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[Compression] v2.5 stage 3: add wrapper (#5294)
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from typing import Any
import torch
from .target_space import PruningTargetSpace, QuantizationTargetSpace
def bypass(target: torch.Tensor, target_space: QuantizationTargetSpace):
return target * 1.
class ClampRound(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx: Any, target: torch.Tensor, target_space: QuantizationTargetSpace) -> Any:
transformed_target = target_space.zero_point + target / target_space.scale
quantized_target = torch.round(torch.clamp(transformed_target, target_space.qmin, target_space.qmax))
dequantized_target = (quantized_target - target_space.zero_point) * target_space.scale
return dequantized_target
def backward(ctx: Any, grad_output: Any) -> Any:
return grad_output, None
class QATClampRound(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx: Any, target: torch.Tensor, target_space: QuantizationTargetSpace) -> Any:
transformed_target = target_space.zero_point + target / target_space.scale
quantized_target = torch.round(torch.clamp(transformed_target, target_space.qmin, target_space.qmax))
dequantized_target = (quantized_target - target_space.zero_point) * target_space.scale
ctx.target_space = target_space
return dequantized_target
def backward(ctx: Any, grad_output: Any) -> Any:
transformed_target, = ctx.saved_variables
target_space = ctx.target_space
mask = (transformed_target < target_space.qmin) | (transformed_target > target_space.qmax)
grad_output[mask] = 0.
return grad_output, None
def mul_mask(target: torch.Tensor, target_space: PruningTargetSpace):
assert target_space.mask is not None
return torch.mul(target, target_space.mask)
def add_mask(target: torch.Tensor, target_space: PruningTargetSpace):
assert target_space.mask is not None
trans_mask = torch.where(target_space.mask == 1, torch.zeros_like(target_space.mask), SMALL_MASK_VALUE)
return torch.add(target, trans_mask)
pruning_apply_methods = {
'bypass': bypass,
'mul': mul_mask,
'add': add_mask,
quant_apply_methods = {
'bypass': bypass,
'clamp_round': ClampRound.apply,
'qat_clamp_round': QATClampRound.apply,
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ def select_modules_by_config(model: torch.nn.Module, config: Dict[str, Any]) ->
Tuple[Dict[str, torch.nn.Module], Dict[str, Any]]
(named_module_dict, public_config).
Named module dict is {module_name: selected_module}
Public config is the passed in config without keys:
Public config is the passed-in config without keys:
['op_names', 'op_types', 'op_names_re', 'exclude_op_names', 'exclude_op_types', 'exclude_op_names_re'].
# intersection(union(op_names, op_names_re), op_types) - exclude_op_names - exclude_op_names_re - exclude_op_types
@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import inspect
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Type, Union, Literal
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from .apply_method import pruning_apply_methods, quant_apply_methods
from .config import select_modules_by_config
from .setting import INPUT_PREFIX, OUTPUT_PREFIX, canonicalize_settings
from .target_space import (
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
OUTPUT_FORMAT = Union[Tensor, Any, Tuple[Tensor, Any], Dict[str, Union[Tensor, Any]]]
class ModuleWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, module: torch.nn.Module, module_name: str, config: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] | None = None):
Two changes will be done during initialization. One is an attribute named ``_nni_wrapper`` will be set to original module,
this attribute points to this wrapper in the original module.
The other is the original ``module.forward`` will be replaced by ``module._nni_wrapper.forward``.
The module can be unwrapped by ``module._nni_wrapper.unwrap()``.
The torch.nn.Module to be wrapped.
The name of the module in the original model.
The config is a dict which contains keys (not required): ``pruning``, ``quantization``, ``distillation``.
# origin layer information
assert isinstance(module, torch.nn.Module)
object.__setattr__(self, 'module', module)
self.module: torch.nn.Module
self.module_forward = self.module.forward
self.name = module_name
self.config = config if config is not None else {}
# the arguments' name of self.module.forward
self._input_args_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(self.module.forward)
# create target spaces
self.pruning_target_spaces: Dict[str, PruningTargetSpace] = {}
self.quantization_target_spaces: Dict[str, QuantizationTargetSpace] = {}
self.distillation_target_spaces: Dict[str, DistillationTargetSpace] = {}
if 'pruning' in self.config:
self.extend_target_spaces(self.config['pruning'], 'pruning')
if 'quantization' in self.config:
self.extend_target_spaces(self.config['quantization'], 'quantization')
if 'distillation' in self.config:
self.extend_target_spaces(self.config['distillation'], 'distillation')
