325 строки
13 KiB
325 строки
13 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
import re
import os
import sys
import pathlib
import subprocess
from textwrap import dedent
from setuptools.command.build import build as _build
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
from setuptools.command.develop import develop as _develop
ORTX_USER_OPTION = 'ortx-user-option'
def _load_cuda_version():
nvcc_path = 'nvcc'
cuda_path = os.environ.get('CUDA_PATH')
if cuda_path is not None:
nvcc_path = os.path.join(cuda_path, 'bin', 'nvcc')
output = subprocess.check_output([nvcc_path, "--version"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode("utf-8")
pattern = r"\bV(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\b"
match = re.search(pattern, output)
if match:
return match.group(1)
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
return None
def _load_nvidia_smi():
outputs = subprocess.check_output(
["nvidia-smi", "--query-gpu=compute_cap", "--format=csv,noheader,nounits"],
output = outputs[0] if outputs else ""
arch = output.strip().replace('.', '')
return arch if arch.isdigit() else None
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
return None
def _load_vsdevcmd(project_root):
if os.environ.get(VSINSTALLDIR_NAME) is None:
stdout, _ = subprocess.Popen([
'powershell', ' -noprofile', '-executionpolicy',
'bypass', '-f', project_root + '/tools/get_vsdevcmd.ps1', '-outputEnv', '1'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, universal_newlines=True).communicate()
for line in stdout.splitlines():
kv_pair = line.split('=')
if len(kv_pair) == 2:
os.environ[kv_pair[0]] = kv_pair[1]
import shutil
if shutil.which('cmake') is None:
raise SystemExit(
"Cannot find cmake in the executable path, "
"please run this script under Developer Command Prompt for VS.")
def prepare_env(project_root):
if sys.platform == "win32":
def read_git_refs(project_root):
release_branch = False
stdout, _ = subprocess.Popen(
['git'] + ['log', '-1', '--format=%H'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()
HEAD = dedent(stdout.splitlines()[0]).strip('\n\r')
stdout, _ = subprocess.Popen(
['git'] + ['show-ref', '--head'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()
for _ln in stdout.splitlines():
_ln = dedent(_ln).strip('\n\r')
if _ln.startswith(HEAD):
_, _2 = _ln.split(' ')
if _2.startswith('refs/remotes/origin/rel-'):
release_branch = True
return release_branch, HEAD
class CommandMixin:
user_options = [
(ORTX_USER_OPTION + '=', None, "extensions options for kernel building")
config_settings = None
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
def initialize_options(self) -> None:
self.ortx_user_option = None
def finalize_options(self) -> None:
if self.ortx_user_option is not None:
if CommandMixin.config_settings is None:
CommandMixin.config_settings = {
ORTX_USER_OPTION: self.ortx_user_option}
raise RuntimeError(
f"Cannot pass {ORTX_USER_OPTION} several times, like as the command args and in backend API.")
class CmdDevelop(CommandMixin, _develop):
user_options = getattr(_develop, 'user_options', []
) + CommandMixin.user_options
class CmdBuild(CommandMixin, _build):
user_options = getattr(_build, 'user_options', []) + \
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
def finalize_options(self) -> None:
# There is a bug in setuptools that prevents the build get the right platform name from arguments.
# So, it cannot generate the correct wheel with the right arch in Official release pipeline.
# Force plat_name to be 'win-amd64' in Windows to fix that,
# since extensions cmake is only available on x64 for Windows now, it is not a problem to hardcode it.
if sys.platform == "win32" and "arm" not in sys.version.lower():
self.plat_name = "win-amd64"
if os.environ.get('OCOS_SCB_DEBUG', None) == '1':
self.debug = True
class CmdBuildCMakeExt(_build_ext):
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
def initialize_options(self):
self.use_cuda = None
self.no_azure = None
self.no_opencv = None
self.cc_debug = None
self.pp_api = None
self.cuda_archs = None
self.ort_pkg_dir = None
def _parse_options(self, options):
for segment in options.split(','):
if not segment:
key = segment
if '=' in segment:
key, value = segment.split('=')
value = 1
key = key.replace('-', '_')
if not hasattr(self, key):
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unknown {ORTX_USER_OPTION} option value: {key}")
setattr(self, key, value)
return self
def finalize_options(self) -> None:
if CommandMixin.config_settings is not None:
CommandMixin.config_settings.get(ORTX_USER_OPTION, ""))
if self.cc_debug:
self.debug = True
def run(self):
Perform build_cmake before doing the 'normal' stuff
for extension in self.extensions:
if extension.name == 'onnxruntime_extensions._extensions_pydll':
def build_cmake(self, extension):
project_dir = pathlib.Path().absolute()
build_temp = pathlib.Path(self.build_temp)
build_temp.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
ext_fullpath = pathlib.Path(
config = 'RelWithDebInfo' if self.debug else 'Release'
cmake_args = [
'-DOCOS_PYTHON_MODULE_PATH=' + str(ext_fullpath),
'-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=' + config
if self.ort_pkg_dir:
cmake_args += ['-DONNXRUNTIME_PKG_DIR=' + self.ort_pkg_dir]
if self.no_opencv:
# Disabling openCV can drastically reduce the build time.
cmake_args += [
if self.pp_api:
if not self.no_opencv:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot enable PP C API Python Wrapper without disabling OpenCV.")
