Host "Looking for NuGet package $packageName version $version ($select match)"
if ($packageName -match '^Microsoft\.Platform(\.symbols)?$') {
if ($installedPlatform) {
$existingPlatform = $installedPlatform
else {
$existingPlatform = $installedApps | Where-Object { $_ -and $_.Name -eq 'Platform' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version
if ($existingPlatform -and ([NuGetFeed]::IsVersionIncludedInRange($existingPlatform, $version))) {
Write-Host "Microsoft.Platform version $existingPlatform is already available"
return @()
elseif ($packageName -match '^([^\.]+\.)?Application(\.[^\.]+)?(\.symbols)?$') {
$installedApp = $installedApps | Where-Object { $_ -and $_.Name -eq 'Application' }
if ($installedApp -and ([NuGetFeed]::IsVersionIncludedInRange($installedApp.Version, $version))) {
Write-Host "Application version $($installedApp.Version) is already available"
return @()
elseif ($packageName -match '^([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)(\.[^\.][^\.])?(\.symbols)?(\.[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12})?$') {
$installedApp = $installedApps | Where-Object { $_ -and $ -and $packageName -like "*$($*" }
if ($installedApp -and ([NuGetFeed]::IsVersionIncludedInRange($installedApp.Version, $version))) {
Write-Host "$($installedApp.Name) from $($installedApp.publisher) version $($installedApp.Version) is already available (AppId=$($"
return @()
while ($true) {
$returnValue = @()
$feed, $packageId, $packageVersion = Find-BcNugetPackage -nuGetServerUrl $nuGetServerUrl -nuGetToken $nuGetToken -packageName $packageName -version $version -excludeVersions $excludeVersions -verbose:($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') -select $findSelect -allowPrerelease:($allowPrerelease.IsPresent)
if (-not $feed) {
Write-Host "No package found matching package name $($packageName) Version $($version)"
else {
Write-Host "Best match for package name $($packageName) Version $($version): $packageId Version $packageVersion from $($feed.Url)"
$package = $feed.DownloadPackage($packageId, $packageVersion)
$nuspec = Get-Content (Join-Path $package '*.nuspec' -Resolve) -Encoding UTF8
Write-Verbose "NUSPEC:"
$nuspec | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose $_ }
$manifest = [xml]$nuspec
$appId = ''
if ($manifest.package.metadata.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq 'title') {
$appName = $manifest.package.metadata.title
elseif ($manifest.package.metadata.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq 'description') {
$appName = $manifest.package.metadata.description
else {
$appName = $
if ($ -match '^.*([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12})$') {
# If packageId ends in a GUID (AppID) then use the AppId for the packageId
$appId = "$($matches[1])"
elseif ($ -like 'Microsoft.Platform*') {
# If packageId starts with Microsoft.Platform then use the packageId for the packageId
$appName = 'Platform'
$returnValue = @([PSCustomObject]@{
"Publisher" = $manifest.package.metadata.authors
"Name" = $appName
"id" = $appId
"Version" = $manifest.package.metadata.version
$dependenciesErr = ''
if ($manifest.package.metadata.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq 'Dependencies') {
$dependencies = $manifest.package.metadata.Dependencies.GetEnumerator()
else {
$dependencies = @()
foreach($dependency in $dependencies) {
if (-not $installedPlatform) {
$installedPlatform = $installedApps+$returnValue | Where-Object { $_ -and $_.Name -eq 'Platform' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version
$dependencyVersion = $dependency.Version
$dependencyId = $dependency.Id
$dependencyCountry = ''
$downloadIt = $false
if ($dependencyId -match '^Microsoft\.Platform(\.symbols)?$') {
$dependencyPublisher = 'Microsoft'
# Dependency is to the platform
if ($installedPlatform) {
if (!([NuGetFeed]::IsVersionIncludedInRange($installedPlatform, $dependencyVersion))) {
# The NuGet package found isn't compatible with the installed platform
$dependenciesErr = "NuGet package $packageId (version $packageVersion) requires platform $dependencyVersion. You cannot install it on version $installedPlatform"
$downloadIt = $false
else {
$downloadIt = ($downloadDependencies -eq 'all')
elseif ($dependencyId -match '^([^\.]+\.)?Application(\.[^\.]+)?(\.symbols)?$') {
# Dependency is to the application
$dependencyPublisher = $matches[1].TrimEnd('.')