self._frozen = False
# By default, input/output shape will be track during forward,
# more track functions can be registered by ``ModuleWrapper.register_track_info_func``.
# An example please refer ``track_target_shape``.
self._track_funcs: List[Callable[[ModuleWrapper, str, Tensor], None]] = [track_target_shape]
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return f'module={self.module.__class__.__name__}({self.module.extra_repr()}), module_name={self.name}'
def is_frozen(self) -> bool:
# if the wrapper is frozen, should not update any state of this wrapper, i.e., pruning masks or quant scale.
return self._frozen
def freeze(self):
self._frozen = True
def unfreeze(self):
self._frozen = False
def wrap(self):
if hasattr(self.module, '_nni_wrapper') and getattr(self.module, '_nni_wrapper') == self:
warn_msg = f'Wrapper of {self.name} is wrapped, no need to wrap again.'
assert not hasattr(self.module, '_nni_wrapper'), f'{self.name} is already wrapped by another wrapper, can not wrap it again.'
setattr(self.module, '_nni_wrapper', self)
self.module.forward = self.forward
for target_name, target_space in self.pruning_target_spaces.items():
if target_space.type == TargetType.PARAMETER and isinstance(target_space.target, torch.nn.Parameter):
delattr(self.module, target_name)
self.module.register_buffer(target_name, target_space.target.detach().clone())
for target_name, target_space in self.quantization_target_spaces.items():
if target_space.type == TargetType.PARAMETER and isinstance(target_space.target, torch.nn.Parameter):
delattr(self.module, target_name)
self.module.register_buffer(target_name, target_space.target.detach().clone())
def unwrap(self):
if not hasattr(self.module, '_nni_wrapper'):
warn_msg = f'{self.name} is not wrapped, no need to unwrap.'
for target_name, target_space in self.pruning_target_spaces.items():
if target_space.type == TargetType.PARAMETER and isinstance(target_space.target, torch.nn.Parameter):
delattr(self.module, target_name)
self.module.register_parameter(target_name, torch.nn.Parameter(target_space.target.detach().clone()))
for target_name, target_space in self.quantization_target_spaces.items():
if target_space.type == TargetType.PARAMETER and isinstance(target_space.target, torch.nn.Parameter):
delattr(self.module, target_name)
self.module.register_parameter(target_name, torch.nn.Parameter(target_space.target.detach().clone()))
self.module.forward = self.module_forward
delattr(self.module, '_nni_wrapper')
def extend_target_spaces(self, sub_config: Dict[str, Any], mode: Literal['pruning', 'quantization', 'distillation']):
assert mode in ['pruning', 'quantization', 'distillation']
if mode == 'pruning':
target_spaces = self.pruning_target_spaces
target_space_cls = PruningTargetSpace
elif mode == 'quantization':
target_spaces = self.quantization_target_spaces
target_space_cls = QuantizationTargetSpace
target_spaces = self.distillation_target_spaces
target_space_cls = DistillationTargetSpace
settings = canonicalize_settings(self.module, sub_config, mode)
inter_sec = set(target_spaces.keys()).intersection(settings.keys())
for name in inter_sec:
# if need to update target space setting, should directly update it, not extend a repeat target.
warn_msg = f'{name} have already configured, the new config will be ignored.'
new_target_spaces = self._create_target_spaces(settings, target_space_cls)
target_spaces.update(new_target_spaces) # type: ignore
# return the new registered target spaces
return new_target_spaces
def update_masks(self, masks: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]):
A masks dict, the key should be the target name in the ``self.pruning_target_spaces``,
and the value is a Tensor contains 0 or 1.
if self.is_frozen:
warn_msg = f'Can not update masks for frozen wrapper {self.name}, skip this update.'
for target_name, mask in masks.items():
assert target_name in self.pruning_target_spaces, f'{target_name} is not set to a pruning target in {self.name}.'
