356 строки
14 KiB
356 строки
14 KiB
import copy
import onnx
import torch
import warnings
import numpy as np
from onnx import helper, mapping
from collections import namedtuple
from .._ortapi2 import OrtPyFunction
from ._builder import is_path as _is_path
from ._onnx_ops import ONNXElementContainer, make_model_ex
from ._tensor import tensor_from_onnx, tensor_from_torch, tensor_set_session
def _is_numpy_object(x):
return isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, np.generic))
def _is_numpy_string_type(arr):
return arr.dtype.kind in {'U', 'S'}
def _is_string_type(x):
if not _is_numpy_object(x):
x = np.array(x)
return _is_numpy_string_type(x)
class ONNXModelUtils:
def _rename_iter(iterables, prefix_name, inplace=False):
new_iz = iterables if inplace else [copy.deepcopy(iz_) for iz_ in iterables]
for iz_ in new_iz:
iz_.name = "{}_{}".format(prefix_name, iz_.name)
return new_iz
def _rename_graph(cls, graph, prefix, graph_or_container):
def io_rename(node, prefix_name, idx):
new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
if not node.name:
new_node.name = "{}_op{}".format(prefix_name, idx)
del new_node.input[:]
new_node.input.extend("{}_{}".format(prefix_name, nm_) if nm_ else '' for nm_ in node.input)
del new_node.output[:]
new_node.output.extend("{}_{}".format(prefix_name, nm_) if nm_ else '' for nm_ in node.output)
return new_node
assert prefix is not None, 'The graph prefix could not be None'
graph_or_container.initializer.extend(cls._rename_iter(graph.initializer, prefix))
graph_or_container.value_info.extend(cls._rename_iter(graph.value_info, prefix))
return list(io_rename(nd_, prefix, idx_) for idx_, nd_ in enumerate(graph.node))
def _process_node_body(cls, node, prefix):
if all(attr.name != 'body' for attr in node.attribute):
return node
def _process_attr(attr, prefix_name):
if attr.name == 'body':
new_attr = copy.deepcopy(attr)
del new_attr.g.value_info[:]
del new_attr.g.node[:]
new_attr.g.node.extend(cls._rename_graph(attr.g, prefix_name, new_attr.g))
cls._rename_iter(new_attr.g.input, prefix_name, inplace=True)
cls._rename_iter(new_attr.g.output, prefix_name, inplace=True)
return new_attr
return attr
attr_list = list(_process_attr(attr_, prefix) for attr_ in node.attribute)
del node.attribute[:]
return node
def unfold_model_node(cls, container: ONNXElementContainer):
top_containter = container
while top_containter.parent is not None: # only one opset_import in the model.
top_containter = top_containter.parent
nodes = container.nodes
model_nodes = {node.name: node for node in nodes if hasattr(node, 'model')}
onnx_nodes = [nd_ for nd_ in nodes if nd_.name not in model_nodes]
for node in model_nodes.values():
renamed_nodes = cls._rename_graph(node.model.graph, node.name, container)
onnx_nodes.extend(cls._process_node_body(nd_, node.name) for nd_ in renamed_nodes)
top_containter.node_domain_version_pair_sets.update([(opset_.domain, opset_.version) for opset_ in node.model.opset_import])
return onnx_nodes
def topological_sort(cls, container, nodes, inputs, outputs):
op_output_map = {}
DynNode = namedtuple('DynNode', ['name', 'output'])
input_nodes = [DynNode(name='placeholder',
output=[nm_.name for nm_ in inputs] +
[it_.name for it_ in container.initializers])] +\
[nd_ for nd_ in nodes if nd_.op_type == 'Constant']
for nd_ in nodes + input_nodes:
for ky_ in nd_.output:
op_output_map[ky_] = nd_
edges = {}
for op in nodes:
for x in op.input:
if x == '':
predecessor = op_output_map[x]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError(
"{}: cannot find an operator to produce the tensor: {}".format(op.name, x)) from None
val = edges.get(predecessor.name, [])
edges[predecessor.name] = val
for y_ in outputs:
op = op_output_map[y_.name].name
if op not in edges:
edges[op] = []
visited = set()
sorted_nodes = []
unfinished_nodes = set()
def recursive_helper(node):
if node.name in visited:
if node.name in unfinished_nodes:
raise RuntimeError("ONNX Graph is not a DAG, the cycle is found at {}".format(node.name))
if node.name in edges: # if the node's output is not in the Graph output.
