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46 строки
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Open a new PowerShell session for a NAV/BC Container
Opens a new PowerShell window for a Container.
The PowerShell prompt will have the PowerShell modules pre-loaded, meaning that you can use most PowerShell CmdLets.
.Parameter containerName
Name of the container for which you want to open a session
.Parameter usePwsh
If true, the powershell session opened will use pwsh instead of powershell (when BC version is 24 or later)
Open-BcContainer -containerName bcserver
function Open-BcContainer {
Param (
[string] $containerName = $bcContainerHelperConfig.defaultContainerName,
[bool] $usePwsh = $bccontainerHelperConfig.usePwshForBc24
Process {
$shell = 'powershell'
$ps = 'PS5'
try {
$inspect = docker inspect $containerName | ConvertFrom-Json
$version = [Version]$inspect.Config.Labels.version
$vs = "Business Central"
if ($version.Major -le 14) {
$vs = "NAV"
if ($version.Major -ge 24 -and $usePwsh) {
$shell = 'pwsh'
$ps = 'PS7'
throw 'x'
$psPrompt = """function prompt {'[$($containerName.ToUpperInvariant())] $ps '+`$executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation+('>'*(`$nestedPromptLevel+1))+' '}; Write-Host 'Welcome to the $vs Container PowerShell prompt'; Write-Host 'Microsoft Windows Version $($inspect.Config.Labels.osversion)'; Write-Host ""Windows PowerShell Version `$(`$PSVersionTable.psversion.ToString())""; Write-Host; . 'c:\run\prompt.ps1' -silent"""
catch {
$psPrompt = """function prompt {'[$($containerName.ToUpperInvariant())] $ps '+`$executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation+('>'*(`$nestedPromptLevel+1))+' '}; Write-Host 'Welcome to the ContainerHelper PowerShell prompt'; Write-Host ""Windows PowerShell Version `$(`$PSVersionTable.psversion.ToString())""; Write-Host; . 'c:\run\prompt.ps1' -silent"""
Start-Process "cmd.exe" @("/C";"docker exec -it $containerName $shell -noexit -command $psPrompt")
Set-Alias -Name Open-NavContainer -Value Open-BcContainer
Export-ModuleMember -Function Open-BcContainer -Alias Open-NavContainer