self.pruning_target_spaces[target_name].mask = mask
def update_calibration_config(self, calibration_config):
# TODO: implement it
raise NotImplementedError()
def _create_target_spaces(self, settings: Dict[str, Dict], target_space_cls: Type[TargetSpace]) -> Dict[str, TargetSpace]:
target_spaces = {}
for target_name, setting in settings.items():
target_type = TargetType.INPUT if target_name.startswith(INPUT_PREFIX) else TargetType.OUTPUT \
if target_name.startswith(OUTPUT_PREFIX) else TargetType.PARAMETER
target_space = target_space_cls(self, target_name, target_type, setting)
target_spaces[target_name] = target_space
return target_spaces
def _transfer_input(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tuple:
# -1 because the first arg of forward is `self`, not in args
pos_args_num = len(self._input_args_spec.args) - 1
pos_args = args[:pos_args_num]
if len(pos_args) < pos_args_num:
pos_args += tuple(kwargs.pop(k) for k in self._input_args_spec.args[len(pos_args) + 1:])
var_args = args[pos_args_num:]
kwonly_args = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in self._input_args_spec.kwonlyargs}
return pos_args, var_args, kwonly_args, kwargs
def _transfer_args_name(self, input_name_or_idx: str | int, contx2idx: bool = True) -> str | int:
if contx2idx:
if isinstance(input_name_or_idx, int) or input_name_or_idx.isdigit():
idx = int(input_name_or_idx)
assert idx < len(self._input_args_spec.args)
assert input_name_or_idx in self._input_args_spec.args
idx = self._input_args_spec.args.index(input_name_or_idx)
return idx
if isinstance(input_name_or_idx, int) or input_name_or_idx.isdigit():
idx = int(input_name_or_idx)
assert idx < len(self._input_args_spec.args)
contx = self._input_args_spec.args[idx]
contx = input_name_or_idx
assert contx in self._input_args_spec.args
return contx
def _apply_mask_helper(self, target: Tensor, target_space: PruningTargetSpace) -> Tensor:
# NOTE: if mask is None, and is registered as buffer during training, will cause DDP sync problem.
if target_space.mask is not None:
if target_space.apply_method in pruning_apply_methods:
return pruning_apply_methods[target_space.apply_method](target, target_space)
raise TypeError(f'Only {list(pruning_apply_methods.keys())} are supported for mask `apply_method`.')
elif target_space.type is TargetType.PARAMETER:
# Prevent registering buffer as a parameter
return target * 1.
return target
def _apply_quant_helper(self, target: Tensor, target_space: QuantizationTargetSpace) -> Tensor:
# NOTE: if scale or zero point is None, and is registered as buffer during training, will cause DDP sync problem.
if target_space.scale is not None and target_space.zero_point is not None:
if target_space.apply_method in quant_apply_methods:
dequantized_target: Tensor = quant_apply_methods[target_space.apply_method](target, target_space)
raise TypeError(f'Only {list(quant_apply_methods.keys())} are supported for quantization `apply_method`.')
return dequantized_target
elif target_space.type is TargetType.PARAMETER:
# Prevent registering buffer as a parameter
return target * 1.
return target
def _distil_observe_helper(self, target: Tensor, target_space: DistillationTargetSpace) -> Tensor:
# NOTE: here will have a risk, we don't know if target will be inplace changed in the following.
target_space.hidden_state = target.clone().detach()
return target
def _track_info(self, target_name: str, target: Tensor):
# this function will be called in path_helper at first.
for track_func in self._track_funcs:
track_func(self, target_name, target)
def register_track_func(self, track_func: Callable[[ModuleWrapper, str, Tensor], None]):
Execute ``track_func`` sequentially according to the order of registration.
The inputs of track_func are (wrapper, target_name, target).
TODO: add a simple track_func example.
def patch_helper(self, target_name: str, target: Tensor | Any) -> Tensor | Any:
self._track_info(target_name=target_name, target=target)
# apply quantize-dequantize -> apply pruning mask -> record state for distil
if target_name in self.quantization_target_spaces:
target = self._apply_quant_helper(target, self.quantization_target_spaces[target_name])
if target_name in self.pruning_target_spaces:
target = self._apply_mask_helper(target, self.pruning_target_spaces[target_name])
if target_name in self.distillation_target_spaces:
target = self._distil_observe_helper(target, self.distillation_target_spaces[target_name])
return target
def patch_inputs(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tuple[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]:
