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Wenbing Li 2020-10-12 10:52:26 -07:00
Родитель 126b59b78b
Коммит da95244190
9 изменённых файлов: 2691 добавлений и 3 удалений

.clang-format Normal file
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# Defaults for all languages.
BasedOnStyle: Google
# Setting ColumnLimit to 0 so developer choices about where to break lines are maintained.
# Developers are responsible for adhering to the 120 character maximum.
ColumnLimit: 0
SortIncludes: false
DerivePointerAlignment: false
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# See ReformatSource.ps1 for a script to update all source according to the current options in this file.
# e.g. customizations to use Allman bracing and more indenting.
# AccessModifierOffset: -2
# BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
# CompactNamespaces: false
# IndentCaseLabels: true
# IndentWidth: 4
# NamespaceIndentation: All

.clang-tidy Normal file
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# turn off readability-braces-around-statements to allow single line statement like 'if (x == y) doSomething();'
Checks: '-*,cppcoreguidelines-*,google-*,readability-*,modernize-*,-readability-braces-around-statements,-google-runtime-references,-cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast'
WarningsAsErrors: ''
HeaderFilterRegex: '.*onnxruntime\/core\/.*'
AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false
FormatStyle: none
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value: '1'
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value: '800'
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value: '10'
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value: '2'
- key: modernize-loop-convert.MaxCopySize
value: '16'
- key: modernize-loop-convert.MinConfidence
value: reasonable
- key: modernize-loop-convert.NamingStyle
value: CamelCase
- key: modernize-pass-by-value.IncludeStyle
value: google
- key: modernize-replace-auto-ptr.IncludeStyle
value: google
- key: modernize-use-nullptr.NullMacros
value: 'NULL'

.flake8 Normal file
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max-line-length = 120
per-file-ignores =
format = [flake8 PEP8 ERROR] %(path)s:%(row)d:%(col)d: %(code)s %(text)s

.gitignore поставляемый Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# build, distribute, and bins (+ python proto bindings)

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@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
# Introduction
The onnxruntime-customops package is an onnxuntime custom op library which supports the ONNX model inference with non-standard ONNX operators. Besides, and the custom op also is implemented with python function.
# License
[MIT License](LICENSE)
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@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// Summary: The Ort C++ API is a header only wrapper around the Ort C API.
// The C++ API simplifies usage by returning values directly instead of error codes, throwing exceptions on errors
// and automatically releasing resources in the destructors.
// Each of the C++ wrapper classes holds only a pointer to the C internal object. Treat them like smart pointers.
// To create an empty object, pass 'nullptr' to the constructor (for example, Env e{nullptr};).
// Only move assignment between objects is allowed, there are no copy constructors. Some objects have explicit 'Clone'
// methods for this purpose.
#pragma once
#include "onnxruntime_c_api.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
namespace Ort {
// All C++ methods that can fail will throw an exception of this type
struct Exception : std::exception {
Exception(std::string&& string, OrtErrorCode code) : message_{std::move(string)}, code_{code} {}
OrtErrorCode GetOrtErrorCode() const { return code_; }
const char* what() const noexcept override { return message_.c_str(); }
std::string message_;
OrtErrorCode code_;
#define ORT_CXX_API_THROW(string, code) \
do { \
std::cerr << Ort::Exception(string, code) \
.what() \
<< std::endl; \
abort(); \
} while (false)
#define ORT_CXX_API_THROW(string, code) \
throw Ort::Exception(string, code)
// This is used internally by the C++ API. This class holds the global variable that points to the OrtApi, it's in a template so that we can define a global variable in a header and make
// it transparent to the users of the API.
template <typename T>
struct Global {
static const OrtApi* api_;
// If macro ORT_API_MANUAL_INIT is defined, no static initialization will be performed. Instead, user must call InitApi() before using it.
template <typename T>
const OrtApi* Global<T>::api_{};
inline void InitApi() { Global<void>::api_ = OrtGetApiBase()->GetApi(ORT_API_VERSION); }
const OrtApi* Global<T>::api_ = OrtGetApiBase()->GetApi(ORT_API_VERSION);
// This returns a reference to the OrtApi interface in use, in case someone wants to use the C API functions
inline const OrtApi& GetApi() { return *Global<void>::api_; }
// This is a C++ wrapper for GetAvailableProviders() C API and returns
// a vector of strings representing the available execution providers.
std::vector<std::string> GetAvailableProviders();
// This is used internally by the C++ API. This macro is to make it easy to generate overloaded methods for all of the various OrtRelease* functions for every Ort* type
// This can't be done in the C API since C doesn't have function overloading.
inline void OrtRelease(Ort##NAME* ptr) { GetApi().Release##NAME(ptr); }
// This is used internally by the C++ API. This is the common base class used by the wrapper objects.