$dependencyCountry = "$($matches[2])".TrimStart('.')
$installedApp = $installedApps | Where-Object { $_ -and $_.Name -eq 'Application' }
if ($installedApp) {
if (!([NuGetFeed]::IsVersionIncludedInRange($installedApp.Version, $dependencyVersion))) {
$dependenciesErr = "NuGet package $packageId (version $packageVersion) requires application $dependencyVersion. You cannot install it on version $($installedApp.Version)"
$downloadIt = $false
else {
$downloadIt = ($downloadDependencies -eq 'all' -or $downloadDependencies -eq 'allButPlatform')
else {
$dependencyPublisher = ''
if ($dependencyId -match '^([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)(\.[^\.][^\.])?(\.symbols)?(\.[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12})?$') {
# Matches[.country][.symbols][.appId] format (country section is only for microsoft apps)
$dependencyPublisher = $matches[1]
if ($dependencyPublisher -eq 'microsoft') {
$dependencyCountry = "$($matches[3])".TrimStart('.')
$installedApp = $installedApps | Where-Object { $_ -and $ -and $dependencyId -like "*$($*" }
if ($installedApp) {
# Dependency is already installed, check version number
if (!([NuGetFeed]::IsVersionIncludedInRange($installedApp.Version, $dependencyVersion))) {
# The version installed ins't compatible with the NuGet package found
$dependenciesErr = "Dependency $dependencyId is already installed with version $($installedApp.Version), which is not compatible with the version $dependencyVersion required by the NuGet package $packageId (version $packageVersion))"
elseif ($downloadDependencies -eq 'own') {
$downloadIt = ($dependencyPublisher -eq $manifest.package.authors)
elseif ($downloadDependencies -eq 'allButMicrosoft') {
# Download if publisher isn't Microsoft (including if publisher is empty)
$downloadIt = ($dependencyPublisher -ne 'Microsoft')
else {
$downloadIt = ($downloadDependencies -ne 'none')
if ($installedCountry -and $dependencyCountry -and ($installedCountry -ne $dependencyCountry)) {
# The NuGet package found isn't compatible with the installed application
Write-Host "WARNING: NuGet package $packageId (version $packageVersion) requires $dependencyCountry application. You have $installedCountry application installed"
if ($dependenciesErr) {
if ($select -ne 'LatestMatching') {
throw $dependenciesErr
else {
# If we are looking for the latest matching version, then we can try to find another version
Write-Host "WARNING: $dependenciesErr"
if ($downloadIt) {
$returnValue += Download-BcNuGetPackageToFolder -nuGetServerUrl $nuGetServerUrl -nuGetToken $nuGetToken -packageName $dependencyId -version $dependencyVersion -folder $package -copyInstalledAppsToFolder $copyInstalledAppsToFolder -installedPlatform $installedPlatform -installedCountry $installedCountry -installedApps @($installedApps+$returnValue) -downloadDependencies $downloadDependencies -verbose:($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') -select $select -allowPrerelease:$allowPrerelease -checkLocalVersion
if ($dependenciesErr) {
# If we are looking for the latest matching version, then we can try to find another version
$excludeVersions += $packageVersion
Remove-Item -Path $package -Recurse -Force
if ($installedCountry -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $package $installedCountry) -PathType Container)) {
# NuGet packages of Runtime packages might exist in different versions for different countries
# The runtime package might contain C# invoke calls with different methodis for different countries
# if the installedCountry doesn't have a special version, then the w1 version is used (= empty string)
# If the package contains a country specific folder, then use that
Write-Host "Using country specific folder $installedCountry"
$appFiles = Get-Item -Path (Join-Path $package "$installedCountry/*.app")
else {
$appFiles = Get-Item -Path (Join-Path $package "*.app")
foreach($appFile in $appFiles) {
Copy-Item $appFile.FullName -Destination $folder -Force
if ($copyInstalledAppsToFolder) {
Copy-Item $appFile.FullName -Destination $copyInstalledAppsToFolder -Force
Remove-Item -Path $package -Recurse -Force
return $returnValue
catch {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message.Replace("`r",'').Replace("`n",' '))`r`nStackTrace: $($_.ScriptStackTrace)"
Set-Alias -Name Copy-BcNuGetPackageToFolder -Value Download-BcNuGetPackageToFolder
Export-ModuleMember -Function Download-BcNuGetPackageToFolder -Alias Copy-BcNuGetPackageToFolder