trigger: none schedules: - cron: 0 16 * * * branches: include: [ master ] always: true variables: filter.modified.globs: 'pipelines/fast-test.yml,!.github/**,!docs/**,!examples/**' filter.prbody.heading: '#### Test Options' filter.prbody.optionIndex: 0 stages: - stage: lint jobs: - job: copyright pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - script: python test/vso_tools/ displayName: Check copyright header - job: docs pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - template: templates/install-dependencies.yml parameters: platform: ubuntu-latest - script: | cd docs rstcheck -r source \ --ignore-directives automodule,autoclass,autofunction,cardlinkitem,codesnippetcard,argparse,tabs,youtube,image-sg \ --ignore-roles githublink --ignore-substitutions release \ --report-level warning displayName: rstcheck - script: | cd docs sphinx-build -W --keep-going -T -q source build/html displayName: Sphinx sanity check - script: | set -e cd docs sudo apt-get install -y gettext python tools/ sphinx-build -W --keep-going -T -q -D language=zh source build/html_zh displayName: Sphinx sanity check (Chinese) - script: | set -e cd docs make i18n git diff --exit-code source/locales displayName: Translation up-to-date - script: | cd docs sphinx-build -b linkcheck -W --keep-going -T -q source build/linkcheck displayName: External links integrity check - job: python pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - template: templates/install-dependencies.yml parameters: platform: ubuntu-latest - script: | # pylint requires newer typing extension. Override requirements in tensorflow python -m pip install "typing-extensions>=3.10" displayName: Resolve dependency version - script: python test/vso_tools/ displayName: Trigger import - script: | python -m pylint --rcfile pylintrc nni displayName: pylint - script: | set -e python -m flake8 nni --count --select=E9,F63,F72,F82 --show-source --statistics EXCLUDES=examples/trials/mnist-nas/*/mnist*.py,examples/trials/nas_cifar10/src/cifar10/ python -m flake8 examples --count --exclude=$EXCLUDES --select=E9,F63,F72,F82 --show-source --statistics displayName: flake8 - script: | python -m pyright nni displayName: Type Check - job: typescript pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - template: templates/install-dependencies.yml parameters: platform: ubuntu-latest - script: | set -e npm --prefix ts/nni_manager install npm --prefix ts/nni_manager run eslint displayName: ESLint (NNI Manager) - script: | set -e npm --prefix ts/webui install npm --prefix ts/webui run sanity-check displayName: Sanity check (WebUI) - stage: filter jobs: - job: check pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - template: templates/stage-filter.yml # To reduce debug cost, steps are sorted differently on each platform, # so that a bug in any module will cause at least one platform to fail quickly. - stage: test dependsOn: lint # dependencies.$(StageName).outputs['$(JobName).$(TaskName).$(VariableName)'] condition: and(succeeded(), ne(dependencies.filter.outputs['check.execution.skipsubsequent'], 'true')) jobs: - job: ubuntu_latest pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - template: templates/install-dependencies.yml parameters: platform: ubuntu-latest - template: templates/install-nni.yml - script: | set -e mkdir -p coverage cd test python -m pytest ut --cov-config=.coveragerc cp coverage.xml ../coverage/python.xml displayName: Python unit test - script: | set -e npm --prefix ts/nni_manager run test npm --prefix ts/nni_manager run test_nnimanager cp ts/nni_manager/coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml coverage/typescript.xml displayName: TypeScript unit test - task: PublishTestResults@2 condition: succeededOrFailed() inputs: testResultsFiles: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/test-*.xml' testRunTitle: 'Publish test results for Python $(python.version)' displayName: Publish test results - task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1 inputs: codeCoverageTool: Cobertura summaryFileLocation: coverage/* displayName: Publish code coverage results - script: | cd test python training_service/nnitest/ --config training_service/config/pr_tests.yml displayName: Simple integration test - job: ubuntu_legacy pool: vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - template: templates/install-dependencies.yml parameters: platform: ubuntu-legacy - template: templates/install-nni.yml - script: | cd test python training_service/nnitest/ --config training_service/config/pr_tests.yml displayName: Simple integration test - script: | cd test python -m pytest ut --ignore=ut/retiarii/ \ --ignore=ut/retiarii/ \ --ignore=ut/retiarii/ displayName: Python unit test - script: | export PATH=${PWD}/toolchain/node/bin:$PATH npm --prefix ts/nni_manager run test npm --prefix ts/nni_manager run test_nnimanager displayName: TypeScript unit test - job: windows pool: vmImage: windows-latest timeoutInMinutes: 75 steps: - template: templates/install-dependencies.yml parameters: platform: windows - template: templates/install-nni.yml parameters: user: false - script: | cd test python -m pytest ut displayName: Python unit test # temporarily disable this test, add it back after bug fixed - script: | npm --prefix ts/nni_manager run test npm --prefix ts/nni_manager run test_nnimanager displayName: TypeScript unit test - script: | cd test python training_service/nnitest/ --config training_service/config/pr_tests.yml displayName: Simple integration test - job: macos pool: vmImage: macOS-latest steps: - template: templates/install-dependencies.yml parameters: platform: macos - template: templates/install-nni.yml - script: | cd test python -m pytest ut displayName: Python unit test - script: | CI=true npm --prefix ts/nni_manager run test # # exclude nnimanager's ut because macos in pipeline is pretty slow # CI=true npm --prefix ts/nni_manager run test_nnimanager displayName: TypeScript unit test - script: | cd test python training_service/nnitest/ --config training_service/config/pr_tests.yml displayName: Simple integration test