template <typename T>
struct Base {
using contained_type = T;
Base() = default;
Base(T* p) : p_{p} {
if (!p)
ORT_CXX_API_THROW("Allocation failure", ORT_FAIL);
~Base() { OrtRelease(p_); }
operator T*() { return p_; }
operator const T*() const { return p_; }
T* release() {
T* p = p_;
p_ = nullptr;
return p;
Base(const Base&) = delete;
Base& operator=(const Base&) = delete;
Base(Base&& v) noexcept : p_{v.p_} { v.p_ = nullptr; }
void operator=(Base&& v) noexcept {
p_ = v.p_;
v.p_ = nullptr;
T* p_{};
template <typename>
friend struct Unowned; // This friend line is needed to keep the centos C++ compiler from giving an error
template <typename T>
struct Base<const T> {
using contained_type = const T;
Base() = default;
Base(const T* p) : p_{p} {
if (!p)
~Base() = default;
operator const T*() const { return p_; }
Base(const Base&) = delete;
Base& operator=(const Base&) = delete;
Base(Base&& v) noexcept : p_{v.p_} { v.p_ = nullptr; }
void operator=(Base&& v) noexcept {
p_ = v.p_;
v.p_ = nullptr;
const T* p_{};
template <typename T>
struct Unowned : T {
Unowned(decltype(T::p_) p) : T{p} {}
Unowned(Unowned&& v) : T{v.p_} {}
~Unowned() { this->release(); }
struct AllocatorWithDefaultOptions;
struct MemoryInfo;
struct Env;
struct TypeInfo;
struct Value;
struct ModelMetadata;
struct Env : Base<OrtEnv> {
Env(std::nullptr_t) {}
Env(OrtLoggingLevel default_logging_level = ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, _In_ const char* logid = "");
Env(const OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, OrtLoggingLevel default_logging_level = ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, _In_ const char* logid = "");
Env(OrtLoggingLevel default_logging_level, const char* logid, OrtLoggingFunction logging_function, void* logger_param);
explicit Env(OrtEnv* p) : Base<OrtEnv>{p} {}
Env& EnableTelemetryEvents();
Env& DisableTelemetryEvents();
Env& CreateAndRegisterAllocator(const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info, const OrtArenaCfg* arena_cfg);
static const OrtApi* s_api;
struct CustomOpDomain : Base<OrtCustomOpDomain> {
explicit CustomOpDomain(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit CustomOpDomain(const char* domain);
void Add(OrtCustomOp* op);
struct RunOptions : Base<OrtRunOptions> {
RunOptions(std::nullptr_t) {}
RunOptions& SetRunLogVerbosityLevel(int);
int GetRunLogVerbosityLevel() const;
RunOptions& SetRunLogSeverityLevel(int);
int GetRunLogSeverityLevel() const;
RunOptions& SetRunTag(const char* run_tag);
const char* GetRunTag() const;
// terminate ALL currently executing Session::Run calls that were made using this RunOptions instance
RunOptions& SetTerminate();
// unset the terminate flag so this RunOptions instance can be used in a new Session::Run call
RunOptions& UnsetTerminate();
struct SessionOptions : Base<OrtSessionOptions> {
explicit SessionOptions(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit SessionOptions(OrtSessionOptions* p) : Base<OrtSessionOptions>{p} {}
SessionOptions Clone() const;
SessionOptions& SetIntraOpNumThreads(int intra_op_num_threads);
SessionOptions& SetInterOpNumThreads(int inter_op_num_threads);
SessionOptions& SetGraphOptimizationLevel(GraphOptimizationLevel graph_optimization_level);
SessionOptions& EnableCpuMemArena();
SessionOptions& DisableCpuMemArena();
SessionOptions& SetOptimizedModelFilePath(const ORTCHAR_T* optimized_model_file);
SessionOptions& EnableProfiling(const ORTCHAR_T* profile_file_prefix);
SessionOptions& DisableProfiling();
SessionOptions& EnableMemPattern();
SessionOptions& DisableMemPattern();
SessionOptions& SetExecutionMode(ExecutionMode execution_mode);
SessionOptions& SetLogId(const char* logid);
SessionOptions& SetLogSeverityLevel(int level);
SessionOptions& Add(OrtCustomOpDomain* custom_op_domain);
SessionOptions& DisablePerSessionThreads();
SessionOptions& AddConfigEntry(const char* config_key, const char* config_value);
struct ModelMetadata : Base<OrtModelMetadata> {
explicit ModelMetadata(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit ModelMetadata(OrtModelMetadata* p) : Base<OrtModelMetadata>{p} {}
char* GetProducerName(OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
char* GetGraphName(OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
char* GetDomain(OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
char* GetDescription(OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
char** GetCustomMetadataMapKeys(OrtAllocator* allocator, _Out_ int64_t& num_keys) const;
char* LookupCustomMetadataMap(const char* key, OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
int64_t GetVersion() const;
struct Session : Base<OrtSession> {
explicit Session(std::nullptr_t) {}
Session(Env& env, const ORTCHAR_T* model_path, const SessionOptions& options);
Session(Env& env, const void* model_data, size_t model_data_length, const SessionOptions& options);
// Run that will allocate the output values
std::vector<Value> Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const char* const* input_names, const Value* input_values, size_t input_count,
const char* const* output_names, size_t output_count);
// Run for when there is a list of prealloated outputs
void Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const char* const* input_names, const Value* input_values, size_t input_count,
const char* const* output_names, Value* output_values, size_t output_count);
void Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const struct IoBinding&);
size_t GetInputCount() const;
size_t GetOutputCount() const;
size_t GetOverridableInitializerCount() const;
char* GetInputName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
char* GetOutputName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
char* GetOverridableInitializerName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
char* EndProfiling(OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
uint64_t GetProfilingStartTimeNs() const;
ModelMetadata GetModelMetadata() const;
TypeInfo GetInputTypeInfo(size_t index) const;
TypeInfo GetOutputTypeInfo(size_t index) const;
TypeInfo GetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo(size_t index) const;
struct TensorTypeAndShapeInfo : Base<OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo> {
explicit TensorTypeAndShapeInfo(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit TensorTypeAndShapeInfo(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* p) : Base<OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo>{p} {}
ONNXTensorElementDataType GetElementType() const;
size_t GetElementCount() const;
size_t GetDimensionsCount() const;
void GetDimensions(int64_t* values, size_t values_count) const;
void GetSymbolicDimensions(const char** values, size_t values_count) const;
std::vector<int64_t> GetShape() const;
struct SequenceTypeInfo : Base<OrtSequenceTypeInfo> {
explicit SequenceTypeInfo(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit SequenceTypeInfo(OrtSequenceTypeInfo* p) : Base<OrtSequenceTypeInfo>{p} {}