cmake_args += ['-DOCOS_ENABLE_C_API=ON']
if self.no_azure is not None:
azure_flag = "OFF" if self.no_azure == 1 else "ON"
cmake_args += ['-DOCOS_ENABLE_AZURE=' + azure_flag]
print("=> AzureOp build flag: " + azure_flag)
if self.use_cuda is not None:
cuda_flag = "OFF" if self.use_cuda == 0 else "ON"
cmake_args += ['-DOCOS_USE_CUDA=' + cuda_flag]
print("=> CUDA build flag: " + cuda_flag)
if cuda_flag == "ON":
cuda_ver = _load_cuda_version()
if cuda_ver is None:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot find nvcc in your env:path, use-cuda doesn't work")
if sys.platform == "win32":
cuda_path = os.environ.get("CUDA_PATH")
cmake_args += [f'-T cuda={cuda_path}']
# TODO: temporarily add a flag for MSVC 19.40
cmake_args += ['-DCMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_INIT=-allow-unsupported-compiler']
f_ver = ext_fullpath.parent / "_version.py"
with f_ver.open('a') as _f:
_f.writelines(["\n", f"cuda = \"{cuda_ver}\"", "\n"])
if self.cuda_archs is not None:
cmake_args += ['-DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=' + self.cuda_archs]
smi = _load_nvidia_smi()
if not smi:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot detect the CUDA archs from your machine, please specify it manually.")
cmake_args += ['-DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=' + smi]
# CMake lets you override the generator - we need to check this.
# Can be set with Conda-Build, for example.
cmake_generator = os.environ.get("CMAKE_GENERATOR", "")
# Adding CMake arguments set as environment variable
# (needed e.g. to build for ARM OSx on conda-forge)
if "CMAKE_ARGS" in os.environ:
cmake_args += [
item for item in os.environ["CMAKE_ARGS"].split(" ") if item]
if sys.platform != "win32":
# Using Ninja-build since it a) is available as a wheel and b)
# multithread automatically. MSVC would require all variables be
# exported for Ninja to pick it up, which is a little tricky to do.
# Users can override the generator with CMAKE_GENERATOR in CMake
# 3.15+.
if not cmake_generator or cmake_generator == "Ninja":
import ninja # noqa: F401
ninja_executable_path = os.path.join(
ninja.BIN_DIR, "ninja")
cmake_args += [
except ImportError:
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
cmake_args += ["-DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.15"]
# Cross-compile support for macOS - respect ARCHFLAGS if set
archs = re.findall(r"-arch (\S+)", os.environ.get("ARCHFLAGS", ""))
if archs:
cmake_args += [
# overwrite the Python module info if the auto-detection doesn't work.
# export Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS=/opt/python/cp38-cp38
# export Python3_LIBRARIES=/opt/python/cp38-cp38
for env in ['Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS', 'Python3_LIBRARIES']:
if env in os.environ:
cmake_args.append("-D%s=%s" % (env, os.environ[env]))
if self.debug:
cmake_args += ['-DCC_OPTIMIZE=OFF']
# the parallel build has to be limited on some Linux VM machine.
cpu_number = os.environ.get('CPU_NUMBER')
build_args = [
'--config', config,
'--parallel' + ('' if cpu_number is None else ' ' + cpu_number)
cmake_exe = 'cmake'
# if sys.platform == "win32":
# # unlike Linux/macOS, cmake pip package on Windows fails to build some 3rd party dependencies.
# # so we have to use the cmake from a standalone installation or the one from Visual Studio.
# standalone_cmake = os.path.join(os.environ.get("ProgramFiles"), "\\CMake\\bin\\cmake.exe")
# if os.path.exists(standalone_cmake):
# cmake_exe = standalone_cmake
# elif os.environ.get(VSINSTALLDIR_NAME):
# cmake_exe = os.environ[VSINSTALLDIR_NAME] + \
# 'Common7\\IDE\\CommonExtensions\\Microsoft\\CMake\\CMake\\bin\\cmake.exe'
# # Add this cmake directory into PATH to make sure the child-process still find it.
# os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.dirname(
# cmake_exe) + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
self.spawn([cmake_exe, '-S', str(project_dir),
'-B', str(build_temp)] + cmake_args)
if not self.dry_run:
self.spawn([cmake_exe, '--build', str(build_temp)] + build_args)
ortx_cmdclass = dict(build=CmdBuild,