assert node.name != '', 'this topological-sort depends on the unique node name.'
for successor in edges[node.name]:
if node is not input_nodes[0]:
sorted_nodes.insert(0, node)
for nd_ in input_nodes:
return sorted_nodes
def value_info_from_numpy(name, value):
dtype = onnx.onnx_pb.TensorProto.STRING if \
_is_numpy_string_type(value) else mapping.NP_TYPE_TO_TENSOR_TYPE[value.dtype]
return helper.make_tensor_value_info(name, dtype, shape=value.shape)
def model_from_ops(container, ops, ts_from, ts_to):
all_inputs = []
all_outputs = []
iz_needed = set()
iz_set = set(iz_.name for iz_ in container.initializer)
for op in ops:
iz_needed.update(it_ for it_ in op.input if it_ in iz_set)
all_inputs.extend(it_ for it_ in op.input if (it_ != '') and it_ not in iz_set)
all_outputs.extend(ot_ for ot_ in op.output)
intersections = set(all_inputs).intersection(set(all_outputs))
assert set(all_inputs).difference(intersections) == set(ts_.name for ts_ in ts_from), \
"The input list is different from the calculated from the op nodes"
assert set(all_outputs).difference(intersections) == set(ts_.name for ts_ in ts_to), \
"The output list is different from the calculated from the op nodes"
final_iz = [iz_ for iz_ in container.initializers if iz_.name in iz_needed]
graph = helper.make_graph(ops, 'dyngraph', ts_from, ts_to, final_iz)
oxml = make_model_ex(graph,
return oxml
class ONNXTraceSession:
activated_sessions = []
def __init__(self, target_opset):
self.container = ONNXElementContainer(target_opset)
self.inputs = []
self.outputs = []
def __enter__(self):
assert len(self.activated_sessions) > 0 and self.activated_sessions[-1] is self, "trace not started?"
return self
# need this exit to close the session
def __exit__(self, exec_type, exec_value, exec_tb):
assert self is self.activated_sessions.pop()
def trace_for_onnx(cls, *inputs, names=None, target_opset=11) -> 'ONNXTraceSession':
Starting the trace all tensor computation for ONNX graph generation.
:param inputs: the input tensor, could a torch.Tensor or a numpy ndarray.
:param names: The input names the ONNX graph
:param target_opset: The ONNX model opset_version
:return: A tracing session object, in most case, it should be used in the with statement.
self = ONNXTraceSession(target_opset)
np_inputs = [np.array(x) if _is_string_type(x) else x for x in inputs]
np_inputs = [
x if isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, np.generic, torch.Tensor)) or _is_string_type(x)
else torch.tensor(x) for x in np_inputs]
itensors = [tensor_from_torch(i_, None) if isinstance(i_, torch.Tensor)
else tensor_from_onnx(i_, None, None) for i_ in np_inputs]
if names is None:
names = []
if len(inputs) != len(names):
warnings.warn("the name number doesn't match the inputs', assign to the ones in the front.")
names.extend([''] * (len(inputs) - len(names)))
for idx_ in range(len(inputs)):
names[idx_] = names[idx_] if names[idx_] else "input{}".format(idx_)
num = min(len(itensors), len(names))
for idx_ in range(num):
itensors[idx_].name = names[idx_]
self.inputs = itensors
return self
def runops(self, ts_from, ts_to):
nodes = self.container.nodes
inset = set(ts_.name for ts_ in ts_from)
inset.update(iz_.name for iz_ in self.container.initializer)
outset = set(ts_.name for ts_ in ts_to)
missing_ts_set = set()
node_num = len(nodes) - 1
while node_num >= 0:
node = nodes[node_num]
for ot_ in node.output:
if ot_ in missing_ts_set:
elif ot_ in outset:
for it_ in node.input:
if it_ not in inset:
if len(missing_ts_set) == 0:
node_num -= 1
assert len(outset) == 0, "Some output cannot be in the node list."