TypeInfo GetSequenceElementType() const;
struct MapTypeInfo : Base<OrtMapTypeInfo> {
explicit MapTypeInfo(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit MapTypeInfo(OrtMapTypeInfo* p) : Base<OrtMapTypeInfo>{p} {}
ONNXTensorElementDataType GetMapKeyType() const;
TypeInfo GetMapValueType() const;
struct TypeInfo : Base<OrtTypeInfo> {
explicit TypeInfo(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit TypeInfo(OrtTypeInfo* p) : Base<OrtTypeInfo>{p} {}
Unowned<TensorTypeAndShapeInfo> GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo() const;
Unowned<SequenceTypeInfo> GetSequenceTypeInfo() const;
Unowned<MapTypeInfo> GetMapTypeInfo() const;
ONNXType GetONNXType() const;
struct Value : Base<OrtValue> {
template <typename T>
static Value CreateTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, T* p_data, size_t p_data_element_count, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len);
static Value CreateTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, void* p_data, size_t p_data_byte_count, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len,
ONNXTensorElementDataType type);
template <typename T>
static Value CreateTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len);
static Value CreateTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len, ONNXTensorElementDataType type);
static Value CreateMap(Value& keys, Value& values);
static Value CreateSequence(std::vector<Value>& values);
template <typename T>
static Value CreateOpaque(const char* domain, const char* type_name, const T&);
template <typename T>
void GetOpaqueData(const char* domain, const char* type_name, T&) const;
explicit Value(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit Value(OrtValue* p) : Base<OrtValue>{p} {}
Value(Value&&) = default;
Value& operator=(Value&&) = default;
bool IsTensor() const;
size_t GetCount() const; // If a non tensor, returns 2 for map and N for sequence, where N is the number of elements
Value GetValue(int index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
size_t GetStringTensorDataLength() const;
void GetStringTensorContent(void* buffer, size_t buffer_length, size_t* offsets, size_t offsets_count) const;
template <typename T>
T* GetTensorMutableData();
template <typename T>
const T* GetTensorData() const;
template <typename T>
T& At(const std::vector<int64_t>& location);
TypeInfo GetTypeInfo() const;
TensorTypeAndShapeInfo GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo() const;
size_t GetStringTensorElementLength(size_t element_index) const;
void GetStringTensorElement(size_t buffer_length, size_t element_index, void* buffer) const;
void FillStringTensor(const char* const* s, size_t s_len);
void FillStringTensorElement(const char* s, size_t index);
// Represents native memory allocation
struct MemoryAllocation {
MemoryAllocation(OrtAllocator* allocator, void* p, size_t size);
MemoryAllocation(const MemoryAllocation&) = delete;
MemoryAllocation& operator=(const MemoryAllocation&) = delete;
MemoryAllocation& operator=(MemoryAllocation&&);
void* get() { return p_; }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
OrtAllocator* allocator_;
void* p_;
size_t size_;
struct AllocatorWithDefaultOptions {
operator OrtAllocator*() { return p_; }
operator const OrtAllocator*() const { return p_; }
void* Alloc(size_t size);
// The return value will own the allocation
MemoryAllocation GetAllocation(size_t size);
void Free(void* p);
const OrtMemoryInfo* GetInfo() const;
OrtAllocator* p_{};
template <typename B>
struct BaseMemoryInfo : B {
BaseMemoryInfo() = default;
explicit BaseMemoryInfo(typename B::contained_type* p) : B(p) {}
~BaseMemoryInfo() = default;
BaseMemoryInfo(BaseMemoryInfo&&) = default;
BaseMemoryInfo& operator=(BaseMemoryInfo&&) = default;
std::string GetAllocatorName() const;
OrtAllocatorType GetAllocatorType() const;
int GetDeviceId() const;
OrtMemType GetMemoryType() const;
template <typename U>
bool operator==(const BaseMemoryInfo<U>& o) const;
struct UnownedMemoryInfo : BaseMemoryInfo<Base<const OrtMemoryInfo> > {
explicit UnownedMemoryInfo(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit UnownedMemoryInfo(const OrtMemoryInfo* p) : BaseMemoryInfo(p) {}
struct MemoryInfo : BaseMemoryInfo<Base<OrtMemoryInfo> > {
static MemoryInfo CreateCpu(OrtAllocatorType type, OrtMemType mem_type1);
explicit MemoryInfo(std::nullptr_t) {}
explicit MemoryInfo(OrtMemoryInfo* p) : BaseMemoryInfo(p) {}
MemoryInfo(const char* name, OrtAllocatorType type, int id, OrtMemType mem_type);
struct Allocator : public Base<OrtAllocator> {
Allocator(const Session& session, const MemoryInfo&);
void* Alloc(size_t size) const;
// The return value will own the allocation
MemoryAllocation GetAllocation(size_t size);
void Free(void* p) const;
UnownedMemoryInfo GetInfo() const;
struct IoBinding : public Base<OrtIoBinding> {
std::vector<std::string> GetOutputNamesHelper(OrtAllocator*) const;
std::vector<Value> GetOutputValuesHelper(OrtAllocator*) const;
explicit IoBinding(Session& session);
void BindInput(const char* name, const Value&);
void BindOutput(const char* name, const Value&);
void BindOutput(const char* name, const MemoryInfo&);
std::vector<std::string> GetOutputNames() const;
std::vector<std::string> GetOutputNames(Allocator&) const;
std::vector<Value> GetOutputValues() const;
std::vector<Value> GetOutputValues(Allocator&) const;
void ClearBoundInputs();
void ClearBoundOutputs();
// Custom OPs (only needed to implement custom OPs)
struct CustomOpApi {
CustomOpApi(const OrtApi& api) : api_(api) {}
template <typename T> // T is only implemented for float, int64_t, and string
T KernelInfoGetAttribute(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name);
OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* GetTensorTypeAndShape(_In_ const OrtValue* value);
size_t GetTensorShapeElementCount(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info);
ONNXTensorElementDataType GetTensorElementType(const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info);
size_t GetDimensionsCount(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info);
void GetDimensions(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _Out_ int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_values_length);
void SetDimensions(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count);
template <typename T>
T* GetTensorMutableData(_Inout_ OrtValue* value);
template <typename T>
const T* GetTensorData(_Inout_ const OrtValue* value);
std::vector<int64_t> GetTensorShape(const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info);
void ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* input);
size_t KernelContext_GetInputCount(const OrtKernelContext* context);
const OrtValue* KernelContext_GetInput(const OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index);
size_t KernelContext_GetOutputCount(const OrtKernelContext* context);