# NOTE: even here has an interface to compress `varargs`, `varkw`, but nni doesn't suppot compress them right now.
pos_args, varargs, kwonly_args, varkw = self._transfer_input(*args, **kwargs)
new_args = []
for idx, arg_value in enumerate(pos_args):
target_name = f'{INPUT_PREFIX}{idx}'
new_args.append(self.patch_helper(target_name, arg_value))
# NOTE: by default, we do not support varargs, if it is need, override the patch_helper
new_args.extend(self.patch_helper(f'{INPUT_PREFIX}{self._input_args_spec.varargs}', varargs))
new_kwargs = {}
for key, value in kwonly_args.items():
target_name = f'{INPUT_PREFIX}{key}'
new_kwargs[key] = self.patch_helper(target_name, value)
# NOTE: by default, we do not support varkw, if it is need, override the patch_helper
new_kwargs.update(self.patch_helper(f'{INPUT_PREFIX}{self._input_args_spec.varkw}', varkw)) # type: ignore
return new_args, new_kwargs
def patch_params(self, targets_dict: Dict[str, Tensor]) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
new_target_dict = {}
for target_name, target in targets_dict.items():
target = self.patch_helper(target_name, target)
new_target_dict[target_name] = target
return new_target_dict
def patch_outputs(self, outputs: OUTPUT_FORMAT) -> OUTPUT_FORMAT:
if isinstance(outputs, Tensor):
target_name = f'{OUTPUT_PREFIX}0'
new_outputs = self.patch_helper(target_name, outputs)
elif isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)):
new_outputs = []
for idx, target in enumerate(outputs):
target_name = f'{OUTPUT_PREFIX}{idx}'
new_outputs.append(self.patch_helper(target_name, target))
elif isinstance(outputs, dict):
new_outputs = {}
for output_name, target in outputs.items():
target_name = f'{OUTPUT_PREFIX}{output_name}'
new_outputs[output_name] = self.patch_helper(target_name, target)
raise TypeError(f'Only support return Tensor/list/dict, but got {type(outputs)}')
return new_outputs
def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
args, kwargs = self.patch_inputs(*args, **kwargs)
params_dict = {}
params_dict.update({k: v.target for k, v in self.pruning_target_spaces.items() if v.type is TargetType.PARAMETER})
params_dict.update({k: v.target for k, v in self.quantization_target_spaces.items() if v.type is TargetType.PARAMETER})
params_dict.update({k: v.target for k, v in self.distillation_target_spaces.items() if v.type is TargetType.PARAMETER})
params_dict = self.patch_params(params_dict)
for target_name, patched_param in params_dict.items():
# NOTE: here using copy_ will cause `backward through the graph a second time` error, don't know why.
# We want to use copy_ for buffers because in-place modification can be recorded in DP, or it will be lost.
# Here we use setattr to workaround because we don't need to record the buffer value for these module fake targets.
# module_param: Tensor = getattr(self.module, target_name)
# module_param.copy_(patched_param)
setattr(self.module, target_name, patched_param)
outputs = self.module_forward(*args, **kwargs)
outputs = self.patch_outputs(outputs)
return outputs
def register_wrappers(model: torch.nn.Module, config_list: List[Dict[str, Any]],
mode: Literal['pruning', 'quantization', 'distillation'],
existed_wrappers: Dict[str, ModuleWrapper] | None = None,
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, ModuleWrapper], Dict[str, Dict[str, TargetSpace]]]:
assert mode in ['pruning', 'quantization', 'distillation']
configured_target_spaces = {}
existed_wrappers = existed_wrappers if existed_wrappers else {}
module_wrappers = {k: v for k, v in existed_wrappers.items()}
for config in config_list:
modules, public_config = select_modules_by_config(model, config)
for module_name, module in modules.items():
if module_name in module_wrappers:
wrapper = module_wrappers[module_name]
target_spaces = wrapper.extend_target_spaces(public_config, mode)
wrapper = ModuleWrapper(module, module_name, {mode: public_config})
module_wrappers[module_name] = wrapper
if mode == 'pruning':
target_spaces = {k: v for k, v in wrapper.pruning_target_spaces.items()}
elif mode == 'quantization':
target_spaces = {k: v for k, v in wrapper.quantization_target_spaces.items()}
target_spaces = {k: v for k, v in wrapper.distillation_target_spaces.items()}
configured_target_spaces[module_name] = target_spaces
return module_wrappers, configured_target_spaces
def track_target_shape(wrapper: ModuleWrapper, target_name: str, target: Tensor):
Track the input/output target shape and save the shape information to ``TargetSpace.shape``.
if not isinstance(target, Tensor):
if target_name in wrapper.quantization_target_spaces:
if wrapper.quantization_target_spaces[target_name].type is not TargetType.PARAMETER:
wrapper.quantization_target_spaces[target_name].shape = [_ for _ in target.shape]
if target_name in wrapper.pruning_target_spaces:
if wrapper.pruning_target_spaces[target_name].type is not TargetType.PARAMETER:
wrapper.pruning_target_spaces[target_name].shape = [_ for _ in target.shape]
if target_name in wrapper.distillation_target_spaces:
if wrapper.distillation_target_spaces[target_name].type is not TargetType.PARAMETER:
wrapper.distillation_target_spaces[target_name].shape = [_ for _ in target.shape]
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