assert len(missing_ts_set) == 0, "Some input cannot be in the node list."
collected_nodes = nodes[node_num:]
vi_input = [ONNXModelUtils.value_info_from_numpy(ts_.name, ts_.numpy())
for ts_ in ts_from]
vi_output = [ONNXModelUtils.value_info_from_numpy(ts_.name, ts_.numpy())
for ts_ in ts_to]
oxml = ONNXModelUtils.model_from_ops(self.container,
result = None
oxfunc = OrtPyFunction.from_model(oxml)
result = oxfunc(*[ts_.numpy() for ts_ in ts_from])
if result is None:
onnx.save_model(oxml, 'mt_debmodel.onnx')
return result if isinstance(result, (list, tuple)) else [result], oxml
def get_inputs(self):
return self.inputs
def stack_container(self):
assert self.container is not None, "Stacked container must be in another one."
sub_container = ONNXElementContainer(self.container.target_opset, self.container)
self.container = sub_container
return self.container
def pop_container(self):
assert self.container.parent is not None, "Cannot pop the root container."
self.container = self.container.parent
return self.container
def build_graph(container, ts_inputs, ts_outputs, graph_name=None):
# some constant ops are created to simulate the tensors generated from the runtime in the loop,
# so we need to remove the node here
to_del = []
input_names = {it_.name: None for it_ in ts_inputs}
for idx_, nd_ in enumerate(container.nodes):
if nd_.op_type == 'Constant' and list(nd_.output)[0] in input_names:
for idx_ in to_del[::-1]:
graph_name = container.get_unique_operator_name('subg') if not graph_name else graph_name
nodes = ONNXModelUtils.unfold_model_node(container)
nodes = ONNXModelUtils.topological_sort(container, nodes, ts_inputs, ts_outputs)
for vi_ in container.value_info:
if vi_.name in input_names:
input_names[vi_.name] = vi_
inputs = [helper.make_tensor_value_info(si.name, si.onnx_type, si.get_shape())
if input_names.get(si.name) is None else input_names[si.name] for si in ts_inputs]
outputs = [helper.make_tensor_value_info(so.name, so.onnx_type,
so.get_shape()) for so in ts_outputs]
graph = helper.make_graph(nodes, graph_name, inputs,
outputs, container.initializers)
return graph
def build_model(self, model_name=None, doc_string=None) -> onnx.ModelProto:
model_name = 'tcm' if model_name is None else model_name
doc_string = '' if doc_string is None else doc_string
container = self.container
graph = self.build_graph(container, self.inputs, self.outputs, model_name)
onnx_model = make_model_ex(graph, container.node_domain_version_pair_sets,
container.target_opset, doc_string=doc_string)
return onnx_model
def save_as_onnx(self, file_like_or_path, outputs, model_name=None, doc_string=None):
Build the ONNX model from the traced computation graph.
:param file_like_or_path: an io.BytesIO like object or a file path
:param outputs: the output tensor to be specified as the ONNX graph output,
Could be a string if there are multiple output tensors.
:param model_name: The ONNX model internal name
:param doc_string: The doc string for the model
:return: A ONNX ModelProto object.
if len(self.outputs) == 0 and outputs is None:
raise RuntimeError("No output of the graph specified.")
if len(self.outputs) == 0:
self.outputs = outputs if isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)) else [outputs]
m = self.build_model(model_name, doc_string)
if file_like_or_path is not None:
if _is_path(file_like_or_path):
with open(file_like_or_path, 'wb') as f:
f = file_like_or_path
return m