OrtValue* KernelContext_GetOutput(OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index, _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count);
void ThrowOnError(OrtStatus* result);
const OrtApi& api_;
template <typename TOp, typename TKernel>
struct CustomOpBase : OrtCustomOp {
CustomOpBase() {
OrtCustomOp::version = ORT_API_VERSION;
OrtCustomOp::CreateKernel = [](OrtCustomOp* this_, const OrtApi* api, const OrtKernelInfo* info) { return static_cast<TOp*>(this_)->CreateKernel(*api, info); };
OrtCustomOp::GetName = [](OrtCustomOp* this_) { return static_cast<TOp*>(this_)->GetName(); };
OrtCustomOp::GetExecutionProviderType = [](OrtCustomOp* this_) { return static_cast<TOp*>(this_)->GetExecutionProviderType(); };
OrtCustomOp::GetInputTypeCount = [](OrtCustomOp* this_) { return static_cast<TOp*>(this_)->GetInputTypeCount(); };
OrtCustomOp::GetInputType = [](OrtCustomOp* this_, size_t index) { return static_cast<TOp*>(this_)->GetInputType(index); };
OrtCustomOp::GetOutputTypeCount = [](OrtCustomOp* this_) { return static_cast<TOp*>(this_)->GetOutputTypeCount(); };
OrtCustomOp::GetOutputType = [](OrtCustomOp* this_, size_t index) { return static_cast<TOp*>(this_)->GetOutputType(index); };
OrtCustomOp::KernelCompute = [](void* op_kernel, OrtKernelContext* context) { static_cast<TKernel*>(op_kernel)->Compute(context); };
OrtCustomOp::KernelDestroy = [](void* op_kernel) { delete static_cast<TKernel*>(op_kernel); };
// Default implementation of GetExecutionProviderType that returns nullptr to default to the CPU provider
const char* GetExecutionProviderType() const { return nullptr; }
} // namespace Ort
#include "onnxruntime_cxx_inline.h"

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@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// Do not include this file directly. Please include "onnxruntime_cxx_api.h" instead.
// If interested in trying out features of the new experimental C++ API, include "experimental_onnxruntime_cxx_api.h" instead.
// These are the inline implementations of the C++ header APIs. They're in this separate file as to not clutter
// the main C++ file with implementation details.
namespace Ort {
inline void ThrowOnError(const OrtApi& ort, OrtStatus* status) {
if (status) {
std::string error_message = ort.GetErrorMessage(status);
OrtErrorCode error_code = ort.GetErrorCode(status);
ORT_CXX_API_THROW(std::move(error_message), error_code);
inline void ThrowOnError(OrtStatus* status) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi(), status);
// This template converts a C++ type into it's ONNXTensorElementDataType
template <typename T>
struct TypeToTensorType;
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<float> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<double> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<int8_t> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT8; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<int16_t> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT16; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<int32_t> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT32; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<int64_t> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT64; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<uint8_t> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT8; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<uint16_t> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT16; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<uint32_t> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT32; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<uint64_t> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT64; };
template <>
struct TypeToTensorType<bool> { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; };
inline MemoryAllocation::MemoryAllocation(OrtAllocator* allocator, void* p, size_t size)
: allocator_(allocator), p_(p), size_(size) {
inline MemoryAllocation::~MemoryAllocation() {
if (p_ != nullptr) {
// We do not throw out of destructor
auto ret = GetApi().AllocatorFree(allocator_, p_);
inline MemoryAllocation::MemoryAllocation(MemoryAllocation&& o) : allocator_(nullptr), p_(nullptr), size_(0) {
*this = std::move(o);
inline MemoryAllocation& MemoryAllocation::operator=(MemoryAllocation&& o) {
OrtAllocator* alloc = nullptr;
void* p = nullptr;
size_t sz = 0;
// Swap out this
std::swap(alloc, allocator_);
std::swap(p, p_);
std::swap(sz, size_);
// Swap with incoming
std::swap(allocator_, o.allocator_);
std::swap(p_, o.p_);
std::swap(size_, o.size_);
// Destroy this instance if needed
MemoryAllocation this_alloc(alloc, p, sz);
return *this;
inline AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::AllocatorWithDefaultOptions() {
inline void* AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::Alloc(size_t size) {
void* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorAlloc(p_, size, &out));
return out;
inline MemoryAllocation Ort::AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::GetAllocation(size_t size) {
void* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorAlloc(p_, size, &out));
MemoryAllocation result(p_, out, size);
return result;
inline void AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::Free(void* p) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorFree(p_, p));
inline const OrtMemoryInfo* AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::GetInfo() const {
const OrtMemoryInfo* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorGetInfo(p_, &out));
return out;
template <typename B>
inline std::string BaseMemoryInfo<B>::GetAllocatorName() const {
const char* name = nullptr;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().MemoryInfoGetName(*this, &name));
return std::string(name);
template <typename B>
inline OrtAllocatorType BaseMemoryInfo<B>::GetAllocatorType() const {
OrtAllocatorType type;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().MemoryInfoGetType(*this, &type));
return type;
template <typename B>
int BaseMemoryInfo<B>::GetDeviceId() const {
int id = 0;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().MemoryInfoGetId(*this, &id));
return id;
template <typename B>
inline OrtMemType BaseMemoryInfo<B>::GetMemoryType() const {
OrtMemType type;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().MemoryInfoGetMemType(*this, &type));
return type;
template <typename B>
template <typename U>
inline bool BaseMemoryInfo<B>::operator==(const BaseMemoryInfo<U>& o) const {
int comp_result = 0;
ThrowOnError(Ort::GetApi().CompareMemoryInfo(*this, o, &comp_result));
return comp_result == 0;
inline MemoryInfo MemoryInfo::CreateCpu(OrtAllocatorType type, OrtMemType mem_type) {
OrtMemoryInfo* p;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateCpuMemoryInfo(type, mem_type, &p));
return MemoryInfo(p);
inline MemoryInfo::MemoryInfo(const char* name, OrtAllocatorType type, int id, OrtMemType mem_type) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateMemoryInfo(name, type, id, mem_type, &p_));
inline Allocator::Allocator(const Session& sess, const MemoryInfo& mem_info) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateAllocator(sess, mem_info, &p_));
inline void* Allocator::Alloc(size_t size) const {
void* out = nullptr;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorAlloc(p_, size, &out));
return out;
inline MemoryAllocation Ort::Allocator::GetAllocation(size_t size) {
void* out = nullptr;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorAlloc(p_, size, &out));
MemoryAllocation result(p_, out, size);
return result;
inline void Allocator::Free(void* p) const {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorFree(p_, p));
inline UnownedMemoryInfo Allocator::GetInfo() const {
const OrtMemoryInfo* out = nullptr;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorGetInfo(p_, &out));
return UnownedMemoryInfo(out);
inline IoBinding::IoBinding(Session& session) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateIoBinding(session, &p_));
inline void IoBinding::BindInput(const char* name, const Value& value) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().BindInput(p_, name, value));
inline void IoBinding::BindOutput(const char* name, const Value& value) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().BindOutput(p_, name, value));
inline void IoBinding::BindOutput(const char* name, const MemoryInfo& mem_info) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().BindOutputToDevice(p_, name, mem_info));
inline std::vector<std::string> IoBinding::GetOutputNamesHelper(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
std::vector<std::string> result;
auto free_fn = [allocator](void* p) { if (p) allocator->Free(allocator, p); };
using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<void, decltype(free_fn)>;
char* buffer = nullptr;
size_t* lengths = nullptr;
size_t count = 0;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetBoundOutputNames(p_, allocator, &buffer, &lengths, &count));
if (count == 0) {
return result;
Ptr buffer_g(buffer, free_fn);
Ptr lengths_g(lengths, free_fn);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
auto sz = *lengths;
result.emplace_back(buffer, sz);
buffer += sz;
return result;
inline std::vector<std::string> IoBinding::GetOutputNames() const {
AllocatorWithDefaultOptions allocator;
return GetOutputNamesHelper(allocator);
inline std::vector<std::string> IoBinding::GetOutputNames(Allocator& allocator) const {
return GetOutputNamesHelper(allocator);
inline std::vector<Value> Ort::IoBinding::GetOutputValuesHelper(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
std::vector<Value> result;
size_t owned = 0;
size_t output_count = 0;
// Lambda to release the buffer when no longer needed and
// make sure that we destroy all instances on exception
auto free_fn = [&owned, &output_count, allocator](OrtValue** buffer) {
if (buffer) {
while (owned < output_count) {
auto* p = buffer + owned++;
allocator->Free(allocator, buffer);
using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<OrtValue*, decltype(free_fn)>;
OrtValue** output_buffer = nullptr;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetBoundOutputValues(p_, allocator, &output_buffer, &output_count));
if (output_count == 0) {
return result;
Ptr buffer_g(output_buffer, free_fn);
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_count; ++i) {
return result;
inline std::vector<Value> Ort::IoBinding::GetOutputValues(Allocator& allocator) const {
return GetOutputValuesHelper(allocator);
inline std::vector<Value> Ort::IoBinding::GetOutputValues() const {
AllocatorWithDefaultOptions allocator;
return GetOutputValuesHelper(allocator);
inline void IoBinding::ClearBoundInputs() {
inline void IoBinding::ClearBoundOutputs() {
inline Env::Env(OrtLoggingLevel default_warning_level, _In_ const char* logid) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateEnv(default_warning_level, logid, &p_));
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_CPLUSPLUS));
inline Env::Env(OrtLoggingLevel default_warning_level, const char* logid, OrtLoggingFunction logging_function, void* logger_param) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateEnvWithCustomLogger(logging_function, logger_param, default_warning_level, logid, &p_));
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_CPLUSPLUS));
inline Env::Env(const OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, OrtLoggingLevel default_warning_level, _In_ const char* logid) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools(default_warning_level, logid, tp_options, &p_));
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_CPLUSPLUS));
inline Env& Env::EnableTelemetryEvents() {
return *this;
inline Env& Env::DisableTelemetryEvents() {
return *this;
inline Env& Env::CreateAndRegisterAllocator(const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info, const OrtArenaCfg* arena_cfg) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateAndRegisterAllocator(p_, mem_info, arena_cfg));
return *this;
inline CustomOpDomain::CustomOpDomain(const char* domain) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateCustomOpDomain(domain, &p_));
inline void CustomOpDomain::Add(OrtCustomOp* op) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CustomOpDomain_Add(p_, op));
inline RunOptions::RunOptions() {
inline RunOptions& RunOptions::SetRunLogVerbosityLevel(int level) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsSetRunLogVerbosityLevel(p_, level));
return *this;
inline RunOptions& RunOptions::SetRunLogSeverityLevel(int level) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsSetRunLogSeverityLevel(p_, level));
return *this;
inline int RunOptions::GetRunLogVerbosityLevel() const {
int out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsGetRunLogVerbosityLevel(p_, &out));
return out;
inline RunOptions& RunOptions::SetRunTag(const char* run_tag) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsSetRunTag(p_, run_tag));
return *this;
inline const char* RunOptions::GetRunTag() const {
const char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsGetRunTag(p_, &out));
return out;
inline RunOptions& RunOptions::SetTerminate() {
return *this;
inline RunOptions& RunOptions::UnsetTerminate() {
return *this;
inline SessionOptions::SessionOptions() {
inline SessionOptions SessionOptions::Clone() const {
OrtSessionOptions* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CloneSessionOptions(p_, &out));
return SessionOptions{out};
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetIntraOpNumThreads(int intra_op_num_threads) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetIntraOpNumThreads(p_, intra_op_num_threads));
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetInterOpNumThreads(int inter_op_num_threads) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetInterOpNumThreads(p_, inter_op_num_threads));
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetGraphOptimizationLevel(GraphOptimizationLevel graph_optimization_level) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel(p_, graph_optimization_level));
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetOptimizedModelFilePath(const ORTCHAR_T* optimized_model_filepath) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetOptimizedModelFilePath(p_, optimized_model_filepath));
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::EnableProfiling(const ORTCHAR_T* profile_file_prefix) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().EnableProfiling(p_, profile_file_prefix));
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::DisableProfiling() {
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::EnableMemPattern() {
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::DisableMemPattern() {
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::EnableCpuMemArena() {
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::DisableCpuMemArena() {
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetExecutionMode(ExecutionMode execution_mode) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetSessionExecutionMode(p_, execution_mode));
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetLogId(const char* logid) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetSessionLogId(p_, logid));
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetLogSeverityLevel(int level) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetSessionLogSeverityLevel(p_, level));
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::Add(OrtCustomOpDomain* custom_op_domain) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AddCustomOpDomain(p_, custom_op_domain));
return *this;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AddConfigEntry(const char* config_key, const char* config_value) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().AddSessionConfigEntry(p_, config_key, config_value));
return *this;
inline Session::Session(Env& env, const ORTCHAR_T* model_path, const SessionOptions& options) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateSession(env, model_path, options, &p_));
inline Session::Session(Env& env, const void* model_data, size_t model_data_length, const SessionOptions& options) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateSessionFromArray(env, model_data, model_data_length, options, &p_));
inline std::vector<Value> Session::Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const char* const* input_names, const Value* input_values, size_t input_count,
const char* const* output_names, size_t output_names_count) {
std::vector<Ort::Value> output_values;
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_names_count; i++)
Run(run_options, input_names, input_values, input_count, output_names,, output_names_count);
return output_values;
inline void Session::Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const char* const* input_names, const Value* input_values, size_t input_count,
const char* const* output_names, Value* output_values, size_t output_count) {
static_assert(sizeof(Value) == sizeof(OrtValue*), "Value is really just an array of OrtValue* in memory, so we can reinterpret_cast safely");
auto ort_input_values = reinterpret_cast<const OrtValue**>(const_cast<Value*>(input_values));
auto ort_output_values = reinterpret_cast<OrtValue**>(output_values);
ThrowOnError(GetApi().Run(p_, run_options, input_names, ort_input_values, input_count, output_names, output_count, ort_output_values));
inline void Session::Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const IoBinding& io_binding) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunWithBinding(p_, run_options, io_binding));
inline size_t Session::GetInputCount() const {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetInputCount(p_, &out));
return out;
inline size_t Session::GetOutputCount() const {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOutputCount(p_, &out));
return out;
inline size_t Session::GetOverridableInitializerCount() const {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOverridableInitializerCount(p_, &out));
return out;
inline char* Session::GetInputName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetInputName(p_, index, allocator, &out));
return out;
inline char* Session::GetOutputName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOutputName(p_, index, allocator, &out));
return out;
inline char* Session::GetOverridableInitializerName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOverridableInitializerName(p_, index, allocator, &out));
return out;
inline char* Session::EndProfiling(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionEndProfiling(p_, allocator, &out));
return out;
inline uint64_t Session::GetProfilingStartTimeNs() const {
uint64_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetProfilingStartTimeNs(p_, &out));
return out;
inline ModelMetadata Session::GetModelMetadata() const {
OrtModelMetadata* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetModelMetadata(p_, &out));
return ModelMetadata{out};
inline char* ModelMetadata::GetProducerName(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetProducerName(p_, allocator, &out));
return out;
inline char* ModelMetadata::GetGraphName(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetGraphName(p_, allocator, &out));
return out;
inline char* ModelMetadata::GetDomain(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetDomain(p_, allocator, &out));
return out;
inline char* ModelMetadata::GetDescription(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetDescription(p_, allocator, &out));
return out;
inline char* ModelMetadata::LookupCustomMetadataMap(const char* key, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
char* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap(p_, allocator, key, &out));
return out;
inline char** ModelMetadata::GetCustomMetadataMapKeys(OrtAllocator* allocator, _Out_ int64_t& num_keys) const {
char** out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetCustomMetadataMapKeys(p_, allocator, &out, &num_keys));
return out;
inline int64_t ModelMetadata::GetVersion() const {
int64_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetVersion(p_, &out));
return out;
inline TypeInfo Session::GetInputTypeInfo(size_t index) const {
OrtTypeInfo* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetInputTypeInfo(p_, index, &out));
return TypeInfo{out};
inline TypeInfo Session::GetOutputTypeInfo(size_t index) const {
OrtTypeInfo* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOutputTypeInfo(p_, index, &out));
return TypeInfo{out};
inline TypeInfo Session::GetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo(size_t index) const {
OrtTypeInfo* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo(p_, index, &out));
return TypeInfo{out};
inline ONNXTensorElementDataType TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetElementType() const {
ONNXTensorElementDataType out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorElementType(p_, &out));
return out;
inline size_t TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetElementCount() const {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorShapeElementCount(p_, &out));
return static_cast<size_t>(out);
inline size_t TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetDimensionsCount() const {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetDimensionsCount(p_, &out));
return out;
inline void TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetDimensions(int64_t* values, size_t values_count) const {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetDimensions(p_, values, values_count));
inline void TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetSymbolicDimensions(const char** values, size_t values_count) const {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetSymbolicDimensions(p_, values, values_count));
inline std::vector<int64_t> TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetShape() const {
std::vector<int64_t> out(GetDimensionsCount(), 0);
GetDimensions(, out.size());
return out;
inline Unowned<TensorTypeAndShapeInfo> TypeInfo::GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo() const {
const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CastTypeInfoToTensorInfo(p_, &out));
return Unowned<TensorTypeAndShapeInfo>(const_cast<OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo*>(out));
inline Unowned<SequenceTypeInfo> TypeInfo::GetSequenceTypeInfo() const {
const OrtSequenceTypeInfo* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CastTypeInfoToSequenceTypeInfo(p_, &out));
return Unowned<SequenceTypeInfo>{const_cast<OrtSequenceTypeInfo*>(out)};
inline TypeInfo SequenceTypeInfo::GetSequenceElementType() const {
OrtTypeInfo* output;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetSequenceElementType(p_, &output));
return TypeInfo{output};
inline Unowned<MapTypeInfo> TypeInfo::GetMapTypeInfo() const {
const OrtMapTypeInfo* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CastTypeInfoToMapTypeInfo(p_, &out));
return Unowned<MapTypeInfo>{const_cast<OrtMapTypeInfo*>(out)};
inline ONNXTensorElementDataType MapTypeInfo::GetMapKeyType() const {
ONNXTensorElementDataType out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetMapKeyType(p_, &out));
return out;
inline TypeInfo MapTypeInfo::GetMapValueType() const {
OrtTypeInfo* output;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetMapValueType(p_, &output));
return TypeInfo{output};
inline ONNXType TypeInfo::GetONNXType() const {
ONNXType out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetOnnxTypeFromTypeInfo(p_, &out));
return out;
template <typename T>
inline Value Value::CreateTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, T* p_data, size_t p_data_element_count, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len) {
return CreateTensor(info, p_data, p_data_element_count * sizeof(T), shape, shape_len, TypeToTensorType<T>::type);
inline Value Value::CreateTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, void* p_data, size_t p_data_byte_count, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len,
ONNXTensorElementDataType type) {
OrtValue* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue(info, p_data, p_data_byte_count, shape, shape_len, type, &out));
return Value{out};
template <typename T>
inline Value Value::CreateTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len) {
return CreateTensor(allocator, shape, shape_len, TypeToTensorType<T>::type);
inline Value Value::CreateTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len, ONNXTensorElementDataType type) {
OrtValue* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateTensorAsOrtValue(allocator, shape, shape_len, type, &out));
return Value{out};
inline Value Value::CreateMap(Value& keys, Value& values) {
OrtValue* out;
OrtValue* inputs[2] = {keys, values};
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateValue(inputs, 2, ONNX_TYPE_MAP, &out));
return Value{out};
inline Value Value::CreateSequence(std::vector<Value>& values) {
OrtValue* out;
std::vector<OrtValue*> values_ort{, + values.size()};
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateValue(, values_ort.size(), ONNX_TYPE_SEQUENCE, &out));
return Value{out};
template <typename T>
inline Value Value::CreateOpaque(const char* domain, const char* type_name, const T& data_container) {
OrtValue* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateOpaqueValue(domain, type_name, &data_container, sizeof(T), &out));
return Value{out};
template <typename T>
inline void Value::GetOpaqueData(const char* domain, const char* type_name, T& out) const {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetOpaqueValue(domain, type_name, p_, &out, sizeof(T)));
inline bool Value::IsTensor() const {
int out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().IsTensor(p_, &out));
return out != 0;
inline size_t Value::GetCount() const {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetValueCount(p_, &out));
return out;
inline Value Value::GetValue(int index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
OrtValue* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetValue(p_, index, allocator, &out));
return Value{out};
inline size_t Value::GetStringTensorDataLength() const {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetStringTensorDataLength(p_, &out));
return out;
inline size_t Value::GetStringTensorElementLength(size_t element_index) const {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetStringTensorElementLength(p_, element_index, &out));
return out;
inline void Value::GetStringTensorContent(void* buffer, size_t buffer_length, size_t* offsets, size_t offsets_count) const {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetStringTensorContent(p_, buffer, buffer_length, offsets, offsets_count));
inline void Value::GetStringTensorElement(size_t buffer_length, size_t element_index, void* buffer) const {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetStringTensorElement(p_, buffer_length, element_index, buffer));
inline void Value::FillStringTensor(const char* const* s, size_t s_len) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().FillStringTensor(p_, s, s_len));
inline void Value::FillStringTensorElement(const char* s, size_t index) {
ThrowOnError(GetApi().FillStringTensorElement(p_, s, index));
template <typename T>
T* Value::GetTensorMutableData() {
T* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorMutableData(p_, (void**)&out));
return out;
template <typename T>
const T* Value::GetTensorData() const {
T* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorMutableData(p_, (void**)&out));
return out;
template <typename T>
inline T& Value::At(const std::vector<int64_t>& location) {
static_assert(!std::is_same<T, std::string>::value, "this api does not support std::string");
T* out;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().TensorAt(p_,, location.size(), (void**)&out));
return *out;
inline TypeInfo Value::GetTypeInfo() const {
OrtTypeInfo* output;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTypeInfo(p_, &output));
return TypeInfo{output};
inline TensorTypeAndShapeInfo Value::GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo() const {
OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* output;
ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorTypeAndShape(p_, &output));
return TensorTypeAndShapeInfo{output};
// Custom OP API Inlines
inline void CustomOpApi::ThrowOnError(OrtStatus* status) {
Ort::ThrowOnError(api_, status);
template <>
inline float CustomOpApi::KernelInfoGetAttribute<float>(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name) {
float out;
ThrowOnError(api_.KernelInfoGetAttribute_float(info, name, &out));
return out;
template <>
inline int64_t CustomOpApi::KernelInfoGetAttribute<int64_t>(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name) {
int64_t out;
ThrowOnError(api_.KernelInfoGetAttribute_int64(info, name, &out));
return out;
template <>
inline std::string CustomOpApi::KernelInfoGetAttribute<std::string>(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name) {
size_t size = 0;
std::string out;
OrtStatus* status = api_.KernelInfoGetAttribute_string(info, name, nullptr, &size);
// The status should be ORT_INVALID_ARGUMENT because the size is insufficient to hold the string
if (api_.GetErrorCode(status) == ORT_INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ThrowOnError(api_.KernelInfoGetAttribute_string(info, name, &out[0], &size));
out.resize(size - 1); // remove the terminating character '\0'
} else {
return out;
inline OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* CustomOpApi::GetTensorTypeAndShape(_In_ const OrtValue* value) {
OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* out;
ThrowOnError(api_.GetTensorTypeAndShape(value, &out));
return out;
inline size_t CustomOpApi::GetTensorShapeElementCount(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info) {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(api_.GetTensorShapeElementCount(info, &out));
return out;
inline ONNXTensorElementDataType CustomOpApi::GetTensorElementType(const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info) {
ONNXTensorElementDataType out;
ThrowOnError(api_.GetTensorElementType(info, &out));
return out;
inline size_t CustomOpApi::GetDimensionsCount(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info) {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(api_.GetDimensionsCount(info, &out));
return out;
inline void CustomOpApi::GetDimensions(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _Out_ int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_values_length) {
ThrowOnError(api_.GetDimensions(info, dim_values, dim_values_length));
inline void CustomOpApi::SetDimensions(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count) {
ThrowOnError(api_.SetDimensions(info, dim_values, dim_count));
template <typename T>
inline T* CustomOpApi::GetTensorMutableData(_Inout_ OrtValue* value) {
T* data;
ThrowOnError(api_.GetTensorMutableData(value, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&data)));
return data;
template <typename T>
inline const T* CustomOpApi::GetTensorData(_Inout_ const OrtValue* value) {
return GetTensorMutableData<T>(const_cast<OrtValue*>(value));
inline std::vector<int64_t> CustomOpApi::GetTensorShape(const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info) {
std::vector<int64_t> output(GetDimensionsCount(info));
GetDimensions(info,, output.size());
return output;
inline void CustomOpApi::ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* input) {
inline size_t CustomOpApi::KernelContext_GetInputCount(const OrtKernelContext* context) {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(api_.KernelContext_GetInputCount(context, &out));
return out;
inline const OrtValue* CustomOpApi::KernelContext_GetInput(const OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index) {
const OrtValue* out;
ThrowOnError(api_.KernelContext_GetInput(context, index, &out));
return out;
inline size_t CustomOpApi::KernelContext_GetOutputCount(const OrtKernelContext* context) {
size_t out;
ThrowOnError(api_.KernelContext_GetOutputCount(context, &out));
return out;
inline OrtValue* CustomOpApi::KernelContext_GetOutput(OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index, _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count) {
OrtValue* out;
ThrowOnError(api_.KernelContext_GetOutput(context, index, dim_values, dim_count, &out));
return out;
inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::DisablePerSessionThreads() {
return *this;
inline std::vector<std::string> GetAvailableProviders() {
int len;
char** providers;
const OrtApi& api = GetApi();
ThrowOnError(api.GetAvailableProviders(&providers, &len));
std::vector<std::string> available_providers(providers, providers + len);
ThrowOnError(api.ReleaseAvailableProviders(providers, len));
return available_providers;
} // namespace Ort

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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#pragma once
* This file defines SessionOptions Config Keys and format of the Config Values.
* The Naming Convention for a SessionOptions Config Key,
* "[Area][.[SubArea1].[SubArea2]...].[Keyname]"
* Such as "ep.cuda.use_arena"
* The Config Key cannot be empty
* The maximum length of the Config Key is 128
* The string format of a SessionOptions Config Value is defined individually for each Config.
* The maximum length of the Config Value is 1024
// Key for disable PrePacking,
// If the config value is set to "1" then the prepacking is disabled, otherwise prepacking is enabled (default value)
static const char* const kOrtSessionOptionsConfigDisablePrepacking = "session.disable_prepacking";
// A value of "1" means allocators registered in the env will be used. "0" means the allocators created in the session
// will be used. Use this to override the usage of env allocators on a per session level.
static const char* const kOrtSessionOptionsConfigUseEnvAllocators = "session.use_env_allocators";
// Set to 'ORT' (case sensitive) to load an ORT format model.
// If unset, model type will default to ONNX unless inferred from filename ('.ort' == ORT format) or bytes to be ORT
static const char* const kOrtSessionOptionsConfigLoadModelFormat = "session.load_model_format";
// Set to 'ORT' (case sensitive) to save optimized model in ORT format when SessionOptions.optimized_model_path is set.
// If unset, format will default to ONNX unless optimized_model_filepath ends in '.ort'.
static const char* const kOrtSessionOptionsConfigSaveModelFormat = "session.save_model_format";